Catálogo de libros: Humanidades

411034 Catálogo de libros: Humanidades

    Cultural understanding between the United States and China has been a long and complex process. The period from the mid-nineteenth century to the early twentieth century is not only a critical era in modern Chinese history, but also the peak time of illustrated news reporting in the United States. Besides images from newspapers and journals, this collection also contains pictur...

    165,78 €

  • Work
    Moving from biblical theology to systematic theology to practical theology, Work: Theological Foundations and Practical Implications offers a comprehensive theology of work. With contributions from a variety of leading theologians including Miroslav Volf and Samuel Gregg, this book brings together biblical scholars, ethicists, economists representing a spectrum of theological v...

    56,96 €

  • Beyond East and West
    John C.H. Wu / John C.HWu
    When John C. H. Wu’s spiritual autobiography Beyond East and West was published in 1951, it became an instant Catholic best seller and was compared to Thomas Merton’s The Seven Storey Mountain, which had appeared four years earlier. It was also hailed as the new Confession of St. Augustine for its moving description of Wu’s conversion in 1937 and early years as a Catholic. This...

    106,52 €

  • God Wants a House
    Lance Lambert
    Where is God at home? Is He at home in Richmond, VA? Is He at home in Washington? Is He at home in Richmond, Surrey? Is He at home in these other places? Where is God at home? There are thousands of living stones, many, many dear believers with real experience of the Lord, but where has the ark come home?Where are the staves being lengthened that God has finally come home? In G...

    8,68 €

  • Beyond Good and Evil
    Friedrich Nietzsche
    Nietzsche, though primarily a philosopher, wrote widely on art, philology, history, religion, tragedy, culture, and science.  In 1886, at the height of his powers, he published Beyond Good and Evil.  Here he examines much of the best of human thought--dogmatic philosophy, Judeo-Christian morality, science and democracy – and finds it lacking.  Rejecting “slave-morality” he pres...

    17,78 €

  • Uniforms of Russian army during the Napoleonic war vol.17
    Aleksandr Vasilevich Viskovatov / Mark Conrad
    This volume is related to the Russian Army during the zar Alexander I era, and are about the Guard cavalry regiments (part 1). Compiled at Saint Petersburg during the year from 1837 and 1851, the Historical Description of the Clothing and Arms of the Russian Army has had an enormous impact and great importance for the study on the history of Russian costume and uniformology dev...

    40,78 €

  • Relate with Me
    NG / Ngozi Emele
    Relationships are a vital part of our lives, and we continuously need ideas on how to sustain them. Therefore, this book serves as a guide to anyone who desires to have a good and Godly relationship either as a single person, dating, married or family, including tips on how to take care of your children from research.   3 ...

    11,70 €

  • Beyond Good and Evil
    Friedrich Nietzsche
    Nietzsche, though primarily a philosopher, wrote widely on art, philology, history, religion, tragedy, culture, and science.  In 1886, at the height of his powers, he published Beyond Good and Evil.  Here he examines much of the best of human thought--dogmatic philosophy, Judeo-Christian morality, science and democracy – and finds it lacking.  Rejecting “slave-morality” he pres...

    7,72 €

  • Principios para la vida cristiana
    Mónica Mastronardi de Fernández
    Este libro provee un estudio de las bases doctrinales de la Iglesia del Nazareno alrededor del mundo, expresadas en sus Artículos de Fe. En un lenguaje sencillo expone las doctrinas acerca del Dios Trino, la Biblia, Jesucristo, el Espíritu Santo, el pecado y la salvación, la justificación, la santificación, la Iglesia y su propósito, los sacramentos (el Bautismo y la Cena del S...

    7,95 €

  • A Transforming Vision
    The study of Christian theology in the last half century has seen a major renaissance in Trinitarian thought which has attempted to connect Trinitarian theology to all aspects of Christian faith and practice. This revival has often addressed the unfortunate split which has haunted much modern theological endeavour between theology and both prayer and practice, the disjunction b...

    76,41 €

  • Murdered Judges of the Twentieth Century
    Susan P. Baker
    Although there have been individual books published about famous murder cases ranging from serial killers, mass murderers and more . . . .'Murdered Judges of the Twentieth Century' is the first collection of its kind. Susan P. Baker started this project because she was concerned with the prevalence of violence in American courthouses in the 1980s and 1990s. She had always thoug...

    21,93 €

  • Thoughts On Unity
    Todd Lorentz
    “Life is suffering”…so declared the Buddha more than 2500 year ago. No truer than this is what we are witnessing in the world today. War, widespread depression and mental illness, mass refugee movements, poverty, injustice and a collapsing global environment stand as testimony to the suffering that humanity endures based on the separation and alienation brought about by wrong i...

    17,05 €

  • Defeating Evil - God’s Plan Before the Beginning of Time
    Roger G. Gallop / Roger GGallop / Roger G Gallop
    This book describes the nature of God; creation and purpose of angels; creation of our physical world (including the original supercontinent); the creation and purpose of mankind; the origin of good and evil, and the fall of mankind; the effects of evil on humanity; the continuing problem of evil throughout history and in our world today; and God’s solution in defeating evil.Th...

    31,96 €

  • Defeating Evil - God’s Plan Before the Beginning of Time
    Roger G Gallop / Roger G. Gallop / Roger GGallop
    This book describes the nature of God; creation and purpose of angels; creation of our physical world (including the original supercontinent); the creation and purpose of mankind; the origin of good and evil, and the fall of mankind; the effects of evil on humanity; the continuing problem of evil throughout history and in our world today; and God’s solution in defeating evil.Th...

    22,13 €

  • The Origin Comes Alive
    Cale Rainer
    Believers and Atheists alike will get a firsthand look at the Divine Presence as it reveals the intimate behaviors and processes that compose a sense of GOD, and how this arose in social consciousness to inspire a global phenomenon known as Religion.The sense of life is taken to the limits of extreme perspective in this somewhat involved, yet intimate look into our social origi...

    9,92 €

  • The Sacrifice of Jesus
    Christian A. Eberhart / Christian AEberhart
    Exploring nonviolent images of atonement--The ''sacrifice'' of Jesus is one of the most central doctrines in Christianity--and one of the most controversial, especially in contemporary debate (and after the appearance of films such as The Passion of the Christ). The implications of a violent parent and the necessity of innocent suffering are profoundly troubling to many people....

    21,32 €

  • A Labyrinth Walk Of Life
    Lewis Tagliaferre
    Here is a collection of journaled essays leading to the inevitable belief in theological fatalism, aka Theofatalism. They include arguments from theology, psychology, politics, geology, technology, sociology, economics, history, cosmology and more. With this belief system, you can feel good inside no matter what happens outside. It may take several readings to get it, but anyth...

    13,41 €

  • EXPLAINING The Trinity
    David Pawson

    6,03 €

  • Kho tàng các giáo huấn siêu việt
    Orgyen Kusum Lingpa / Liên Hoa
    Hiện thân vinh quang sự toàn thiện nguyên thủy của hai tích tập và sự thuần tịnh bổn nguyên của hai che chướng được biểu lộ như trạng thái toàn thiện nguyên sơ, Đức Phật nguyên thủy Samantabhadra (Phổ Hiền). Sự xuất hiện của quang minh chói lọi và lòng bi mẫn không chướng ngại này được phô diễn như các hiện thân giác ngộ lẫn trí tuệ nguyên thủy. Nó hiển lộ như vô số cảnh giới t...

    9,45 €

  • Armed Robotic Systems Emergence
    Robert j. Bunker
    The fielding of armed robotic systems--droids and drones that are teleoperated, semi-autonomous, and even autonomous--has been slowly but surely transitioning from pure science fiction into military reality on the battlefields of the early 21st century. These systems currently have no artificial intelligence (AI) whatsoever and, in most cases, are simply operated by soldiers (a...

    8,64 €

  • Loved Fearless
    Rachael Sanowski
    Maybe you currently have no deep relationships.  Or maybe your relationships are so deep you're drowning in them.  In both cases, you have misplaced your worship.  You can find it again in the garden:  Not my will, but yours, God.  His will is to lead us to the green pastures and still waters of His love and care.  His will is to give us good gifts and good traveling compan...

    11,96 €

  • Bonita’s Dreams and Visions
    Bonita Smith-Sanchez
    Bonita’s Dreams and Visions is a book inspired by the life experience of both myself and my friends.The bible says “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” If we truly believe that in our heart and soul, we cannot take it back, so God will never leave us. We leave Him from fear of ma...

    20,91 €

  • The Blessings of Liberty
    Francis Pickens Miller
    Defining liberty as balance between freedom and security, the author speculates on the possibilities of the preservation of liberty and the Union. This is dependent on the subordination of commercial activities, sectional interests, and our varying social traditions to a common purpose--one that transcends and conditions all citizens to a continuing operation of our democracy o...

    48,58 €

  • Floralia
    June Rainsford Butler
    A century characterized by a growing interest in science, the opportunity for travel, and leisure for gardening furnishes the setting for Butler’s book. The rise of landscape gardening in England is traced, and the origin and history of its most famous gardens are given. The close relation between England and America in the field of horticulture is also discussed.Originally pub...

    61,20 €

  • George B. McClellan
    Bryan Conrad / H. J. Eckenrode / HJEckenrode
    In their study, the authors redeem the most ill-judged man in American history' and point out that it was he who took command of the Union forces and probably saved the Union cause. More than the stry of McClellan, it is the story of the nation’s capital fearful of invasion, of a Washington dominated by politicians and partisans, and of military intrigue in high places.'Origina...

    60,83 €

  • The Culture of Early Charleston
    Frederick P. Bowes / Frederick PBowes
    In the golden days of its material prosperity, Charleston built a pattern of culture whose opulence and grace have not been duplicated elsewhere in America. No American city espoused the cause of independence with more courage and spirit. This study of the culture of early Charleston adds to our knowledge of the American past and the American tradition.Originally published in 1...

    48,37 €

  • Europe and the Faith
    Hilaire Belloc
    “You have been told ‘Christianity (a word, by the way, quite un- historical) crept into Rome as she declined, and hastened that decline.’ That is bad history. Rather accept this phrase and retain it: ‘The Faith is that which Rome accepted in her maturity; nor was the Faith the cause of her decline, but rather the conservator of all that could be conserved.”“In the next period—t...

    14,15 €

  • Texans On the Camino
    Mo Houston
    Texans on the Camino is a daily journal of one couple’s trek walking the Camino de Santiago from St. Jean-Pied-de-Port, France, to Santiago, Spain. Through the eyes of Mo, she writes a daily blog using only her cell phone and typically writing at night using a headlamp for light. The miracles of the Camino come to life each day through the people they meet from all walks of lif...

    24,59 €

  • Otto Skorzeny
    Massimiliano Afiero
    Quella di Otto Skorzeny è sicuramente una delle figure più controverse ed interessanti della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, alla quale molti storici hanno dedicato articoli e libri, per esaltare o denigrare le sue azioni che nel bene o nel male furono comunque straordinarie: la liberazione del Duce sul Gran Sasso, l'operazione 'Panzerfaust' nell'ottobre del 1944, l'operaz...

    28,71 €

  • Computational Psychoanalysis and Formal Bi-Logic Frameworks
    Giuseppe Iurato
    Computational psychoanalysis is a new field stemming from Freudian psychoanalysis. The new area aims to understand the primary formal structures and running mechanisms of the unconscious while implementing them into computer sciences. Computational Psychoanalysis and Formal Bi-Logic Frameworks provides emerging information on this new field which uses psychoanalysis and the unc...

    282,18 €