Catálogo de libros: Humanidades

411034 Catálogo de libros: Humanidades

  • Duch, Duše a Tělo I
    Jaerock Lee
    Poselství o „Duchu, Duši a Těle“ házejí světlo na hluboko skrytou část našeho ‚já‘ a učí nás o původu člověka. Jakmile se o tomto poselství dozvíme a důkladně ho pochopíme, budeme rovněž moci porozumět jakémukoliv člověku. Také se naučíme, jakými způsoby porazit síly temnoty, které na nás působí, a tak budeme moci vést vítězný křesťanský život. 3 ...

    11,90 €

  • Duch, Dusza i Ciało I
    Jaerock Lee
    Historia tajemniczych poszukiwań własnego „ja”  Jaki jest mój początek?Kiedy człowiek otrzymuje ducha?Czym jest ziarno życia, które stanowi źródło życia?Książka zawiera głęboką duchową odpowiedź na pytanie dotyczące tego, kim tak naprawdę jest istota ludzka oraz wgląd w świat czterowymiarowy.Dlaczego ci, którzy otrzymali Słowo Boga, nazwani są bogami?Niniejsza książka pomaga cz...

    11,90 €

  • Дух, Душа и Тело I
    Jaerock Lee
    Люди, как правило, хотят быть успешными, жить счастливо и обеспеченно. Но, даже обладая деньгами, властью и славой, никто не может избежать смерти. Шир Хуан-ди, первый император древнего Китая, искал эликсир жизни, но так и не смог уйти от смерти. А между тем, Библия учит нас тому, как обрести жизнь вечную. Источники этой жизни берут начало в Иисусе Христе.С того времени как я ...

    12,75 €

  • Duch, Duša a Telo I
    Jaerock Lee
    Ľudia chcú byť zvyčajne úspešní a žiť šťastný a pohodlnýživot. Ale aj keď majú peniaze, moc a slávu, smrti nemôžuuniknúť. Shir Huang-di, prvý cisár starovekej Číny, hľadal elixír života, ale ani on neunikol smrti. Prostredníctvom Biblie nás Boh učí spôsob, ako získať večný život. Tento život môžeme dosiahnuť skrze Ježiša Krista. 3 ...

    11,94 €

  • Linh, Hồn, và Thân Thể I
    Jaerock Lee
    Những điều đặc biệt mà người đọc có thể tìm hiểu từ cuốn sách này bao gồm những vấn đề sau:1. Thông qua sự hiểu biết thuộc linh về linh, hồn, và thân thể, là những thành phần của con người, người đọc có thể nhìn vào ‘bản ngã’ mình và đạt được cái nhìn sâu sắc về cuộc sống của chính họ.2. Họ có thể đạt đến một sự tự nhận biết cách trọn vẹn về chính con người của mình về ‘bản ngã...

    12,75 €

  • From Logos to Bios
    Wynand de Beer

    31,72 €

  • Le mura di Bergamo e l’esercito veneto fra 500 e 600
    Luca Stefano Cristini
    Correva l'Anno del Signore 1590. Così scriveva un soddisfatto e pago Alvise Grimani, l'allora comandante veneto della piazza di Bergamo, al termine dei lavori di realizzazione degli oltre cinque chilometri di mura porte e bastioni : 'La città è tutta serrata con baluardi e i suoi membri quasi tutti terrapienati, compite le piazze, i parapetti e le traverse per coprirsi ...

    36,31 €

  • Hearn’s Japan
    Lafcadio Hearn
    'Finally the treatment these true classics deserve: thoroughly re-edited and modernized texts, with glossary, index...and beautiful layout to boot.'Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904), the son of an Irish Surgeon-Major and a Greek woman of noble lineage, who settled in Japan after a checkered career in journalism in Cincinnati and New Orleans, is still considered by many the most astute...

    25,13 €

  • Tending the Tree of Life
    Richard W Voelz
    There is nothing quite so valuable as a book that is rooted in difficult and real personal experience, constructed with sound theological thinking, and applied in a practical manner. That combination is rare, but Richard Voelz manages it in this book.Often those who are in ministry, in positions of leadership in the church, fail to respond to needs, or seem insensitive to them,...

    10,44 €

  • The Quareia Apprentice Study Guide
    Josephine McCarthy
    The Apprentice section of the Quareia course has no mentoring, which makes it themost difficult part of the magical training to complete. The Quareia Apprentice StudyGuide is aimed at people studying the Quareia Magical Course.It provides answers to basic questions, details the structure and approach of thecourse, examines some of the common training issues, and explains the co...

    20,12 €

  • Expressing a Nazarene Identity
    Floyd T. Cunningham / Floyd TCunningham
    This book focuses on how the Church of the Nazarene has perceived its mission and purpose in the world from beginning days to the present. The book describes the particular reason-to-be of the church and its distinctive character, particularly in relation to its organisational structure, educational philosophy, and missions. It explains some of the ways in which the church has ...

    7,24 €

  • The Pentecost Revolution
    Hugh J. Schonfield
    In this scholarly yet readable book Schonfield tries to unravel the mysteries behind the development of early Christianity in the thirty years between the crucifixion of Jesus and the Fall of Jerusalem.It builds on the famous work 'The Passover Plot' by the same author. It is a companion reader also to 'Those Incredible Christians' and 'The Politics of God&#...

    23,17 €

  • The Baker’s Dozen Coloring Book
    Aaron Shepard / Skyhook Coloring
    "Definitely the best grayscale coloring book I've ever seen." -- Coloring with Alena, YouTube, June 19, 2018 "I think it's probably the most lovely grayscale coloring book I have ever seen." -- Simple Art for Adults, YouTube, July 6, 2018 "I recommend for everyone." -- Jennifer Shaffer Art, YouTube, June 20, 2018 What is a "coloring storybook"? It's a coloring book,...

    29,99 €

  • Negotiating the NWT Devolution of Lands & Resources
    Hal J. Gerein / Hal JGerein
    In this story, the author is the GNWT's Chief Negotiator for the devolution of lands and resources from Canada. Devolution means the transfer of authority from a senior level of government to a junior level. Many national governments today areinvolved with devolution as a means to "subsidiarity", the principle that politicalpower should be exercised by the least central or ...

    44,75 €

  • NeNe and Zee
    Lenier Ward-Davis
    Nene and Zee is inspired by the author’s granddaughter, Zahira, who thinks her grandmother should retire. This prompted a reflection of memories and activities that a grandmother and granddaughter can still engage in. This book explores the close relationship and bond between grandmother and granddaughter. I am Hopeful that this book may inspire and enrich the lives of others. ...

    14,11 €

  • Finding Hope and Faith in the Face of Death
    Stephen A. Karol / Stephen AKarol
    This book is about giving people hope and faith, comfort and inspiration when a death occurs. It is based on my experiences throughout my forty-year career as a rabbi in helping my congregants deal with the emotions and thoughts that occur when a loved one dies. I have grown to understand, and have taught about, the importance of community when we are mourners, and of the absol...

    15,05 €

  • ’Dignity of Labour’ for African Leaders
    Shoko Yamada
    From 1910 to the 1930s, educating Africans was a major preoccupation in the metropole and in the colonies of imperial Britain. This richly researched book untangles the discourse on education for African leaders, which involved diverse actors such as colonial officials, missionaries, European and American educationists or ideologues in Africa and diaspora. The analysis is prese...

    54,22 €

    Ali Mahdi Muhammad
    The Al-Fard, or the The Dawn, has captured the early rays of Our history. This history is essential if we are to be brought face to face with the One true and living God of the universe. The purpose of this writing is to bring the reader step by step, one degree at a time to the reality of God in person. The teachings of Our Father elevates the believer to the level of Godhood ...

    23,17 €

  • Žinia apie Kryžių
    Jaerock Lee
    Žinia apie Kryžių atskleis jums paslaptingą Dievo planą, glūdintį kryžiuje, ir padės jums padėti tvirtą tikro ir gero krikščioniško tikėjimo pamatą. Todėl kiekvienas, kuris perskaitys šią knygą, sugebės suprasti didį Dievo planą ir gilią meilę, įgys tikrą tikėjimą, bei pradės ir tęs tokį krikščionišką gyvenimą, kuris patinka Dievui. 3 ...

    10,78 €

  • For the Love of Hymns
    Belliston Rebecca
    Intermediate to Advanced piano solo arrangements of beloved LDS hymns including:  How Great Thou Art Abide With Me 'Tis Eventide Oh, How Lovely Was the Morning Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief Nearer, Dear Savior, to Thee My Country; 'Tis of Thee Perfect for church services, firesides, or home enjoyment. ...

    9,20 €

  • Born to Rule
    Stella O Jack
    The authority we exercise flows from the mental pictures we have created of our lives, and until we change what we are imagining, we cannot change the outcome of our lives.God is looking for a generation of people who will see with the eyes of faith and trust him for the supernatural.It is time for us to rise up and take our rightful place. ...

    7,20 €

  • Common Worship
    John H Darch / Stuart K Burns
    Offering an inspiring mix of history and biography, Saints on Earth tells the stories of the diverse people commemorated in the Common Worship calendar of Holy Days, with over 250 saints’ days, festivals and commemorations that greatly enrich the Christian year.This wide-ranging selection of spiritually significant men and women features Celtic and Catholic saints, Reformers, T...

    32,06 €

  • The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 1847

    36,64 €

  • Now I Lay Me Down Alone
    David R. Lee / David RLee
    No one ever adequately prepares for the death of a loved one. Grieving can stun the soul and turn ones world upside down. This book is specifically sculpted to walk the grief journey alongside the sufferer. It highlights spousal loss but covers a gamut of other situations. The answers are not swift and easy, but the book will lead to the place of safety and rest. There is One w...

    12,78 €

  • Faith and the Political in the Post Secular Age
    Anthony Maher
    In 1 Peter 3:15, we are commanded Always be ready to make your defence to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you.In our current age when there is a deepening sense of loss around notions of God, truth and reasons for being, the call of 1 Peter call has a new and wider urgency, requiring fresh ways of presenting the Gospel tradition in a more publi...

    26,64 €

    No han tenido buena prensa las Misiones desde la Independencia hasta el siglo XX en que comenzó a conocerse la documentación. El presente libro de José del rey Fajardo SJ, trata de recoger con el aval documental el difícil tránsito que tuvo que acometer el indígena para abandonar la dispersión en que vivía y tener como puerto de llegada la “reducción-municipio”. Es decir, el pa...

    33,54 €

  • Absolute Surrender
    Andrew Murray
    I desire by God’s grace to give to you this message-that your God in heaven answers the prayers which you have offered for blessing on yourselves and for blessing on those around you by this one demand: Are you willing to surrender yourselves absolutely into His hands? Every one of us is a temple of God, in which God will dwell and work mightily on one condition-absolute surren...

    20,57 €

  • On Being Human and When a Man Comes to Himself
    Woodrow Wilson
    'Before he became the 28th President of the United States (1913-21), the 34th Governor of New Jersey (1911-13), or even the 13th President of Princeton University (1902-10), Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) was a scholar and professor. In 1885, he received his Ph.D. in history and political science from Johns Hopkins University, and in 1897, he was granted tenure at Princeton Univers...

    15,52 €

  • Have Faith in Massachusetts
    Calvin Coolidge
    'Calvin Coolidge is generally remembered as our most laconic President, to the point that most jokes about him revolve around the silence of ''Silent Cal.'' But the President of Amherst College, while conferring on Coolidge an honorary Doctor of Laws, praised him for teaching the lesson of ''adequate brevity.''Before he went to Washington as Vice President, and then succeeded t...

    17,76 €

  • President Wilson’s Addresses
    Woodrow Wilson
    'These addresses of President Woodrow Wilson are almost entirely concerned with political affairs, and more specifically with defining Americanism. Yet they also show that even as he moved from academia to the heights of politics, Wilson retained something of the teacher’s interest in showing the relation between specific instances and the general forms of thought or action of ...

    20,03 €