Catálogo de libros: Arqueología

6115 Catálogo de libros: Arqueología

  • Management Analysis of Municipal Castles in the Province of Alicante (Spain)
    Juan Antonio Mira Rico
    Valencian castles have been studied from very different approaches, and to greater or lesser degrees. This has allowed scholars to better understand their history and morphology, the materials used in their construction and their pathologies, as well as other aspects related to the people who occupied them at different times in history. Furthermore, multiple interventions have ...

    113,66 €

  • The Akko Marina Archaeological Project
    Ehud Galili
    This book analyses archaeological finds retrieved from the Akko marina and its surroundings. Analysis of structures and installations casts light on the harbour's building and destruction cycles; for example, a 15th century wooden mole has been discovered, indicating previously unknown activity in that period. Hellenistic to late Ottoman period ceramics reveal the city'...

    159,09 €

  • Archaeological Survey and Excavations at Mikindani, Southern Tanzania
    Matthew Pawlowicz
    Large-scale networks of interaction and exchange have existed on the East African Swahili coast for at least the past two millennia, linking coastal populations with South Asia, the Middle East and the African Interior. The connections coastal inhabitants nurtured along those networks were crucial to the development of Swahili urban society in the early second millennium CE. Th...

    103,49 €

  • Animaltown
    Urban space constitutes a place where people and animals live together in close proximity with each other, creating changing landscapes of co-existence, conflict, mutual dependencies and exploitation. The medieval animals found in the articles of Animaltown: Beasts in Medieval Urban Space, appear in text and image, as well as archaeological find materials in the form of butcher...

    109,24 €

  • Transcaucasian Bronze Belts
    Manuel Castelluccia
    The present work catalogues and analyses the so-called 'bronze belts' - thin metal plaques, decorated or not - that represent one of the main features of the material culture of the native peoples of the Caucasus area during the Iron Age. Given the amount of material examined, the research has been divided into two parts. The first part is devoted to the study of the be...

    176,96 €

  • Les populations carolingiennes (France, Nord-Ouest, VIIIe-Xe siècles)
    Carole Fossurier
    Les populations des VIIIe-Xe siècles du nord-ouest de la France peuvent être analysées grâce à l'étude de leurs ossements. Pour ceci, la mise en pratique de l'anthropologie biologique (sexe, âge, santé, activité) nécessite une méthodologie rigoureuse et des critères nettement définis détaillés ici. La mise au point de nouvelles méthodes permettant des analyses spécifiqu...

    105,62 €

  • Handbook of Research on Emerging Technologies for Architectural and Archaeological Heritage
    Alfonso Ippolito
    Cultural heritage is a vital, multifaceted component of modern society. To better protect and promote the integrity of a culture, certain technologies have become essential tools. The Handbook of Research on Emerging Technologies for Architectural and Archaeological Heritage is an authoritative reference source for the latest scholarly research on the use of technological assis...

    359,78 €

  • In Dialogue
    This book developed from discussions following the 2012 In Dialogue: Tradition and Interaction in the Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition conference held in Manchester, UK. This conference provided a forum to compare not only the processes through which material innovations were adopted and elaborated during the Early Neolithic, but also the ways in which these processes have been ...

    55,20 €

  • Conservation of Classical Monuments in the Mediterranean Region
    Kalliopi Vacharopoulou
    This work studies the conservation of classical monuments in the Mediterranean region. It focuses on a specific method, anastylosis, and its application to classical monuments. The terminology, philosophy, theoretical principles and technical issues of anastylosis are explored within the wider context of cultural heritage management, through case studies from Greece and Turkey,...

    128,17 €

  • A Persistence of Place
    Fiona Fleming
    This is a publication of my doctoral thesis with the University of Exeter. My research aim has been to assess patterns of settlement continuity and discontinuity between the late Roman and early medieval periods over three regional case study areas: Norfolk, Kent and Somerset. Quantitative and spatial data has been collected and stored within a GIS database and queried to produ...

    129,91 €

  • Une Histoire des Premières Communautés Mésolithiques au Portugal
    Ana Cristina Araújo
    Around 9500 BC, a number of changes take place in the life ways of human groups that, henceforth, will be designated as Mesolithic. These changes set them apart, behaviourally, from the preceding periods. Even though the ancestral know-how was passed across the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary, new solutions were implemented. Groups became more mobile and more dependent on the exp...

    144,40 €

  • Bioarchaeology of Ancient Northern Vietnam
    Marc Fredrick Oxenham
    This volume represents the first major bioarchaeological investigation of human health and behaviour in ancient northern Vietnam. Using dental and skeletal samples excavated by Vietnamese archaeologists from the 1960s through to 1990s, this study compares and contrasts the human condition in two key temporal periods in Vietnamese prehistory: mid-Holocene sedentary hunter-gather...

    133,58 €

  • Irish Portal Tombs
    Phyllis Mercer
    Portal tombs, of which there are approximately 180 in Ireland, are the least studied of the great megaliths of Neolithic Ireland. Three aspects are specifically focussed on in the present study: landscape siting of the portal tombs, portal tomb morphology, and evidence for ritual in the construction and use of portal tombs. ...

    133,34 €

  • La Explotación Inglesa de las Minas de Cerro Muriano (Córdoba, España)
    Juan Manuel Cano Sanchiz
    Cerro Muriano is a small population centre situated 16 km to the north of the city of Córdoba, between the municipalities of Córdoba and Obejo (Andalusia, Spain). This territory is situated over a large field of copper veins, which has been exploited by the different peoples and societies that have populated Córdoba's mountain range Sierra Morena. The mining and metallurgy ...

    120,31 €

  • A Study of Prehistoric Soapstone Vessels of the Middle Atlantic Region of the United States
    Gary D. Shaffer / Gary DShaffer
    This study began with an intensive search to identify all prehistoric sites with soapstone artifacts in Maryland and the District of Columbia. A review of published and unpublished records and interviews with avocational archaeologists found that the number of (precisely and imprecisely mapped) is at least 340. Avocational archaeologists had collected most of the reported soaps...

    97,59 €

  • Die Wikingergräber auf der Isle of Man
    Dirk H. Steinforth / Dirk HSteinforth
    Die Isle of Man besitzt außergewöhnlich viele und interessante 'Wikingergräber', von reich ausgestatteten Schiffs- und Hügelgräbern zu einfachen Flachbestattungen. Doch während über 150 Jahren altertumskundlicher Forschung sind etliche nur schlecht dokumentiert oder schwer zugänglich publiziert, so daß ein fundierter Einblick kaum zu erlangen ist. Die Publikation stellt...

    88,73 €

  • Life and Death in the Korean Bronze Age (c. 1500-400 BC)
    Sunwoo Kim
    This research focuses on the Bronze Age in selected areas of Korea; Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi province. Two forms of evidence - settlements and monuments - are taken into account to identify their relationship with landscape and the social changes occurring between ca. 1500 to 400 cal BC. Life and death in the Bronze Age in Korea has not been synthetically investigated befor...

    108,34 €

  • Estudios Arqueológicos del Área Vesubiana I
    These archaeological studies offer to provide an alternative tour through Vesuvian cities. One way to see Pompeii, for example, is via its hydraulic systems, from the higher parts to waterlogged landfills at the mouth of Sarno. They invite you to walk the streets amidst the traces of regulation issued in municipal law and the free initiative of those who built and maintained th...

    91,60 €

  • Variación Esqueletal Humana y Contexto Arqueológico
    María Carolina Barboza
    South American Archaeology Series No 23Reliable sex and age estimate on human bone remains is a fundamental aspect in bioarchaeological investigation since such estimates represent the basis on which supplementary studies aiming at contributing to the knowledge of biological and cultural aspects of prehistoric populations are structured. However, since many features, both metri...

    100,21 €

  • Somewhere Beyond The Sea Les îles bretonnes (France)
    The Seminar on the Archaeology of Western France, which focused on the islands of Brittany, was held on 1 April 2014 at the University of Rennes 1. The desire to organize this seminar arose spontaneously from the dynamism which currently animates archaeological research on island spaces of the western seaboard of France. Indeed, the seminar took place during a pivotal period of...

    86,11 €

  • Excavations of Prehistoric Settlement at Toomebridge, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland 2003
    Colin Dunlop / Peter Woodman
    In 2002-2003, the construction of a new road to bypass the village of Toomebridge, Co Antrim, through which the main Belfast to Derry Road (A6) passed, was commenced by Roads Service; an Agency within the Department of Regional Development. As part of the overall planning permission for the Toomebridge Bypass, the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) raised a requirement ...

    77,11 €

  • El Vaso de Largo Bordo Horizontal
    L. Nonat / LNonat / M. P. Prieto Martínez / MPPrieto Martínez / P. Vázquez Liz / PVázquez Liz
    In this paper the authors study a specific type of pottery from the northwest Iberian Peninsula, known as the Wide Horizontal Rim (WHR) vessel. One of its distinctive aspects is precisely the fact that it is exclusively found in this region, which now comprises the Spanish region of Galicia and northern Portugal, as far south as the River Duero. This type of pottery, of which t...

    115,71 €

  • Étude archéozoologique des grands mammifères du gisement Paléolithique moyen d’Érd (Hongrie)
    Éva J. Daschek / Éva JDaschek
    This work deals with Neanderthal subsistence behaviours during the Middle Palaeolithic in Hungary, through the example of Érd site. Very discreet, hunting and mainly scavenging, activities are shown by zooarchaeological study for meat procurement. This is different for carnivores, except for cave bears. The latter, using the place for hibernation, meant a high number of their r...

    101,86 €

  • L’etá del Bronzo Media e Recente in Liguria (Italia nord occidentale)
    Davide Delfino
    Liguria, North-West Italy, is a region sited between the Mediterranean and the Alps. Between XVI and XIII c. BC the region experienced continuity and discontinuity in material culture and land occupation strategy. That chronological period, known as Middle and Late Bronze Age, coincided with movements throughout the Central Mediterranean (Aegean Sea to Sardinia-Sicily-Southern ...

    158,93 €

  • Bridgwater
    David Sivier
    Bridgwater: Personality, Place and the Built Environment traces the history and development of the town of Bridgwater as a physical entity from its origins to 1700. This includes not only the physical layout of the town as a whole, but also the plan and structure of its individual plots and buildings. These have been reconstructed through the hundreds of leases from the medieva...

    102,27 €

  • Further Discoveries about the Surveying and Planning of Roman Roads in Northern Britain
    John Poulter
    The research reported in this monograph follows on directly from the findings that were reported in BAR 492, in which, among many other discoveries, the author recognised that the courses of both Roman Dere Street and Hadrian’s Wall had been underpinned by frameworks of long-distance alignments. Stimulated by the detection of several more of these alignments across northern Eng...

    65,21 €

  • A Diachronic Study of Sus and Bos Exploitation in Britain from the Early Mesolithic to the Late Neolithic
    Sarah Viner-Daniels
    This study explores the changing relationship between humans and two important animals, pigs and cattle, during the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods in Britain. Faunal remains from prehistoric sites in southern Britain were studied in order to understand changes in the size and shape of animals, changes in population structure and other information useful for understanding chan...

    96,52 €

  • Artefactos Líticos, Movilidad y Funcionalidad de Sitios
    South American Archaeology Series No 20This book discusses the relationship between mobility and / or archaeological sites functionality and lithic artifacts. The problems encountered when dealing with such issues are presented from different theoretical and / or methodological perspectives and from different spatial and temporal scales. There is a consensus that, from techno-t...

    71,52 €

  • Kult bei der Arena
    Tim Wittenberg
    The book looks at the worship of the goddess Nemesis within the context of the Roman ludi and offers the first entire collection and analysis of all known archaeological finds and findings that connect the cult of Nemesis with Roman amphitheatres. Several central aspects of the ancient games are thus emphasized: The political and religious dimension of the events as well as the...

    71,12 €

  • 3D Recording and Modelling in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
    The book derives from the experiences of the authors as lecturers and tutors at different international summer schools on reality-based surveying and 3D modelling in the field of archaeology and cultural heritage. The book is organized in three main sections. The first part aims to introduce and discuss the contribution of geomatic techniques in archaeology and more generally i...

    88,00 €