Catálogo de libros: Arqueología

6115 Catálogo de libros: Arqueología

  • Desert Boats
    Francis Lankester
    The aim of this study is to explore the rock-art of the Central Eastern Desert and has three objectives: to outline the petroglyphs’ distribution, to date them, and to explain who created them and for what purpose. It focuses in detail on the animal, human and boat images within the geographical and chronological context in which they were created; the landscape of what is now ...

    79,56 €

  • Grumento e il suo territorio nell’antichità
    Attilio Mastrocinque
    Roman and Lucanian Grumentum (Potenza province, southern Italy) represents a good archaeological case-study of a site over which no modern city has been built. It was abandoned at the end of the 11th century AD and used as a cultivation area for centuries. The sites provide a highly interesting sequence of data, concerning the first human settlements, the 'Enotrian' and...

    124,25 €

  • L’insediamento medievale nelle Colline Metallifere (Toscana, Italia)
    Francesca Grassi
    This volume presents eleven years of archaeological research carried out by the University of Siena at the castle of Rocchette Pannocchieschi (southern Tuscany, Italy). The research, starting from the distribution of the Middle Ages settlement in the region known as the 'Metal Hills', focuses on the specific role of the mining site of Rocchette Pannocchieschi, deriving ...

    102,35 €

  • The Archaeology of Gender, Love and Sexuality in Pompeii
    Lourdes Conde Feitosa
    The city of Pompeii, or Colonia Cornelia Veneria Pompeiorum, the stage of the action that takes place here, is seen by the author from the perspective of its integration in the macro-economic system of the Roman Empire. The characters that take the centre stage here are slaves, freed slaves and free citizens of low social status, distinguished from others by the place they occu...

    51,84 €

  • Mobility, Transition and Change in Prehistory and Classical Antiquity
    Proceedings of the Graduate Archaeology Organisation Conference on the Fourth and Fifth of April 2008 at Hertford College, Oxford, UKThis volume stems from the proceedings of the third conference of the Graduate Archaeology Organisation at Oxford (GAO) held 4-5 April, 2008 at Hertford College, Oxford. The conference title was Challenging Frontiers: Mobility, Transition and Chan...

    88,08 €

  • Qumran Revisited
    David Stacey / Gregory Doudna
    The discovery by Bedouin of ancient scrolls in caves near the Dead Sea in 1947 led to scholastic and popular excitement that continues to the present day. This volume will assist text scholars and archaeologists alike, as well as readers from other disciplines, and the interested public, in approaching a better understanding of the ancient texts of Qumran and the site where the...

    79,56 €

  • La eboraria andalusí
    Noelia Silva Santa-Cruz
    A comprehensive study of a wide range of Andalusian ivory artefacts from the Middle Ages.                              ...

    187,95 €

  • The Insular System of the Early Byzantine Mediterranean
    The backbone of seafaring mobility of humans and goods during the historical longue durée of the Mediterranean basin was formed by islands, both large and small. The present volume - resulting from an international workshop held in Cyprus in 2007 - focuses on the multifaceted character of the Mediterranean insular system during Early Byzantine times, ca. 400-700. Through a wide...

    93,74 €

  • Excalibur
    A collection of 16 papers to honour Arthur MacGregor and his work.                                      ...

    113,09 €

  • Representations of the Family in the Egyptian Old Kingdom
    Kim McCorquodale
    An investigation of the iconography and inscriptions in over 800 tombs and objects with provenances, from Old Kingdom Egypt throws light on the roles of women, marriage and inheritance amongst the elite class. The institution of marriage, including instances of divorce and polygamy are explored. This includes the roles of wives, mothers and sisters and the role of the 'elde...

    125,06 €

  • Greek Vases in the Imperial Hermitage Museum
    Anastasia Bukina / Anna Petrakova / Catherine Phillips
    with Addenda et Corrigenda to Ludolf Stephani, Die Vasen-Sammlung der Kaiserlichen Ermitage (1869)The Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg has one of the world's great collections of Greek vases. In addition to the numerous vases and fragments found on Russian territory, it includes those found in Italy and acquired directly or purchased from other collectors, most notably the...

    136,22 €

  • Tecnotipología y distribución espacial del material macrolítico del Cerro de la Virgen de Orce (Granada)
    Selina Delgado-Raack
    Cerro de la Virgen is a classic site on the Iberian peninsula for the Copper-Bronze Age transition. Excavations in the 1960s and 1970s unearthed crucial stratigraphic sequences used for all later Copper/Bronze Age studies of the Iberian peninsula. This book examines all the stone tools from the site through which a new insight into the Los Millares culture is given. ...

    118,82 €

  • Zeus in Early Greek Mythology and Religion
    Olga A. Zolotnikova / Olga AZolotnikova
    This monograph examines the religious and mythological concepts of Zeus from prehistoric times until the Early Archaic period. The research was performed as an interdisciplinary study involving the evidence of the Homeric poems, archaeology, linguistics,as well as comparative Indo-European material. It is argued that Greek Zeus, as a god with certainly established Indo-European...

    102,44 €

  • Female Burial Traditions of the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age
    Alice Rogers
    This study examines female representation in British Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age (2500 - 1500 BC) funerary practices. Chronology relating to the burial practices is studied, from large scale change over time through to small scale individual chronologies; looking at age representation. In contrast to previous approaches, this study moves beyond purely looking at the grave...

    63,16 €

  • Sulle spalle dei saccarii
    Elena Martelli
    This work examines a group of clay figurines representing porters carrying sacks (saccarii) recovered from Ostia and other harbours. The saccarii were responsible for the loading and unloading of goods from ships to river boats and warehouses. Contextual and iconographic analyses of the statuettes suggest they represented the religious symbol (genius) of the workers' guild ...

    82,67 €

  • Composantes culturelles et premières productions céramiques du Bronze ancien dans le Sud-Est de la France
    The results of research over a period of ten years into the question of the origins of the Early Bronze Age in south-eastern France. The study includes investigations into ceramic production using typological, semiotic and petrographic methodologies. The CD includes analyses of a wide range of documentary material. ...

    208,93 €

  • La configuración urbana de la Hispania tardoantigua
    Pilar Diarte Blasco
    This research focuses on the Roman province of Hispania, looking at the evolution of public spaces in classical cities and taking the classical urban centre as a starting point. The first section presents an analysis of public spaces, city by city (fora,macella, baths, theatres, amphitheatres, circuses, walls and other features) and develops to explore the concepts and conseque...

    184,59 €

  • The Taíno Settlement at Guayguata
    Kit W. Wesler / Kit WWesler / Philip Allsworth-Jones
    In 1998 the authors of this report initiated a Jamaican Taíno archaeological project as a joint program of the Department of History, University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica, and Murray State University, Kentucky, USA. The objectives were to conduct a systematic archaeological investigation of a Taíno community (c. 1000-1700 AD), towards understanding its chronology, subsi...

    71,52 €

  • Gorse Stacks - 2000 Years of Quarrying and Waste Disposal in Chester
    Chris Hewitson / Richard Cuttler / Sam Hepburn
    Birmingham Archaeology Monograph Series 13Written by Richard Cuttler, Sam Hepburn, Chris Hewitson and Kristina KrawiecThe site of Delamere Street lies just outside the North gate of the Roman and medieval Chester (n/w England) and in recent years has been subject to intensive investigation as part of the Gorse Stacks development. This publication represents the culmination of t...

    117,69 €

  • The Good, the Bad and the Unbuilt
    Studies in Contemporary and Historical Archaeology 7This, the seventh volume in the series, brings together papers from the sixth CHAT Conference (2008), held at UCL on the theme of 'Heritage'. ...

    71,35 €

  • Navigated Spaces, Connected Places
    Edited by Dionisius A. Agius, John P. Cooper, Athena Trakadas and Chiara ZazzaroProceedings of Red Sea Project V  held at the University of Exeter, 16–19 September 2010British Foundation for the Study of Arabia Monographs No. 12  ...

    133,58 €

  • Symbolism in the Representation of Royal Children during the New Kingdom
    Georgia Xekalaki
    The subject of this work is the way that symbolism operates in official representations of the pharaohs' sons and daughters, during the historical period widely known as the New Kingdom (1550-1069 BC). The use of symbols in different expressions of Egyptian culture has been widely mentioned, and has been discussed from many different angles. Scholars have also analysed the ...

    181,95 €

  • From Illahun to Djeme
    A collection of papers in honour of Eyptologist Ulrich Luft.                                       ...

    184,75 €

  • Arqueología de la Puna Argentina
    South American Archaeology Series No 16                                             ...

    96,11 €

  • Archaeology and Biogeography of Prehistoric Freshwater Mussel Shell in Mississippi
    Cliff Jenkins / Evan Peacock / Paul F. Jacobs / Paul FJacobs
    Edited by Evan Peacock, Cliff Jenkins, Paul F. Jacobs, and Joseph GreenleafThe southeastern United States is home to the richest, most diverse freshwater mussel faunas on the planet, and Mississippi is no exception in this regard. Until fairly recent times, however, only qualitative lists of taxa were available and/or sampling was unsystematic and spotty. More recent work has t...

    124,31 €

  • Cuando el paisaje se convierte en territorio
    Andrea Moreno Martín
    Normally, in Archaeology, material culture tends to be the main object of study for past societies, especially those who have no written language. In this study the author also assumes that in addition to objects, landscape and spatial patterns are also part of the archaeological record to be analyzed. Today we know that the Iron Age Iberian territories are regional political e...

    163,27 €

  • Patterns of Burning over Archaeological Sites and Landscapes
    Alistair Marshall
    This programme of five geophysical analyses arose from specific problems encountered during survey and excavation of mid-later Iron Age settlement enclosures by the author in the Gloucestershire Cotswolds (UK). At these sites there was a need to supplement detailed magnetic mapping from gradiometry with higher quality data on magnetic susceptibility (MS), in order to establish ...

    87,27 €

  • La escuela de pintura de Sición y su fortuna crítica
    Jorge Tomás García
    The painters of Sicyon were rulers of a τέχνη in their artistic creation that allowed them to combine their natural talent for painting with a scientific method. The main objective of this book is to place Sicyon at the centre of an aesthetic conflict between Plato and Aristotle. The Sicyonian school of painting has always been identified as one of the main enemies of Plato for...

    103,16 €

  • Iron Age and Middle Saxon Settlements at West Fen Road, Ely, Cambridgeshire
    Andrew Mudd / Michael Webster
    Northamptonshire Archaeology Monograph 2A programme of archaeological excavation was undertaken by Northamptonshire Archaeology in 1999-2000 on land to the north of West Fen Road, Ely, in response to conditions upon planning permission for housing development. The excavation, conducted in several stages, examined substantial parts of later Iron Age and Middle Saxon settlements....

    81,93 €

  • In Memoriam

    160,48 €