Catálogo de libros: Filosofía no occidental

1885 Catálogo de libros: Filosofía no occidental

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  • The Dhammapada (Deluxe Library Edition)
    The Dhammapada is a collection of sayings of the Buddha in verse form. It is one of the most widely read and best known Buddhist scriptures. According to tradition, the Dhammapada’s verses were spoken by the Buddha on various occasions. Each saying recorded in the collection was made on a different occasion in response to a unique situation that had arisen in the life of the Bu...

    27,58 €

  • Japanese Philosophers on Society and Culture
    Graham Mayeda
    What is culture? What can we learn from art, architecture, and fashion about how people relate? Can cultures embody ethical and moral ideals? These are just some of the questions addressed in this book on the cultural philosophy of three preeminent Japanese philosophers of the early twentieth century, Nishida Kitarō, Watsuji Tetsurō and Kuki Shūzō. ...

    149,66 €

  • Пътят на Сюендзан
    Асоциация на истинско
    Настоящата книга съдържа пълната транскрипция на поредицата от епизоди, в които се разказва за живота и делото на учителя Сюендзан. След дълго и трудно пътуване до Индия той донася в Китай множество будистки сутри и шастри, с което дава тласък на развитието на будизма за следващите хиляда години. Читателят ще има възможността да се запознае и с някои основни идеи и понятия в бу...

    17,52 €

  • Human Becomings
    Roger T. Ames
    Offers an in-depth exposition of the Confucian conception of persons as the starting point of Confucian ethics. ...

    126,21 €

  • The Simplified book of Change
    Yaun Gu
    The author says; The Book of Changes (the I Ching) ancient teaching is infinitely inclusive - politicians read it for shrewdness; artists read it for nourishment and stimulation; managers study it for management excellence; military strategists read it for military prowess; many consult it for divination; and ordinary people read it for daily inspiration.  The Book of Changes i...

    25,45 €

  • Tantric Sex - Volume 2
    Gabriel Pradiipaka
    The 2nd volume of this exceptional book is destined to shed light on an ancient and thoroughly mystical practice of the Kaula school of Indian Tantricism. To reach this, Gurujī translated the 29th chapter of Abhinavagupta’s Tantrāloka, which contains the most detailed explanation of the Tantric sexual tradition, including the theoretical background as well as its related ritual...

    65,87 €

  • Будистки истории (Джатаки)
    Асоциация на истинско
    Buddhism teaches us that each person has his own true self (tathagatagarbha) which has never been born and will never die. Our good and bad deeds form seeds in this true self and when the necessary conditions are gathered, these seeds bear karmic fruits. Therefore, our behaviour, words, and thoughts will have consequences later and others will treat us as we treated them. That ...

    18,17 €

  • Xiaojing The Classic of Filial Piety
    Confucius / James Legge
    'For teaching the people to be affectionate and loving, there is nothing better than filial piety'Traditionally attributed to Confucius, 'The Classic on Filial Piety' is a text focusing on social relationships, especially that between father and son. Divided into 18 paragraphs, the Xiaojing gives concrete instructions for the display of filial piety. The concept of Xiao is pres...

    16,74 €

  • Xiaojing The Classic of Filial Piety
    Confucius / James Legge
    'For teaching the people to be affectionate and loving, there is nothing better than filial piety'Traditionally attributed to Confucius, 'The Classic on Filial Piety' is a text focusing on social relationships, especially that between father and son. Divided into 18 paragraphs, the Xiaojing gives concrete instructions for the display of filial piety. The concept of Xiao is pres...

    9,22 €

  • Critique, Subversion, and Chinese Philosophy
    Bringing together a number of case studies, this book shows how from early on Chinese philosophical discourses unfolded through innovation and the subversion of dominant forms of thinking. Narrowing in on the commonplace Chinese motto that 'the three teachings' of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism 'are joined into one', as if there had never been any substantial differences b...

    161,01 €

  • An Introduction to Latin American Philosophy
    Susana Nuccetelli

    127,59 €

  • Desert, Ocean, Madness, Coyote
    Curtis Wilbur
    Poetry is a window into the soul of the author, and as such comes close to bridging the air gap between author and reader. Here find a selection of my best poetic works, arranged around some biographical ’color’. Humor and other emotions are rampant throughout, and if some of these works don’t evoke a tear or two, I haven’t done my job. ...

    14,37 €

  • Confucian Role Ethics
    Roger T. Ames / Roger TAmes
    Argues that the only way to understand the Confucian vision of the consummate moral life is to take the tradition on its own terms. ...

    49,64 €

  • Buddhist Literature as Philosophy, Buddhist Philosophy as Literature
    Rafal K. Stepien
    Explores the relationship between literature and philosophy in classical and contemporary Buddhist texts. ...

    126,41 €

  • Vital Post-Secular Perspectives on Chinese Philosophical Issues
    Lauren F. Pfister / Lauren FPfister
    This book presents a number of contemporary philosophical issues from a wide range of Chinese philosophical texts, figures, and sub-traditions that are usually not addressed in English studies of Chinese philosophical traditions. ...

    169,90 €

  • Rewriting Buddhism
    Alastair Gornall
    Rewriting Buddhism is the first intellectual history of premodern Sri Lanka’s most culturally productive period. This era of reform (1157-1270) shaped the nature of Theravada Buddhism both in Sri Lanka and also Southeast Asia and even today continues to define monastic intellectual life in the region. Alastair Gornall argues that the long century’s literary productivity was not...

    68,34 €

  • The Monastery Rules
    Berthe Jansen
    'The Monastery Rules discusses the position of monks and monasteries in pre-1950s Tibetan Buddhist societies. Using the monastic guidelines (bca’ yig) as primary sources, this book examines the impact of Buddhist monastic institutions on Tibetan societies by looking at their monastic policies that deal with organization, economy, justice, and public relations. As this type of l...

    68,87 €

  • Rewriting Buddhism
    Alastair Gornall
    Rewriting Buddhism is the first intellectual history of premodern Sri Lanka’s most culturally productive period. This era of reform (1157-1270) shaped the nature of Theravada Buddhism both in Sri Lanka and also Southeast Asia and even today continues to define monastic intellectual life in the region. Alastair Gornall argues that the long century’s literary productivity was not...

    53,98 €

  • The Monastery Rules
    Berthe Jansen
    'The Monastery Rules discusses the position of monks and monasteries in pre-1950s Tibetan Buddhist societies. Using the monastic guidelines (bca’ yig) as primary sources, this book examines the impact of Buddhist monastic institutions on Tibetan societies by looking at their monastic policies that deal with organization, economy, justice, and public relations. As this type of l...

    54,51 €

  • Dao Cool
    Poo Noname
    As a Chinese saying goes, a stone from a remote mountain can compete with jade. When the Western world comes to an inflection point, why not look towards the East for wisdom. The West builds all knowledge on logic while the concept of logic does not even exist in Chinese culture. In lieu of logic, the Chinese way of thinking is Dao. Dao is a paradox. However, it is a self-consi...

    19,18 €

  • Archery Metaphor and Ritual in Early Confucian Texts
    Rina Marie Camus
    This book explores the significance of archery as ritual practice and literary metaphor in classical Confucian texts. Archery passages in the Analects, Mencius, and Xunzi are discussed in the light of Zhou culture and the troubled historical circumstances of early followers of the ruist master Confucius. ...

    122,66 €

  • The Great Synthesis of Wang Yangming Neo-Confucianism in Korea
    The Great Synthesis of Wang Yangming Neo-Confucianism in Korea, a pioneering study of Chŏng Chedu (Hagok, 1649–1736) and Korean Yangming Neo-Confucianism, includes an annotated translation of the Chonŏn, Hagok’s most important work on self-cultivation, and a comprehensive introduction to his life, scholarship, and thought. ...

    163,12 €

  • Cross-Cultural Existentialism
    Leah Kalmanson
    Engaging in existential discourse beyond the European tradition, this book turns to Asian philosophies to reassess vital questions of life’s purpose, death’s imminence, and our capacity for living meaningfully in conditions of uncertainty.Inspired by the dilemmas of European existentialism, this cross-cultural study seeks concrete techniques for existential practicevia the phil...

    161,08 €

  • Reintroducing Philosophy
    Anthony F. Shaker / Anthony FShaker
    That we are now entering a post-Western world is no longer merely a thesis in international studies. But what does the dissolution of “Western” hegemony signify for humanity’s rich learning traditions and the civilizing quest for wisdom? How can this human inheritance assist us today?Reintroducing Philosophy seeks a more realistic framework for discourse on these questions than...

    111,09 €

    Hans Utter / Jory Farr
    We remember many more instants than minutes, more minutes than hours, but who remembers an entire day? Vietnam-based CIA assassin Daniel Shipley does. When he’s ordered to kill a Buddhist monk and activist in Cambodia, his once comfortable world, with a beautiful wife and daughter, is turned upside down, hurtling him into darkness and chaos and setting in motion the invisible t...

    22,21 €

  • Transcendence and Non-Naturalism in Early Chinese Thought
    Alexus McLeod / Joshua R. Brown
    Contemporary scholars of Chinese philosophy often presuppose that early China possessed a naturalistic worldview, devoid of any non-natural concepts, such as transcendence. Challenging this presupposition head-on, Joshua R. Brown and Alexus McLeod argue that non-naturalism and transcendence have a robust and significant place in early Chinese thought. This book reveals that non...

    160,80 €

  • The Primary Way
    Chung-ying Cheng
    A unique work on the underlying ontology, cosmology, and moral philosophy of the Yijing. ...

    125,80 €

  • The power of the trumps and pips
    Camelia Elias
    This book is an omnibus edition that gathers three types of texts around the Marseille Tarot: two previously published works out of print, here in re-edited form, unpublished lectures, and new essays. The book features applications of the basic principles of reading the Marseille Tarot to the contextualization of current questions and concerns. The approach to reading the trump...

    30,77 €

  • WHAT ARE YOU DOING? And Other Buddha’s Dharma Dances
    Dick Dorworth
    The title “What Are You Doing” is designed to encourage readers to ask that question of themselves in the context of being compassionate (Buddhist) citizens in the modern world of global warming, human over-population, environmental disintegration, species extinction, perpetual war, the military-industrial complex, social and species inequality and other challenges to the well-...

    16,65 €

  • Interpreting Averroes

    39,32 €