Catálogo de libros: Enciclopedias y obras de consulta

13656 Catálogo de libros: Enciclopedias y obras de consulta

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  • Desabafo
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Quando sofremos demasiadamente as decepções da vida, principalmente no amor, perdemos a confiança nas outras pessoas e morre a cada dia a esperança de sermos felizes. Entretanto, precisamos entender que enquanto existir vida haverá sempre novas oportunidades de encontrarmos a verdadeira felicidade. Esta obra reflete o desabafo de um homem profundamente ferido no coração pela pe...

    68,78 €

  • Biblical Reflections
    Abdenal Carvalho
    We live in a world where, due to the hectic life we lead by various factors, we have little time to reflect on the Word of God and give greater importance to our spiritual Being, because despite being aware that it exists, we do not always give it due attention. We are not just made of matter, we have a soul and spirit that need our care, because our happiness depends upon leav...

    69,15 €

  • Oraciones de David
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Se puede recordar a David como uno de los pocos adoradores que estaban completamente dedicados al Señor, que aprendieron a amarlo de manera espontánea y sin reservas. Su profunda entrega al cuidado de Dios, ferviente y fiel en extremo, el salmista recibió del Altísimo el título de 'un hombre conforme a su corazón', tan grande fue su fidelidad al Santo de Israel. Su vida se basó...

    44,62 €

  • To Think About
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Prayer is the most correct way to speak to God and express to him our material and spiritual needs, our thanks for the blessings received, our worship and recognition of his glory and power. Already the daily reading of the Holy Bible leads us to hear your voice and consequently your answers to our prayers. The 'To Think About' series was developed with the objective of complet...

    33,65 €

  • Para Reflexionar
    Abdenal Carvalho
    La oración es la forma más correcta de hablar con Dios y expresarle nuestras necesidades materiales y espirituales, nuestro agradecimiento por las bendiciones recibidas, nuestra adoración y reconocimiento de su gloria y poder. Ya la lectura diaria de la Santa Biblia nos lleva a escuchar su voz y en consecuencia sus respuestas a nuestras oraciones. La serie REFLEXIONAR se desarr...

    33,71 €

  • A Pinch of Alchemy
    This book is comprised of 280 hand inked alchemical symbols, originally created on paper of eleven by seventeen inches using a roughly mixed combination of India ink, textile screen ink, and water. It is intended as an artistic and somewhat scholarly reference for a set of symbols with a rich and occasionally silly history. ...

    121,61 €

  • God and Man Through the Ages
    Abdenal Carvalho
    From the beginning of creation, God’s true plan was to form man, his image and likeness, to inhabit the earth and multiply, and then begin to worship him in the greatness of his holiness and power. However, by rebelling against his Creator, humanity chose to serve sin by becoming his enemy. And with incomparable love for himself, God created a plan of reconciliation to rescue t...

    42,03 €

  • Dios y el Hombre a Través de los Tiempos
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Desde el comienzo de la creación, el verdadero plan de Dios fue formar al hombre, su imagen y semejanza, para que habitara la tierra y se multiplicara, y luego comenzara a adorarlo en la grandeza de su santidad y poder. Sin embargo, al rebelarse contra su Creador, la humanidad eligió servir al pecado convirtiéndose en su enemigo. Y con incomparable amor a sí mismo, Dios, creó u...

    42,06 €

  • La Iglesia a Través de los Tiempos
    Abdenal Carvalho
    La iglesia de Cristo tuvo su inicio desde el momento en que comenzó a seleccionar a sus primeros discípulos y los comisionó para ir a predicar el evangelio a toda criatura (Marcos 16:15), sus cimientos fueron puestos definitivamente después de su muerte y resurrección, cuando ascendió al cielo. y les ordenó que esperaran recibir poder del cielo y, poco después, llevar las buena...

    42,00 €

  • The Church Through the Ages
    Abdenal Carvalho
    The church of Christ had its beginning from the moment he started to select his first disciples and commissioned them to go preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15), its foundations were laid definitively after his death and resurrection, when ascended into heaven and commanded them to expect to receive power from heaven and, soon thereafter, to carry the good news of r...

    42,00 €

  • Tigers
    Jenny Kellett
    Do your kids love tigers? Then they’ll love the roar-some new Ultimate Tiger Book for Kids, from top-selling non-fiction author Jenny Kellett.Tigers are one of the most recognizable creatures on our planet and a favorite with kids and adults alike. Learn amazing tiger facts before taking the Tiger quiz to test your knowledge. With only the best tiger facts that kids will love, ...

    20,46 €

  • The Motivational Book of Quotes
    Jenny Kellett
    Motivation doesn’t come naturally to all of us. In fact, it is one of the key reasons so many of us do not reach our full potential in life. Whether it’s work, family life, hobbies or relationships, motivation is the drive we need to reach our goals.There are so many inspirational men and women in the world that have passed on their words of wisdom so that we too can achieve gr...

    32,87 €

  • Fox Books
    Jenny Kellett
    Do your kids love foxes? In The Ultimate Fox Book for Kids, non-fiction author Jenny Kellett has put together only the most exciting facts about foxes in a fun, engaging format with the curious science-loving kid in mind.The book includes over 100 amazing facts, gorgeous hi-res photos, quiz, and a fun BONUS word search available in the print version. Children will be completely...

    23,03 €

  • El largo camino de la fe
    Abdenal Carvalho
    La historia del largo camino recorrido por la iglesia a través de los siglos, el avance del cristianismo y la superación de tantos obstáculos para llegar al momento presente de la fe cristiana con su mensaje de perdón y salvación para los perdidos, dando ellos el derecho a volver a ser aceptados como hijos y herederos de su infinita misericordia, es mucho mayor y más complejo d...

    48,01 €

  • Long Journey of Faith
    Abdenal Carvalho
    The story of the long journey carried out by the church through the centuries, the advancement of Christianity and the overcoming of so many obstacles so that it could reach the present moment of the Christian faith with its message of forgiveness and salvation for the lost, giving them the right to again to be accepted as children and heirs of his infinite mercy, is much great...

    30,76 €

  • El largo camino de la fe
    Abdenal Carvalho
    La historia del largo camino recorrido por la iglesia a través de los siglos, el avance del cristianismo y la superación de tantos obstáculos para llegar al momento presente de la fe cristiana con su mensaje de perdón y salvación para los perdidos, dando ellos el derecho a volver a ser aceptados como hijos y herederos de su infinita misericordia, es mucho mayor y más complejo d...

    30,75 €

  • Snow Leopards
    Jenny Kellett
    Snow leopards are the most elusive of the big cats, making them even more fascinating. These gorgeous felines continue to fascinate kids and adults around the world.In The Big Snow Leopard Book for Kids, from top-selling non-fiction author Jenny Kellett you will learn only the best snow leopard facts that kids will love.With over 100 fascinating facts, gorgeous hi-res photos, a...

    20,37 €

  • Bible Collection
    Abdenal Carvalho
    In this special special edition, several works with biblical themes that were previously published separately are gathered, allowing the reader to purchase them together in a single volume. With this, it will be possible to complete your library with varied titles and still save a lot on your investment. We hope that this new edition will be of great importance to all students ...

    54,66 €

  • Bible Collection
    Abdenal Carvalho
    In this special special edition, several works with biblical themes that were previously published separately are gathered, allowing the reader to purchase them together in a single volume. With this, it will be possible to complete your library with varied titles and still save a lot on your investment. We hope that this new edition will be of great importance to all students ...

    37,41 €

  • The Ultimate Polar Bear Book for Kids
    Jenny Kellett
    Do your kids love polar bears? In The Ultimate Polar Bear Book for Kids, non-fiction author Jenny Kellett gives you only the best Polar bear facts that kids will love.With over 100 incredible facts, gorgeous hi-res photos, and a fun BONUS word search available in the print version, children will be completely immersed and fascinated by the exciting world of everyone’s favorite ...

    20,45 €

  • Collecion Bíblica
    Abdenal Carvalho
    En esta edición especial, el autor ha reunido cinco obras con temas bíblicos que ya han sido publicadas, pero de diferentes formas, brindando al lector la posibilidad de adquirirlas reunidas en un solo volumen. Con esto, será posible completar su biblioteca con títulos variados y aún así ahorrar mucho en su inversión. Esperamos que esta nueva edición sea de gran importancia par...

    38,88 €

  • Collecion Bíblica
    Abdenal Carvalho
    En esta edición especial, el autor ha reunido cinco obras con temas bíblicos que ya han sido publicadas, pero de diferentes formas, brindando al lector la posibilidad de adquirirlas reunidas en un solo volumen. Con esto, será posible completar su biblioteca con títulos variados y aún así ahorrar mucho en su inversión. Esperamos que esta nueva edición sea de gran importancia par...

    55,29 €

  • 胡星斗言论选集
    从 2000 年开始,我接受国内外媒体采访共约 2 万余次,到2020 年不得不中止采访,其间 20 余年,涉及政治、经济、社会、文化,内容不少,但仅从 2012 年到 2015 年,我在接受采访之后顺便将即兴发挥的所说所感简要记录下来了,这就构成了本书大部分内容的来源。本书的另外一个来源是我从 1990 年到2010 年左右写的随笔或文章的一部分,自己不忍舍弃,便编入书中,谁知几乎都成为敏感词,连我的名字在大部分时间也成了敏感词。之后的所思所想更加与世相忤,无法写出,只能'聊寄傲于琴书兮以待天时',现在终于在朋友的帮助下,将此言论选集付诸读者审阅,也算是一个回报吧。 ...

    42,29 €

  • Best Teacher Ever 2022 Lesson Planner
    Best Teacher Ever 2022 Lesson Planner, Kindergarten Teacher Planner, Elementary Teacher Planner, Teacher Planner 2022, Daily Planner BookOur new 2022 Teacher Planner is finally here! This beautiful planner is printed on high-quality paper.This planner features pages that include: weekly lesson plan, weekly recap, classroom expense chart, plan by subject, student roster, student...

    20,32 €

  • A Longa Jornada da Fé
    Abdenal Carvalho
    A história da longa jornada realizada pela igreja através dos séculos, o avanço do cristianismo e a superação de tantos obstáculos para que pudesse chegar ao atual momento da fé cristã com sua mensagem de perdão e salvação para os perdidos, dando-lhes o direito de novamente serem aceitos como filhos e herdeiros de sua infinita misericórdia, é bem maior e mais complexa do que aq...

    30,75 €

  • Giraffe Books
    Jenny Kellett
    Do your kids love giraffes?In The Ultimate Giraffe Book for Kids, best-selling non-fiction author Jenny Kellett gives you only the best giraffe facts that kids will love.With over 100 incredible facts, gorgeous hi-res photos and a fun BONUS giraffe word search available in the print version, children will be completely immersed and fascinated by the exciting world of everyone’s...

    20,39 €

  • Kindergarten Teacher 2022 I Prefer Educational Rockstar
    Kindergarten Teacher I Prefer Educational Rockstar, 2022 Lesson Planner, Kindergarten Teacher Gift, Teacher Planner 2022-2023, Daily PlannerOur new Teacher Planner is finally here! This beautiful planner is printed on the high-quality interior stock.This planner features pages that include: weekly lesson plan, weekly recap, classroom expense chart, plan by subject, student rost...

    20,32 €

  • Educator of Mini Humans 2022 Teacher Lesson Planner
    Educator of Mini Humans 2022 Teacher Lesson Planner, Preschool Lesson Planner, Teacher Planner 2022, Preschool Teacher Gifts, Planner BooksOur new 2022 Teacher Planner is finally here! This beautiful planner is printed on the high-quality interior stock.This planner features pages that include: weekly lesson plan, weekly recap, classroom expense chart, plan by subject, student ...

    20,32 €

  • Weltbild
    Barbara und Steffen Schulz
    Das Buch bietet ein ganzheitliches Menschen- und Weltbild auf der Grundlage der Relativitäts-, Quanten- und Chaostheorie mit Einbeziehung biologischer Erkenntnisse an. ...

    49,87 €

  • النظرية المنطقية الماورائية
    د. عماد الدين الجبوري
    انطلاقًا من أقطاب الفلسفة اليونانية أفلاطون وأرسطو، إلى أقطاب الفلسفة العربية الإسلامية مثل الفارابي وابن سينا ​وابن رشد والغزالي، والعصر الحديث مع كبار أقطاب الفلسفة من ديكارت وسبينوزا ولايبنتز ولوك، إلى كانت وهيجل وبرجسون وراسل وهيدجر وسارتر، فإن هدف الفلسفة واحد عندهم، وهو البحث عن الحقيقة. والحقيقة أن الفلاسفة تاريخيًا انقسموا إلى جناحين رئيسين بسبب ذلك، إذ يعتقد الماديون أ...

    15,80 €