Catálogo de libros: Filosofía

60870 Catálogo de libros: Filosofía

  • Twilight of the Idols and The Anti-Christ (Translated by Thomas Common with Introductions by Willard Huntington Wright)
    Friedrich Nietzsche / Thomas Common
    One of the most controversial and inflammatory philosophers in western civilization, Friedrich Nietzsche summarized his extraordinary ideas in “The Twilight of the Idols.” Appropriately subtitled “How One Philosophizes with a Hammer,” this work is a polemic on many of the ideas of his day, especially what he describes as the ‘The Problem of Socrates’ and ‘The Four Great Errors....

    9,90 €

  • Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus Complete and Unabridged
    Ludwig Wittgenstein
    Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus may be the most important book of philosophy written during the twentieth century. Wittgenstein’s writing style is clear, succinct, and accessible. Bertrand Russell claimed that 'I cannot see any point on which it is wrong. But to have constructed a theory of logic which is not at any point obviously wrong is to have achieved a work of extraordina...

    37,51 €

  • Manifesto of the Communist Party
    Karl Marx
    The Communist Manifesto was first published on February 21, and it is one of the world’s most influential political tracts. Commissioned by the Communist League and written by communist theorists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, it laid out the League’s purposes and program. The Manifesto suggested a course of action for a proletarian (working class) revolution to overthrow the ...

    18,06 €

  • The Paradoxical Ego
    Eugene Halliday / Zhu Kabere
    Three particular themes are basic to this study. First, that the human race and its environment are involved in a slowly progressive process of revelation and understanding of its inherent features; and that we are all participating in this ongoing evolutionary cycle. Second, and closely related to the first tenet, man is not separable from his environment. We all share in this...

    25,97 €

  • Songs In Search Of A Musician
    Abdalhamid David Evans
    Described by one reader as 'sort of like Rumi meets Dylan', this collection of lyric verse brings a new voice to the long tradition of English poetry. Written from the unique perspective of a western convert to Islam in the 70's, Songs In Search of A Musician takes the reader on a journey across an inner landscape of emotion, reflection, insight and spiritual awaken...

    12,51 €

  • MerKaBa
    Dr Terri R. Nelson
    African Cosmology, Kemetic Science, Psychology Spirituality, Metaphysics, Philosophy, Social Thought/ What is the MerKaBa Energy Body of Light and what does it, the Great Pyramid, the Tree of Life, even Christmas, all have in common? This book seamlessly unites all of these symbols, so that our Consciousness may be Unitive. A Dimensional Shifting from The Linear Tree of Life an...

    39,23 €

  • Meditations
    Marcus Aurelius / George Long
    Unabridged private reflections of the Emperor of Rome, on how one is to exist in a world of chaos. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and in the most accepted translation by George Long, is a book that belongs on everyone’s shelf.A favorite of Bill Clinton and John Steinbeck, and influencer of many others for 2,000 years, it is as relevant today to those in power struggles over emp...

    6,43 €

  • Utilitarianism
    John Stuart MILL
    In John Stuart Mill's classic restatement of the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, he continued a philosophical perspective that continues to be appolied to this day. The 'principle of utility', otherwise known as 'the greatest happiness principle' has surfaced over and over again throughout history since then, and has often been the basis for important publ...

    11,07 €

  • Our Natural Potential
    David 'Davidya' Buckland
    In the last decade, we’ve seen an unprecedented growth in spiritual awakening. Why is this happening? How are we to understand the nature of enlightenment? Is it a normal part of human development we had forgotten how to culture? What is the underlying causal mechanism? What are the common differences in experiencing the unfolding? How can we support people making progress with...

    15,98 €

  • Christian D. Larson - The Definitive Collection - Volume 2 of 6
    Christian D. Larson / Christian DLarson
    Christian D. Larson is one of the best metpahysical writers of the last 100 or so years. This collection of 30 of his books in 6 volumes is a gold mine packed full of information that will illumine, enlighten and transform lives. The titles include: Brains and How to Get Them, Business Psychology, How Great Men Succeed, How the Mind Works, Concentration, How to Stay Well, How t...

    23,30 €

  • Trekking the Big Picture
    Andrew Lohrey
    Whatever our circumstances, life is a journey into meaning, a trek through the big picture. Many of the dominant ideas in our culture are dead-ends or detours on that voyage home. We can get lost in false notions of what science means, of what 'God' is and the burdens of individual destiny. In this unusual book Andrew Lohrey explores the contemporary nexus of philosophy...

    17,09 €

  • Open Horizon Wide
    Daniel J Thompson
    Daniel’s first collection of poems range from the satirical to the surreal. A ’language collage’ incorporating social commentary, while avoiding the controversy that invariably goes along with it. Asking how we got here and what to do once we are, not only by addressing our Being in the world, but of Being-at-Large. Which is itself a kind of Being, aware of the cycles, and cycl...

    11,78 €

  • Una Nueva Crítica del Pensamiento Teórico
    Herman Dooyeweerd / Adolfo García de la Sienra Guajardo
    Con la edición de este tercer volumen de la magna obra Una Nueva Crítica del Pensamiento Teórico del gran pensador neerlandés Herman Dooyeweerd, Paidea Press tiene el honor de continuar la colección Obras de Dooyeweerd, la cual se propone publicar sus obras principales traducidas a la lengua de Cervantes. La meta inicial es publicar los restantes dos volúmenes de la Nueva Críti...

    52,19 €

  • Artifacts for Diderot’s Elements of Physiology
    Gregory Bringman
    Artifacts for Diderot’s Elements of Physiology is a translation of Denis Diderot’s rare 18th Century work, Éléments de physiologie, situating it in light of New Materialism and other current debates in continental philosophy. It takes one of many possible theoretical tours through this oeuvre of Diderot, as well as incorporates other supplementary artifacts, including translati...

    50,77 €

  • The Atlantis Dialogue
    Plato / B. Jowett
    The legend of Atlantis -- you’ve heard about it, read about it, seen it in videos, shows, and movies. Now go straight to the source!Atlantis was first introduced by the Greek philosopher Plato in two 'dialogues' he wrote in the fourth century B.C. His tale of a great empire that sank beneath the waves has generated countless books, dramatic adaptations, archeological expedition...

    12,01 €

  • A Preliminary Study of the Emotion of Love between the Sexes
    Sanford Bell
    A Preliminary Study of the Emotion of Love between the Sexes, a classical book, was published more than a century ago and has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book h...

    15,00 €

  • Die sich ändernden Muster der Sicherheitsbeziehungen zwischen den USA und Japan
    Harsha Senanayake
    Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, das Engagement der USA in Ostasien und im pazifischen Raum unter Bezugnahme auf die Sicherheitsbeziehungen zwischen den USA und Japan zu untersuchen. Die Eindämmungspolitik und die Vormachtstellung der USA in der Zeit nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg prägten die freundschaftlichen Beziehungen zu Japan, um die politischen Anliegen der USA in Ostasien zu berü...

    32,88 €

  • A mudança dos padrões das relações de segurança entre os EUA e o Japão
    Harsha Senanayake
    O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar o envolvimento dos EUA na Ásia Oriental e na região do Pacífico, tendo como referência as relações de segurança entre os EUA e o Japão. A política de contenção e o poder dominante dos EUA no pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial marcaram as relações de amizade com o Japão para responder às preocupações políticas dos EUA na Ásia Oriental. A ilha de O...

    32,82 €

  • Меняющиеся модели отношений США и Японии в области безопасности
    Харша Сенанаяке
    Целью данной работы является определение вовлеченности США в Восточную Азию и Тихоокеанский регион с учетом отношений безопасности между США и Японией. Политика сдерживания и доминирующая роль США в период после Второй мировой войны ознаменовали собой дружеские отношения с Японией, направленные на решение политических проблем США в Восточной Азии. Остров Окинава играл стратегич...

    32,88 €

  • Dark Skies
    Brad Kochunas
    The title of this book, Dark Skies, comes from the idea that during the day we are often blinded by the metaphorical light of ego and self-interest. It is the vast blackness of the night sky that allows us to peer more deeply into the presence of the planetary deities that inhabit not only the heavens, but also our internal world as portrayed in our astrology charts. Therapeuti...

    25,75 €

  • The Darkest Timeline
    Bram E. Gieben
    Like Black Mirror on steroids, The Darkest Timeline issues 9 vignettes of doom in the form of theoretical essays that outline not the likelihood, but the certainty of our demise as a species. Taking into account an array of apocalyptic modalities, Bram E. Gieben shows us with sardonic wit and erudition that there may be no silver lining. We are left to choose how to countenance...

    12,90 €

  • The metaphysical basis of recognition and historicity
    Olivier Baloki Wata
    If the idea of a metaphysical basis for recognition is to be understood as a reflection on the existential conditions of unrecognized and forgotten being, it is necessary to determine the intersubjective conditions of personal integrity. Human existence sometimes diverges from the promises of rationality and responsible affectivity. This is why, in many of the spaces in which p...

    109,84 €

  • Le basi metafisiche del riconoscimento e della storicità
    Olivier Baloki Wata
    Se l’idea di una base metafisica per il riconoscimento deve essere intesa come una riflessione sulle condizioni esistenziali dell’essere non riconosciuto e dimenticato, è necessario determinare le condizioni intersoggettive dell’integrità personale. L’esistenza umana a volte non è all’altezza delle promesse della razionalità e dell’affettività responsabile. Per questo motivo, i...

    109,84 €

  • The New Tower of Babel
    Dr. Jean Maalouf
    Do we really believe in God? What difference does it make if God exists or does not exist? Are we better off with God or without God? Are we made in God’s image or is it God who is made in our image? Is God our creator or are we the creators of God the way we create other gods? Does God tell us from on high what to do or do we go on building higher and higher towers and defy th...

    13,06 €

  • Filosofia in pratica
    Saortua Marbun
    'Filosofia in pratica: Bridging Theory and Management for Humanistic Leadership' esplora l’intersezione tra pensiero filosofico e gestione pratica. Il libro colma una lacuna nella letteratura contemporanea offrendo un quadro che integra le teorie filosofiche nelle pratiche manageriali quotidiane, enfatizzando la gestione come scienza e arte. Facendo leva sul ragionamento etico ...

    143,92 €

  • What if Questioned I
    G.V. Loewen
    What does it mean to be a self, and a self which lives? At first, we would seek to alter the 'which' into a 'who,' giving us the sense not only of agency but also of individuality and even perhaps that of purpose. Who is the self who lives? But a distinction must be immediately made; that between self and selfhood. For if we share life with other creatures grand and minuscule, ...

    12,72 €

  • Vœu de pauvreté
    Alyson Bueno Francisco
    Ce livre présente une récupération de la philosophie d’Aristote, de Thomas d’Aquin, de Roger Bacon et de Francis Bacon sur la philosophie des sciences, dont l’auteur présente les trois soi-disant mondes méthodologiques : l’ancien, le nouveau et le tout nouveau monde. L’ancien monde est basé sur la philosophie aristotélicienne en raison de l’influence du déductif grec avec les s...

    48,43 €

  • Le corps propre et le cogito tacite de Merleau-Ponty
    Dênis Azevedo
    La phénoménologie de Merleau-Ponty, par son souci de ne pas faire primer le sujet ou le monde pour comprendre la relation entre l’être et le monde vécu, rompt avec les grands courants philosophiques de la modernité, à savoir l’intellectualisme et l’empirisme. Pour y remédier, Merleau-Ponty utilise la notion de corps propre et aborde la perception du point de vue de celui qui pe...

    85,76 €

  • J.D. Ponce sobre Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    J.D. Ponce
    Este emocionante ensaio centra-se na explicação e análise de O Contrato Social, de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, uma das obras mais influentes da história e cuja compreensão, pela sua complexidade e profundidade, escapa à compreensão na primeira leitura. Quer você já tenha lido O Contrato Social ou não, este ensaio permitirá que você mergulhe em cada um de seus significados, abrindo u...

    17,84 €

  • Gelübde der Armut
    Alyson Bueno Francisco
    Dieses Buch stellt eine Wiederaufnahme der Philosophie von Aristoteles, Thomas von Aquin, Roger Bacon und Francis Bacon über die Philosophie der Wissenschaft vor, deren Autor die drei so genannten methodologischen Welten vorstellt: die alte, die neue und die ganz neue Welt. Die alte Welt basiert auf der aristotelischen Philosophie aufgrund des Einflusses der griechischen dedukt...

    48,43 €