Catálogo de libros: Filosofía no occidental

1885 Catálogo de libros: Filosofía no occidental

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  • Bhagavad Gita for Note-taking
    Bhagavad Gita for Notetaking, with original Sanskrit Text, English Translation/Transliteration & Dotted Lined Margin for Taking Notes. Bhagavad Gita - ’The Song of God’- is collection of 700 verses from the great epic Mahabharata, composed millenniums ago by Veda Vyasa, a prehistoric sage of India. It is set in the narrative framework of a dialogue that takes place in the middl...

    21,81 €

  • Tantrāloka
    Gabriel Pradiipaka
    I am extremely pleased to present the first volume of a collection of books dealing with the superb Magnum Opus of Eminent Abhinavagupta, the Greatest Trika (a.k.a. Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir) Master of all time: 'Tantrāloka' (Light of Tantra). For a full overview of the main teachings of this philosophy called 'Trika Shaivism', I recommend you reading my book: 'Trikamukhyama...

    52,26 €

  • Happiness in Life & After Death
    Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
    In Happiness in Life and After Death -- An Islamic Sufi View, Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri provides a lucid and inspiring account of life, death and the hereafter, according to an Islamic Sufi perspective.The book opens with a wide-ranging sweep of death and dying as viewed in other cultures and religions -- from ancient Mesopotamian, Egyptian and Zoroastrian sources through to Judai...

    10,10 €

  • The Great Prajna Paramita Sutra, Volume 5
    Naichen Chen
    Prajna: transcendental wisdomParamita: ferrying over to the other shore; perfectionThe Great Prajna Paramita Sutra, taught by the Buddha in sixteen assemblies in four places over twenty-two years and recorded posthumously by his disciples in six hundred fascicles with approximately five million words, is regarded as the largest canon in Buddhism. It is important not only becaus...

    55,33 €

  • Ashtavakra Gita
    Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal
    Ashtavakra Gita, the song for the brave, a fountain of nectar.ASHTAVAKRA = 8 FOLD WISDOMGITA = SONG for the EARNEST EARA DIALOGUE BETWEEN resourcefulness AND wisdom. Resourcefulness is young, healthy, strong, talented, fit and flexible. Wisdom is old, older than yonder mountain, older than the ocean, nay older than the stars.This dialogue is a guide to achieve freedom from mise...

    21,62 €

  • Transnationalism and Translation in Modern Chinese, English, French and Japanese Literatures
    Ryan Johnson
    Drawing on the latest work in comparative philosophy and comparative literature, this book presents an innovative model of transnational literary exchanges. ...

    57,53 €

  • Great Peng and His Brothers
    Jeff Pepper / Xiao Hui Wang
    The travelers arrive at a tall mountain. An old man warns them that it’s infested with thousands of man-eating demons but Sun Wukong ignores the warning. Soon they meet the three demon leaders: a blue-haired lion, an old yellow-tusked elephant, and a huge terrifying bird called Great Peng. The demons trap Sun Wukong in a magic jar but he escapes. Later the three disciples try b...

    12,64 €

  • The Radiant Heart of the Cosmos
    Penny Gill
    We live in a time of great tumult and suffering. The wise among us know that we desperately need healing, not more blame, violence and greed. The Radiant Heart of the Cosmos: Compassion Teachings for Our Time invites us to begin the work of healing the suffering in our own lives and then in our communities and our world.Through Penny Gill’s conversations with Teachers Manjushri...

    11,80 €

  • The Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy
    Junjiro Takakusu
    2022 Reprint of the 1949 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition and not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. The Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy by the eminent and prolific Japanese Buddhist scholar Takakusu (1866-1945) largely follows the skeletal design of an introductory overview of Japanese Buddhism by the Kegon monk Gyonen (1240-1321) called The Essenti...

    15,71 €

  • Birth & Death
    Leandra Robertshaw
    ’Birth and Death’ is a very personal description of the path of training in Zen Buddhism by the second Abbot of Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey, Rev. Master Leandra Robertshaw.R.M. Leandra writes; ’It is a paradox that the more we take on board, and are in touch with our responses to even the smallest changes in our environment (both external and internal), the more we also come a...

    13,42 €

  • Wintermoon
    Robert MacLean
    In Wintermoon Robert MacLean distils twenty-five years of living in Kyoto, Japan, into a single seasonal cycle seen through the radically minimalist lens of haiku. Here are 119 precise instants of focus, divided into eleven sequences - ’stepping stones / leading to / a waterfall’. Each set of poems arrives at an awareness different from the one with which the set began, and the...

    16,53 €

  • Zen Encounters
    Richard DeMartino
    With regard to publishing and many other things, Dr. Richard DeMartino (1922-2013)-a protagonist of the introduction of Zen Buddhism to the West-adhered to the old Roman motto: 'Non multa sed multum': what counts is not quantity but quality. Instead of churning out reams of papers and books, he kept revising and fine-tuning seminal essays such as 'The Human Situation and Zen Bu...

    31,17 €

  • The Upanishads
    Alistair Shearer / Peter Russell
    The Upanishads are key texts of the ageless wisdom known as the Perennial Philosophy.This lucid new translation presents selections from the eleven traditionally considered the most important: the Māṇḍūkya, Kena, Chāndogya, Īsha, Brihadāranyaka, Taittirīya, Mundaka, Kaushītaki, Maitrī, Katha and Shvetāshvatara. Each selection is preceded by an incisive introduction that explain...

    17,18 €

  • The Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore
    Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
    The Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore (1918) is an academic study by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Published at the beginning of his career as one of India’s leading professors of comparative religion, the work is a masterful investigation of the teachings of poet-philosopher Rabindranath Tagore. In 1913, Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, making him the first lyrici...

    17,76 €

  • Three hymns in honor of Śiva and Guru
    Gabriel Pradiipaka
    The present book contains three hymns that the participants must recite while they are worshiping: Śivamahimnaḥ stotram, Śivamānasapūjā and Gurugītā. This book is indeed recommended for a wide range of spiritual seekers from different spiritual traditions.Gabriel Pradīpaka, the founder and leader of the spiritual movement 'Parabhairavayoga', is a Guru with many followers around...

    45,29 €

  • Quantum Revelations of the Real and Unreal
    Graham Smetham
    An exploration of the absurdities and deceptions of both ultra New-Age fantasists and their opponents, the hardcore quantum materialists. The primary areas of concern for this book, which lie within the field of quantum philosophy, metaphysics and implications for the understanding ’spiritual’ worldviews, are twofold. Firstly, to clearly present some remarkable conclusions it ...

    32,38 €

  • The Wisdom of Ramana Maharshi
    Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
    'Forty Verses on Reality by Sri Ramana Maharshi is a pithy and aphoristic short sacred work. This little book is full of the most profound revelations of Self-Knowledge. An essential text for all interested in Nonduality and the Maharshi s teachings.Truth is eternal and it is not subject to certain people, place, or time. The utterances of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi carry wit...

    6,04 €

  • Rama Speaks
    Lawrence Borok
    Dr. Frederick Lenz (1950-1998), known to his students as Rama, taught over a thousand people he accepted as direct students an unusual blend of spiritual practices for 20 years. It was a combination of insights and techniques shared by Zen and Tibetan Buddhism, Hindu Vedanta and Yoga, and Native American mysticism. These were implemented through a unique approach to living in t...

    20,76 €

  • The Contemplative Foundations of Classical Daoism
    Harold D. Roth / Harold DRoth
    Brings early Daoist writings into conversation with contemporary contemplative studies. ...

    43,37 €

  • A Philosophical Defense of Culture
    Shuchen Xiang
    Draws on two different but strikingly similar streams in our world tradition to argue for the contemporary philosophical relevance of 'culture.' ...

    41,93 €

  • Tanabe Hajime and the Kyoto School
    Takeshi Morisato
    This introduction to Tanabe Hajime (1885-1962), the critical successor of the 'father of contemporary Japanese philosophy' Nishida Kitaro (1870-1945), focuses on Tanabe’s central philosophical ideas and perspective on self, world, knowledge, and the purpose of philosophizing. Addressing Tanabe’s life-long study of the history of Anglo-European philosophy, Takeshi Morisato explo...

    115,22 €

  • Drifting Skandhas
    Li Sen
    Li Sen’s Drifting Skandhas is a poetic testimony to an ancient practice essential to our life and times. He writes; We are offered a synthesis of academic, philosophic, anti-philosophic (Lacan), artistic, literary and poetic modes. The great Buddhist classic, the Heart Sutra, seeks to transcend the constraints of academicism. The walls between written forms are illusory. It is ...

    23,84 €

  • Lazy Lama looks at The Six Paramitas
    Ringu Tulku
    'I think everything that we need to improve our world, our society and our humanity is in the Six Paramitas. These practices can make our lives good temporarily, as well as bringing lasting peace and happiness. This is an approach based on compassion, on wishing to help not only myself, but all of us together. The attitude is not 'I and you,' but 'me and we.' Someone who has th...

    14,15 €

  • The Great Prajna Paramita Sutra, Volume 4
    Naichen Chen
    Prajna: transcendental wisdomParamita: ferrying over to the other shore; perfectionBuddha taught The Great Prajna Paramita Sutra in sixteen assemblies in four locations over twenty-two years. It was recorded posthumously by his disciples in six hundred fascicles of approximately five million words and is regarded as the largest canon in Buddhism.This sutra depicts, manifests, a...

    52,36 €

  • The Zen of Tigger
    gianna giavelli
    In the tradition of the Tao of Pooh and the Te of Piglet, the ZEN of TiggR discusses the House at Pooh Corner in the tradition of Zen Masters. Important chapters and verse are addressed and their importance called out. Using a traditional koan style from the Treasury of the True Dharma or Shobogenzo, Giavelli tackles this task with ferver and a true ZEN insight. A.A. Milne’s c...

    39,27 €

  • Yugen-Do The Path of Elegance
    gianna giavelli
    Yugen-Do is the elegant path, a Zen understanding of time (U-JI) and the sacred. An original SUTRA or work that is teaching, and not an academic text, this book explores several ZEN traditions which are at a deeper level than the first ZEN teaching and is a follow on work to 'Descending the Mountain' which is a first introduction to Zen Buddhism. Yugen-Do is a discourse on Doge...

    47,58 €

  • Mencius In Modern Perspectives
    Raymond K. Li / Raymond KLi
    Mencius (also known as Meng Zi, Meng Ke, circa 372-289 BC) was the most prominent Confucian after Confucius, whose teachings were fundamental to Chinese culture for millennia. The book Mencius documented Mencius’s conversations with his disciples and other relevant characters and highlighted his philosophy. This book provides a new translation of Mencius in plain and colloquial...

    28,32 €

  • Descending the Mountain
    gianna giavelli
    Descending the Mountain is a zen sutra or original teaching from a practitioner who practiced zen from the age of 19 to 55. It covers both historical figures of zen as well as teaching a true spirit of zen buddhism and the bodhi path both up the mountain and back down again into the world of men. ...

    45,17 €

  • Skill in Ancient Ethics
    Illustrating the centrality of skill within ancient ethics, including Socrates’ search for expertise in virtue, the Republic’s’craft of justice’, Aristotle’s delineation of the politike techne,the Stoics’ ’art of life’ and ancient Chinese ethics, this collection shows howskill has been an ethical touchstone from the beginning of philosophical thought.Divided into six sections -...

    245,08 €

  • Confucian Ethics

    114,36 €