Catálogo de libros: Historia general y mundial

26907 Catálogo de libros: Historia general y mundial

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  • The Instruction of Ptah-Hotep
    Battiscombe George Dunn
    The instructions of Ptah-Hotep and Ke’Gemni count among the most ancient texts in existence, originating between 2600 and 2400 B.C.; this edition comprises translations in modern English.Ptah-Hotep was a vizier, which was a highly ranking official or governor in ancient Egypt. He was apparently a man of great wisdom and renown: the text consists of a series of aphorisms and adv...

    10,39 €

  • The Mirror of the Sea
    Joseph Conrad
    Author Joseph Conrad described, in his essay collection The Mirror of the Sea (1906) and his novel The Arrow of Gold (1919), having, during his time in Marseilles, France, smuggling arms to Spain for the Carlist supporters of Carlos de Borbón y de Austria-Este, pretender to the Spanish throne. Although it likely he was involved in something other than weapons.  ...

    24,39 €

  • The Unabridged Devil’s Dictionary
    Ambrose Bierce
    Ambrose Bierce’s classic collection of witty and satirical asides, arranged alphabetically as a dictionary, is presented here in full.Known as a hero for his actions in the American Civil War, Bierce distinguished himself later in life as a barbed commentator who would turn his ire to all sorts of topics. Today, most of his journalism and opinion pieces are consigned to obscuri...

    12,32 €

  • The Baby Party
    F. Scott Fitzgerald
    '...the very vitality of the child irritated him...and one Sunday afternoon when she had disrupted a bridge game by permanently hiding up the ace of spades, he had made a scene that had reduced his wife to tears. -F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Baby Party (1925) The Baby Party (1925) was first published in Hearst’s International Cosmopolitan at the height of the author’s magazine fic...

    7,36 €

  • How to Live on $36,000 a Year and How to Live on Practically Nothing a Year
    F. Scott Fitzgerald
    'We were going to the Old World to find a new rhythm to our lives...With a true conviction that we had left our old selves behind forever.' -F. Scott Fitzgerald, How to Live on Practically Nothing a Year (1924) How to Live on $36,000 a Year and How to Live on Practically Nothing a Year (1924) by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a compilation of two essays which details Fitzgerald’s attem...

    9,10 €

  • How to Live on $36,000 a Year
    F. Scott Fitzgerald
    'I found one day to my horror that I didn’t have a dollar in the world...This particular crisis passed the next morning when the discovery that publishers sometimes advance royalties sent me hurriedly to mine.' -F. Scott Fitzgerald, How to Live on $36,000 a Year (1924) How to Live on $36,000 a Year (1924) by F. Scott Fitzgerald is an essay which details Fitzgerald’s attempt to ...

    7,36 €

  • Absolution
    F. Scott Fitzgerald
    '... Absolution is a penetrating and profound effort to articulate life in primal and dark conflict.'-The New York Times (1926)Absolution (1924) by F. Scott Fitzgerald is the story of adolescent Rudolph Miller, a romantic dreamer who attempts to escape his small, Midwestern town through the lies he tells and the alter ego he creates. Rudolph’s revelations in the confessional to...

    7,53 €

  • How to Live on Practically Nothing a Year
    F. Scott Fitzgerald
    'When your eyes first fall upon the Mediterranean you know at once why it was here that man first stood erect and stretched out his arms toward the sun. It is a blue sea...' -F. Scott Fitzgerald, How to Live on Practically Nothing a Year (1924) How to Live on Practically Nothing a Year (1924) by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a follow-up essay to How to Live on $36,000 a Year, that chr...

    7,47 €

  • Peacemakers
    Ida M. Tarbell
    'When one attempts to set down [...] his impressions of a great gathering like the Conference on the Limitations of Armament, he will find himself swayed from amusement to irritation, from hope to despair, from an interest in the great end to an interest in the game as it is being played.' -Ida Tarbell, The Peacemakers Peacemakers-Blessed and Otherwise (1922) by Ida Tarbell is ...

    18,66 €

  • Hands Off Mexico
    John Kenneth Turner
    'There can be no more important issue than the issue of war with Mexico; for all other issues are tied up with it. The forces of progress will have to gather swift strength, or they will feel the crunch of the Iron Heel.' -John Kenneth Turner, Hands Off MexicoIn Hands Off Mexico (1918), John Kenneth Turner, who, along with his wife, had long been involved in Mexico’s revolution...

    14,80 €

  • Six Red Months in Russia
    Louise Bryant
    'Socialism is here, whether we like it or not-just as woman suffrage is here-and it spreads with the years. In Russia the socialist state is an accomplished fact.'-Louise Bryant, Six Red Months in RussiaSix Red Months in Russia (1918) is a collection of articles Louise Bryant wrote about her first trip to Russia shortly after the Bolshevik revolution. Bryant’s objective was to ...

    32,71 €

  • The Business of Being a Woman
    Ida M. Tarbell
    'The only reason I am glad I am a woman is because I will not have to marry one.'-Ida TarbellIn The Business of Being a Woman (1913), Ida Tarbell rode the wave of an upsurge in interest in the changing role of women in Western culture. Since she was among the earliest writers to explore this social phenomenon, the book is truly a pioneering work. In it, the author acknowledges ...

    21,21 €

  • Barbarous Mexico
    John Kenneth Turner
    'I found Mexico to be a land where the people are poor because they have no rights, where peonage is the rule for the great mass, and where actual chattel slavery obtains for hundreds of thousands.' ― John Kenneth Turner, Barbarous MexicoIn Barbarous Mexico (1911), John Kenneth Turner describes the corruption and brutal labor system he observed during three years of involvement...

    25,95 €

  • Following the Color Line
    Ray Stannard Baker
    'The deeper one delves into the problem of race, the humbler he becomes concerning his own views.'-Ray Stannard Baker, Following the Color Line (1908)In Following the Color Line (1908), Ray Stannard Baker draws on the insights he gained from traveling more than 20,000 miles over three years (1906-1908) in both the North and South for the purpose of studying the race issue in Am...

    18,10 €

  • Ten Days in a Mad-House
    Nellie Bly
    'The insane asylum on Blackwell’s Island is a human rat-trap. It is easy to get in, but once there it is impossible to get out.' -Nellie Bly, Ten Days in a Mad-HouseTen Days in a Mad-House (1887) by Nellie Bly describes what happened when the author, a reporter for Joseph Pulitzer’s New York World, went undercover and had herself committed to the Women’s Lunatic Asylum on Black...

    9,38 €

  • Shakespeare
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    'How good and sound and inviolable his innocency, that is never to seek, and never wrong, but speaks the pure sense of humanity on each occasion.'-Ralph Waldo Emerson, ShakespeareShakespeare, the Poet (1850) by Ralph Waldo Emerson is one of seven essays Emerson included in his book, Representative Men (also available from Cosimo Classics). Like the other figures in this collect...

    7,47 €

  • Napoleon
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    'I call Napoleon the agent or attorney of the middle class of modern society; of the throng who fill the markets, shops, counting-houses, manufactories, ships, of the modern world, aiming to be rich.'-Ralph Waldo Emerson, Representative MenNapoleon, Man of the World (1850) is one of a series of addresses Ralph Waldo Emerson gave on the leaders who most influenced his work and w...

    7,50 €

  • Swedenborg
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    'Love consists in desiring to give what is our own to another and feeling his delight as our own.' -Emanual Swedenborg, Heaven and HellSwedenborg (1850) by Ralph Waldo Emerson is one of seven essays about internationally recognized scholars whom Emerson included in his collection, Representative Men (also available from Cosimo Classics). Although not widely recognized in curren...

    10,30 €

  • Plato
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    'Plato is philosophy, and philosophy, Plato-at once the glory and the shame of mankind, since neither Saxon nor Roman have availed to add any idea to his categories.'-Ralph Waldo Emerson, Plato, the PhilosopherBoth Plato, the Philosopher and Plato: New Readings (1850) by Ralph Waldo Emerson were originally published as one of a series about leaders who most influenced his work ...

    10,33 €

  • Montaigne
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    'Montaigne is the frankest and honestest of all writers. His French freedom runs into grossness; but he has anticipated all censure by the bounty of his own confessions.'-Ralph Waldo Emerson, MontaigneMontaigne, the Skeptic (1833) was the first in a series of addresses Ralph Waldo Emerson gave on the thinkers who most influenced his work and whose biographies eventually became ...

    7,53 €

  • Representative Men
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    'Other men are lenses through which we read our own minds.'― Ralph Waldo Emerson, Representative MenRepresentative Men is a collection of seven lectures by Ralph Waldo Emerson, published as a book of essays in 1850. The first essay discusses the role played by 'great men' in society, and the remaining six each extol the virtues of one of six men deemed by Emerson to be great. E...

    13,61 €

  • Goethe
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    'Society has really no graver interest than the well-being of the literary class.'-Ralph Waldo Emerson, Goethe; or, the WriterGoethe, the Writer (1850) by Ralph Waldo Emerson is one of seven lectures Emerson gave on the thinkers who most influenced his work and whose biographies eventually became the content of a collection entitled Representative Men (also available from Cosim...

    7,44 €

  • The American Scholar
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    'The scholar is that man who must take up into himself all the ability of the time, all the contributions of the past, all the hopes of the future...' - Ralph Waldo Emerson, 'The American Scholar' (1837)The American Scholar (1837), is an address delivered by Ralph Waldo Emerson to the Harvard Chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. Emerson’s writing was focused on providing a ph...

    7,50 €

  • Archko Volume
    W. D. Mahan
    W. D. Mahan investigates Roman, Greek and Jewish writings corresponding to the time of the death of Jesus Christ, including letters apparently written by Pontius Pilate; the Roman governor who sentenced the Son of God to death.This book combines translations to English of various ancient documents, which are purported to date to the time of the New Testament Gospels. These pape...

    24,33 €

  • Socks
    Ida Tomshinsky

    26,34 €

  • Narrative of a Journey from Tulpehocken
    Conrad Weiser
    Conrad Weiser recounts his life and his famous journey through the Tulpehocken lands, on his way to meeting a group of Native American chiefs for negotiations.The author describes his childhood in Germany, and how his father sold all of his land and possessions before departing for a new life in the colonies of New England. The beginning of the 18th century was a difficult and ...

    15,01 €

  • Art
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    'Art is a jealous mistress, and, if a man have a genius for painting, poetry, music, architecture or philosophy, he makes a bad husband and an ill provider.'-Ralph Waldo Emerson, ArtIn Art (1841) Emerson discusses the dual role of art in the human experience, providing opportunities for every individual to express themselves and giving all who choose it a medium to speak to eve...

    7,33 €