Catálogo de libros: Humanidades

372274 Catálogo de libros: Humanidades

  • Crisis in Costa Rica
    John Patrick Bell
    The Costa Rican revolution of 1948 capped an extended period of social tension and political unrest. This book analyzes the circumstances of 1940-1948 that led to a successful armed uprising. A secondary and related theme is the role of José Figueres Ferrer in marshaling disparate groups into a movement sufficiently cohesive to seize and hold power.In the 1940s the Communists, ...

    26,81 €

  • The Great Legal Philosophers
    Clarence Morris

    32,32 €

  • The Absoluteness of Christianity and the History of Religions
    Ernst Troeltsch / David Reid

    27,36 €

  • Prophetic Conflict
    James L. Crenshaw

    19,62 €

  • The Idea of Principle in Leibnitz and the Evolution of Deductive Theory
    Jose Ortega y. Gasset / Jose Ortega yGasset / Mildred Adams

    20,57 €

  • Agricola
    UNKNOWN / William Emerton Heitland

    120,43 €

  • Black Gods of the Metropolis
    Arthur Huff Fauset
    Black Gods of the MetropolisNegro Religious Cults of the Urban NorthArthur Huff Fauset. Foreword by Barbara Dianne Savage. Introduction by John Szwed'A foundational text in fields as diverse as religion and urban studies, Black studies and anthropology--a must read!'--Lee D. Baker, author of From Savage to Negro'Fauset’s falls into the select group that includes works of Ralph ...

    32,02 €

  • On Contemplating God, Prayer, Meditations
    William of Saint-Thierry / Penelope Lawson
    Written during his benedictine years, these colloquies reveal William's inner struggle to reach out to God by stripping away encumbrances, to learn to love and to accept God's love by learning to accept himself. 3 ...

    36,04 €

  • Progress, Coexistence, and Intellectual Freedom
    Andrei D. Sakharov / Andrei DSakharov

    16,68 €

  • The Romans and Their Gods in the Age of Augustus
    R. M. Ogilvie / Rm Ogilvie / RMOgilvie

    15,05 €

  • Germany’s First Bid for Colonies, 1884-1885
    A. J. P. Taylor / AJPTaylor / Alan J. P. Taylor / Alan JPTaylor

    16,13 €

  • Exposition on the Song of Songs
    William of Saint Thierry / M Columba Hart
    'Perhaps no book was more central to medieval spirituality and mysticism,' writes Bernard McGinn, 'or more problematic to contemporary readers, than the Song of Songs. . . Lingering Victorian attitudes towards the opposition between sex and religion find the Song’s frank erotic language embarrassing and even distasteful.' But in the twelfth and early thirteenth centuries, the S...

    35,99 €

  • Victorian Studies in Scarlet
    Richard D. Altick / Richard DAltick

    18,83 €

  • The Hellenistic Age
    E. A. Barber / EABarber / Edwyn Bevan / J. B. Bury / JBBury

    15,03 €

  • Hebrew Thought Compared with Greek
    Thorleif Boman

    16,60 €

  • Descriptive Inventories of Collections in the Social Welfare History Archives Center
    University Of Minnesota

    120,11 €

  • Railroads and Regulation, 1877-1916
    Gabriel Kolko

    19,13 €

  • Unbind Your Sons
    Alex Campbell

    19,68 €

  • Existentialism
    Mary Warnock

    61,63 €

  • The Freedom of Sexual Love (Complete and Unabridged)
    Joseph Bird / Lois F. Bird / Lois FBird

    14,21 €

  • To the Farewell Address
    Felix Gilbert
    Washington’s Farewell Address comprises various aspects of American political thinking. It reaches beyond any period limited in time and reveals the basic issue of the American attitude toward foreign policy: the tension between Idealism and Realism. Settled by men who looked for gain and by men who sought freedom, born into independence in a century of enlightened thinking and...

    47,72 €

  • Cultures of the Pacific
    Cultures of the Pacific offers a selection of 28 readings representing anthropological research interests & cultural variation in the Pacific. The selections emphasize anthropological significance and relevance rather than substantive and geographical coverage. The articles are divided into 6 topical areas of major importance: Culture History Technology & Economics Social Life ...

    23,88 €

  • The Recovery of Confidence
    John W. Gardner / John WGardner

    15,82 €

  • Great Dissenters
    Norman Thomas

    16,60 €

  • The Secret of the Golden Flower
    Richard Wilhelm
    The ancient Taoist text that forms the central part of this book was discovered by Wilhelm, who recognized it as essentially a practical guide to the integration of personality. Foreword and Appendix by Carl Jung; illustrations. Translated by Cary F. Baynes.A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book ...

    13,15 €

  • The Life of the Mind in America
    Perry Miller

    17,04 €

  • Education and the Good Life
    Bertrand Russell

    19,00 €

  • Primitive Religion
    Robert Harry Lowie

    21,34 €

  • Marriage and Morals (Liveright Paperbound)
    Bertrand Russell
    "Sufficient dynamite to blast a carload of ordinary sex popularizers from the face of the earth . . . deals most competently and completely with practically every ramification of sex and sex life and occurs in modern sociology and psychology." ...

    18,97 €

  • Garrison Community
    Charlotte Wolf

    108,17 €