Catálogo de libros: Humanidades

411034 Catálogo de libros: Humanidades

  • Pyrrhus
    Jacob Abbott
    Jacob Abbott was a prolific author, writing juvenile fiction, brief histories, biographies, religious books for the general reader, and a few works in popular science. Check out the following list of books to take and exciting, informative, and easy to understand stroll through history ...

    20,21 €

  • Plutarch’s Lives Vol. 3
    Plutarch’s Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans, commonly called Parallel Lives or Plutarch’s Lives, is a series of biographies of famous men, arranged in tandem to illuminate their common moral virtues or failings. The surviving Parallel Lives, contain twenty-three pairs of biographies, each pair consisting of one Greek and one Roman, as well as four unpaired, single lives. It...

    36,30 €

  • Plutarch’s Lives Vol. 1
    Plutarch’s Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans, commonly called Parallel Lives or Plutarch’s Lives, is a series of biographies of famous men, arranged in tandem to illuminate their common moral virtues or failings. The surviving Parallel Lives, contain twenty-three pairs of biographies, each pair consisting of one Greek and one Roman, as well as four unpaired, single lives. It...

    36,30 €

  • As a Man Thinketh
    James Allen
    Here is the definitive edition of As a Man Thinketh. In addition to James’ masterful text, this volume contains essays from international bestsellers Orison Swett Marden and Robert Collier. Let this book show you how the way you think affects your daily life. Millions of people have found the pathway to wealth and fulfillment with As a Man Thinketh. Long before there were the L...

    28,48 €

  • Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans Vol. 4
    Plutarch’s Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans, commonly called Parallel Lives or Plutarch’s Lives, is a series of biographies of famous men, arranged in tandem to illuminate their common moral virtues or failings. The surviving Parallel Lives, contain twenty-three pairs of biographies, each pair consisting of one Greek and one Roman, as well as four unpaired, single lives. ...

    36,22 €

  • King Alfred of England
    Jacob Abbott

    20,32 €

  • Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans Vol. 1
    Plutarch’s Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans, commonly called Parallel Lives or Plutarch’s Lives, is a series of biographies of famous men, arranged in tandem to illuminate their common moral virtues or failings. The surviving Parallel Lives, contain twenty-three pairs of biographies, each pair consisting of one Greek and one Roman, as well as four unpaired, single lives. ...

    36,30 €

  • Orthodoxy
    G. K. Chesterton / GKChesterton
    In Orthodoxy, Gilbert K. Chesterton explains how and why he came to believe in Christianity. In the book, Chesterton takes the spiritually curious reader on an intellectual quest. While looking for the meaning of life, he finds truth that uniquely fulfills human needs. This is the truth revealed in Christianity. Chesterton likens this discovery to a man setting off from the sou...

    37,36 €

  • Thought Relics
    Rabindranath TAGORE
    It is given to us to reveal our soul, that which is One in us, which is eternal. This can only be done by its passage through the fleeting Many; to assert the infinity of the spirit by continual sacrifice of forms. The self being the vessel that gathers and holds gives us the opportunity of giving up. If we believe only in self then we anxiously cling to our stores which causes...

    18,10 €

    Rabindranath TAGORE
    The poet Kabîr is one of the most interesting personalities in the history of Indian mysticism. A great religious reformer, the founder of a sect to which nearly a million northern Hindus still belong, it is yet supremely as a mystical poet that Kabîr lives for us. A beautiful legend tells us that after his death his Mohammedan and Hindu disciples disputed the possession of his...

    20,66 €

  • School of Obedience
    Andrew Murray
    The Father in heaven asks, and requires, and actually expects, that every child of His yield Him whole-hearted and entire obedience, day by day, and all the day. To enable His child to do this, He has made a most abundant and altogether sufficient provision in the promise of the New Covenant, and in the gift of His Son and Spirit. This provision can alone, but can most certainl...

    20,63 €

  • The Art of Literature
    Arthur Schopenhauer
    Collected here are eight short essays, On Authorship, On Style, On the Study of Latin, On Men of Learning, On Thinking for Ones Self, On Criticism, On Reputation, On Genius, by the world renowned philosopher Arthur Achopenhauer. ...

    20,54 €

  • Religion
    Arthur Schopenhauer
    Collected here are five short essays, A Dialogue, A Few Words on Pantheism, On Books and Reading, Physiognomy, and, Psychological Observations, by the world renowned philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. ...

    20,58 €

  • The Trial of Christ
    David K. Breed / David KBreed
    The great fact, and the Eternal Fact, in the life of Jesus was his death, because of our sins, upon the Cross. This was the fact which St. Paul declared he preached to the Corinthians 'first of all'; not that they were the first to hear it; not that it merely came first in the enumeration of the great truths of the Gospel; but that it was first in importance, the Eternal Fact o...

    18,06 €

  • Human Nature
    Arthur Schopenhauer
    Collected here are five short essays, Human Nature, Government, Free-will and Fatalism, Character, Moral Instinct, and, Ethical Reflections, by the world renowned philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. ...

    20,57 €

  • Paradiso
    Dante Alighieri
    Paradiso is a first person narration of Dante’s travels through Hell, but at a deeper level it represents allegorically the soul’s journey towards God. At this deeper level, Dante draws on medieval Christian theology and philosophy. A powerful work of art that has stood the test of time. This is the brilliant Henry Wadsworth Longfellow translation that placed Dante in his prope...

    28,04 €

  • The Weapon of Prayer
    Edward M. Bounds / Edward MBounds
    It must never be forgotten that Almighty God rules this world. He is not an absentee God. His band is ever on the throttle of human affairs. He is everywhere present in the concerns of time. 'His eyes behold, his eyelids try the children of men.' He rules the world just as He rules the Church by prayer. ...

    20,51 €

  • Purpose in Prayer
    Edward M. Bounds / Edward MBounds
    The more praying there is in the world the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil everywhere. Prayer, in one phase of its operation, is a disinfectant and a preventive. It purifies the air; it destroys the contagion of evil. Prayer is no fitful, shortlived thing. It is no voice crying unheard and unheeded in the silence. It is a voice which goes into God...

    20,54 €

  • Prayer and Praying Men
    Edward M. Bounds / Edward MBounds
    Old Testament history is filled with accounts of praying saints. The leaders of Israel in those early days were noted for their praying habits. Prayer is the one thing which stands out prominently in their lives. In this book E. M. Bounds chronicles the prayer lives of famous biblical men. ...

    20,54 €

  • Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses and Selected Sermons
    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses forever changed the world. This is one of Christianity’s most important documents. It was not, as most people assume, Luther’s explanation as to why he was separating from the Catholic Church, but it was a shot across the bow of a corrupt system that eventually lead to the Reformation. Also included in this edition are seven of Luther’s most i...

    20,59 €

  • Tao Te King
    The Tao Te Ching is a spiritual, inspirational poem that guides through life, helping us to live within each moment and find the beauty that is all around each of us. Simple, beautiful, and life changing.The Tao Te Ching is fundamental to the Taoist school of Chinese philosophy (Dàojia) and strongly influenced other schools, such as Legalism and Neo-Confucianism. ...

    20,54 €

  • Lao-Tzu’s Tao and Wu Wei
    The Tao Te Ching is a spiritual, inspirational work that guides us through life, helping us to live within each moment and find the beauty that is all around each of us. Simple, beautiful, and life changing. The Tao Te Ching is fundamental to the Taoist school of Chinese philosophy (Dàojia) and strongly influenced other schools, such as Legalism and Neo-Confucianism. ...

    20,51 €

  • On the Duty of Civil Disobedience
    Civil Disobedience argues that citizens should not permit their governments to overrule their consciences, and that they have a duty to avoid allowing their acquiescence to enable the government to make them the agents of injustice. Thoreau was motivated in part by his disgust with slavery and the Mexican-American War, but the sentiments he expresses here are just as pertinent ...

    17,75 €

  • Tao Te King
    The Tao Te Ching is a spiritual, inspirational poem that guides through life, helping us to live within each moment and find the beauty that is all around each of us. Simple, beautiful, and life changing.The Tao Te Ching is fundamental to the Taoist school of Chinese philosophy (Dàojia) and strongly influenced other schools, such as Legalism and Neo-Confucianism. ...

    20,54 €

  • Romulus
    Jacob Abbott
    Jacob Abbott was a prolific author, writing juvenile fiction, brief histories, biographies, religious books for the general reader, and a few works in popular science. Check out the following list of books to take and exciting, informative, and easy to understand stroll through history. ...

    20,23 €

  • The Cloud of Unknowing
    The Cloud of Unknowing draws on the mystical tradition of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite and Christian Neoplatonism, which focuses on the via negativa road to discovering God as a pure entity, beyond any capacity of mental conception and so without any definitive image or form. This tradition has reputedly inspired generations of mystical searchers from John Scotus Erigena, th...

    20,54 €

  • The Handbook
    Epictetus Epictetus
    No writings of Epictetus himself are really known. His discourses were transcribed and compiled by his pupil Arrian (author of the Anabasis Alexandri). The main work is The Discourses, four books of which have been preserved (out of an original eight). Arrian also compiled a popular digest, entitled the Enchiridion, or Handbook. In a preface to the Discourses, addressed to Luci...

    14,26 €

  • The Art of Living
    Epictetus Epictetus
    No writings of Epictetus himself are really known. His discourses were transcribed and compiled by his pupil Arrian (author of the Anabasis Alexandri). The main work is The Discourses, four books of which have been preserved (out of an original eight). Arrian also compiled a popular digest, entitled the Enchiridion, or Handbook. In a preface to the Discourses, addressed to Luci...

    15,57 €

  • The Histories
    Herodotus Herodotus
    Herodotus was an ancient Greek historian who lived in the fifth century BC (c.484 - 425 BC). He has been called the 'Father of History', and was the first historian known to collect his materials systematically, test their accuracy to a certain extent and arrange them in a well-constructed and vivid narrative. ...

    35,63 €

  • Westminster Confession of Faith
    The Westminster Confession of Faith is a Reformed confession of faith, in the Calvinist theological tradition. Although drawn up by the 1646 Westminster Assembly, largely of the Church of England, it became and remains the ’subordinate standard’ of doctrine in the Church of Scotland, and has been influential within Presbyterian churches worldwide. ...

    18,03 €