Catálogo de libros: Arqueología

5050 Catálogo de libros: Arqueología

  • Early Anglo-Saxon Communities in the Landscape of Norfolk
    Mary Chester-Kadwell
    This work is a study of Anglo-Saxon mortuary and settlement practices in the landscape of Norfolk (eastern England) from the early fifth to the early seventh centuries AD. It considers the places chosen by communities as cemeteries and settlements, and asks why they made these choices. It also investigates how metal-detector finds reported by members of the public, and commonly...

    120,56 €

  • Gender Identities in Italy in the First Millennium BC
    This book includes papers from a conference held at the Institute of Classical Studies, London, in June 2006.                         ...

    77,26 €

  • War and Rumors of War. The Evidential Base for the Recognition of Warfare in Prehistory
    Julie Wileman
    The goal of this study is to examine the potential for the understanding and recognition of the processes and occurrence of prehistoric warfare through the development of a series of correlates, resulting in testable models that can be applied to the archaeological record. Such models need to be flexible and applicable across different periods and in a variety of geographical a...

    88,00 €

  • Measured on Stone
    Wallace Boone Law
    This monograph explores the many ways in which stone artefact reduction can be measured and used to discern prehistoric changes in artefact technology and land use from two sites in arid Australia. Several empirical techniques are used to investigate the nature of stone artefact reduction on spatial and chronological scales at Puli Tjulkura quarry (a white chert stone artefact ...

    80,12 €

  • Megalithic Quarrying
    Chris Scarre
    This book includes papers from the session entitled 'Megalithic Quarrying' presented at the XV UISPP World Congress (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006).            ...

    55,20 €

  • Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology
    This book presents the proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology (BABAO) that was held at the University of Reading in 2007. ...

    64,39 €

  • SOMA 2007
    C̊iğdem Özkan Aygün
    Proceedings of the XI Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Istanbul Technical University, 24-29 April 2007This book includes papers from the 11th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology held at Istanbul Technical University, 24 to 29 April 2007. ...

    230,66 €

  • The Manufacture of Iron in Ancient Colchis
    David A. Khakhutaishvili / David AKhakhutaishvili
    A study of early Georgian smelting sites. The features described here are remarkably consistent in their layout and the results of the present publication indicate a large, well developed industry. Further survey work should give us a better idea of just how large this prehistoric iron industry was, but it is already clear from the results reported in this book that the furnace...

    69,38 €

  • Okinawa
    Richard Pearson
    This book includes papers from the Symposium, Kingdom of the Coral Seas, November 17, 2007, at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. The symposium and lectures brought Okinawan archaeology to a wide audience, including many students, professionals and those with an interest in this fascinating part of the Japanese archipelago from across Europe and e...

    58,41 €

  • Portae cum turribus
    First published 1989, this book is a new edition of the proceedings of a seminar held in South Shields (N England) in July 1985 on the architecture of the gates and defences of auxiliary forts in the early principate. ...

    120,31 €

  • Bronze Age Field System at Tower’s Fen, Thorney, Peterborough
    Andrew Mudd / Ben Pears
    Archaeological excavation of about 11ha of land at Tower's Fen, Thorney, Peterborough (England), investigated part of an extensive pattern of ditched enclosures and fields associated with several waterholes and two ponds. One large pit, which may have been a waterhole, yielded Early Bronze Age pottery and is radiocarbon dated to the terminal 3rd millennium BC. Two other dat...

    55,86 €

  • The Economy of the Ringfort and Contemporary Settlement in Early Medieval Ireland
    Michelle Comber

    173,92 €

  • Australia and the Origins of Agriculture
    Rupert Gerritsen
    In this work the author explores issues of the origin of agriculture in Australia such as the “failure” of agriculture to develop indigenously, and its “failure” to diffuse into Australia, despite contact with Indonesian (Macassan) agriculturalists or New Guinean horticulturalists. Although not always explicitly stated or recognised, significant differences probably exist in th...

    106,78 €

  • The Early Neolithic in the Iberian Peninsula / Le Néolithique ancien dans la Péninsule Ibérique
    Mariana Diniz
    Proceedings of the XV World Congress UISPP (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006). Volume 18, Session C44This book includes papers from the session 'The Early Neolithic in the Iberian Peninsula: Regional and transregional components' held at the XV UISPP World Congress, September 2006. ...

    49,71 €

  • The Role of the Religious Sector in the Economy of Late Bronze Age Mycenaean Greece
    Susan M. Lupack / Susan MLupack
    Our conception of the Mycenaean economy has been considerably altered in recent times. The palatial administration has gone from being conceived of as a centralized, almost totalitarian bureaucracy that collected and subsequently redistributed goods to the society at large, to one that is conceived of as predominantly interested in mobilizing resources almost solely for the pur...

    93,41 €

  • Vulvae, Eyes, Snake Heads. Archaeological Finds of Cowrie Amulets
    László Kovács
    A comprehensive study of cowries and other shells, including fossilised material.With malacological identifications by Gyula Radócz.              ...

    240,33 €

  • Incremental Structures and Wear Patterns of Teeth for Age Assessment of Red Deer
    Tina Dudley Furniss-Roe
    The ability to age animals accurately is of great importance both to archaeologists and to wildlife managers. Archaeologists are also particularly interested in the ability to determine the season of death of mammals, in order to reach a greater understanding of how man was exploiting or responding to his environment. A number of methods of age determination are available to wi...

    69,22 €

  • Bucket-Shaped Pots
    Asbjørn Engevik jr
    A study of bucket-shaped pots from 986 Norwegian graves. These graves include altogether 1179 bucket-shaped pots or fragments of pots. Bucket-shaped pots represent a ceramic category that is special to Norway. Other than in Norway, only a few pots have been recorded in Sweden, and only a single find comes from Denmark. The premise of this study is the consideration that a thoro...

    125,55 €

  • POCA 2005. Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology
    Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting of Young Researchers on Cypriot Archaeology, Department of Classics, Trinity College, Dublin, 21-22 October 2005The fifth Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology (POCA) workshop took place from the 21st to 22nd October 2005, hosted by the Department of Classics, Trinity College Dublin. POCA is a workshop originally designed to provide postgradua...

    60,70 €

  • The History of Early Medieval Towns of North and Central Italy
    Giacomo Gonella
    This work details current research and the knowledge of the Early Medieval town in Italy. The chronological and geographical limits of this analysis (the regions of Central and Northern Italy between Late Antiquity, c. 4th-5th century, and the end of the Early Middle Ages, c. 10th-11th century) have been selected on the basis of the changes and the solutions that emerged for po...

    49,96 €

  • Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology
    13 papers presented at the Eighth Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology, held at the University of Birmingham in September 2006.    ...

    61,28 €

  • Socio-Economic Aspects of Chalcolithic (4500-3500 BC) Societies in the Southern Levant
    Sorin Hermon
    This work summarizes a techno-typological analysis of Chalcolithic (c. 4500-3500 B.C.) lithic assemblages from Southern Levant (sites from Israel, the Golan heights, the Jordan valley, Southern and eastern Jordan and eastern and north-eastern Sinai). This period witnessed major changes in the lifestyles of inhabitants in this region, representing the peak of a long development ...

    101,69 €

  • The Aegean Bronze Age in relation to the Wider European Context
    Helène Whittaker
    Papers from a session at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Cork, 5-11 September 2005This book includes five papers from the session 'The Aegean Bronze Age in Relation to the Wider European Context' presented at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Cork, 5-11 September 2005. ...

    58,24 €

  • Unearthing Prehistory
    Armand Salvador B. Mijares / Armand Salvador BMijares

    72,01 €

  • Patterns and Process in Late Roman Republican Coin Hoards, 157-2 BC
    Kris Lockyear
    In this study of Late Roman Republican coin hoards (157-2 BC), the author, rather than taking a specific testable hypothesis such as 'hoards from Spain have more coins of type A than hoards in Italy', prefers to tackle the question: 'what patterning is there in the hoard data?' Just as there are schools of archaeological thought there are schools of statistical ...

    129,24 €

  • Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology
    This book includes papers from the seventh annual conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology (BABAO), held at the Museum of London in 2005.   ...

    60,86 €

  • Minoan Kato Zakro
    Judith Reid
    A fresh look at Minoan Kato Zakro and its region (eastern Crete), in which the author explores the possible socio-economic development of this ever-fascinating site.         ...

    90,86 €

  • Royal Estates in Anglo-Saxon Wessex
    Ryan Lavelle
    This work, focusing on specific categories of royal estates, concentrates on the later Anglo-Saxon period in England (the mid-ninth century to the mid-eleventh AD). These centuries were a formative period in early medieval history, in which a state can be seen to have developed from a small kingdom to take control of lowland Britain, and, indeed, exert political influence over ...

    80,05 €

  • Incipient Globalization? Long-Distance Contacts in the Sixth Century
    Anthea Harris
    Reading Medieval Studies Volume 32This volume comprises the publication of a one-day conference held at the University of London (School of Oriental and African Studies) on 19th November 2005. The title of this volume is borrowed from Jan Aarte Scholte, who uses 'incipient globalization' to describe what he sees as the second historic stage of globalization: the period ...

    55,62 €

  • From Constantine the Great to Kandinsky
    Elisabeth Piltz

    49,71 €