Catálogo de libros: Filosofía

52633 Catálogo de libros: Filosofía

  • A Short History of Medieval Philosophy
    Julius Rudolf Weinberg
    In this brief book the author examines the central doctrine of important Christian, Jewish, and Muslim philosophers and shows the contributions of medieval thought to present-day philosophy. Intended not only for philosophers, but for anyone seeking a concise and reliable survey. ...

    56,86 €

  • The Cambridge History of Later Greek and Early Medieval Philosophy

    335,07 €

  • A Sourcebook in Indian Philosophy
    Charles A. Moore / Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
    A comprehensive and authoritative anthology of Indian philosophy, from antiquity to the twentieth centuryThe Sourcebook of Indian Philosophy offers a comprehensive and authoritative introduction to the philosophical wisdom of ancient and modern India. Edited by two leading authorities, Indian philosopher-statesman Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and American philosopher Charles Moore,...

    63,51 €

  • Character and Opinion in the United States
    George Santayana

    17,40 €

  • Causal Inferences in Nonexperimental Research
    Hubert M. Blalock Jr. / Hubert MBlalock Jr.
    Taking an exploratory rather than a dogmatic approach to the problem, this book pulls together materials bearing on casual inference that are widely scattered in the philosophical, statistical, and social science literature. It is written in nonmathematical terms, and it is imaginative and sophisticated from both a theoretical and a statistical point of view.Originally publishe...

    64,49 €

  • Adventures of Ideas
    Alfred North Whitehead
    From Simon & Schuster, the Adventures of Ideas is Alfred North Whitehead’s historical adventure. The title of this book, Adventures of Ideas, bears two meanings, both applicable to the subject-matter. One meaning is the effect of certain ideas in promoting the slow drift of mankind towards civilization. This is the Adventure of Ideas in the history of mankind. The other meaning...

    20,58 €

  • Man and People
    Jose Ortega y. Gasset / Jose Ortega yGasset / Jose Ortegay Y. Gasset / Jose Ortegay YGasset

    21,98 €

  • Kant
    Jaspers / Karl Jaspers / Ralph Manheim

    14,07 €

  • God & Golem, Inc.
    Norbert Wiener

    27,83 €

  • Socrates, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus
    Karl Jaspers / Ralph Manheim

    14,33 €

  • Kant’s Analytic
    Jonathan Bennett

    57,97 €

  • Twentieth-Century Philosophy
    Morris Weitz

    21,41 €

  • The Essence of Faith
    Albert Schweitzer
    In this early yet masterful work by the philosopher of Reverence for Life, metaphysics and religion are examined using Kant’s theology as a background. No one can put aside this small book without a feeling of respect for the profundity of the young Schweitzer. First English translation. 3 ...

    13,55 €

  • The Philosophy of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

    22,64 €

  • Logical Positivism
    A. J. Ayer / AJAyer

    25,76 €

  • Eighteenth-Century Philosophy

    22,86 €

  • Theories of the Universe

    23,49 €

  • A History of Greek Philosophy
    Guthrie W. K. C. / Guthrie WKC. / W. K. C. Guthrie / WKCGuthrie

    243,48 €

  • Platos Thought in the Making
    J. E. Raven / JERaven

    55,32 €

  • A History of British Philosophy to 1900
    F. M. Sorley / FMSorley

    52,48 €

  • Philosophy of History
    Have you ever wondered how different worldviews have shaped history? How dominant religious or political groups have changed the way past events have been interpreted, written, and recorded? The greatest philosophical mind to come out of the Enlightenment has tackled these very questions in his essay Philosophy of History. Voltaire attempts to reinterpret the moral, esthetic, a...

    23,92 €

  • Philosophy of History
    Have you ever wondered how different worldviews have shaped history? How dominant religious or political groups have changed the way past events have been interpreted, written, and recorded? The greatest philosophical mind to come out of the Enlightenment has tackled these very questions in his essay Philosophy of History. Voltaire attempts to reinterpret the moral, esthetic, a...

    15,63 €

  • Crimes of Passion
    Marquis de Sade
    This rich, titillating translation of the famous French novel Crimes of Passion loses none of its original flavor. The Marquis de Sade’s tales are ripe with seduction, passion, and ultimate tragedy as his characters quest for love but find only its crimes. Sade not only grips the reader with his tales of sex, murder, and intrigue but also confronts them with his own views about...

    10,10 €

  • The Ironic Hume
    John Valdimir Price
    Many of the seemingly bland assertions and bald statements of the eighteenth-century philosopher David Hume contain more than the mind immediately perceives. Author John Valdimir Price contends that an understanding of Hume’s writings cannot be separated from an understanding of his life. By examining the works of Hume, Price shows the way in which an ironic way of seeing event...

    26,81 €

  • What Is Philosophy?
    Jos Ortega y. Gasset / Jos Ortega yGasset / Jose Ortega y. Gasset / Jose Ortega yGasset / Jose Ortegay Y. Gasset / Jose Ortegay YGasset

    17,42 €

  • Plato Dictionary
    Morris Stockhammer
    In this companion volume to the well-known Aristotle Dictionary, Morris Stockhammer offers a comprehensive and alphabetically organized glossary of the basic writings of Plato. For many years, the editor scanned through the dialogues of Plato in an effort to find and collect those pithy thoughts that represent the essence of Platonism. The perfect dictionary for philosophers an...

    15,44 €

  • Systems of Ethics and Value Theory
    Ph.D. William S Sahakian
    In the extensive study, Systems of Ethics and Value Theory, author William S. Sahakian deconstructs these two complex philosophical systems for a scholarly audience. He covers topics from self-realizationism to free will to dignity with careful analysis and reasoning. His astute contributions to the fields of ethics and value theory provide excellent introductions and open up r...

    19,14 €

  • Introduction to Logic
    Immanuel Kant
    Written during the height of the Enlightenment, Kant’s Introduction to Logic is an essential primer for anyone interested in the study of Kantian views on logic, aesthetics, and moral reasoning. More accessible than his other books, Introduction to Logic lays the foundation for his writings with a clear discussion of each of his philosophical pursuits. For more advanced Kantian...

    10,13 €

  • Essays in Skepticism
    Bertrand Russell
    Russell, the sage non-conformist, is always meaningful, no matter what the topic or the issue. In this small book are presented some of his old but nonetheless remarkable observations, and some of his very new thoughts, as expressed on his 90th birthday. Here are titles, taken at random from the Table of Contents: Psychoanalysis Takes a Look; Envy and Belief; On Male Super...

    10,00 €

  • History as a System, and Other Essays Toward a Philosophy of History
    Jose Ortega y. Gasset / Jose Ortega yGasset / Helene Weyl

    17,39 €