Catálogo de libros: Filosofía: metafísica y ontología

11594 Catálogo de libros: Filosofía: metafísica y ontología

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  • Event of Signature
    Michaela Fiserova
    In dialogue with Derrida, formulates a new philosophical problem - a complex aporia that underlines the topic of the handwritten as a sign of legal identification. ...

    42,07 €

  • This Side of Philosophy
    Stephen Gingerich
    Assesses a distinct style of thinking in twentieth-century Spanish writing, one in which literature plays a central role in reaching behind philosophy to essential sources of life and meaning. ...

    121,35 €

  • Ten Ways to Weave the World
    Ross Thompson
    In this sequel to Outgrowing Materialism, Thompson explores five conceptual ''Worlds'' that preceded the dualist v. materialist divide and shows why recent philosophy--often little-known outside of academic circles--is now giving these old ideas a new relevance. In an approachable way, but without avoiding complexity, Embodying Mind leads the reader through the Worlds of panpsy...

    44,56 €

  • Ten Ways to Weave the World
    Ross Thompson
    In this sequel to Outgrowing Materialism, Thompson explores five conceptual ''Worlds'' that preceded the dualist v. materialist divide and shows why recent philosophy--often little-known outside of academic circles--is now giving these old ideas a new relevance. In an approachable way, but without avoiding complexity, Embodying Mind leads the reader through the Worlds of panpsy...

    30,43 €

  • 101 Helpful Illusions
    Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
    101 Helpful Illusions highlights natural veils waiting to be transcended by disciplined courage, wisdom and insight. Everything in creation has a purpose relevant to a specific situation that could lead the seeker of higher knowledge towards the ultimate spiritual truth of oneness. Thus our egotistic vices can indeed be stepping stones towards acting selflessly, spontaneously, ...

    9,43 €

  • Reincarnation
    Annie Besant
    The present volume is a compilation of essays and lectures on the topic of reincarnation authored by Annie Besant. A socialist and feminist activist during her early youth, in 1889 the life trajectory of Annie Besant (1847-1933) suffered a drastic shift when she was asked to write a professional review of the magnum opus of theosophical teachings entitled 'The Secret Doctrine' ...

    38,62 €

  • What Is On The Other Side
    Mollen Garikai
    '… let us run with endurance the race set before us, looking at Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame…' Hebrews 12.1-2As we go out and about in life, there is that point in time when you need to stop and take a break to reflect and think things about life. We all have that deepest inner ques...

    25,74 €

  • Horizons of Difference
    Edited collection engaging Luce Irigaray’s work and pushing it in important new directions. ...

    42,96 €

  • The Invisible Protagonist
    Carla Ricci
    Set in Japan, the book tells of Kou, his extraordinary life and the compelling thread that gives the work its title. It is powerful because it shatters the notion that every human being has of himself, of feeling that he is the protagonist of his own existence. Although it is an inevitable perception, Kou helps us to understand that this is not the case. He presents us with evi...

    34,01 €

  • Process Mysticism
    Daniel A. Dombrowski
    Offers a process philosophical approach to mysticism and mystical religious experience. ...

    121,86 €

  • You Are Still Alive, Now Act Like It
    Ray Catania
    Many years after a near-death experience, a former atheist becomes a spiritual warrior determined to overcome past traumas and discover the true nature of reality. (Winner of 8 Literary Awards to date) You are Still Alive, Now Act Like It, offers an inspiring, non-fictional, account of one man’s unintended journey from atheism to spiritualism and the knowledge he uncovered alon...

    22,52 €

  • You Are Still Alive, Now Act Like It
    Ray Catania
    Many years after a near-death experience, a former atheist becomes a spiritual warrior determined to overcome past traumas and discover the true nature of reality. (Winner of 8 Literary Awards to date) You are Still Alive, Now Act Like It, offers an inspiring, non-fictional, account of one man’s unintended journey from atheism to spiritualism and the knowledge he uncovered alon...

    11,19 €

  • Astonishment and Science
    Paul Tyson
    Science can reveal or conceal the breathtaking wonders of creation. On one hand, knowledge of the natural world can open us up to greater love for the Creator, give us the means of more neighborly care, and fill us with ever-deepening astonishment. On the other hand, knowledge feeding an insatiable hunger for epistemic mastery can become a means of idolatry, hubris, and damage....

    27,89 €

  • Astonishment and Science
    Paul Tyson
    Science can reveal or conceal the breathtaking wonders of creation. On one hand, knowledge of the natural world can open us up to greater love for the Creator, give us the means of more neighborly care, and fill us with ever-deepening astonishment. On the other hand, knowledge feeding an insatiable hunger for epistemic mastery can become a means of idolatry, hubris, and damage....

    41,89 €

  • Ten Ways to Weave the World
    Ross Thompson
    The idea of an ideological war between science and religion, Thompson argues, is founded on a mistake. But this does not mean that there is nothing at stake. For behind the ill-conceived conflict lie complex issues about the nature of mind, consciousness, experience, subjectivity, quality, value, and the like, all of which need to be disentangled and assessed in their own right...

    38,40 €

  • Ten Ways to Weave the World
    Ross Thompson
    The idea of an ideological war between science and religion, Thompson argues, is founded on a mistake. But this does not mean that there is nothing at stake. For behind the ill-conceived conflict lie complex issues about the nature of mind, consciousness, experience, subjectivity, quality, value, and the like, all of which need to be disentangled and assessed in their own right...

    24,59 €

  • Eurasian Universism
    Xantio Ansprandi
    The cosmic map of the 21st century exhibits imbalance and disorder. On one end of the Eurasian continent, Europe faces a deep civilizational, philosophical, and spiritual crisis, its Logos rapidly dissipating in the whirl of Chaos alongside the breakdown of the modern Western world order. At the same time, on the other end of the continent, China is on an historic rise, posing ...

    40,37 €

  • A Worldview of Everything
    Brian Cronin
    Philosophy has sometimes been described as the discipline in which you can never be wrong, as the reserve of absentminded professors, aloof academics and purveyors of obscure ideas or interesting opinions. Quite the contrary. Philosophy answers the hard questions: Does everything happen by chance? Is there anything more than matter in the universe? Are humans in the same class ...

    55,60 €

  • A Worldview of Everything
    Brian Cronin
    Philosophy has sometimes been described as the discipline in which you can never be wrong, as the reserve of absentminded professors, aloof academics and purveyors of obscure ideas or interesting opinions. Quite the contrary. Philosophy answers the hard questions: Does everything happen by chance? Is there anything more than matter in the universe? Are humans in the same class ...

    39,43 €

    William Eastwood
    International Philosophy is the brainchild of William Eastwood, who, as you may well know, worked on a secret invention at a research and development facility owned by a Yale University professor when he was only 13 years old. Feeling stifled by External Science, Eastwood went off on his own to spend 45 years researching Internal Science, a more accurate paradigm of reality. Th...

    23,59 €

  • Metaphysical Africa
    Michael Muhammad Knight
    Describes the Ansaru Allah Community/Nubian Islamic Hebrews (AAC/NIH), a 1970s religious movement in Brooklyn that spread, in part, through the production and dissemination of literature and lecture tapes. Tracks the development of AAC/NIH discourse to reveal surprising consistency and coherence behind the appearance of serial reinvention. ...

    57,11 €

  • Meta Phor
    Avalon Sky High Performance Training
    Meta Phor is a simple and profound guide to connecting with the universe through philosophy and mindfulness. It is a teaching tool that shows how we can all be more open to the metaphors around us, and learn to see the world in a new light. The book provides readers who are interested in growing their minds with opportunity for self-reflection and self-growth. Containing easy-t...

    13,96 €

  • omniscient
    zen phoenix
    Introducing 'Omniscient' - The self-published spiritual health book written by Xen Phoenix AR that will take you on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.While reading 'Omniscient', you’ll gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. Through Xen Phoenix’s expert guidance, you’ll learn how to tap into your inner wisdom and unlock your full potential....

    41,91 €

  • From the Physical Universe to the Metaphysical Cosmos. The Quantum Entanglement and Synchronicity of Carl Jung
    Bruno Del Medico
    This book is the second greatly expanded edition of the previous booklet "Quantum Entanglement and the Collective Unconscious". It collects the best contributions published by the author in his blogs, social networks and sites in Italian, translated into English.The reader will be amazed at the originality of the arguments. From the happy marriage between quantum physics and Ca...

    24,88 €

  • Masks of Origin
    Brian George
    We are, I believe, as supernatural as we are natural. Our home is the sum-total of all possible realities. When we act, we act both in this world and the next.Brian George’s debut collection of personal essays invites the reader on a journey beyond the normal categories of space, time, and narrative structure, toward a further shore of multidimensional and more-than-human exp...

    21,20 €

  • An Illusionary Myth
    Omar Lopez
    What is time? Does it even exist or is it just a construct created in our minds to better understand the world in which we live? We place a great deal of emphasis on it, yet in accordance with what many physicists are finding, we can never know anything other than the eternal now. This paradox is investigated in 'An Illusionary Myth', which explains what is time and how it is o...

    16,70 €

  • Encyclopedia of American Idealism
    G.R. Tomaini
    In the words of eminent Philosopher Cornel West, Tomaini’s Encyclopedia of American Idealism: Toward a Novel Method and System of Philosophy attempts to 'encompass the insights of intellectual giants,' both contemporary and past. Tomaini’s Encyclopedia, which is named in the Hegelian sense of that word, primarily calculates the scholarly question: how might G.W.F. Hegel’s syste...

    28,96 €

  • Quantum Origins
    Michael Garber
    This volume of The Illumination Codex marks the entry into the Akashic Database, a collection of past life regression hypnosis sessions using the methods of Illuminated Quantum Healing (IQH), which have revealed lost and hidden ancient cosmic, galactic, and planetary history. These revealing stories invite you to reimagine your origins and legacy and embrace your multidimension...

    15,90 €

  • From Disbelief to Assurance
    Adria Gaebrialla
    Accompany Adria on her true-life quest into more than forty of her past lives. She learns to transform her present pain and fears using past life regression to unearth the original traumas.  Not born a psychic, during her youth Adria had dismissed the occasional déjà vu feeling and synchronistic events. Until one night, while in high school, at the end of her rope, gasping for ...

    17,92 €

  • Consciousness in a Nutshell
    Jay Nelson / Lindy Nelson
    With a feverish pace and a candid eye for story, Consciousness in a Nutshell delivers an unforgettable account of what it means to be alive while, at the very same time, answering the question of all questions, once and for all: What is consciousness?Consciousness in a Nutshell is a work of psychological mastery. A 21st century portrait of Nature, Nirvana, and what it means t...

    20,09 €