Catálogo de libros: Enciclopedias y obras de consulta

13656 Catálogo de libros: Enciclopedias y obras de consulta

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  • El poder del pensamiento positivo
    Richard J. Kaspar
    ÁLBUM DE FOTOSEsta colección te dará un impulso cada día. Deja que las fotos te recuerden que debes mantenerte motivado y no renunciar nunca a tus sueños.Y recuerda: si quieres, ¡puedes hacer cualquier cosa! ...

    62,28 €

  • El poder del pensamiento positivo
    Richard J. Kaspar
    ÁLBUM DE FOTOSEsta colección te dará un impulso cada día. Deja que las fotos te recuerden que debes mantenerte motivado y no renunciar nunca a tus sueños.Y recuerda: si quieres, ¡puedes hacer cualquier cosa! ...

    45,73 €

  • The Principles of Aesthetics
    Dewitt H. Parker
    Dewitt H. Parker (1885-1949) was a professor of philosophy at the University of Michigan. Appointed department chair in 1929, Parker published works on metaphysics, aesthetics, and ethics.Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of beauty and taste, as well as the philosophy of art (its own area of philosophy that comes out of aesthetics). It examines aes...

    19,76 €

  • The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga
    A P Mukerji
    Student! Your life is your own. You have only yourself to thank for what you are, have been and will be. Take your present into your own hand. Consciously shape out of it your future. Direct your forces along lines of study and endeavour that have the strongest attraction for you. Such attraction is the indication of need. It is the hand pointing out your Life-purpose. What you...

    31,73 €

  • How to Invest Money
    George Garr Henry
    The aim of this investing book is to present in clear form the simple principles of investment, and to afford the reader a working knowledge of the various classes of securities which are aavailable as investments and their relative adaptability to different needs. The book is an outgrowth of the writer’s personal experience as an investment banker. Most of the matter which is ...

    31,77 €

  • A Critic in Pall Mall
    Oscar Wilde
    A Critic in Pall Mall is an Oscar Wilde literary criticism text that examines the works of English literary giants. The Oscar Wilde book includes these literary studies:The tomb of Keats -- Keats’s Sonnet on blue -- Dinners and dishes -- Shakespeare on scenery -- ’Henry the Fourth’ at Oxford -- A handbook to marriage -- To read or not to read -- The letters of a great woman -- ...

    34,66 €

  • Symposium
    The Symposium is a philosophical text by Plato, dated c. 385-370 BC. It depicts a friendly contest of extemporaneous speeches given by a group of notable men attending a banquet. The men include the philosopher Socrates, the general and political figure Alcibiades, and the comic playwright Aristophanes. The speeches are to be given in praise of Eros, the god of love and desire....

    32,90 €

  • Phaedrus
    The Phaedrus, written by Plato, is a dialogue between Socrates, and Phaedrus, an interlocutor in several dialogues. The Phaedrus was presumably composed around 370 BCE, about the same time as Plato’s Republic and Symposium. Although ostensibly about the topic of love, the discussion in the dialogue revolves around the art of rhetoric and how it should be practiced, and dwells o...

    32,79 €

  • The Sayings of Confucius
    The Sayings of Confucius is a classic philosophy quote books by the great Chinese philosopher, Confucius.Confucius (c. 551 - c. 479 BCE) was a Chinese philosopher and politician of the Spring and Autumn period who is traditionally considered the paragon of Chinese sages. Confucius’s teachings and philosophy underpin East Asian culture and society, remaining influential across C...

    16,76 €

  • Beyond Good and Evil
    Friedrich Nietzsche
    Beyond Good and Evil: Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future (German: Jenseits von Gut und Böse: Vorspiel einer Philosophie der Zukunft) is a book by philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche that covers ideas in his previous work Thus Spoke Zarathustra but with a more polemical approach. It was first published in 1886 under the publishing house C. G. Naumann of Leip...

    16,70 €

  • Three Philosophical Poets
    George Santayana
    The present volume, Three Philosophical Poets, is composed, with a few additions, of six lectures read at Columbia University in February, 1910, and repeated in April of the same year, at the University of Wisconsin. These lectures, in turn, were based on a regular course which I had been giving for some time at Harvard College. Though produced under such learned auspices, my b...

    16,74 €

  • Representative Men
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    Representative Men is a classic biography collection and a collection of seven lectures by Ralph Waldo Emerson, published as a book of essays in 1850. The first essay discusses the role played by 'great men' in society, and the remaining six each extol the virtues of one of six men deemed by Emerson to be great:Plato ('the Philosopher')Emanuel Swedenborg ('the Mystic')Michel de...

    16,78 €

  • The Majesty of Calmness
    William George Jordan
    The Majesty of Calmness is a classic self-help book by William GeorgeJordan that serves as a great success guide. This top self-help book contains this excerpt:Calmness is the rarest quality in human life. It is the poise of a great nature, in harmony with itself and its ideals. It is the moral atmosphere of a life self-centred, self-reliant, and self-controlled. Calmness is si...

    11,08 €

  • Thoughts Out of Season
    Friedrich Nietzsche
    Thoughts Out of Season is a classic German philosophy text by the great German philosopher, Freidrich Nietzsche.This philosophy classic contains this snippet: To the reader who knows Nietzsche, who has studied his Zarathustra and understood it, and who, in addition, has digested the works entitled Beyond Good and Evil, The Genealogy of Morals, The Twilight of the Idols, and The...

    15,61 €

  • The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State
    Friedrich Engels
    The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State is an 1884 philosophical treatise by Friedrich Engels. It is partially based on notes by Karl Marx to Lewis H. Morgan’s book Ancient Society (1877). The book is an early historical materialist work and is regarded as one of the first major works on family economics.The writing of The Origin of the Family began in early Ap...

    16,64 €

  • Aprender Inglés
    Germano Dalcielo
    ¿Estás luchando para pronunciar Inglés sin perder la cabeza? Esta es la guía definitiva para dominar los fonemas ingleses como un hablante nativo. Uno de los obstáculos más grandes para un hispanohablante que intenta aprender Inglés es la pronunciación de sonidos a menudo ausentes en la fonética del español. Desafortunadamente, no hay reglas grabadas en piedra para aprender la ...

    9,43 €

  • Aprender Inglés
    Germano Dalcielo
    ¿Estáis luchando para aprender los tiempos verbales en Inglés sin perder la cabeza?Esta es la guía definitiva para dominar los siguientes tiempos verbales ingleses: Presente SimplePresente ContinuoPresente PerfectoPresente Perfecto ContinuoPasado SimplePasado ContinuoPasado PerfectoPasado Perfecto ContinuoFuturo Simple Futuro ContinuoFuturo PerfectoFuturo Perfecto ContinuoTambi...

    8,90 €

  • Italian Idioms and Phrases
    Germano Dalcielo
    Learn Italian fast: Impara l’Italiano velocemente.As you may already know, Italian is far from being an easy-to-learn language.The best way to try to master Italian is to learn by heart its most popular idiomatic expressions.In this book, you will find the corresponding English version below every Italian Modo di dire, plus a couple of ready-to-use examples to help you catch it...

    10,41 €

  • Like A Surgeon
    Dr. Eli Tabariai
    An intricate exploration of the music of the 1980’s from one man’s point of view. This exploration features a ranking of the songs that were released in the 1980’s and the reasons why they are ranked the way they are. In addition, graphic illustrations are displayed to represent some of the titles of the music. The top 1000 songs according to the author’s opinion are noted as w...

    25,90 €

  • Corso di Inglese
    Paola Freggiani
    In inglese per dire 'In bocca al lupo!' a qualcuno, gli si augura paradossalmente di rompersi una gamba (Break a leg!). Per augurare 'Salute!' a chi ha appena starnutito, si dà la propria benedizione (Bless you!). E ancora, per sottolineare che le apparenze ingannano e l’abito non fa il monaco, si obietta che non si può giudicare un libro dalla copertina (You can’t judge a book...

    8,27 €

  • Aprender Inglés
    Carlos Aguerro
    Aprender Inglés divirtiéndose.En Inglés para decir '¡Buena suerte!' a alguien, se le desea que se vaya a romper una pierna (Break a leg!). Para desearle '¡Salud!' a alguien que acaba de estornudar, se le da su propia bendición (Bless you!). Para decir que las apariencias engañan y el hábito no hace al monje, se argumenta que no se puede juzgar un libro por su portada (You can’t...

    8,46 €

  • Learn German
    Linda Milton
    Learn German fast: schnell und einfach Deutsch lernen.As you may already know, German is not an easy-to-learn language. The best way to try to master German is to learn by heart its most popular idiomatic expressions.In this book, you will find the corresponding English version above every German 'Redewendung'. This will help you catch its full meaning in no time.Learn 250 Germ...

    8,27 €

  • Learn French
    Eveline Turelli
    Learn French fast: Apprenez le Français rapidement. As you may already know, French is not an easy-to-learn language. The best way to try to master French is to learn by heart its most popular idiomatic expressions. In this book, you will find the corresponding English version below every French expression idiomatique. This will help you catch its full meaning in no time. Learn...

    7,52 €

  • Corso di Inglese
    Paola Freggiani
    In questo libro vedremo le diverse accezioni d’uso dei tempi verbali in inglese.Impareremo anche quando rendere il futuro con 'to be going to', la differenza tra 'will' e il presente progressivo, e infine quando usare 'shall'.In appendice, 30 esercizi per mettere in pratica quello che abbiamo imparato. ...

    8,46 €

  • Learn Italian
    Germano Dalcielo
    As you may already know, Italian is far from being an easy-to-learn language.The best way to try to master Italian is through conversation. If you already know the grammar, now it’s time to put it in practice.In this book, you will find 5-6 possible answers to 100 Italian common conversation questions. I promise you they will come in handy if you are thinking of travelling to I...

    9,45 €

  • Learn Spanish
    Carlos Aguerro
    Learn Spanish fast: Aprenda Español rápidamente.As you may already know, Spanish is not an easy-to-learn language. The best way to try to master Spanish is to learn by heart its most popular idiomatic expressions.In this book, you will find the corresponding English version below every Spanish Modismo, plus a couple of ready-to-use examples to help you catch its full meaning.Le...

    8,78 €

  • Aprender Italiano
    Carlos Aguerro
    Aprender italiano divirtiéndose.En italiano, para decir ¡Buena suerte! a alguien, se le desea que un lobo vaya a comérselo (In bocca al lupo!). Para decir que un mediador ha tratado de complacer a ambas partes en conflicto, se dice que ha salvado 'a cabra y repollos' (Salvare capra e cavoli).¡Memorice más de 250 modismos, proverbios y expresiones populares en italiano y diviért...

    9,10 €

  • Italian Dialogues for beginners
    Germano Dalcielo
    Let’s face it: you can’t really learn Italian from grammar books. Conversation is the key to mastering a foreign language. In this book, you will find some typical conversations that Italians have when they meet someone, when they get up in the morning or go out for dinner; when they answer a phone call or book a room in a hotel. Real situations. Real reactions. Real phrases.Ev...

    8,90 €

  • Sea Lion Coloring Book
    Sea Lion Coloring Book, Mandala Crafts Hobbies Zentangle Books, Funny Quotes and Freestyle Drawing Pages, Aquatic Mammal, PinnipedsIt was made for Sea Lion lovers or someone who likes to relax while coloring.Sea Lion in zentangle pattern style with heartwarming quotes.It makes the perfect gift for your friends who are Sea Lion lovers.This book has a total of 42 pages, contains ...

    19,02 €

  • The Taylor Swift Journal Challenge
    Each page contains a Taylor Swift song lyric, followed by a writing prompt inspired by the lyric. Thirty-one lyrics in total for a month long journal challenge into self-discovery covering topics of childhood, love, loss, hopes, and dreams. ...

    19,86 €