Catálogo de libros: Arqueología

6115 Catálogo de libros: Arqueología

  • Woodland and Forests in Medieval Hungary
    Péter Szabó
    Central European Series 2In this work the author investigates the pre-Turkish Hungarian landscape and describes how medieval woodland functioned. (Particular attention is given to the woods around Pilis and Bakony.) In combining this with evidence still visible on the ground, the author goes further than seeing trees and woods as mere "environment". His study in important in th...

    93,25 €

  • L’âge du bronze en Europe et en Méditerranée / The Bronze Age in Europe and the Mediterranean
    Le Secrétariat du Congrès
    Sessions générales et posters / General Sessions and PostersSection 11This book includes 24 papers from the general session 11 of the UISPP Congress held in Liège in 2001: The Bronze Age in Europe and the Mediterranean. ...

    128,17 €

  • Casting Experiments and Microstructure of Archaeologically Relevant Bronzes
    Barbara S. Ottaway / Barbara SOttaway / Quanyu Wang
    Compositional data on bronze artefacts of the European Chalcolithic and Bronze Age are now quite numerous. This study differs in that it indicates how the bronzes were made: hammered into shape or cast, the moulds, the cooling processes, and after casting techniques. The authors focus on the microstructure and behaviour of archaeologically relevant alloys cast with materials li...

    55,37 €

  • Art du Paléolithique Supérieur et du Mésolithique / Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Art
    Le Secrétariat du Congrès
    Acts of the XIVth UISPP Congress, University of Liège, Belgium, 2-8 September 2001Art du Paléolithique Supérieur et du Mésolithique/Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Art. Section 8 of the Acts of the XIVth UISPP Congress, University of Liège, Belgium, 2-8 September 2001.C 8.1 Art rupestre, métaphysique, idéologie. Iconographie et mythe du Paléolithique à l’époque actuelleCoordi...

    109,40 €

  • Provincial Cilicia and the Archaeology of Temple Conversion
    Richard Bayliss
    This is a study of the Christianisation of the built environment: the physical manifestation of the transition from paganism to Christianity in the Greek East. The core of the work comprises an archaeological exploration of temple conversion in terms of structural mechanics, logistics, chronology and socio-political implications. The author provides a re-assessment of the fate ...

    128,26 €

  • Cult and Death
    Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of Postgraduate Researchers, The University of Liverpool, May 2002The Liverpool Interdisciplinary Symposium in Antiquity (LISA) was envisaged as a forum for postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers to present their research and engage in discussion in an informal manner. The theme for LISA 2002, the potent combination of Cult and Death, ...

    54,88 €

  • Close Encounters
    The 18 papers in this volume are derived from papers presented at the Lisbon EAA conference in 2000. The work studies the links between trade and local production and between sea routes, shipbuilding and navigation techniques in a diachronic perspective from Antiquity to the Middle Ages and Modern times, in areas of the Ancient and of the New World, through historical sources i...

    101,44 €

  • Classification des sépultures à superstructure lithique dans le Levant et l’Arabie occidentale
    Tara Steimer-Herbet
    In the Levant and Western Arabia some 270 prehistoric cemeteries have been registered, representing approximately 25000 burials with lithic superstructures. These stone monuments are little known and their remains are at risk in the modern territories that contain them. A first look at the documentation available indicates that these burials appeared in the fourth millennium an...

    69,06 €

  • Violent Interactions in the Mesolithic
    Mirjana Roksandic
    Why another book on violence in prehistory? Do we have enough evidence to draw meaningful conclusions on the importance and meaning of violent interactions among sedentary and semi-sedentary hunter-gatherers of Europe? What methodological and theoretical questions do we hope to answer with this volume? Many questions on the evidence and meaning of confirmed violent interactions...

    60,86 €

  • Combining the Past and the Present
    This conference in honour of Randi Haaland was held in Bergen in September 2001. Although the title of the conference was ambitious, the aim was to highlight current research problems in fields where Randi Halaand has been particularly active. The current volume contains the proceedings of the conference, thus fulfilling its aims. The largest session was reserved for “Approache...

    109,65 €

  • Ancient Settlement in the Zammar Region
    Warwick Ball
    Volume I: Introduction and Overview.Excavations at Siyana Ulya, Khirbet Shireena, Khirbet Karhasan, Seh Qubba, Tell Gir Matbakh and Tell Shelgiyya, and other recorded sitesWith a forward by Michael Roaf (and with contributions by Stuart Campbell, Susan Gill, Anthony Green, Marion Pagan, St John Simpson, and David Tucker), Warwick Ball reports on the 1985-86 excavations by the B...

    107,19 €

  • Waffengräber im Alten Orient
    Ellen Rehm
    Zum Problem der Wertung von Waffen in Gräbern des 3. und frühen 2. Jahrtausends v. Chr. in Mesopotamien und Syrien                    ...

    150,88 €

  • Armes traditionnelles d’Afrique (dagues, poignards, glaives, épées, tranchets et couperets)
    Tristan Arbousse Bastide
    The author presents here a survey of over 500 examples, in 6 categories, of African traditional weapons including knives, daggers, long and short, swords, lances and throwing weapons. The items, from various contexts and regions, have full commentaries and are carefully drawn, including sheaths and scabbards where applicable. Examples from most of the leading collections are fe...

    101,37 €

  • Production and Management of Lithic Materials in the European Linearbandkeramik / Gestion des matériaux lithiques dans le Rubané européen
    Laurence Burnez-Lanotte
    Section 9: Néolithique au Proche Orient et en Europe / Neolithic in the Near East and EuropeColloque / Symposium 9.310 papers (8 in English, 2 in French) from the lithic materials session of the UISPP Congress in Liège in September 2001. The areas of discussion focussed on lithic production in the Linearbandkeramik (LBK) communities of Europe, including: exploitation and proces...

    49,80 €

  • Roman Domestic Wood
    Paola Pugsley
    Analysis of the morphology, manufacture and use of selected categories of domestic wooden artefacts with particular reference to the material from Roman Britain.          ...

    112,11 €

  • SOMA 2002
    Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Meeting of Postgraduate Researchers. University of Glasgow, Department of Archaeology, 15-17 February, 2002Edited by Ann Brysbaert, Natasja de Bruijn, Erin Gibson, Angela Michael and Mark MonaghanThe Symposium of Mediterranean Archaeology took place in February 2002 at the University of Glasgow. The conference was organised around a variety of th...

    88,08 €

  • Funerary Sacrifice of Animals in the Egyptian Predynastic Period
    Diane Victoria Flores
    The principal focus of this study is an analysis of "independent animal burials", as they are most often indiscriminately interpreted as early evidence for a religiously symbolic significance of the species that occur. Such a cultic interpretation only rarely is offered for the other category of burial, that of animals interred in or, in its later developed form, directly assoc...

    85,21 €

  • The Bronze Age Landscape of the Northern English Midlands
    David Mullin
    This study focuses on an area which up until now has not been studied in any great detail, and this is mainly due to a lack of any major visible archaeological remains. This study takes a thematic approach, first listing previous research and models for the Bronze Age in the chosen area of the Northern Midlands, a low-lying landscape formed after a period of glaciation and retr...

    69,47 €

  • Death, Society and Culture
    Mark A. Handley / Mark AHandley
    This volume is concerned with the monumental stone inscriptions from Spain and Gaul during the period from 300 to 750 AD, and therefore the vast majority of these inscriptions are Christian and Latin in origin, with a few Jewish and Greek ones as well. Inscriptions make up the largest body of surviving written material from this period, but this is a relatively ignored area of ...

    123,08 €

  • Acts of Discovery
    Matt Edgeworth
    This is a highly unusual and particularly interesting BAR which is very atypical in terms of its content and form from many of our other titles. This study deals with Ethnoarchaeology, which is the study of material culture in present-day contexts, not with regards to another field, but with respect to the material culture of archaeologists themselves. This is therefore as the ...

    66,92 €

  • Le rôle de l’environnement dans les comportements des chasseurs-cueilleurs préhistoriques
    Acts of the XIVth UISPP Congress, University of Liège, 2-8 September 2001SECTION 3 : PALEOECOLOGIE / PALEOECOLOGYColloque / Symposium C3.1The 17 papers in this volume represent the XIVth UISPP Liège Congress session on the dietary behaviours of prehistoric hunter-gatherers from as far afield as Poland and Israel, Spain and Croatia. The subsistence strategies of prehistoric hunt...

    85,87 €

  • The Spatial Structure of Kom el-Hisn
    Anthony Cagle
    Kom el-Hisn is located near the western edge of the Nile delta, midway between Cairo and Alexandria, and about 13 km west of the Rosetta branch of the Nile. It is composed of primarily Old Kingdom deposits (Dynasties V and VI, ca. 2500-2290 BC) but the site was also occupied in the Middle and New Kingdom periods. (It has been suggested that some First Intermediate burials are i...

    125,80 €

  • Neolithic Pottery from Wales
    Rick Peterson
    This work uses what is known about the Neolithic (4000-2400 BC) pottery of Wales to create a history of the meaning and use of that material. It is divided into two parts. In a thought-provoking and original first section, the author deals with some aspects of the history of archaeology, philosophy and science, and attempts to draw these ideas together into a methodology suited...

    106,94 €

  • New Developments in Italian Landscape Archaeology
    Edited by Peter Attema, Gert-Jan Burgers, Ester Van Joolen, Martijn Van Leusen and Benoît Mater.The 7 sections in this volume represent the proceedings of the three-day international conference ‘Regional Pathways to Complexity’ held in April 2000 at the University of Groningen. They bring together expert contributions on a broad range of common themes in Mediterranean landscape...

    133,75 €

  • Celtic Improvisations
    John Hooker
    Just over two thousand years ago, Julius Caesar set into motion events that would culminate in the conquest of the tribes of Gaul. It is to the coins of one of these tribes that this book addresses itself. The Coriosolites inhabited what is now Cotes-d'Armor in Brittany. The tribe has left a large number of coins: more than 20,000 are recorded, and no Celtic tribe is so wel...

    63,90 €

  • The Poseidonian Chora
    Mikels Skele
    The Poseidonian chora encompasses the plain South of the Sele River, which formed the ancient boundary between the Greek lands and the Etruscan territory to the North, East to the Alburnus Mountains and South to the Punta Licosa. The aim of this study is to understand the nature of the relationship between the Greek settlers of Poseidonia, founded at the turn of the sixth centu...

    58,73 €

  • La Representación del Cuerpo Femenino
    Trinidad Escoriza Mateu
    In essence, this is a book about the female body. The Neolithic figurative representations examined here form part of what is traditionally called Levantine Rock Art or, more recently, Rock Art of the Mediterranean Basin of the Iberian Peninsula. The region is understood to have occupied the whole of the Mediterranean Fringe, the coastal and pre-coastal regions of the Eastern I...

    122,93 €

  • The Lewes House Collection of Ancient Gems [now at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston] by J.D. Beazley, Student of Christ Church, 1920
    John Boardman
    J.D. Beazley's The Lewes House Collection of Ancient Gems (1920) was the first publication of engraved gems in what might be called the modern manner; indeed in many respects it remains a model few have even approached since and it is of an academic quality which is hard to match today. It is re-published here, with Beazley's descriptions and commentary, with updated re...

    64,06 €

  • La Costa Norte de Michoacán en la época prehispánica
    Javier Martínez González / Ma Antonieta Moguel Cos / Roberto Novella
    With contributions by Caroline Cartwright, Rosa Ma Flores Ramírez, Catherine Liot,  Elizabeth López Rincón, Ma Teresa Ramírez Herrera and Gerardo Villanueva ...

    125,72 €

  • The Role of American Archeologists in the Study of the European Upper Paleolithic
    Acts of the XIVth UISPP Congress, University of Liège, 2-8 September 2001Colloque / Symposium 6.6                       ...

    49,80 €