Catálogo de libros: Historia

194948 Catálogo de libros: Historia

  • Great Dissenters
    Norman Thomas

    16,60 €

  • The Life of the Mind in America
    Perry Miller

    17,04 €

  • Garrison Community
    Charlotte Wolf

    108,17 €

  • Papers in African Prehistory
    Fage / J. D. Fage / JDFage / Roland Oliver

    42,89 €

  • Party Leadership and Revolutionary Power in China
    Andrew Lewis

    47,44 €

  • Operation Overlord, Design and Reality
    Albert Norman

    69,54 €

  • Australia
    D. Pike / Douglas Pike / DPike

    56,68 €

  • The Vanity of Power
    John Milton Jr. Cooper / John Milton JrCooper

    121,47 €

  • The Dynamic of Mexican Nationalism
    Frederick C. Turner / Frederick CTurner
    This study examines the nature and some of the functions of nationalism in Mexican society, presents a theoretical framework for the use of the kind of nationalism that has characterized Mexico, and analyzes the extent to which that framework is relevant in the Mexican case. Turner discusses the hundred years before the revolution, but the central focus of the book is on the ef...

    76,95 €

  • Education in the Forming of American Society
    Bernard Bailyn
    In a pungent revision of the professional educator’s school of history, Bailyn traces the cultural context of education in early American society and the evolution of educational standards in the colonies. His analysis ranges beyond formal education to encompass such vital social determinants as the family, apprenticeship, and organized religion.Originally published in 1960.A U...

    51,56 €

  • Dare County
    David Stick
    David Stick recounts such exciting events as the settlement of the Lost Colony on Roanoke Island, the establishment and development of lighthouses, the daring exploits of the U.S. Lifesaving Service, and the famous first flight of the Wright brothers. ...

    7,01 €

  • First Families of Louisiana Volume I
    Glenn Conrad

    52,68 €

  • The First Families of Louisiana, Volume II
    Glenn R Conrad

    52,71 €

  • Politics of the Chaco Peace Conference, 1935-1939
    Leslie B. Rout / Leslie BRout
    After three years of indecisive but bloody war, guns lay silent in the Chaco Boreal in June 1935. Fifty years of bickering between Bolivia, a landlocked country seeking a river exit to the sea, and Paraguay, a land-hungry country seeking territorial aggrandizement and supposed mineral wealth, had culminated in open warfare in June 1932. By 1935 the antagonists, near exhaustion,...

    38,90 €

  • Western Window in the Arab World
    Leon Borden Blair
    Since November 8, 1942, when American troops in Operation Torch first landed on the beaches of North Africa, almost a million Americans-military personnel and their dependents-have lived in Morocco. Their impact on the political and social evolution of Morocco has been significant, but historians and political scientists before this book had made little effort to chart its cour...

    44,19 €

  • The Texas Land and Development Company
    B.R. Brunson / B.RBrunson
    Agricultural and urban development came late to the Texas South Plains, and frontier life lingered well into the twentieth century. In the decade preceding World War I numerous land companies flourished in the area and acted as catalysts for settlement and economic expansion. Prominent among these companies was the Plainview-based Texas Land and Development Company, founded in ...

    33,52 €

  • Showboats
    Philip Graham
    This book is a delightful and authoritative record of America’s showboats from the first one, launched in 1831, to the last, ultimately tied up at a St. Louis dock.It is also a record of the men and women who built and loved these floating theaters, of those who performed on their stages, and of the thousands who sat in their auditoriums.And, lastly, it is a record of a genuine...

    33,55 €

  • Unrest in Brazil
    John W. F. Dulles / John WFDulles
    ... I offer my life in a holocaust ... This people whose slave I was will no longer be slave to anyone. My sacrifice will remain forever in their souls and my blood will be the price of their ransom.President Getulio Vargas’ testament-written shortly before his suicide on August 24, 1954-was prophetic, for the Vargas legacy was to cast a shadow on political-military events of t...

    60,22 €

  • Search for Security
    M. J. Field / MJField

    23,87 €

  • Cuba
    Ramon Eduardo Ruiz

    16,68 €

  • Commissioner Lin and the Opium War
    Hsin-Pao Chang

    19,82 €

  • Life in the Argentine Republic In the Days of the Tyrants
    Domingo F. Sarmiento / Domingo FSarmiento / Mary T. Mann / Mary TMann

    23,54 €

  • History of the Underground Railroad as It Was Conducted by the Anti-Slavery League
    William Monroe Cockrum

    140,72 €

  • God, Man, and State
    Kathleen Freeman

    82,47 €

  • Chinese Coolie Emigration
    Persia Crawford Campbell

    122,91 €

  • The Industrial Revolution
    Beard / Charles Beard

    96,17 €

  • The Spanish Revolution
    Stanley G. Payne / Stanley GPayne

    26,87 €

  • The Marxian Revolutionary Idea
    Robert Tucker

    17,39 €

  • The Communist Collapse in Indonesia
    Arnold C. Brackman / Arnold CBrackman

    19,21 €

  • An Introduction to African Civilizations
    John G. Jackson / John GJackson / Willis Nathaniel Huggins

    121,66 €