Catálogo de libros: Consulta, información y materias interdisciplinarias

21574 Catálogo de libros: Consulta, información y materias interdisciplinarias

Libros Eliminar filtro Consulta, información y materias interdisciplinarias Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Ignite Your Passion
    Dr. Purushothaman Kollam
    Step into a world of wisdom and inspiration with ’Ignite Your Passion’ This captivating collection combines timeless quotes from Seers, Sages, Thinkers, Philosophers, Leaders, and Visionaries, offering a treasure trove of insights to ignite our passion, propel our dreams, and transform our lives. Dive into the profound words that have shaped history and find the motivation to c...

    19,71 €

  • T⁠he T⁠welve Months of the Y⁠ear in 850 Languages and Dialects
    Five-Star Review from Readers’ Favorite! 'Kukisvoomchor has curated a fantastic work of non-fiction for enthusiasts of world history, language, culture, and linguistics everywhere, and this book would make a superb primer for anyone looking to explore lesser-known elements from extinct peoples and extremely remote nations. I for one was thrilled to see inclusions such as Breton...

    62,15 €

  • Risorse e contenuti gratuiti per il tuo Kindle
    Sabrina Caiti
    In questo manuale vedremo qualche piccolo trucco per convertire qualsiasi file (epub, doc, html, pdf) in modo da poterlo leggere sul nostro Kindle.Scopriremo come inviare al dispositivo qualsiasi pagina web, articolo o blog post, e come scaricare legalmente ebook gratuiti con cui rimpinguare il nostro e-reader preferito.Buone letture! ...

    32,13 €

  • Fuel for Greatness
    Dr. Purushothaman Kollam
    Step into a world of wisdom and inspiration with ’Fuel for Greatness’ This captivating collection combines timeless quotes from Seers, Sages, Thinkers, Philosophers, Leaders, and Visionaries, offering a treasure trove of insights to ignite our passion, propel our dreams, and transform our lives. Dive into the profound words that have shaped history and find the motivation to co...

    19,98 €

  • Quotes for Living Your Best Life
    Dr. Purushothaman Kollam
    Step into a world of wisdom and inspiration with ’Quotes for Living Your Best Life’ This captivating collection combines timeless quotes from Seers, Sages, Thinkers, Philosophers, Leaders, and Visionaries, offering a treasure trove of insights to ignite our passion, propel our dreams, and transform our lives. Dive into the profound words that have shaped history and find the mo...

    18,86 €

  • Quotes for a Bright Future
    Dr. Purushothaman Kollam
    Step into a world of wisdom and inspiration with ’Quotes for a Bright Future’ This captivating collection combines timeless quotes from Seers, Sages, Thinkers, Philosophers, Leaders, and Visionaries, offering a treasure trove of insights to ignite our passion, propel our dreams, and transform our lives. Dive into the profound words that have shaped history and find the motivati...

    19,27 €

  • The Road to Success
    Dr. Purushothaman Kollam
    Step into a world of wisdom and inspiration with ’The Road to Success’ This captivating collection combines timeless quotes from Seers, Sages, Thinkers, Philosophers, Leaders, and Visionaries, offering a treasure trove of insights to ignite our passion, propel our dreams, and transform our lives. Dive into the profound words that have shaped history and find the motivation to c...

    20,12 €

  • Early Articles For Tsuba Study 1880-1923 Enlarged Edition
    Various Contributors
    Historic articles and catalogs for the research of Japanese sword-guards (tsuba) with a number of previously untranslated French and German references for the English enthusiast or student. ...

    34,44 €

  • Youth and sustainable peacebuilding
    A critical analysis of how peacebuilding can become sustainable through transforming thinking about what youth participation and leadership entails. ...

    169,51 €

  • Youth and sustainable peacebuilding
    A critical analysis of how peacebuilding can become sustainable through transforming thinking about what youth participation and leadership entails. ...

    44,16 €

  • Nature’s Almanac 2025
    Edith Stadig
    This is your important guide to sustainable living. For a life in harmony with nature the informative, award-winning moon calendar, daily planner, and lunar cycle guide is a valuable resource. If you consider nature’s timing, success is guaranteed! Find necessary information on the cycles of the moon, including times and dates of full moons, new moons and eclipses, the exact st...

    19,32 €

    E Larby
    Una visión desgarrada de una nación que sobrevivió a las invasiones de Cartagineses, Romanos, Árabes y Franceses y supo renacer de sus cenizas, que descubrió un continente al que dotó de su cultura y su lengua, que forjó un imperio donde no se ponía el sol, que hizo un tránsito modélico de la dictadura a la democracia, imperfecta, pero democracia al fin y al cabo.Una nación que...

    32,72 €

  • Sin and forgiveness
    Paul A. Hansen
    The concept and work of forgiveness is foundational to a Christian walk. We all need it. However, in our culture today with the dumbing down of sin and the cheap grace offered in so many places, forgiveness has also been cheapened. On a spectrum from those who don’t need it, to those who recognize the essential nature of it and any place in between, we should and in fact need t...

    33,09 €

  • Sin and forgiveness
    Paul A. Hansen
    The concept and work of forgiveness is foundational to a Christian walk. We all need it. However, in our culture today with the dumbing down of sin and the cheap grace offered in so many places, forgiveness has also been cheapened. On a spectrum from those who don’t need it, to those who recognize the essential nature of it and any place in between, we should and in fact need t...

    14,85 €

  • Abstracts of Wills Chatham County, Georgia, 1773-1817
    Caroline Price Wilson / Mabel Freeman LaFar
    By: Mabel Freeman LaFar and Caroline Price Wilson, Pub. 1933, reprinted 2024, 160 pages, Index, soft cover, ISBN #978-1-63914-253-8. Chatham County is one of the 8 original counties of the state. Savannah is the county seat and also acted as the main port of entry in the state. Wills are another great source for genealogical research due to the many and wide variety of family m...

    26,83 €

  • The Formation of Tennessee Counties.
    Austin P. Foster
    By: Austin P. Foster, Pub. 1923, Reprinted 2024, 158 pages, maps, Soft Cover, index, ISBN #0-89308-239-2.  The book is arranged alphabetically by county in 3 sections for the 3 major divisions of Tennessee, viz East Middle, and West. Data is given on the information of each county and the counties from which each was formed with dates and other pertinent data which will greatly...

    33,36 €

  • The Jacobite Peerage Baronage, Knightage and Grants of Honour
    Maquise de Ruvigny and Raineval
    By: Maquise de Ruvigny and Raineval, Pub. 1904, reprinted 2024, 292 pages, Index, soft cover, ISBN #978-1-63914-251-4. The majority of this book comes directly from the Unpublished Stuart Papers located within the Windsor Castle Library. This book documents the 200 plus hereditary titles that the Stuarts conferred between 1688-1784 and also the court appointments during this sa...

    45,86 €

  • Local and Family History in South Carolina
    Richard Cote
    By: Richard Cote, Pub. 1981, Reprinted 2024, 514 pages, soft cover, Index, ISBN #0-89308-200-7.  This is the first place a researcher interested in South Carolina should cheek. It lists an enormous number of sources of printed (and some manuscript) information which are useful for studying S.C. families, churches, and local history. Eighty-three libraries throughout the state h...

    58,02 €

  • 101 Things College Students Should Know
    Peter Myers
    101 THINGS COLLEGE STUDENTS SHOULD KNOW welcomes you to the exhilarating odyssey of higher education-a journey that marks the transition from the familiar corridors of high school to the uncharted territories of college life. Whether you’re a wide-eyed freshman or a seasoned upperclassman, this is your personal invitation to embark on a transformative experience that goes far b...

    14,91 €

  • The People’s Power
    One of the People Called Charle
    'The People’s Power: Safeguarding Our Constitutional Republic' is a book for all ages of people that goes into the fundamental law outlined in the Constitutions. It highlights the crucial role of the people in safeguarding their liberties by holding public officials accountable to their oaths. Through relatable examples and factual references, this book equips readers with intr...

    12,34 €

  • Somebody Loves Me
    Lilyana M Srnoguy
    Patricia lived her life in the shadow of her beautiful sister, shielded by loving parents in peaceful and mostly uneventful existence. She brushed off any chance of being wife and mother as years were passing. Involvement in community affairs, helping her sister with two small children, and taking care of her mother’s garden didn’t give her much time to think about personal ful...

    14,89 €

  • “estratégia Empresarial Na Era Da Trasformação Digital”
    Fernando Sant’ana
    O livro aborda o desenvolvimento de estratégias empresariais no contexto da inovação tecnológica, com foco na era digital. Explora conceitos fundamentais de estratégia empresarial e ferramentas de análise estratégica, ajustando-os ao cenário tecnológico atual. Através de uma abordagem prática e exemplos reais, a obra oferece instruções sobre como as empresas podem desenvolver e...

    11,39 €

  • Tudo Sobre Poesia
    Lino Porto
    Este guia sobre arte poética visa auxiliar tanto o poeta amador quanto o leitor iniciante em poesia, ao esmiuçar os conceitos sobre verso, estrofe, métrica, ritmo, rima, dentre outros aspectos envolvendo a criação literária em versos. Não pretende ser um tratado de versificação, apenas um pequeno compêndio sobre tão envolvente tópico que, bem longe daquele tradicionalbotar para...

    12,66 €

  • Medidas Protetivas De Urgência:
    Janaine Nardotto
    A presente obra pretendeu, através de uma investigação quantitativa, explorar o impacto das medidas protetivas de urgência ordens de restrição de aproximação e contato concedidas às mulheres vítimas de violência doméstica em desfavor dos ofensores no sentimento de insegurança, na satisfação e na revitimação. Para tanto, foi construído e aplicado um questionário a uma amostra ...

    19,67 €

  • Guerra Civil Espanhola, 1936
    André Geraque Kiffer
    A Guerra Civil Espanhola teve múltiplas facetas, pois incluiu a luta de classes, a guerra religiosa, o confronto de nacionalismos opostos, a luta entre a ditadura militar e a democracia republicana, entre a contrarrevolução e a revolução, entre o fascismo e o comunismo. Houve inúmeras tentativas de definir a Guerra Civil Espanhola em termos do seu mecanismo chave e/ou lógica pr...

    10,02 €

  • Constituição Do Brasil
    Álvaro Sérgio Amorim De Souza
    ? Você quer que o voto seja facultativo, escrito com caneta em cédula de papel, a qual seja depositada em urna física lacrada, e que haja contagem pública dos votos, com a livre fiscalização pelo Povo Brasileiro, inclusive com a possibilidade de haver recontagem ?? Quer ter plena liberdade de expressão, inclusive nas redes sociais de comunicação digital, sem nenhuma censura ?? ...

    17,67 €

  • Aa Bb Cc Dd...zz
    Osvaldo Matsuda
    Ao acomodar o Alfabeto para algumas situações lógicas ou contextos formais, ter possibilidades de soluções artísticas, criativas, poéticas, léxicas, semânticas, linguísticas, visuais, semióticas, e até mesmo, lógicas e formais; além de outras perspectivas. ...

    13,95 €

  • Contos Universais
    Evan Do Carmo
    É com grande entusiasmo e profundo apreço pela literatura que apresento este livro de contos, intitulado Contos Universais. Nestas páginas, mergulhamos nas profundezas dos grandes livros clássicos mundiais e brasileiros, explorando não apenas suas histórias envolventes, mas também as camadas de significado, crítica e reflexão que permeiam essas obras-primas.Cada conto apresenta...

    18,76 €

  • Para Entender Sagarana De João Guimarães Rosa
    José Luiz Amzalak
    A publicação dePara Entender Sagarana de João Guimaraes Rosaprocura atender leitores iniciantes na obra do grande mestre regionalista ou que se preparam para provas ou exames vestibulares, além dos admiradores do autor . A obra é um ensaio critico que analisa cada um dos contos e novelas que compõem a obra de estreia do escritor mineiro, recontando e explicando as narrativas de...

    16,72 €

  • Risos Conectados
    Luciana Paes
    Neste livro, mergulhamos em uma jornada única pela palhaçaria hospitalar através dos olhos e experiências de Luciana Paes, uma palhaça profissional apaixonada por levar alegria e esperança aos corações dos pacientes adolescentes e suas famílias.Partindo de suas raízes na infância, onde a figura do palhaço já fazia parte de sua vida, Luciana nos conduz por uma exploração profund...

    14,97 €