Catálogo de libros: Humanidades

372274 Catálogo de libros: Humanidades

  • Washington
    Norman H. Clark / Norman HClark

    17,45 €

  • The Minister as Diagnostician
    Paul W. Pruyser / Paul WPruyser
    Dr. Pruyser explores, in depth, the first step in the helping process: the diagnostic assessment of the problem-laden person. The diagnoses that the minister makes cannot be medical or psychiatric, says Dr. Pruyser. ...

    20,48 €

  • The Crecy War
    Alfred Higgins Burne / UNKNOWN

    121,05 €

  • A Loyal Opposition in Time of War
    Richard E. Darilek / Richard EDarilek

    121,62 €

  • Historical Tradition in the Fourth Gospel
    Charles H. Dodd / Charles HDodd
    The distinguishing of history and interpretation, difficult in all the gospels, is perhaps most difficult in the Fourth Gospel. In his sequel to 'The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel' Dr Dodd studies it again with the historical question in mind, to discover the particular strain of common tradition on which the unknown author worked. This detailed study of St John’s Gospel ...

    76,82 €

  • Soviet Man and His World.
    Klaus Mehnert / UNKNOWN

    121,30 €

  • The Book of Daniel
    Raymond Hammer
    The Book of Daniel was compiled in the second century B.C.; as we have it, it is written partly in Hebrew and partly in Aramaic. The first part contains stories about Daniel, a Jewish exile in the Babylonian captivity, and his companions. The later chapters consists of an account of visions granted by God to Daniel. Canon Hammer’s commentary shows that the book carries a messag...

    46,19 €

  • The Second Book of Kings
    Like the other Cambridge Bible Commentary volumes, this contains an introduction followed by the text of the N.E.B. translation divided into sections. Each section of the text is followed by the commentary upon it.Canon Robinson shows that 2 Kings is truly a continuation of the story told in the preceding historical books. The narrative now passes to the decline of the kingdoms...

    54,25 €

  • Colima of New Spain in the Sixteenth Century.
    Carl Ortwin Sauer / UNKNOWN

    96,14 €

  • The Road to Confederation
    Donald Grant Creighton

    68,06 €

  • In Praise of Baal Shem Tov (Shivhei Ha-Besht
    Dan Ben-Amos / Dov Baer Ben Samuel
    In Praise of the Baal Shem Tov is the first complete English translation of the tales surrounding the Besht, a rabbi and kabbalistic practitioner whose teachings bolstered the growing Hasidic movement in the eighteenth century. An important source on the life, philosophy, and mystical works of the Besht, In Praise of the Baal Shem Tov also reveals the daily life and concerns of...

    157,58 €

  • Knowledge & Politics
    Roberto Mangabeira Unger

    23,91 €

  • The School Upon a Hill
    James Axtell

    18,97 €

  • Moral Values and Political Behaviour in Ancient Greece
    A. W. H. Adkins / AWHAdkins

    16,80 €

  • Limuria
    Bernard Scott / Robert Scott / UNKNOWN

    121,25 €

  • The Strangest Friendship in History
    George Sylvester Viereck

    107,90 €

  • New Hampshire
    Elizabeth Forbes Morison / Elting E. Morison / Elting EMorison

    17,47 €

  • An Assembly of Good Fellows
    Jack C. Ross / Jack CRoss / UNKNOWN

    121,19 €

  • Virgil
    Virgil / Virgil Virgil

    49,58 €

  • Engels as Military Critic
    Friedrich Engels

    96,00 €

  • The Thirteenth Tribe
    Arthur Koestler
    All original edition. Nothing added, nothing removed. This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages became converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Wes...

    16,47 €

  • Henry A. Wallace and American Foreign Policy.
    Henry A. Wallace / Henry AWallace / J. Samuel Walker / JSamuel Walker

    82,50 €

  • My Life on the Plains
    George Armstrong Custer
    'A graphic word picture of the experiences of one of the most controversial and publicized Indian Fighters the United States Army has ever produced.'--Military HistoryWhen General Custer led his troops to annihilation in the Battle of the Little Big Horn in 1876, he was possibly the most notorious Indian fighter the army had known. In his own time, he achieved much of his fame ...

    21,23 €

  • The Galveston Era
    Earl Wesley Fornell
    The 'Queen City' of Texas they called her-or the 'Octopus of the Gulf.' Galveston from 1845 to 1860 was the center of culture in Texas-or the monster with an economic strangle hold on all Texas trade. It was a gracious city with wide paved streets, impressive buildings, and neat gardens; yet it was also a pestilence-ridden place where no sanitary code was ever enforced and wher...

    46,89 €

  • The Making of a History
    Gregory M. Tobin / Gregory MTobin
    Walter Prescott Webb became one of the best known interpreters of the American West following the publication of The Great Plains in 1931. That book remained one of the outstanding studies of the region for decades and attracted considerable attention over the years for its unusual emphasis on the impact of geographic factors on the process of settlement. Using manuscript sourc...

    26,81 €

  • The New England States
    Neal R. Peirce / Neal RPeirce

    22,13 €

  • The Unequal Treaties
    Rodney Gilbert

    141,15 €

  • Chinese Civil Law
    Valentin A. Riasanovsky / Valentin ARiasanovsky

    121,32 €

  • Agrarian China
    R. H. Tawney / RHTawney

    82,49 €

  • Communism in Rumania, 1944-1962
    Ghita Ionescu

    121,19 €