Catálogo de libros: Arqueología

6115 Catálogo de libros: Arqueología

  • Mountain Environments in Prehistoric Europe

    88,08 €

  • Mesolithic/Neolithic Interactions in the Balkans and in the Middle Danube Basin
    9 papers from the session on Mesolithic/Neolithic Interactions in the Balkans and in the Middle Danube Basin held at the 15th UISPP Congress in Lisbon in September 2006.        ...

    61,10 €

  • Il Sahara centro-orientale. Dalla Preistoria ai tempi dei nomadi Tubu / The Central-Oriental Sahara. From Prehistory to the times of the nomadic Tubus
    Vanni Beltrami
    Cambridge Monographs in African Archaeology 71The Tubus are a diversified pastoral nomadic people who speak two very similar dialects and form a single cultural community, extending from the Fezzan and the Kufra oasis in Southern Lybia, to the Tibesti and Ennedi mountains, to other Saharan and Sahelian territories of the Republic of Tchad, and to the eastern part of the Republi...

    128,59 €

  • The Norman Conquest
    Naomi Jane Sykes
    Investigation of social and economic change has always been central to archaeology. As part of this, population movements have frequently been emphasised as instigators of transition. This is particularly the case in British archaeology where, as an island, migration episodes tend to be viewed as highly significant. The Norman Conquest was the last and perhaps most famous of Br...

    90,79 €

  • Archaeofaunal remains from the past 4000 years in Sahelian West Africa
    Veerle Linseele
    Cambridge Monographs in African Archaeology 70The faunal assemblages that are the subject of this study were excavated in northern Burkina Faso and the southern Lake Chad area, within the framework of a multidisciplinary project. They cover almost the entire four millennia between 2000 BC and the present. The analysed faunas are placed in a wider context by comparing them with ...

    168,93 €

  • Women in Pre-Islamic Arabia
    Hatoon Ajwad al-Fassi
    In addition to feminist studies, this work uses epigraphy, archaeology and classical sources, as well as recent developments in historiography, to understand Nabataean society and Nabataean women in particular. The author has highlighted to main study areas. The first is to investigate whether Nabataean women enjoyed a high status that was particular to their society and histor...

    66,85 €

  • Le Gisement Gravettien de la Vigne-Brun (Loire, France)
    Mahaut Digan

    110,54 €

    Shawn Graham

    82,84 €

  • The Prehistoric Rock Art of Morocco
    Susan Searight
    This study aims to examine all aspects of Moroccan rock art and place it in an archaeological and environmental context. Almost 300 sites are now known but few have been studied fully. This work is the first overall analysis to be attempted. The author sets herself 9 specific objectives: 1) To present an up-to-date account of the history of research into Moroccan rock art from ...

    122,83 €

  • Debating Late Antiquity in Britain AD300-700
    The conference ‘Debating Late Antiquity in Britain AD300-700’ (held at the University of York in June 2003) had three principal areas of interest – What was the fate of Roman Britain? To what extent did Anglo-Saxon material, so well known in the cemeteries of eastern England, reflect a ?violent immigration from the continent on a large scale? What was the fate of the ‘British’ ...

    69,22 €

  • Recherches sur les instruments aratoires et le travail du sol en Gaule Belgique
    André Marbach
    A volume of detailed research and summary into metal farming tools used in Gaul/Upper Germania from the Gallo-Romano period; indeed many of the types are still in use today. 199 finds are investigated and reconstructed to show the various techniques of manufacture, use and efficiency. The new method of analysis has shown that ploughing equipment was capable of turning the soil ...

    109,47 €

  • The South-Eastern Aegean in the Mycenaean Period
    Mercourios Georgiadis
    Mycenaean culture has been thoroughly studied and is well understood as it relates to the Greek mainland. However, for the Aegean islands, and in terms of this study the South-eastern Aegean, the situation is not so clear. The islands, due to their geographic peculiarities, have a special character and it is essential to appreciate the extent to which their environment affected...

    179,58 €

  • Mujeres y Hombres en Espacios Domésticos
    Mª Encarna Sanahuja-Yll / Pedro V. Castro-Martínez / Pedro VCastro-Martínez / Trinidad Escoriza-Mateu
    The 'Alpha' Building at Puig Morter in Son Ferragut (Sineu, Mallorca, Spain) is one of the few domestic spaces from Mallorcan prehistory to have been explored in detail. Analysis of material remains from this archaeological site, and from other contemporaneous contexts, have led to the definition of an historical moment named the Son Ferragut Horizon by the authors of t...

    249,27 €

  • Comunidades Neolíticas del Noreste de la Península Ibérica
    Juan Francisco Gibaja Bao
    This volume presents the results of a statistical approach applied to assemblages of grave goods (and a use-wear analysis of the stone artefacts) found in the Neolithic settlements of Ca n'Isach (Girona, Spain), the storage pits of Bòbila Madurell (Barcelona, Spain), and the burial-fields of Sant Pau del Camp (Barcelona, Spain), Camí de Can Grau (Barcelona, Spain) and Bòbil...

    155,31 €

  • The Northeast Frontier of Bell Beakers
    Proceedings of the symposium held at the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (Poland), May 26-29 2002In the wealth of literature concerning Bell Beakers, the present volume is the first broad treatment of issues relating to their northeast frontier. The book has grown from papers read at the symposium Northeast Frontier of Bell Beakers held in the Institute of Prehistory, Adam M...

    141,86 €

  • Landscapes of the Living, Landscapes of the Dead
    Tim Phillips
    The three counties of mainland northern Scotland (Ross-shire, Sutherland, and Caithness) have some of the most dramatic, varied and isolated landscapes in Britain. And these remarkable settings are matched by their Neolithic and Bronze Age remains.This extensive study contains sections on the monuments and their methods of construction, the research history, the landscape, fiel...

    182,20 €

  • An Ahrensburgian Site at Zonhoven-Molenheide (Belgium)
    Pierre M. Vermeersch / Pierre MVermeersch
    The late Palaeolithic Ahrensburgian site at Zonhoven-Molenheide was situated in a sandy podzol. It comprised several concentrations with more than 11,500 flint artefacts, of which more than 1,800 were refitted. Both horizontal and vertical distribution of the remains is discussed in detail. 76 figures illustrate profile sections, artefacts and refits. The occupation fits into t...

    57,67 €

  • Inter duos fluvios
    Maria Raffaella Ciuccarelli
    The book traces archaeological history of the Picene area from the 5th to the 1st centuries BC. The problem of romanization is accessed from the perspective of human occupation of the landscape and the administrative organization of that occupation. Examined are settlements, sacred and funerary contexts as well as sporadic finds from the area. ...

    81,28 €

  • The City and the Coin in the Ancient and Early Medieval Worlds
    Fernando López Sánchez
    Cities have tended throughout history to be the preferred location for the minting and circulation of coins and coinage has in turn generally reflected the importance of many of these cities. This work, a collection of eleven contributions, explores the relationship between cities and coinage during the extended period beginning in the third century BC and continuing up to the ...

    85,38 €

  • The First Neolithic Sites in Central/South-East European Transect. Volume III
    Specific Targeted Research Project on the Formation of Europe: Prehistoric Population Dynamics and the Roots of Socio-Cultural DiversityThe third volume in the series looking at early Neolithic sites (Körös Culture) in the central and south-east European transect. ...

    171,30 €

  • Arqueología durante la Transición Pleistoceno-Holoceno en Uruguay
    Rafael Suárez
    The main objective of this investigation is to obtain basic data that will allow the generation of cultural, geoarchaeological, paleoenvironmental and paleoecological knowledge about the Pleistocene-Holocene transition. In turn, this will facilitate the discussion of different topics about the peopling of Uruguay within the context of the peopling of America. The study presents...

    133,75 €

  • Aspects of the Cult of Cybele and Attis on the Monuments from the Republic of Croatia
    Aleksandra Nikoloska
    The cult of Cybele and Attis is a spiritual phenomenon of wide chronological and geographical range. There is abundant documentation of its existence, but even more numerous are the works of scholars engaged in the interpretation of the cult and the divine figures around it. It is a field of interest for linguists, classicists, archaeologists, historians and art historians, eth...

    58,16 €

  • The Eastern Wing of the Fertile Crescent
    Stefan Karol Kozlowski
    This book is a contribution to our understanding of the agricultural revolution that took place some 10,000 years ago in southwestern Asia. Kozlowski analyses lithic industries of the ‘Eastern Wing’ of the Greater Mesopotamia, that is the area of the foothills of the Taurus (from the Tigris) and the Zagros all the way to Khuzistan. The author provides a description of every ide...

    136,29 €

  • Analysing Maritime Archaeological Archives
    Jesse Ransley / Julian Whitewright / Julie Satchell
    With contributions by Jesse Ransley and Julian Whitewright.Maritime archaeological archives within the UK often face an uncertain fate. Some are deposited in public repositories, while others are dispersed, are deteriorating, remain uninterpreted and uncurated, are sold or sometimes abandoned. The net result puts elements of the nationally important cultural heritage resource, ...

    102,84 €

  • L’économie des matières premières de la pierre taillée d’Anatolie centrale au Chalcolithique ancien (6000-5500 cal. BC/ECA IV)
    Sonia Ostaptchouk
    Cet ouvrage présente l'étude détaillée de la pierre taillée de Çatalhöyük-West Mound, silex et obsidienne, dans une approche pluridisciplinaire et multi-scalaire. L'approche pluridisciplinaire comprend la caractérisation macroscopique et minéralogique de la matière première (spectroscopie infrarouge); la géologie et la géomorphologie (évaluation des ressources locales d...

    114,64 €

  • Studia Calactina I - Ricerche su una città greco-romana di Sicilia
    Emiliano Arena / Francesco Collura / Sergio Cascella
    With contributions by Sergio Cascella, Emiliano Arena and Benedetto Carroccio.Nonostante il suo nome non ricorra frequentemente nelle fonti letterarie antiche, la città greco-romana di Kalè Akté - Calacte, nel sito dell’odierna Caronia in provincia di Messina,  offre innumerevoli spunti di studio che la rendono non meno importante di altri centri antichi più noti e fin qui espl...

    195,49 €

  • Pre-Islamic South Arabia and its Neighbours
    This book presents proceedings of the 17th Rencontres Sabeennes held in Paris, 6-8 June 2013.                              ...

    125,80 €

  • Neolithic and Copper Age Monuments
    The Neolithic and Copper age monuments in Europe, consisting of stone temples and circles, standing stones, henge monuments, long barrows, megalithic graves, buildings and pyramids, are the most impressive remains of past societies and present striking features of the prehistoric landscape. This volume is concerned with these monuments and offers a broad and up-to-date discussi...

    87,51 €

  • The Archaeology of the Hellenistic Far East
    Rachel Mairs
    This book is intended as an introduction to the archaeology of the easternmost regions of Greek settlement in the Hellenistic period, from the conquests of Alexander the Great in the late fourth century BC, through to the last Greek-named kings of north-western India somewhere around the late first century BC, or even early first century AD. The 'Far East' of the Hellen...

    49,47 €

  • Pavimentos decorativos de Itálica (Santiponce, Sevilla)
    Irene Mañas Romero

    115,29 €