Catálogo de libros: Consulta, información y materias interdisciplinarias

21574 Catálogo de libros: Consulta, información y materias interdisciplinarias

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  • What I Love About Mimi Coloring Book
    What I Love About Mimi Coloring Book, Coloring Books for Adults, Mimi Mothers Day gifts, Birthday Gifts for Mimi, Grandma Coloring BookIt’s was made for Mother’s Day or someone who just likes to relax activity.Mother’s Day with retro and zentangle style for your grandma.So, It is the best gift idea for your lovely grandma.This book has a total of 42 pages, contains 1 inner cove...

    19,02 €

  • What I Love About Gigi Coloring Book
    What I Love About Gigi Coloring Book, Coloring Books for Adults, Mother’s Day Coloring Book, Birthday Gifts for Gigi, Activity Coloring BookIt’s was made for Mother’s Day or someone who just likes to relax activity.Mother’s Day with retro and zentangle style for your grandma.So, It is the best gift idea for your lovely grandma.This book has a total of 42 pages, contains 1 inner...

    19,02 €

  • The Tesla Papers
    Nikola Tesla
    Scientific papers and articles by Nicola Tesla and others about Tesla’s work primarily in the field of electrical engineering including; Famous Scientific Illusions, My Inventions, The Tesla Effects With High Frequency and High Potential Currents, and Death-Ray Machine Described. The original images, photos and comments have been preserved. Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American i...

    23,04 €

  • Well Look at You Turning 59 and Shit
    Coloring on many sarcastic quotes and pictures makes you relax and have fun.A humorous adult coloring book that will surely get a big laugh from your beloved birthday celebrant.Best birthday gift ideas for your friend, husband, wife, family member’s birthday.Each book has 62 pages, there are blank pages in between designs to ensure that you are not coloring on the back of an im...

    17,88 €

  • Well Look at You Turning 20 and Shit Coloring Book,
    Coloring on many sarcastic quotes and pictures make you relax and have fun.A humorous adult coloring book that will surely get a big laugh from your beloved birthday celebrant.Best birthday gift ideas for your friend, husband, wife, family member’s birthday. Each book has 62 pages, there are blank pages in between designs to ensure that you are not coloring on the back of an im...

    17,88 €

  • Well Look at You Turning 30 and Shit Coloring Book
    Coloring on many sarcastic quotes and pictures make you relax and have fun.A humorous adult coloring book that will surely get a big laugh from your beloved birthday celebrant.Best birthday gift ideas for your friend, husband, wife, family member’s birthday. Each book has 62 pages, there are blank pages in between designs to ensure that you are not coloring on the back of an im...

    17,88 €

  • Succulents Coloring Book
    It’s was made for succulents addicts, by succulents addicts, or someone who just likes to relax coloring.Pictures of Succulents in mandala style with pun and gratitude quotes.Makes adorable gifts for your friends who are plant lovers.This book has a total of 62 pages, contains 1 inner cover, 15 different designs with a copy for two chances to coloring, and 31 blank pages for yo...

    17,88 €

  • Wine Tasting Journal
    Gabriel Bachheimer
    ★ Chart your course through the world of wine and fine-tune your wine sense with this portable review journal.★ This logbook is interactive with fill-in pages for tasting and judging wines and it’s the perfect place for you to document your wine tasting notes.★ Prompts guide you to create useful tasting notes that include essential details of all aspects.✔ Prompts for you to fi...

    16,26 €

  • The Supernatural Power of Faith
    Abdenal Carvalho
    The greatest barrier that prevents man from returning to full communion with his Creator is the absence of a genuinely true faith, and the mistaken idea that things happen in their lives by chance. Jesus Christ, during his sermons, made it clear that only through the 'Supernatural Power of Faith' will it become possible to conquer our seemingly impossible dreams (Mark 9:23), fo...

    29,11 €

  • Reflexiones Bíblicas
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Vivimos en un mundo donde, por la vida agitada que llevamos, por diversos factores, tenemos poco tiempo para reflexionar sobre la Palabra de Dios y darle mayor importancia a nuestro Ser espiritual, pues a pesar de ser conscientes de que existe, no siempre le prestamos atención. No solo estamos hechos de materia, tenemos almas y espíritus que necesitan nuestro cuidado, ya que nu...

    30,73 €

  • The German Colonies in Volhynia
    Mykhailo Kostiuk
    During the First World War, a large group of German settlers in Volhynia and surrounding areas of western Russia became early victims of the 20th century’s epidemic of ethnic cleansing. Seen by many Russians as spies and tools of Kaiser Wilhelm, they were easy scapegoats for Russia’s military failures and were unceremoniously sent eastwards to the Volga, Siberia, and elsewhere,...

    37,69 €

  • 读麦:访谈---复活麦克卢汉的大脑(卷二)
    Marshall McLuhan 原著 朱晓 译按

    33,35 €

  • A Boa Semente
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Consideramos como 'Boa Semente' tudo aquilo que nos traz resultados positivos de mudança e transformação seja no aspecto moral, humano ou espiritual. Jesus Cristo não veio a este mundo por acaso, ele se empenhou ao máximo para não apenas para nos mostrar a infinita grandeza do amor de Deus, mas para nos ensinar boas maneiras, atitudes que pudessem facilitar nossa convivência ha...

    30,75 €

  • El poder sobrenatural de la fe
    Abdenal Carvalho
    La mayor barrera que impide al hombre volver a la plena comunión con su Creador es la ausencia de una fe genuinamente verdadera y la idea errónea de que las cosas suceden en sus vidas por casualidad. Jesucristo, durante sus sermones, dejó en claro que solo a través del 'Poder sobrenatural de la fe' será posible conquistar nuestros sueños aparentemente imposibles (Marcos 9:23), ...

    29,02 €

  • God and Man Through the Ages
    Abdenal Carvalho
    From the beginning of creation, God’s true plan was to form man, his image and likeness, to inhabit the earth and multiply, and then begin to worship him in the greatness of his holiness and power. However, by rebelling against his Creator, humanity chose to serve sin by becoming his enemy. And with incomparable love for himself, God created a plan of reconciliation to rescue t...

    29,08 €

  • Mensajes Bíblicos
    Abdenal Carvalho
    La oración es la forma más correcta de hablar con Dios y expresarle nuestras necesidades materiales y espirituales, nuestro agradecimiento por las bendiciones recibidas, nuestra adoración y reconocimiento de su gloria y poder. Ya la lectura diaria de la Santa Biblia nos lleva a escuchar su voz y en consecuencia sus respuestas a nuestras oraciones. La serie REFLEXIONAR se desarr...

    32,92 €

  • Biblical Reflections
    Abdenal Carvalho
    We live in a world where, due to the hectic life we lead by various factors, we have little time to reflect on the Word of God and give greater importance to our spiritual Being, because despite being aware that it exists, we do not always give it due attention. We are not just made of matter, we have a soul and spirit that need our care, because our happiness depends upon leav...

    47,29 €

  • Glass Fibre Sizing
    James L. Thomason / James LThomason
    Glass Fibre Reinforcements form the foundation of a composites industry with a global annual production of greater than 10 million tons of high performance, light-weight materials. Possibly the most critical component involved in the manufacture of glass fibres and their composites is the fibre surface coating (or size). Yet because of the intense level of industrial secrecy ar...

    128,02 €

  • Comentario de la Biblia
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Con gran placer presento a mis lectores este volumen de estudios bíblicos, esperando fortalecer una vez más el vínculo que ya existe entre la iglesia y su Cristo para que la obra redentora de nuestro Dios pueda, a través de la predicación y de la enseñanza constante. del Evangelio, así como de todas las Sagradas Escrituras, llegan cada vez a más almas en todo el mundo.Mi princi...

    33,71 €

  • Biblical Commentary
    Abdenal Carvalho
    I bring my readers news about the content of this work, presenting more concise texts and a deeper explanation of each topic, increasing the knowledge and understanding of each biblical theme by the reader. My goal is always to clarify in a simple and practical way the Gospel message to students of the Holy Scriptures. My mission is to bring the Good News of Salvation to everyo...

    33,75 €

  • Oraciones de David
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Se puede recordar a David como uno de los pocos adoradores que estaban completamente dedicados al Señor, que aprendieron a amarlo de manera espontánea y sin reservas. Su profunda entrega al cuidado de Dios, ferviente y fiel en extremo, el salmista recibió del Altísimo el título de 'un hombre conforme a su corazón', tan grande fue su fidelidad al Santo de Israel. Su vida se basó...

    35,89 €

  • Symbol and Isolation
    This collection presents symbols in isolation, organized by collection, comprising a variety of wide brush calligraphic approaches. The aim is to provide each symbol with as little distraction as possible, naming collections only, as there are nearly many interpretations of the included symbols as there are symbols themselves. ...

    54,58 €

  • The Good Seed
    Abdenal Carvalho
    We consider 'Good Seed' everything that brings us positive results of change and transformation, whether in the moral, human or spiritual aspect. Jesus Christ did not come to this world by chance, he did his best not only to show us the infinite greatness of God’s love, but to teach us good manners, attitudes that could facilitate our harmonious coexistence with our fellow men,...

    41,94 €

  • Sun of a Beach
    Dewan Mukto
    Oh, look! It’s the book with the funny name, filled with the content that brought its fame!Featuring plenty of unpublished work by Dewan Mukto, this Sun of a Beach will surely tie a noose around your attention span and drag it along the road to remembrance. This is your chance at having a look at never-seen-before stories by the author, with their corresponding first chapters e...

    43,26 €

  • Lernen Sie, mit Ihren Kunden zu verhandeln
    Digital World
    Entdecken Sie die Kraft der Verhandlung und verwandeln Sie Ihre Kundeninteraktionen in erfolgreiche Chancen! Tauchen Sie in „Lernen Sie, mit Ihren Kunden zu verhandeln' ein in ein Universum leistungsstarker Strategien und wertvoller Erkenntnisse zur Stärkung Ihrer Geschäftsbeziehungen.Dieses Buch ist ein unverzichtbarer Leitfaden für jeden Profi, der seine Verhandlungsfähigkeit...

    56,04 €

  • Aprenda a negociar com seus clientes
    Digital World
    Descubra o poder da negociação e transforme suas interações com clientes em oportunidades de sucesso! Em 'Aprenda a Negociar com Seus Clientes', mergulhe em um universo de estratégias poderosas e insights valiosos para fortalecer seus relacionamentos comerciais.Este livro é um guia indispensável para qualquer profissional que busque aprimorar suas habilidades de negociação. Com...

    53,92 €

  • Apprenez à négocier avec vos clients
    Digital World
    Découvrez le pouvoir de la négociation et transformez vos interactions clients en opportunités réussies ! Dans Apprenez à négocier avec vos clients , plongez dans un univers de stratégies puissantes et d’informations précieuses pour renforcer vos relations commerciales.Ce livre est un guide indispensable pour tout professionnel souhaitant améliorer ses compétences en négociati...

    55,16 €

  • Goûts et Santé
    François Lavergne
    Déguster cela signifie écouter, l’âme du vin me parle. Elle nourrit mon corps. ...

    15,25 €

  • Motivation and Miracles
    Dr. Purushothaman Kollam
    Step into a world of wisdom and inspiration with ’Motivation and Miracles’ This captivating collection combines timeless quotes from Seers, Sages, Thinkers, Philosophers, Leaders, and Visionaries, offering a treasure trove of insights to ignite our passion, propel our dreams, and transform our lives. Dive into the profound words that have shaped history and find the motivation ...

    20,01 €

  • Fuel for Success
    Dr. Purushothaman Kollam
    Step into a world of wisdom and inspiration with ’Fuel for Success’ This captivating collection combines timeless quotes from Seers, Sages, Thinkers, Philosophers, Leaders, and Visionaries, offering a treasure trove of insights to ignite our passion, propel our dreams, and transform our lives. Dive into the profound words that have shaped history and find the motivation to conq...

    20,88 €