Catálogo de libros: Novelas gráficas: historias reales y no ficción

344 Catálogo de libros: Novelas gráficas: historias reales y no ficción

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  • Is it a Bird, a Plane or a Red Chicken?
    W D Evans
    Red, a tiny airplane, struggles to teach her half blind and height fearing pet pilot how to fly and so stop him from crashing, especuially onto trees. If Red survives and succeeds in her bravery, she dreams of being honored as a real Red Eagle, no longer a Red Chicken. But along the way way, disaster strikes which may destroy their friendship and her Red Eagle dream - Forever. ...

    15,78 €

  • Switch
    Sandra LaMorgese Ph.D.
    Sandra is living proof that you can do anything you want, at any age, and that you can follow your passion no matter what it is. Sandra’s journey through life will challenge all your assumptions about middle-aged or ‘older’ women. Her sexual evolution will make you want to embark on your OWN sexual evolution. This is definitely a must-read, inspiring, entertaining and honest lo...

    16,41 €

  • The Communist Manifesto Illustrated
    Friedrich Engels / Karl Marx
    This comic book is the combined volume of Red Quill Book’s signature four-part Communist Manifesto Illustrated series. It also includes the full text of the original 'Manifesto of the Communist Party' along with a new Preface and explanatory notes on the prologues 'Reckoning at Highgate Cemetery', 'Breadline Babooshka', 'The Agricultural Treadmill', and 'After Occupy'.The Commu...

    48,25 €

  • The Communist Manifesto Illustrated
    Friedrich Engels / Karl Marx
    This comic book is the combined volume of Red Quill Book's signature four-part Communist Manifesto Illustrated series. It also includes the full text of the original 'Manifesto of the Communist Party' along with a new Preface and explanatory notes on the prologues 'Reckoning at Highgate Cemetery', 'Breadline Babooshka', 'The Agricultural Treadmill', and 'After Occupy'. The Comm...

    66,50 €

  • Switch
    Sandra LaMorgese PhD
    Sandra is living proof that you can do anything you want, at any age, and that you can follow your passion no matter what it is. Sandra’s journey through life will challenge all your assumptions about middle-aged or ‘older’ women. Her sexual evolution will make you want to embark on your OWN sexual evolution. This is definitely a must-read, inspiring, entertaining and honest lo...

    18,60 €

  • Tattle Tales
    Abbe Rolnick
    This collection of short stories and essays is an exploration of whimsy and wisdom that take the reader from the basement of a young girl learning about the Holocaust via a repairman, to a literal and psychological deep dive in the Caribbean, to the humble truths of a dung beetle in Africa, and all points in between. The author’s keen perception and compassion light the way, an...

    14,52 €

    Pauline E Petsel
    The author shares her childhood memories which may help sweep away the cobwebs hidden within the crevices of your mind to set a 'SPARK'and help you recall your own memories. (A book to let the younger generation know why it is called the 'good old days!') ...

    17,26 €

  • I Shaved My Legs for This?!
    Sunny Kay Hill
    Sunny Hill lives in Knoxville, Tennessee. Still on the dating scene, she uses the wisdom she has gained through her sometimes awkward, sometimes exhilarating experiences to coach friends on best dating practices. Sunny graduated from the University of Tennessee and practices accounting, although she is anything but a boring, pencil-pushing number-cruncher!Recently, she was chat...

    26,82 €

  • 25 Awesome Facts About The Coast Guard
    Brian Runion
    Did you know there's a Coast Guard? You did? Well, I guess you don’t need this book, then. OR DO YOU?See, the Coast Guard does a lot more than just guard the coast: it goes all over the world saving lives, fighting smugglers, and being really, really awesome. It has fought in every American War since 1790, and has shared its unique set of skills with every other military br...

    32,27 €

  • El Manifiesto Comunista (Ilustrado) - Capitulo Cuatro
    Karl Marx
    El capítulo final de la serie de cuatro partes ....'Los comunistas... destacan y reivindican siempre, en todas y cada una de las acciones nacionales proletarias, los intereses comunes y peculiares de todo el proletariado, independientes de su nacionalidad...mantienen siempre el interés del movimiento enfocado en su conjunto.' ...

    18,66 €

  • Das Kommunistische Manifest (Illustriert)
    Karl Marx
    Das letzte Kapitel des vierteiligen Serie....'Die Kommunisten ....die gemeinsamen, von der Nationalität unabhängigen Interessen des gesamten Proletariats hervorheben und zur Geltung bringen...stets das Interesse der Gesamtbewegung vertreten...' ...

    18,66 €

  • Le Manifeste Communiste (Illustré) - Chapitre quatre
    Karl Marx
    Le dernier chapitre de la série en quatre parties ....'Les communistes... ils mettent en avant et font valoir les intérêts indépendants de la nationalité et communs à tout le proletariat... ils représentent toujours les intérêts du mouvement dans sa totalité...' ...

    18,66 €

  • Communist Manifesto (Illustrated) - Chapter Four
    Karl Marx
    The final chapter of the four-part series....'The communists... bring to the front the entire proletariat, independently of all nationality... always and everywhere they represent the interests of the movement as a whole...' ...

    18,66 €

  • Crowley - A Beginners Guide
    John S Moore
    Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.Nearly seventy years after his death Aleister Crowley, the notorious Beast 666, is only just beginning to attract serious academic attention. Even so we would not expect to find him on any mainstream university courses; he is still too much associated with occultism. So, Crowley - A Beginners Guide is not your standard beginner’s ...

    13,16 €

  • Cuero y Cristal vol. 1
    Joseph L. Solomon / Joseph LSolomon
    ¿Que si tengo miedo? No lo se.Cuando decidí cambiar mi vida e iniciarme enel BDSM la verdad es que me asaltaron muchasdudas. ¿Seré capaz de soportar el dolor y lahumillación? ¿Estaré a la altura de las circunstancias?¿Seré una buena sumisa? Todo empezóun poco como una broma, y he terminadodándome miedo a mi misma en muchos aspectos.El progreso que llevo a cabo es lento,pero cad...

    11,59 €

  • How to Be a SuperHero (hardback)
    Mark Edlitz
    This is the hardback version.How to Be a Superhero takes the reader behind the scenes of the most popular superhero movies and television shows of the past seventy years. The book includes 35 penetrating interviews with actors and actresses who have played the world’s greatest superheroes, supervillains, antiheroes and sidekicks, as well as 70 photographs. 'To be, as Chris R...

    45,43 €

  • Never Eat a Booger !
    Kurt APfister

    20,51 €

  • Optical Allusions
    Jay Hosler
    Optical Allusions is for those people seeking a painstakingly researched, scientifically accurate, eye-themed comic book adventure! Wrinkles the Wonder Brain has lost his bosses' eye and now he has to search all of human imagination for it. Along the way, he confronts biology head on and accidentally learns more about eyes and the evolution of vision than he thought possible....

    12,65 €

  • 19 Years of Work
    Clifton (7th Grade) Berry

    14,09 €

  • Popcorn Favorites
    John (Jack) Podojil
    Popcorn Favorites: Everything You Want to Know about Popcorn and Moreby John (Jack) PodojilTrafford Publishing reviewed by J.A. Garcia“May all of your days and nights resemble popping corn, Bright, cheerful and full of wonderful mouth-watering flavor.”An author of motivational books and proponent of education, Podojil combines his love of popcorn with his passion for inspiring ...

    21,04 €

  • Popcorn Favorites
    John (Jack) Podojil
    Popcorn Favorites: Everything You Want to Know about Popcorn and Moreby John (Jack) PodojilTrafford Publishing reviewed by J.A. Garcia“May all of your days and nights resemble popping corn, Bright, cheerful and full of wonderful mouth-watering flavor.”An author of motivational books and proponent of education, Podojil combines his love of popcorn with his passion for inspiring ...

    31,82 €

  • Locee Lock’s
    Walter TRogers
    This is a story of how Locee and her family became planet Zadalin’s most powerful superheroes due to a freak accident. Join Locee as she takes on her most important mission being a single mother as well as a superhero. ...

    22,69 €

  • The Unwords
    Non Nomen
    A nameless character. A faceless figure. A disturbing, thought-provoking journey through the facts of the world we live in that we often refuse to acknowledge. By taking full advantage of their author’s lack of identity and extreme levels of introspection, The Unwords unleash a full scale attack on all fronts of cultural and social decay. Education, religion, politics, languag...

    22,56 €

  • The Unwords
    Non Nomen
    A nameless character. A faceless figure. A disturbing, thought-provoking journey through the facts of the world we live in that we often refuse to acknowledge. By taking full advantage of their author's lack of identity and extreme levels of introspection, The Unwords unleash a full scale attack on all fronts of cultural and social decay. Education, religion, politics, langua...

    19,66 €

  • Melting Down
    James Balestrieri / Jeff Krukar / Katie Gutierrez
    Based on dozens of intensive interviews with parents, clinical psychologists, teachers, and more, Melting Down is the illustrated fictional story of Benjamin, a boy diagnosed with Asperger's disorder and additional challenging behavior. From the time Benjamin is a toddler, he knows he is different: he doesn't understand social and emotional cues, does not know how to pl...

    15,29 €

  • The Altucher Confidential
    James Altucher
    In the first comic book adapted from a blog with 300,000+ visitors per month, James Altucher reveals what it takes to be successful through his own blend of wisdom and wit packaged in neuroses. Guaranteed to invoke both love and hate from readers, The Altucher Confidential comic book shares James' personal stories of success and failure in business and life. www.jamesaltuch...

    15,38 €

  • Self Talk
    Devin C Hughes
    Today's children are riddled with shots that chip away at their self-esteem and self-worth. From bullying—whether overt or passive—to learning disabilities to familial dysfunction to peer pressure, they are constantly under fire. Positive self-talk, a concept culled from Devin C. Hughes' autobiography Contrast, is a crucial, effective strategy anyone can use to build th...

    13,27 €

  • Feedforward
    Marshall Goldsmith
    Why do so many CEO's of top Fortune 100 companies get on Marshall Goldsmith's waiting list for individual coaching? Because his streamlined methods of getting to the point in human relations work ... not only for the individual being coached, but also for the team around the person being coached! This short COMIC of Feedforward will eliminate your usage of feedback whic...

    11,61 €

    Tae Keung Ha
    THE GREAT SUCCESSOR KIM JONG-UN – A POLITICAL CARTOON An epic comic of the Dark Kingdom and the passing of power to a third Kim.WHERE THERE IS TYRANNY THERE IS RESISTANCE!THE 3RD GENERATION SUCCESSOR WILL NOT ESCAPE THE RESISTANCE OF HIS PEOPLE!THE GREAT SUCCESSOR details the realities of the recent succession of Kim Jong-Un as leader of the DPRK. From propaganda engines to “tr...

    23,92 €

  • A Child Is Born
    Kandice Kandice Whitaker-Taylor
    'A Child is Born' is the first book in a series of books about the life of Jesus.K Squared Books tells biblical stores with a urban twist.'A Child is Born' is an up to date version of the story of Jesus the Christ ’s birth. This store is retold by Kandice with a K with Illustrations by Kirk. The two K’s of K squared. 3 ...

    8,07 €