Catálogo de libros: Historia militar

23743 Catálogo de libros: Historia militar

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  • Ludendorff’s Own Story
    Erich Ludendorff
    The first volume of German infantry General Erich Ludendorff’s memoir of World War I takes us from the 1914 outbreak of war, through trench warfare and several battles, to the end of 1916.The author speaks from his experiences commanding several divisions of Germany’s infantry during the notorious trench warfare of World War I. Despite adverse conditions on fronts which barely ...

    18,45 €

  • Ludendorff’s Own Story
    Erich Ludendorff
    The second volume of Erich Ludendorff’s memoirs of World War I begins with the Entente Offensive of early 1917, and concludes with the armistice which marked the end of the horrific conflict.By the later stages of the war, several new technologies plus the United States joining the Entente Cordial shifted the balance. Tanks were seen in far greater numbers than before, German s...

    18,53 €

  • The Future of War in its Technical, Economical and Political Relations
    Jean de Bloch / R. C. Long / RCLong

    28,53 €

  • The Braddock Expedition and Fox’s Gap in Maryland
    Curtis L Older
    One result of the French and Indian War was supremacy over the North American continent for the English and the largest land transfer in the history of the world. The French and Indian War provided military training to the men who would lead both the American and British forces in the American Revolution. It was a struggle with worldwide implications. One of the most important ...

    32,68 €

  • The Art of War
    Sun Tzu
    The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the Late Spring and Autumn Period (roughly 5th century BC). The work, which is attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu ("Master Sun", also spelled Sunzi), is composed of 13 chapters. Each one is devoted to an aspect of warfare and how it applies to military strategy and tactics. For almost ...

    10,40 €

  • Seven Pillars of Wisdom
    T. E. Lawrence
    'All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible.'-T.E. Lawrence, Seven Pillars of WisdomSeven Pillars of Wisdom (1922) by T. E. Lawrence is an autobiographical account of Lawren...

    25,85 €

  • Peacemakers
    Ida M. Tarbell
    'When one attempts to set down [...] his impressions of a great gathering like the Conference on the Limitations of Armament, he will find himself swayed from amusement to irritation, from hope to despair, from an interest in the great end to an interest in the game as it is being played.' -Ida Tarbell, The Peacemakers Peacemakers-Blessed and Otherwise (1922) by Ida Tarbell is ...

    18,66 €

  • The Victory at Sea
    Burton J. Hendrick / William S. Sims
    'Yet there was not the slightest sign of whimpering or discouragement. Ignorant of salt water as these men at that time were, they really represented about the finest raw material in the nation for this service.'-William S. Sims, The Victory at SeaIn Victory at Sea (1921), Adm. William Sims, leader of the US Navy in Europe in World War I, and renowned historian Burton J. Hendri...

    19,44 €

  • The Story of the Greeks
    H. a. Guerber / HAGuerber
    Ancient Greek history is full of fascinating events and adventures, with the refined culture and many Gods of olden Greece a highlight - this history, aimed at younger readers, summarizes the great civilization.Experienced historian and author Helene Guerber tells her history as a series of short and poignant stories. We hear of the founding of early cities such as Athens and T...

    11,22 €

  • A Footnote to History
    Robert Louis Stevenson
    'The story I have to tell is still going on as I write [....] it is a piece of contemporary history in the most exact sense.' -Robert Louis Stevenson, A Footnote to History (1887)A Footnote to History: Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa (1887), by Robert Louis Stevenson, describes 10 years (from 1882 to 1892) in the history of a civil war that Stevenson became involved with after ...

    18,27 €

  • Battle Studies
    Ardant du Picq
     Napoleon has said that in war the moral element is to all others as three is to one. Moreover, as du Picq impressively demonstrates, while all other circumstances change with time, the human element remains the same, capable of just so much endurance, sacrifice, effort, and no more. Thus, from Caesar to Foch, the essential factor in war endures unmodified. And it is not the va...

    27,44 €

  • An Account of the Danes and the Norwegians in England, Scotland and Ireland
    Jens J. A. Worsaae
    'My aim in it has been to convey a juster and less prejudiced notion than prevails at present respecting the Danish and Norwegian conquests.'-Jens Jacob Asmussen Worsaae, An Account of the Danes and the Norwegians (1852)An Account of the Danes and the Norwegians in England, Scotland and Ireland (1852) by Jens Warsaae, was based on his research into the Scandinavian invasions of...

    27,20 €

  • Recollections of Rifleman Harris
    Benjamin HARRIS
    The Recollections of Rifleman Harris constitute one of the few sources which depict the Napoleonic Wars from the viewpoint of an infantry soldier.Benjamin Harris was born in Portsmouth, England around 1781. He saw his first military action at the Battle of Copenhagen in 1807. Victorious, he and his regiment sailed back to English soil upon captured Danish vessels, and spent tim...

    9,69 €