Catálogo de libros: Métodos de investigación: general

1280 Catálogo de libros: Métodos de investigación: general

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  • Enhancing Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research with Technology
    Shalin Hai-Jew
    In light of the expensive nature of quantitative research, such as experiments, researchers must seek other methods of understanding the world around them. As such, new qualitative methods are gaining ground in the modern research community. Enhancing Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research with Technology explores the integration of new digital tools into the research process. ...

    296,26 €

  • Els Spin Doctors del Palau
    Irene López i Favà
    La ciutadania, sovint, busca un líder polític amb una sèrie daptituds i idees que li resultin més properes a la seva manera de ser, per tal de dipositar en ell tota la seva confiança. Però, és realment el polític lautor del seu discurs, la seva aparença pública o del seu comportament a través de les xarxes? Qui hi ha al darrere dun líder quan aquest guanya unes eleccions i es c...

    23,00 €

  • El Malestar Emocional Infanto-Juvenil Tras la Pandemia
    Ana Isabel Sanz García
    La rutina de nuestros menores cambió para siempre el 14 de marzo de 2020. Esta investigación revisa con exhaustividad los efectos de esta catástrofe sanitaria sobre la salud mental de las generaciones que han vivido sus años de infancia y adolescencia en medio de la COVID-19. Se plasma la incidencia de la pandemia sobre todas las patologías psíquicas propias de estos períodos d...

    12,00 €

  • Como citar dentro del texto? Aprenda y utilice las referencias en estilo apa
    Ana Maria Guerrero Millones / FREDDY GEORGE OLIVOS ROMERO / Luis Santiago Garcia Merino / MANUEL IGOR RIOS INCIO
    La presente obra literaria o libro publicado es un producto deinvestigación de la experiencia profesional obtenida en los años delabor académica del autor con sus coautores que muestraalgunas buenas prácticas para emplear el estilo APA universalpara desarrollar efectivamente los trabajos de investigación quese requieran realizar. ...

    12,48 €

  • Como Elaborar Projeto de Pesquisa, Artigo Técnico-Científico e Monografia
    Luiz Carlos dos Santos
    Esta obra destina-se aos iniciantes na investigação científica, em especial, dos cursos de graduação nas áreas das ciências humanas e sociais aplicadas. O livro apresenta, de forma simples e objetiva, a estrutura e composição dos elementos constitutivos de: projeto de pesquisa, artigo técnico-científico e monografia, com vistas à produção do conhecimento. A obra é também recome...

    13,83 €

  • The Pentecost Revolution
    Hugh J. Schonfield
    In this scholarly yet readable book Schonfield tries to unravel the mysteries behind the development of early Christianity in the thirty years between the crucifixion of Jesus and the Fall of Jerusalem.It builds on the famous work ’The Passover Plot’ by the same author. It is a companion reader also to ’Those Incredible Christians’ and ’The Politics of God’ and provides challen...

    34,79 €

  • Attitudes to Translation
    Rev. Dr. Peter PRYCE / RevDrPeter PRYCE
    Attitudes to Translation describes translated texts as possessing ideological and institutional dimensions to the concept of 'the other'. Peter Pryce’s contribution is an expository study on four attitudes that affect the art of translation. He describes translated texts as possessing ideological and institutional dimensions to the concept of the 'other'. Attitudes fashioned by...

    59,51 €

  • A Practical Guide to Digital Research
    Mercedes K. Schneider
    In A Practical Guide to Digital Research, Schneider draws on her years of experience as an educational researcher to offer an easy-to-read, easy-to-digest, concise tutorial for equipping both novice and more experienced researchers in navigating numerous research sources. These include nonprofit tax form search engines, newspaper archives, social media sites, internet archives,...

    15,13 €

    Peter Rev. Dr. Pryce
    On Tuesday 17th December 2019 @ 4:40 AM, while walking on a dark street to my office in the University, Holy Spirit told me 4 words namely: Strategies for Church Growth. Then, three days later, on Friday 20th December 2019, at 9:47 AM, as I sat in the bathroom, the Word of God came to me saying: Strategies for Church Growth. The first church was in the wilderness.Then I underst...

    193,58 €

  • The Vampire
    Montague Summers
    “The Vampire - His Kith and Kin” is a 1928 work by English clergyman and author Montague Summers. Within it, Summers discusses the vampire phenomena from a Catholic point of view, offering an a veritably academic study of the subject. Contents include: “The Origins of the Vampire”, “The Generation of the Vampire”, “The Traits and Practice of Vampirism”, “The Vampire in Assyria,...

    28,23 €

  • Is your smartphone your possession - or your obsession?
    Jack Wedam
    Smartphone addiction is now obvious to almost everyone. Just a few years ago, everyone was in love with the new tech toys and social media. Saying anything bad about Google, Google Glass, Facebook, or smartphone was like telling someone that their baby was ugly. Now many are questioning their relationship with their smartphones, hence the title of this book.Have some been pulle...

    13,90 €

  • Is your smartphone your possession - or your obsession?
    Jack Wedam
    Smartphone addiction is now obvious to almost everyone. Just a few years ago, everyone was in love with the new tech toys and social media. Saying anything bad about Google, Google Glass, Facebook, or smartphone was like telling someone that their baby was ugly. Now many are questioning their relationship with their smartphones, hence the title of this book.Have some been pulle...

    7,78 €

  • The Restoration Theatre
    Montague Summers
    First published in 1934, 'The Restoration Theatre' is a work by Montague Summers that looks at stage plays written and performed during the Restoration period from 1660 to 1710. Contents include: 'Announcements And Advertisements', 'Systems Of Admission', 'The Audience, Pleased And Displeased; The Orange-Wenches; And The Vizard Masks', 'The Curtain; The Prologue; Changes Of Sce...

    30,59 €

  • Mammals of Thailand
    Michael Birt
    The last major work carried out with regards to information regarding the mammals of  Thailand was the book Lekagul, Boonsong; McNeely, Jeffrey A. (1977). Mammals of Thailand. This book is an excellent publication but from 1977 until 2017, some 40 years, is a very long time, so I thought it would be a great idea due to the improved research techniques and  advances in gathering...

    100,64 €

    Peter Rev. Dr. Pryce
    From Genesis to Revelation, what has God said about marriage, and what has God said about the roles of the husband and the wife? The God who first introduced marriage to humanity is Spirit, and marriage is a spiritual undertaking. Do you approach marriage with the tools of the physical world, or should you rather approach marriage with the spiritual tools of the Spirit who firs...

    128,99 €

    Peter Rev. Dr. Pryce
    The entire spiritual mission of the Bible is Salvation. Salvation is an instructional, educational process: to decode and unseal a locked Book: with the only purpose to impart the correct understanding of that locked Book: which correct understanding produces a thought conversion otherwise called “Salvation”: which correct understanding and thought conversion are spiritual pre-...

    134,33 €

  • Directory of Research Grants
    Louis S. Schafer
    The 42nd edition of this invaluable directory highlights over 5,700 current funding programs from over 2,000 sponsors, including U.S. and foreign foundations, corporations, state and government agencies, and other organizations. Find grants for basic research, equipment acquisition, building construction/renovation, fellowships, and 23 other program types. Three indexes-subject...

    212,04 €

  • the Truth
    Peter Rev. Dr. Pryce / Peter RevDrPryce
    To the corrupt and rotten Ministers in the Body of Christ, shine the great and bright Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ unto their darkness…to cast them out of the fold! It is not for nothing that Jesus Christ said that judgment will begin in the House of God because Satan and his Ministers now dwell in the churches…in the Prophets and in the false Teachers…but now, in this b...

    131,53 €

  • Handbook of Research on Connecting Research Methods for Information Science Research
    Patrick Ngulube
    In today’s globalized world, viable and reliable research is fundamental for the development of information. Innovative methods of research have begun to shed light on notable issues and concerns that affect the advancement of knowledge within information science. Building on previous literature and exploring these new research techniques are necessary to understand the future ...

    400,71 €

  • ECMLG19 - Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance
    These proceedings represent the work of contributors to the 15th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance (ECMLG 2019), hosted by Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Porto Accounting and Business School, Portugal on 14-15 November 2019. The Conference Chair is Prof. Anabela Mesquita and the Programme Chair is Prof. Paulino Silva, all from Polytechnic Institute of...

    96,94 €

  • Infórmate, investiga y comunica
    Manuel Paulino Linares Herrera
    Dirigida a profesores, estudiantes, profesionales, emprendedores y al público en general. La obra tiene el propósito de ser un libro de consulta y auto-ayuda, con un enfoque científico-popular, conduciendo al lector a pensar, aprender y reaprender de una manera didáctica, legible, práctica y concreta, acerca del conocimiento que descansa en la literatura científica, necesaria y...

    15,00 €

  • How Spirituality Impacts Ethical Leadership
    Dr. Mary Rose Johnson / DrMary Rose Johnson
    Almost weekly we hear about corporate and government leaders breaching ethical and moral standards. Indeed, in recent years, corporate corruption and the misrepresentation of the truth has, at times, appeared overwhelming. At the very least, corporate and government scandals suggest that we have a crisis in leadership.This research investigated what some leaders in the corporat...

    12,18 €

  • Applied Social Science Approaches to Mixed Methods Research
    Research that has been presented primarily by quantitative research can benefit from the voice of the participants and the added value of the different perspective that qualitative research can provide. The purpose of mixed methods research is to draw from the positive aspects of both research paradigms to better answer the research question. This type of research is often used...

    268,99 €

  • Metodología de la investigación. Diseño, ejecución e informe. 2ª Edición
    Víctor Miguel Niño
    En nuestros días ya no se puede continuar pensando que el investigar es una actividad exclusiva de los científicos. Es una tarea inherente a la vida humana, pues todos de alguna manera investigamos en búsqueda del conocimiento. Con mayor razón es una labor que les incumbe a todos los que tienen que ver con las actividades académicas e intelectuales.¿Es posible ayudarles a asumi...

    8,66 €

  • ECIAIR 2019 - Proceedings of European Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
    Paul Griffiths
    These proceedings represent the work of contributors to the European Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (ECIAIR 2019), hosted by EM-Normandie Business School on 31 October–1 November 2019. The Conference Chair is Paul Griffiths from EM-Normandie Business School and the Programme Chair is Mitt Nowshade Kabir, from Trouvus, Canada.The motivation to l...

    96,87 €

  • ECEL19 - Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on e-Learning
    Rikke Orngren

    97,53 €

  • 5th e-Learning Excellence Awards 2019 An Anthology of Case Histories
    Dan Remenyi

    27,64 €

  • ECDG19 - Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Digital Government
    Tugberk Kaya

    96,15 €

  • Searching Google For Seniors
    Scott La Counte
    Become a Google power searcher! There's more to a Google search than meets the eye. On the surface, there's not a lot to it. You type in what you are looking for, click search, and go through the results. If that sounds like you, then you are only scratching the surface of what Google can do for you. There are certain filters and commands you can apply to your Google ...

    8,54 €

  • Google Searching Like a Pro
    Scott La Counte
    Become a Google power searcher!There’s more to a Google search than meets the eye. On the surface, there’s not a lot to it. You type in what you are looking for, click search, and go through the results. If that sounds like you, then you are only scratching the surface of what Google can do for you.There are certain filters and commands you can apply to your G...

    12,23 €