Catálogo de libros: Investigación e información: general

1422 Catálogo de libros: Investigación e información: general

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  • The PhD Survival Guide
    Allan M. Grant
    Are you considering PhD study but don't know where to begin? Perhaps you've already started and your confidence and motivation have fallen through the floor? In this practical and highly accessible guide, Allan M. Grant provides the blueprint for navigating the often turbulent waters on the journey towards PhD completion and success.In this book, you will learn:The fund...

    8,63 €

  • The Art and Science of PhD Research
    Waffa Karkukly / Waffa Karkukly PhD
    This book aims to increase the success rate of academicresearch in general and PhD research specifically.It focuses on providing scholars, researchers, and students with the knowledge pertaining to planning and executing the art and the science of academic research and PhD research in order to successfully deliver the expected outcome. It provides insight into the motivations a...

    44,45 €

  • The Art and Science of PhD Research
    Waffa Karkukly / Waffa Karkukly PhD
    This book aims to increase the success rate of academicresearch in general and PhD research specifically.It focuses on providing scholars, researchers, and students with the knowledge pertaining to planning and executing the art and the science of academic research and PhD research in order to successfully deliver the expected outcome. It provides insight into the motivations a...

    38,30 €

  • LA MONASTRELL Y EL FONDILLON. Una relación inseparable
    Regino Ballester Molla
    Siempre que he escuchado o leído algún comentario sobre el Fondillón, se ha basado en relatos del pasado,que describen como unos personajes famosos en la historia disfrutaban yadmirabanese extraordinario vino. Fue así. Mojar un bizcocho, como hacia Luis XIV en un Fondillón de los que de hoy conocemos, me imagino que seria impensable .La realidades otra, el Fondillón o los Fondi...

    20,80 €

  • The Bases of Modern Science
    J. W. N Sullivan / JWN Sullivan
    “The Bases of Modern Science” is a 1928 work by J. W. N. Sullivan that aimed to present the dominant scientific theories and discovers of his day in a non-technical way, including Newtonian Theory, Electromagnetism, Relativity, and more. John William Navin Sullivan (1886 – 1937) was a popular science writer and literary journalist. He also wrote some of the earliest non-technic...

    22,21 €

  • Romano-Celtic Art in Northumbria
    R. G. Collingwood / RGCollingwood
    'Romano-Celtic Art in Northumbria' is an essay by R. G. Collingwood on the subject of early British art, focusing on examples found in northern England. Romano-Celtic culture arose in Britain under the Roman Empire after the AD 43 Roman conquest. It began as a combination of Roman culture and that of the indigenous Britons, and lasted until the 5th century and the Roman depart...

    16,92 €

  • Everyday Life in the New Stone, Bronze and Early Iron Ages
    C. H. Quennell / CHQuennell / Marjorie Quennell
    'Everyday Life in the New Stone, Bronze & Early Iron Ages' is a 1922 work by Marjorie and C. H. Quennel on pre-historic life, looking at primitive society and how we lived and developed long ago. Drawing from a wide range of sources, this fascinating volume will appeal to those with an interest in primitive man and what his day-to-day life might have looked like during the Ston...

    17,93 €

  • The Opera Book - The Stories of the Operas, Together with 410 of the Leading Airs and Motives in Musical notation
    Gustav Kobbé
    'The Complete Opera Book' is a comprehensive guide to all things opera by Gustav Gobbé. It offers an overview of opera by looking at the various schools and their origins, as well as the history of opera in general with reference to notable figures and works. This fascinating volume is ideal for opera lovers with an interest in the history, and it would make for a fantastic add...

    39,64 €

  • The History of the Royal Agricultural Society of England 1839-1939
    Professor J. A. Scott Watson / Professor JAScott Watson
    First published in 1939, this volume outlines the history of Royal Agricultural Society of England, a society that promotes the scientific development of English agriculture. Established in 1838, it’s motto is 'Practice with Science' and it received its Royal Charter from Queen Victoria in 1840. Highly recommended for those with an interest in the society and the history of mod...

    24,39 €

  • Hardknott Castle and the Tenth Antonine Itinerary - Archaelogia 71
    R. Collingwood / RCollingwood
    This vintage book contains a detailed description of Hardknott Castle, an archaeological site containing the remains of the Roman fort Mediobogdum, located on the western side of the Hardknott Pass in the English county of Cumbria. Including maps and a comprehensive account of it history, this volume is not to be missed by those with an interest in this particular site and in R...

    13,37 €

  • The Truth About Weight Loss
    Mindy Lee CHC
    This book is my journey to optimal health and a new way to think about dieting and losing weight. After four years of research I have discovered the real reason why we gain weight and therefore, how to control it. I believe weight gain is just a by-product of an 'imbalanced' body. It’s 'not' a state of mind as some people think. You can’t just stop eating! You can’t tell yourse...

    21,30 €

  • Scholarly Content and Its Evolution by Scientometric Indicators
    Tazeem Zainab / Zahid Ashraf Wani
    The twenty-first century brought unique developments in science and technology. Research surged as individuals sought to uncover hidden knowledge, leading to the introduction of research evaluation to ensure precise and fair research output and dissemination. Scholarly Content and Its Evolution by Scientometric Indicators: Emerging Research and Opportunities is a pivotal refere...

    177,07 €

  • How do religious figures induce the establishment of sects?
    Alejandro Cuevas-Sosa
    This is a remarkable story of a research project on the bioenerscience – intuitional knowledge – and a particular way of interaction with the bioenergemal (‘spiritual’) universe called bioenergemal communication. The author talks to a person (called Lucela) in relaxation as she describes extraordinary interactions with religious figures, including God the Father, Jesus, Mary an...

    28,09 €

  • ¿Cómo inducen las figuras religiosas la formación de sectas?
    Alejandro Cuevas Sosa
    Sobresaliente relato acerca de un proyecto de investigación sobre la bioenerciencia –conocimiento intuicional– y una forma específica de interacción con el universo bioenergemal (‘espiritual’) llamada comunicación bioenergemal. El autor habla con una persona en relajación –llamada Lucela– conforme ella describe las extraordinarias interacciones con las figuras religiosas, inclu...

    28,12 €

  • Journal of Research 2018
    Demetra George
    The 2018 edition of the Journal of Research of the American Federation of Astrologers includes papers on a wide variety of topics. Sixteen authors contributed their work to the 2018 journal. Their work ranges from medical astrology to earthquake research to space to disasters and marriage, along with two papers in the tradtional astrology category and the meaning of degrees. ...

    31,62 €

  • The Text That Nature Renders
    Leonard Chepel
    I looked through many events of my oceangoing past and sorted out these seven survival scenarios, in which the main characters ventured into the boundless scene of nature that to see and feel what one great man, Ernest Shacklton, confessed a long time ago: We had seen God in His splendors, heard the text that Nature renders1959 And eventually, it happened to most of them, my fr...

    20,38 €

  • Journeying into the Ramayana
    Mahindra Tiwary
    If man is envisioned to be the masterpiece conception of God, if he is not a mere specimen of a zoological species (as Shri Radha Krishna puts it), if his community is not to be merely an ant heap or a beehive but a collective endeavor to express and fulfill Gods purpose, then a human in todays world is lacking. God did not create us randomly; he made each of us for a purpose, ...

    16,18 €

  • Journeying into the Ramayana
    Mahindra Tiwary
    If man is envisioned to be the masterpiece conception of God, if he is not a mere specimen of a zoological species (as Shri Radha Krishna puts it), if his community is not to be merely an ant heap or a beehive but a collective endeavor to express and fulfill Gods purpose, then a human in todays world is lacking. God did not create us randomly; he made each of us for a purpose, ...

    20,90 €

  • ¿Compramos?
    Daniel Moldovan
    Eres el objeto de deseo más soñado por la Meradotecnia. No tienes nombres ni apellidos, solo preferencia, gustos, necesidades, ilusiones y posibles ganas de comprar.Te educan y enseñan que el verdadero desarrollo de la humanidad se sostiene gracias al crecimiento económico, basado en un consumismo sin límite.Quieras o no, tienes que desayunar publicidad, almorzar cookies, comer...

    8,32 €

  • La Torre. Reflejos de su historia
    Alejandro Martín García
    Este libro que tienes entre tus manos es la invitación a un emotivo y apasionante viaje en el tiempo sobre la biografía de un pequeño pueblo abulense, situado en el corazón del valle Amblés, que responde al nombre de La Torre.En el camino transitado a través de los siglos, no exentos de un sinfín de anécdotas y curiosidades, esta crónica torreña, sustentada en una detallada inv...

    18,43 €

  • El laberinto
    Arturo Esteve Comes
    Arturo Esteve Comes (Cheste, Valencia, 1943) es licenciado por la Escuela Superior de Náutica de Cádiz, título convalidado por la Escuela Superior de Náutica de Hamburgo.Aficionado a la fotografía y a la historia, ha publicado numerosos artículos en revistas como: el Boletín del Colegio de Farmacéuticos de Castellón; Castillos de España, de la Asociación Española de Amigos de l...

    7,28 €

  • Post-Holocaust Studies in a Modern Context
    In the modern age, post-Holocaust studies should embrace the variety of media and cultural channels available to enable the comprehension of the current population. When implementing these channels, individuals have to take into account a holistic approach to ensure all aspects of this area are integrated to ensure an inclusive understanding of the Holocaust. Post-Holocaust Stu...

    242,76 €

  • A Research Guide to Psychology
    Deborah Dolan
    This authoritative research guide volume uses a problem-solving approach to presenting print and electronic resources. Ranging from background sources to current research, it features a wide range of sources including encyclopedias, handbooks, databases, careers, tests, dissertations, bibliographies, book reviews, diagnostic systems, and museums. ...

    138,99 €

  • La Investigación en Ciencias Sociales
    Pablo Páramo Bernal
    Si bien los textos de metodología de la investigación abordan el asunto de las técnicas de recolección de información presentando en algunos casos las entrevistas, el diseño de cuestionarios o la observación participante. son pocos los que en nuestro medio describen la variedad de herramientas que se recogen en este libro. Se reconoce en este volumen que son múltiples las maner...

    16,32 €

  • Salary Survey 2017
    The Salary Survey 2017 contains over 200 tables of data and analysis covering aspects of salaries, bonuses, diversity, education, student loans, pensions, employment, training, morale, recruitment and monitors trends from previous surveys. This survey analyses responses from individuals working in all areas of UK book publishing from digital to print and academi...

    927,06 €

  • Flash Poems
    Deborah Altus / Ronda Miller
    Book Description: Flash Poems offers an anthology of poems and the prompts that inspired them. These 100-plus thought-provoking prompts will help you manage writer’s block and have fun in creative exploration.Whether you’re an aspiring writer or a subject-matter expert, a blogger or a songwriter, a freelancer or a novelist, you’re bound to find inspiriation in these pages.This ...

    9,85 €

  • Meaningful Writing & Self-Publishing
    Christina DeMara
    Thinking about self-publishing your book? Meaningful Writing & Self-Publishing is “Your Guide to Igniting Your Pen, Faith, Creativity & Entrepreneurship.” This is the only resource you will need to get your book in your hands! Through my personal experience, I will walk you through the entire self-publishing process. This book has detailed chapters, hands-on activities that enc...

    20,38 €

  • Treatise - the London Diaries
    Anupama Rajesh PhD
    London, the very name of this iconic capital of United Kingdom evokes strong emotions and associations, wanderlust, fashion shopping, a plush lifestyle, land of the rich and famous, architecture dated back hundreds of years, rainy days, teatime; well, the list is endless. Wonders and joys of living in a multicultural, multiethnic, international city like London abound.This book...

    15,27 €

  • Investigar en educación y pedagogía
    José Duván Marín Gallego
    Investigar en educación y pedagogía es hoy un hecho real y cada vez más necesario en las facultades de educación y en los distintos sectores y niveles de la educación. Está actividad académica ha adquirido mucha importancia para la labor docente, de manera especial para sus procesos de formación y especialización.El propósito de este libro es fundamentar los procesos de investi...

    12,83 €

  • APA Style for Papers, Presentations, and Statistical Results
    Larry Hatcher
    APA Format: Quick, Simple, and ComprehensiveThis is the user-friendly—and comprehensive—guide for preparing research papers, posters, and slide presentations according to the guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010): Detailed guidelines for writing research manuscripts in correct APA style—from the title page to the appendices and ...

    43,63 €