Catálogo de libros: Arqueología

5050 Catálogo de libros: Arqueología

  • Late Bronze and Iron Age Chalices in Canaan and Ancient Israel
    Robert Grutz
    This study arranges in chronological order approximately 450 ceramic artefacts known as chalices found in more than 50 excavations in Late Bronze and Iron Age strata within Canaan and Ancient Israel. The study also proposes a typology for these chalices. ...

    120,38 €

  • Bronze Age Anthropomorphic Figurines from Umm el-Marra, Syria
    Alice Petty
    The subject of this volume is the corpus of 203 Bronze Age anthropomorphic clay figurines and figurine fragments recovered from various archaeological contexts at Umm el-Marra, Syria, between 1994 and 2002. As a class of objects, anthropomorphic clay figurines are an important subject of study because they are very common in the archaeological record and yet they are poorly und...

    72,09 €

    Branko Kirigin
    This is the first detailed study in English of the Greek settlement of Pharos (Stari Grad) on the Croatian island of Hvar. This book presents life in Stari Grad (a Parian colony of the 4th c BC) and its nearby vicinity in the period occurring more than two millennia ago. The author employs methods used in prehistoric and classical archaeology, as well as data known from written...

    90,79 €

  • Paleolithic Zooarchaeology in Practice
    Understanding Paleolithic animal exploitation requires a multifaceted approach. Inferences may derive from research on paleoenvironments and taphonomy, the development of new methods for interpreting seasonality patterns, and ethnoarchaeological observations. A full understanding of Paleolithic economies also requires a multiregional perspective. This volume brings together a g...

    55,20 €

  • Ethnic Boundaries in Neolithic Norway
    Knut Andreas Bergsvik
    During the transition to the early Neolithic, a number of changes took place among the hunter-fishers of southern Norway. New resources were exploited, and some groups took up agriculture. Several new artefacts were invented and more lithic raw materials were quarried. People became increasingly sedentary and distinctive regional traditions developed. At the same time, long dis...

    136,61 €

  • Iron Age Societies in the Severn-Cotswolds
    Tom Moore
    The central theme of this study is an examination of the processes of change in Iron Age social organisation and identity on a regional scale using the Severn-Cotswolds area in England as a case study. It aims to provide a coherent narrative of the period in the region based on the wealth of current data now available, providing a basic storyboard against which future studies c...

    144,57 €

  • Charcoal Analysis
    Alexa Dufraisse
    Papers from the Table-Ronde held in Basel 20049 papers from a symposium held in Basel in 2004 to discuss current aspects of charcoal analysis.              ...

    58,24 €

  • Archaeology of the Mimbres Region Southwestern New Mexico U.S.A.
    Stephen H. Lekson / Stephen HLekson
    This volume summarizes the archaeology of the Mimbres area. Mimbres is the archaeological term for ancient Native American peoples who lived along the river of that name (the Rio Mimbres) and several other valleys in the southwestern corner of the state of New Mexico. They flourished, artistically, from about A.D. 950 to 1150; and the characteristic black-on-white pottery of th...

    80,05 €

  • The Archaeology of Alderley Edge
    A. J. N. W. Prag / AJNWPrag / Simon Timberlake

    166,06 €

  • Architecture and Archaeology in the Cyclades
    9 papers presented at a colloquium held in honour of J.J. Coulton at Lincoln College, Oxford on 17 April 2004, to mark his retirement from the Readership in Classical Archaeology at Merton College, Oxford. Jim Coulton devoted much of his early career to the study of Cycladic architecture. He saw earlier than most how important this area would be in advancing our knowledge not o...

    108,42 €

  • Investigating Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherer Identities
    Edited by H. L. Cobb, F. Coward, L. Grimshaw and S. Price.This volume stems from sessions at the 2004 Theoretical Archaeology Conference at Glasgow University, entitled "Hunter-Gatherers in Early Prehistory" and "Hunting for Meaning: Interpretive Approaches to the Mesolithic". The sessions came about as a response to a continuing lack of appreciation of new developments in theo...

    60,70 €

  • The Assemblage of Bone and Ivory Artifacts from Caesarea Maritima, Israel, 1st - 13th Centuries CE
    Etan Ayalon
    This research deals with all "skeletal material" finds (bone, ivory and antler) from the work of the three teams excavating at Caesarea Maritima, Israel, over recent years: the Israel Antiquities Authority team; the combined expedition team of the Rekanati Center for Maritime Studies, University of Haifa, and the Department of History, University of Maryland in the United State...

    195,98 €

  • Modern Trends in European Egyptology
    Amanda-Alice Maravelia
    Papers from a Session held at the European Association of Archaeologists Ninth Annual Meeting in St. Petersburg 2003                       ...

    58,08 €

  • Lithics ’Down Under’
    This monograph takes a new look at various aspects of stone artefact analysis that reveal important and exciting new information about the past, and in particular Australian perspectives on lithics. The ten papers making up this volume tackle a number of issues that have long been at the heart of archaeology's problematic relationship with stone artefacts, including our und...

    58,90 €

  • Just Skin and Bones? New Perspectives on Human-Animal Relations in the Historical Past
    Aleksander Pluskowski
    This volume of nine papers is derived from two sessions focusing on current research in British zooarchaeology; the first of which took place on Wednesday 17th October 2003, at the meeting of the Theoretical Archaeology Group in Lampeter, entitled 'Just Skin and Bones? New Perspectives on Human-Animal Relations in the Historical Past'; and the second of which took place...

    58,73 €

  • Kbor Klib and the Battle of Zama
    Duncan Ross
    An analysis of the monument in Tunisia and its possible connection with the battle waged between Hannibal and Scipio in 202BCIn the remote countryside of north-central Tunisia, between the cities of Siliana and Le Kef, stands a ruined stone structure known as Kbor Klib. A thorough examination of North African archaeological documentation reveals that the monument has over the y...

    49,80 €

  • Âge du Fer en Europe / The Iron Age in Europe
    Le Secrétariat du Congrès
    Acts of the XIVth UISPP Congress, University of Liège, Belgium, 2-8 September 2001. Section 1214 papers, 5 in English and 9 in French.           ...

    66,68 €

  • The Forest, Park and Palace of Clarendon, c.1200-c.1650
    Amanda Richardson
    Reconstructing an actual, conceptual and documented Wiltshire landscapeThe main argument of this thesis is that the landscape and locality of Clarendon Forest and Park (some 6 km east of Salisbury, Wiltshire, England) were strongly influenced by the presence (or, later, absence) of Clarendon Palace, which fell into decay in the late fifteenth century. The first sure evidence of...

    88,17 €

  • Performance, Power and the Art of the Aegean Bronze Age
    Senta C. German / Senta CGerman
    In this volume, the author investigates the sudden appearance of the human form in the visual remains of the Aegean Bronze Age at the beginning of the historical period referred to as Late Minoan. Found in a range of media, the beauty of the images of men and women, as well as the great skill of their execution emerging so suddenly, called out for exploration. The study attempt...

    61,03 €

  • Woodland and Forests in Medieval Hungary
    Péter Szabó
    Central European Series 2In this work the author investigates the pre-Turkish Hungarian landscape and describes how medieval woodland functioned. (Particular attention is given to the woods around Pilis and Bakony.) In combining this with evidence still visible on the ground, the author goes further than seeing trees and woods as mere "environment". His study in important in th...

    93,25 €

  • L’âge du bronze en Europe et en Méditerranée / The Bronze Age in Europe and the Mediterranean
    Le Secrétariat du Congrès
    Sessions générales et posters / General Sessions and PostersSection 11This book includes 24 papers from the general session 11 of the UISPP Congress held in Liège in 2001: The Bronze Age in Europe and the Mediterranean. ...

    128,17 €

  • Casting Experiments and Microstructure of Archaeologically Relevant Bronzes
    Barbara S. Ottaway / Barbara SOttaway / Quanyu Wang
    Compositional data on bronze artefacts of the European Chalcolithic and Bronze Age are now quite numerous. This study differs in that it indicates how the bronzes were made: hammered into shape or cast, the moulds, the cooling processes, and after casting techniques. The authors focus on the microstructure and behaviour of archaeologically relevant alloys cast with materials li...

    55,37 €

  • Art du Paléolithique Supérieur et du Mésolithique / Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Art
    Le Secrétariat du Congrès
    Acts of the XIVth UISPP Congress, University of Liège, Belgium, 2-8 September 2001Art du Paléolithique Supérieur et du Mésolithique/Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Art. Section 8 of the Acts of the XIVth UISPP Congress, University of Liège, Belgium, 2-8 September 2001.C 8.1 Art rupestre, métaphysique, idéologie. Iconographie et mythe du Paléolithique à l’époque actuelleCoordi...

    109,40 €

  • Provincial Cilicia and the Archaeology of Temple Conversion
    Richard Bayliss
    This is a study of the Christianisation of the built environment: the physical manifestation of the transition from paganism to Christianity in the Greek East. The core of the work comprises an archaeological exploration of temple conversion in terms of structural mechanics, logistics, chronology and socio-political implications. The author provides a re-assessment of the fate ...

    128,26 €

  • Cult and Death
    Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of Postgraduate Researchers, The University of Liverpool, May 2002The Liverpool Interdisciplinary Symposium in Antiquity (LISA) was envisaged as a forum for postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers to present their research and engage in discussion in an informal manner. The theme for LISA 2002, the potent combination of Cult and Death, ...

    54,88 €

  • Close Encounters
    The 18 papers in this volume are derived from papers presented at the Lisbon EAA conference in 2000. The work studies the links between trade and local production and between sea routes, shipbuilding and navigation techniques in a diachronic perspective from Antiquity to the Middle Ages and Modern times, in areas of the Ancient and of the New World, through historical sources i...

    101,44 €

  • Violent Interactions in the Mesolithic
    Mirjana Roksandic
    Why another book on violence in prehistory? Do we have enough evidence to draw meaningful conclusions on the importance and meaning of violent interactions among sedentary and semi-sedentary hunter-gatherers of Europe? What methodological and theoretical questions do we hope to answer with this volume? Many questions on the evidence and meaning of confirmed violent interactions...

    60,86 €

  • Combining the Past and the Present
    This conference in honour of Randi Haaland was held in Bergen in September 2001. Although the title of the conference was ambitious, the aim was to highlight current research problems in fields where Randi Halaand has been particularly active. The current volume contains the proceedings of the conference, thus fulfilling its aims. The largest session was reserved for “Approache...

    109,65 €

  • Ancient Settlement in the Zammar Region
    Warwick Ball
    Volume I: Introduction and Overview.Excavations at Siyana Ulya, Khirbet Shireena, Khirbet Karhasan, Seh Qubba, Tell Gir Matbakh and Tell Shelgiyya, and other recorded sitesWith a forward by Michael Roaf (and with contributions by Stuart Campbell, Susan Gill, Anthony Green, Marion Pagan, St John Simpson, and David Tucker), Warwick Ball reports on the 1985-86 excavations by the B...

    107,19 €

  • Production and Management of Lithic Materials in the European Linearbandkeramik / Gestion des matériaux lithiques dans le Rubané européen
    Laurence Burnez-Lanotte
    Section 9: Néolithique au Proche Orient et en Europe / Neolithic in the Near East and EuropeColloque / Symposium 9.310 papers (8 in English, 2 in French) from the lithic materials session of the UISPP Congress in Liège in September 2001. The areas of discussion focussed on lithic production in the Linearbandkeramik (LBK) communities of Europe, including: exploitation and proces...

    49,80 €