Catálogo de libros: Humanidades

372274 Catálogo de libros: Humanidades

  • Insurgent Mexico.
    John Reed

    121,22 €

  • History of Sparta, 950-192 B. C. (Revised)
    William George Grieve Forrest

    15,83 €

  • Philosophy & the Christian Faith
    Colin Brown

    40,24 €

  • From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe
    Alexandre Koyre
    During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries a radical change occurred in the patterns and framework of European thought. In the wake of discoveries through the telescope and Copernican theory, the notion of an ordered cosmos of ’fixed stars’ gave way to that of a universe infinite in both time and space - with significant and far-reaching consequences for human thought. Alex...

    45,75 €

  • Ethical Values in the Age of Science
    Paul Roubiczek

    42,96 €

  • Bishop Westcott
    David Newsome

    42,89 €

  • Social Science and Political Theory
    Runciman / W. G. Runciman / Walter G. Runciman / Walter GRunciman / WGRunciman

    23,77 €

  • Man on His Past
    Herbert Butterfield

    55,54 €

  • Edward Randolph and the American Colonies 1676-1703
    MIchael Garbaldi Hall

    17,39 €

  • Speech Acts
    John R. Searle / John RSearle

    71,71 €

  • Catalog of United States Census Publications, 1790-1945
    Census Librar U. S. Library Of Congress / Census Librar USLibrary Of Congress / United States Library of Congress

    121,23 €

  • Comanchero Frontier
    Charles L. Kenner
    This is a history of the Comancheros, or Mexicans who traded with the Comanche Indians in the early Southwest. When Don Juan Bautista de Anza and Ecueracapa, a Comanche leader, concluded a peace treaty in 1786, mutual trade benefits resulted, and the treaty was never afterward broken by either side. New Mexican Comancheros were free to roam the plains to trade goods, and when A...

    30,93 €

  • Winthrop’s Boston
    Darrett B. Rutman / Darrett BRutman
    Winthrop’s ideals were quite different from those generally ascribed to him, and the reality in New England was quite different from the ideals. The broad purpose of this analytical and interpretive study is to establish a Winthropian ideal and assess the difference between the ideal and the reality that evolved. It traces Boston’s evolution from a community to a viable society...

    63,98 €

  • North Carolina during Reconstruction
    Richard L. Zuber / Richard LZuber
    Discusses political life and the restoration of government in North Carolina following the Civil War. It also presents problems and adjustments faced by the state’s African American and white citizens. Among the topics covered are the Ku Klux Klan, the Freedmen’s Bureau, the Kirk-Holden War, and the impeachment of Gov. William W. Holden. ...

    10,87 €

  • The Myth of Paraguay in the Fiction of Augusto Roa Bastos
    David William Foster
    This study presents an analysis of two works by Augusto Roa Bastos, El trueno entre las hojas and Hijo de hombre. In his investigation of these texts, Foster traces the development of Roa Bastos’s concern with the reality of his people and their history, and focuses on the mature techniques employed in the creation of a literary myth of a social reality. 3 ...

    38,50 €

  • Rousseau and His Reader
    Robert J. Ellrich
    This study is an analysis of Rousseau’s relationship to his reader in the major works from Discours sur les sciences et les arts to Reveries du promeneur solitaire. In addition to specialists, the volume will be of interest to a broad audience directly acquainted with the major works and should stimulate further discussion of the general subject of writer-reader relationships i...

    38,82 €

  • The Provisional Austrian Regime in Lombardy-Venetia, 1814-1815
    R. John Rath / RJohn Rath
    When Austrian soldiers first set foot in Lombardy-Venetia in October, 1813, they were greeted everywhere as liberators and friends. In the spring of 1815, when Joachim Murat’s efforts to establish a united Italy ended in miserable failure and when the Habsburgs announced the main features of the regime they intended to establish in their Italian provinces, the Venetians were st...

    53,58 €

  • Geology and Politics in Frontier Texas, 1845-1909
    Walter Keene Ferguson
    Conservation and development of natural resources are issues of critical importance throughout the world. These issues have been matters of public concern in Texas since legislators first adopted the state-sponsored geological survey as a means of extending government funds to private citizens who would help develop and advertise the mineral and agricultural wealth of Texas.Wal...

    33,57 €

  • Immigration and Nationalism
    Carl Solberg
    'Dirtier than the dogs of Constantinople.' 'Waves of human scum thrown upon our beaches by other countries.' Such was the vitriolic abuse directed against immigrant groups in Chile and Argentina early in the twentieth century. Yet only twenty-five years earlier, immigrants had encountered a warm welcome. This dramatic change in attitudes during the quarter century preceding Wor...

    33,58 €

  • Barbarous Mexico
    John Kenneth Turner
    American historians preoccupied with the stirring events of the Mexican Revolution and the years following tend to neglect the basic causes of the conflict. John Kenneth Turner-a crusading California newspaperman-presents these causes with brilliance and passion in Barbarous Mexico, his exposé of the Díaz regime. Published serially beginning in the fall of 1909, his articles re...

    46,88 €

  • The Industrialization of São Paulo, 1800-1945
    Warren Dean
    São Paulo is one of the few places in the underdeveloped world where an advanced industrial system has grown out of a tropical raw-material-exporting economy. By 1960 there were 830,000 industrial workers in the state, producing $3.3 billion worth of goods. It had become Latin America’s largest industrial center.This is a study of the early years of manufacturing in São Paulo: ...

    37,56 €

  • Australian Adventure
    Anne Clark
    From August 1965 to February 1968, during his period of service in Australia, Ambassador Edward Clark traveled in that country as no other American and probably few Australians ever have. His wife, Anne Clark, traveled with him, then wrote her observations and impressions to friends and family in the United States.Her letters, published for the first time in this volume, reveal...

    33,56 €

  • Nineteenth-Century Philosophy
    Patrick Garniner

    24,60 €

  • Concepts of Science
    Peter Achinstein
    While the scientist works essentially with what he observes, with the measurable properties of nature, the philosopher of science is concerned to formulate the conceptual foundations of the scientific method. In this systematic study, Professor Achinstein analyzes such concepts as definitions, theories, and models, and contrasts his view with currently held positions that he fi...

    43,30 €

  • Exile and Restoration
    Peter R. Ackroyd / Peter RAckroyd

    49,63 €

  • Numbers
    Martin Noth

    45,36 €

  • Floral Art in the Church
    Jack Inman

    21,49 €

  • Our Mysterious Panics
    Charles Albert Collman / UNKNOWN

    120,96 €

  • The Dehumanization of Art and Other Essays on Art, Culture, and Literature
    José Ortega y Gasset
    No work of Spanish philosopher and essayist José Ortega y Gasset has been more frequently cited, admired, or criticized than his defense of modernism, 'The Dehumanization of Art.' In the essay, originally published in Spanish in 1925, Ortega grappled philosophically with the newness of nonrepresentational art and sought to make it more understandable to a public confused by it....

    36,46 €

  • Origins of the TVA
    Preston J. Hubbard / Preston JHubbard

    20,70 €