Catálogo de libros: Novelas gráficas

2880 Catálogo de libros: Novelas gráficas

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  • The Hunter and The Witch
    Steve Brute
    A hunter drags a woman to their punishment for witchcraft. she will try her best to be free of the shackles of the hunter. The hunter wishes to finish the job assigned to him.A 54 page comic made in the month of October 2019. ...

    7,68 €

  • Los Pintores de Sueños
    Peter Hertzberg
    Por la noche, cuando todos estamos dormidos y todo está tranquilo, ellos atreven a salir, los pequeños pintores de sueños. Se arrastran por nuestros oídos y pintan sueños coloridos en nuestras mentes. Sueños que las pesadillas quieren borrar hasta que solo quede la oscuridad. 'Los Pintores de Sueños' es una cuento ilustrado sin texto para todos los que les gusta soñar sueños co...

    16,18 €

  • Bola Roja
    Peter Hertzberg
    Un amigo perdido, una bola roja, y un héroe quien es demasiado pequeño... 'Bola Roja' es un cuento ilustrado sin texto sobre la amistad y el coraje. ...

    14,41 €

  • Stilla natt 1
    Peter Hertzberg
    En bilderbok med tre textfria illustrerade julsagor. Med Peter Hertzbergs 'Snön den faller', Zacharias Topelius 'Sparven' och H.C Andersens 'Flickan med svavelstickorna' alla vackert illustrerade av Peter Hertzberg. 140 sidor illustrerade sidor om julens inre mening.. ...

    38,83 €

  • Silent Night 1
    Peter Hertzberg
    A collection of the 3 text-free illustrated Christmas stories: 'The Snow is Falling' by Peter Hertzberg, 'The Sparrow' inspired by a poem by Zacharias Topelius, and 'The Little Match Girl' by H C Andersen. All of them beautifully illustrated by Peter Hertzberg. 140 illustrated pages about the real meaning of Christmas! ...

    58,25 €

  • Silent Night 1
    Peter Hertzberg
    A collection of the 3 text-free illustrated Christmas stories: 'The Snow is Falling' by Peter Hertzberg, 'The Sparrow' inspired by a poem by Zacharias Topelius, and 'The Little Match Girl' by H C Andersen. All of them beautifully illustrated by Peter Hertzberg. 140 illustrated pages about the real meaning of Christmas! ...

    60,21 €

  • Palabras Silenciosas
    Peter Hertzberg
    Una colección de cuatro cuentos cortos sobre grandes temas. Todas los cuentos contadas solo a través de ilustraciones, sin ningún texto, que puedan ser leídas por todos, sin importar la edad o el idioma. El libro contiene las historias: 'Los Pintores de Sueños' Por la noche, cuando todos estamos dormidos y todo está tranquilo, ellos atreven a salir, los pequeños pintores de sue...

    58,52 €

  • Your Greatest Comfort
    Chris Briscoe
    About The Author Chris Briscoe wrote this book as he has a deep passion and longing to explain in simple steps the exciting and liberating journey of faith, and the wonderful experience of the God’s Holy Spirit - so all people can grasp practically the knowledge of the work and redeeming power of the Holy Spirit. ...

    11,48 €

  • The Terminal
    Peter Hertzberg
    Grandpa never said goodbye so Amira finds her way to the terminal from where grandpa still hasn’t moved on. 'The Terminal' is a illustrated story about acceptance and about glowing for each other. ...

    14,42 €

  • Lluvia de Preocupaciones
    Peter Hertzberg
    Hay días cuando todos los colores llueven a una nube de preocupaciones. Una historia ilustrada sin texto de Peter Hertzberg. ...

    14,41 €

  • El Guardia
    Peter Hertzberg
    El guardia, solo en una torre desolada, está protegiendo una celda cerrada con un prisionero de un recuerdo perdido... Un cuento ilustrado sin texto de Peter Hertzberg. ...

    14,41 €

  • Jultomten kidnappad
    Frank Baum / Peter Hertzberg
    Varelserna djupt i det stora berget, smider samman en ondskefull plan att sabotera julen och lura barn till varelsernas grottor. Den klassiska julsagan av Frank Baum, skaparen av sagorna om den magiska platsen Oz, nu tolkad i ett svenskt seriealbum med finurliga illustrationer. Perfekt till alla barn mellan tre till nittiofem! ...

    14,41 €

  • OMOiOMO Samling 5
    Peter Hertzberg
    Detta är den femte samlingen med fyra illustrerade sagor av Peter Hertzberg utgiven av OMOiOMO. Boken kommer med sagorna: 'Vakten' En textfri illustrerad saga om vakten som ensam i ett ensligt torn vaktar en sluten cell med en gisslan av ett svunnet minne. 'Regn av bekymmer' Är en textfri illustrerad saga om de dagar all nyans regnar bort till ett moln av bekymmer. 'En grodd av...

    60,21 €

  • OMOiOMO Compilation 5
    Peter Hertzberg
    This is the fifth compilation of four stories by Peter Hertzberg released by OMOiOMO. The book contains the stories: 'The Guard' a text-free story about having the courage to stepping into the unknown. 'Rain of Worries' a text-free story a about finding color when everything seems gray. 'A Seed of Lies' a text-free story about how a seed of lies and rumors can grow and tangle i...

    60,21 €

  • OMOiOMO Compilation 5
    Peter Hertzberg
    This is the fifth compilation of four stories by Peter Hertzberg released by OMOiOMO. The book contains the stories: 'The Guard' a text-free story about having the courage to stepping into the unknown. 'Rain of Worries' a text-free story a about finding color when everything seems gray. 'A Seed of Lies' a text-free story about how a seed of lies and rumors can grow and tangle i...

    58,25 €

  • OMOiOMO Compilation 5
    Peter Hertzberg
    This is the fifth compilation of four stories by Peter Hertzberg released by OMOiOMO. The book contains the stories: 'The Guard' a text-free story about having the courage to stepping into the unknown. 'Rain of Worries' a text-free story a about finding color when everything seems gray. 'A Seed of Lies' a text-free story about how a seed of lies and rumors can grow and tangle i...

    38,74 €

  • OMOiOMO Samling 5
    Peter Hertzberg
    Detta är den femte samlingen med fyra illustrerade sagor av Peter Hertzberg utgiven av OMOiOMO. Boken kommer med sagorna: 'Vakten' En textfri illustrerad saga om vakten som ensam i ett ensligt torn vaktar en sluten cell med en gisslan av ett svunnet minne. 'Regn av bekymmer' Är en textfri illustrerad saga om de dagar all nyans regnar bort till ett moln av bekymmer. 'En grodd av...

    58,25 €

  • OMOiOMO Year 2
    Peter Hertzberg
    This is the collection of all the nine illustrated stories made by Peter Hertzberg and released through OMOiOMO during year 2019. It’s a 300+ page collection consisting of picture-books and comics. With some stories text-free and some with text, there is something for everyone, no matter age or language. The collection comes with the stories: 'The Wanderer and the Nosewise', 'T...

    68,33 €

  • OMOiOMO Year 2
    Peter Hertzberg
    This is the collection of all the nine illustrated stories made by Peter Hertzberg and released through OMOiOMO during year 2019. It’s a 300+ page collection consisting of picture-books and comics. With some stories text-free and some with text, there is something for everyone, no matter age or language. The collection comes with the stories: 'The Wanderer and the Nosewise', 'T...

    87,83 €

  • OMOiOMO Year 2
    Peter Hertzberg
    This is the collection of all the nine illustrated stories made by Peter Hertzberg and released through OMOiOMO during year 2019. It’s a 300+ page collection consisting of picture-books and comics. With some stories text-free and some with text, there is something for everyone, no matter age or language. The collection comes with the stories: 'The Wanderer and the Nosewise', 'T...

    92,52 €

  • Petit Nuage Noir & Puma Rouge - 1 - Pestes de l’Ouest
    JS Wilmet
    Ce premier tome raconte les aventures de deux indiennes issues de tribus ennemies dont elles ont été bannies et de comment elles se rencontrent... Qu’elle soient seules ou ensemble, personne n’est en sécurité... ...

    19,55 €

  • Morgane
    Jean-Marc Lofficier / Mauro Lirussi
    Young Morgane Gorlyer works for a prestigious French fashion magazine, but she is also the descendant of the original, much maligned, Morgan Le Fey, an enchantress who was King Arthur's sister and heir to the secrets of Vivien, the Lady of the Lake, Queen of Avalon. With her boyfriend, Faust (the son of Goethe’s character), who was cursed to spend his life as a black cat un...

    10,96 €

  • Le Pastiche Tintin 2
    John Charles STRINGER
    Le Pastiche Tintin 2, a second flick throughTintin pastiches and parodies and the world of Hergé.New Zealand art historian John Stringer gathers another222 tributes to this global comic phenomenon(333 in vol.s 1-2).Parodies, tributes and lampoons have mushroomed likeShooting Star fungi since 1983 when Hergé died and theadventures ceased. Stringer draws again on hundreds ofindep...

    44,83 €

  • Emily Corn
    Page Wooller
    She has no friends. She has no parents. Emily Corn has been brought up in total isolation. But why? She uncovers a secret which forces answers and breaks the shield protecting her identity. And now they hunt her.Writer Page Wooller and artist Ali Vermeeren deliver a complex coming of age tale set against the impending destruction of Earth.Emily must accept who she is, or we all...

    16,37 €

  • Hollow Girl
    Luke Cooper / TBD
    Step into the world of the supernatural(?) vigilante, HOLLOW GIRL, in this collection of twisted morality tales from Luke Cooper, the creator of A Glimpse of Hell and artist behind Wolf Country and the True Believers Comic Award winning GoodCopBadCop. In MR TWITCH, Hollow Girl tries to find her lost humanity as she reflects on her past, including the dark night that made her wh...

    9,77 €

  • Luc’s War
    Ruary Mackenzie Dodds
    1940: A love story shattered. As France collapses, Lieutenant Luc de Fontenac weaves his way though disaster, fighting and searching for Odile Molina, the woman he loves. Meanwhile Odile – who is Jewish – is risking her career and her life.With a thousand French soldiers dying every day, it’s madness to drive back towards the enemy.Can Luc slow the German advance and find Odile...

    13,31 €

  • Deadworld
    Ralph Griffith / Stuart Kerr
    Before there was THE WALKING DEAD there was DEADWORLD. Deadworld is one of the longest running independent, acclaimed horror comic series, with over 1,000,000 copies sold that attacks the zombie menace from a different ‘supernatural’ perspective. The dead return to walk the earth...but this is no standard zombie story. In addition to having intelligent zombies with a mission an...

    15,05 €

  • Dei Ex Machina
    As Runie recovers from some of her injuries from the night before, she begins to learn more and more about the complex and some of it's particular residents who live within it's walls... 3 ...

    11,52 €

  • Red Cordial Man Adventures
    Col Lamb / Lambhead
    He’s not quite a God, but Red Cordial Man is a superhero who saves innocent humans from EVIL. When the distress call goes out and people are in trouble, Red Cordial Man leaps into action.What follows is an adventure that will take him through space and time and even to before colour was invented. Will Red Cordial power be enough to save the universe? ...

    17,67 €

  • Always
    S. Yumi Yamamoto / SYumi Yamamoto
    On a cold, rainy evening, a woman comes home to find an unexpected guest. Her old lover has been waiting for her and wants to spend the night. As they settle into a normal routine, he asks a question that he's never asked before... and suddenly the illusion of comfort and warmth is shattered. ...

    5,04 €