Catálogo de libros: Ficción religiosa y espiritual

10335 Catálogo de libros: Ficción religiosa y espiritual

Libros Eliminar filtro Ficción y temas afines Eliminar filtro Ficción religiosa y espiritual Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • A Christmas Homecoming
    Kimberly Rose Johnson
    Can the mystery of Christmas unite two hurting hearts? Bailey Calderwood gives all she has to her job as an interior design assistant, but her best isn’t good enough for her demanding, bed-ridden boss. For some unexplained reason Mona has turned against her. At least not everyone is out to get her. A mysterious admirer is sending her cards and flowers. Could it be her boss’s s...

    10,07 €

  • Next Year in Jerusalem
    John Kolchak
    A brutal re-imagining of the Gospel story, Next Year in Jerusalem follows the footsteps of Yeshua Bar-Yosif—an illiterate, epileptic, bastard son of a Roman soldier on his ill-fated life journey through a land racked by terror.     As first century Judea bleeds from the oppression of Roman rule and the violent uprisings against it, Yeshua, tormented by familial guilt for abando...

    10,60 €

  • Once Upon an Apocalypse
    Motes Jeff
    The fabric of American society has been torn asunder by an EMP attack on the United States. The enormity of what has happened is sinking in to the population. No area of the country has been spared. From the big cities to the rural countryside, all have been impacted. Loved ones are stranded far from home, their suffering families not knowing their fate. Food is in short supply...

    28,45 €

  • Redemption
    Donna M. Young / Donna MYoung
    Conspiracy theories, or government corruption?Jana’s perfect little world is turned upside down when her husband is murdered and her home ransacked by men in black. Now on the run and facing obstacles unimaginable, she must reach deeper within, physically, emotionally, and spiritually than she ever thought possible.Things had been pretty good for a while. No more abuse, poverty...

    18,71 €

  • Televangelist
    Ron Johnson
    Wearing a tailored suit and holding a bible, Bart Baxter walks out of prison with one goal in mind--to make money and lots of it.Follow along as Bart exploits religion and manipulates his followers for personal gain. Question your own moral code as you're drawn into Bart's world. Meet Mrs Christianson, Bishop Ronny, Mitch the Finance Guy, Bassist Joey and other memorabl...

    10,37 €

  • When it’s All That’s Left
    J. Evan Johnson
    What guilt hath wrought . . . .He clutched the card she left him as he urged his broken and battered body to move. The information on that card sends Mark Cooke on another journey, one he would rather not go on. Forced by his own guilt, he ventures on a path to unravel the past, all while Jade lies in the hospital bed, clinging to life. He knows for a fact he hasn’t been comple...

    14,34 €

  • A Living Hope
    E. C. Jackson
    It was a match made in heaven. Or so everyone thought. Sadie Mae Cummings is all set to marry her childhood sweetheart, Kyle, when she is assigned to tutor Lincoln, the new college football running back. This sophomore phenomenon has all the girls on campus knocking on his door. But Sadie isn’t interested in his advances.Lincoln’s overblown ego doesn’t take well to being shunne...

    13,06 €

  • I Believe In God, Now What?
    Jordone Branch
    “For a moment’s time after a sexual orgasm, I would feel great. Yet, only minutes later, I was back to being reminded of my insecurities and the havoc that stemmed from trying to cover them up in the false hope of being saved by idols.”- I Believe in God, Now What?I Believe in God, Now What? is a candid depiction of Jordone’s testimony and the struggles she experienced before c...

    18,58 €

  • One for the Money, Two for the Sluice
    Albert Noyer
    Fr. “Jake” Jakubowski, a 70-year-old Michigan priest temporarily assigned to a New Mexican village, helps Detective Sonia Mora investigate a fetus found in an irrigation sluice, which prompts reopening a cold case about the death of a wealthy rancher’s wife. The picketing of a soldier’s funeral that turns deadly; a brash anthropologist’s excavation for Civil ...

    13,99 €

  • The Wit, Whimsy, and Wisdom of G. K. Chesterton, Volume 3
    G. K. Chesterton / GKChesterton
    This volume includes two classic G. K. Chesterton novels, and his play, Magic. The Ball and the Cross is a religio-political fantasy, as a Catholic and an atheist try to keep ahead of the law in order to fight a duel. Manalive brings a man on trial, where nothing is as it seems. (It is a brilliant commentary on a man in search of himself and what he truly values.) Magic: A Fant...

    24,46 €

  • Fabiola
    Wiseman Nicholas
    Siglo IV d.C en el gran Imperio Romano, época de las catacumbas y las persecuciones a los cristianos. Fabiola es una joven que cree poseerlo todo, dinero, inteligencia, belleza. Inmersa en un mundo romano, detesta al cristianismo, pero se verá rodeada de cristianos. Su esclava Syra, su prima Inés y el gran soldado Sebastián. Todos estos impactarán en su mundo perfecto, abriendo...

    12,65 €

  • Morir
    Gerardo Solorzano Gutierrez
    Desde tiempos inmemoriales, la muerte ha sido un misterio que ha capturado la imaginación de la humanidad. Ha sido objeto de miedo, curiosidad e incluso anhelo. Culturas y religiones han tejido innumerables teorías y leyendas en torno a este enigma final. ¿Qué sucede después de la muerte? ¿Es el fin o hay algo más?En 'Morir: El Camino de la Serpiente Emplumada', Luca se enfrent...

    12,48 €

  • Newborn!
    Andrew W. P. Gage / Andrew WPGage
    To be born-again, baptized in the Holy Spirit for the first time can be both thrilling and scary. As Jesus once said, 'Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the Kingdom of God like a child will not enter it' (Luke 18:17, NAB). As Jesus implies, we are not born-again as an adult but rather as crying babes. We are surrounded by new feelings and experiences. We need to learn...

    12,21 €

  • The Hollow Walk
    Larry A. Davies / Larry ADavies
    Mitch Wagner’s family life and faith is just an image of modern Christianity. He works at a Christian social media company that services churches and ministries. His family attends the local mega-church, where his wife Megan has just been made the female worship leader. His kids, Hailey and Austin have been put through private Christian school, where Austin is in his senior yea...

    14,94 €

  • The Hollow Walk
    Larry A. Davies / Larry ADavies
    Mitch Wagner’s family life and faith is just an image of modern Christianity. He works at a Christian social media company that services churches and ministries. His family attends the local mega-church, where his wife Megan has just been made the female worship leader. His kids, Hailey and Austin have been put through private Christian school, where Austin is in his senior yea...

    25,89 €

  • Twin Fix
    Dy Noel
    The adventures of Diana continue as her trouble magnet gets her in over her head and definitely out of her comfort zone in England. Little does Diana know, the family member she is trying to help is in her own conundrum. It will take all the skills of Ben and Scott, plus a few more, to get these ladies out of trouble. ...

    32,35 €

    Cristina Fábregas
    Descubre el testimonio transformador de un alma en busca de su esencia en Viaje de regreso a Mur. Sumérgete en una narrativa vibrante que relata la odisea de veinte años en un rincón paradisíaco del Trópico, una pequeña isla que parece desvanecerse en el vasto océano del mapamundi. Este libro no es un mero relato de viajes, sino una invitación a despojarse de las capas milenari...

    14,00 €

  • El Conjuro de la Luna Roja
    Cristian Bolívar
    Un oscuro pasado hostiga a Luna, una joven gótica que trata de persuadir su dolorosa agonía con el encantamiento de su cello que ella con esfuerzo interpreta. Su apetenciacambia, cuando en la noche del 8 de noviembre, un individuo se suicida en un edificio cercano; lo cual le lleva acontecer, uno de los más grandes misterios, gracias a que se encuentra un extraño objeto que le ...

    13,94 €

  • Despierta, tú que duermes
    Larithza Sánchez
    Hace ya algunos años nos vienen avisando de los sucesos que hoy, sin ninguna duda, estamos viviendo. Con ellos comienza una nueva humanidad, dejando atrás todos aquellos patrones que nos han esclavizado durante eones y que dan comienzo en 2012, cuando se hablaba del fin del mundo de forma contumaz. En realidad lo que ha sucedido es que todo el sistema solar ha entrado en una fr...

    17,99 €

  • Wellmington’s Cove
    Alton Lynn Cooper
    God invites all people everywhere to come to Jesus Christ his Son and be saved:'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.' (John 3:16) Eternal life is given to all those that receive Jesus as Saviour:'But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the Sons of ...

    13,59 €

  • Wellmington’s Cove
    Alton Lynn Cooper
    God invites all people everywhere to come to Jesus Christ his Son and be saved:'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.' (John 3:16) Eternal life is given to all those that receive Jesus as Saviour:'But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the Sons of ...

    20,54 €

  • Church Boy in the Dark
    Harrell Chisolm / Har’rell
    This book will undoubtedly be one of the most controversial books of this new decade! The fact based fiction book begins with the story of a young child coming of age in 1980’s New York City, by presenting not only his awareness as a child of his sexuality but of his desire for street life as well, in spite of his middle class upbringing. The author in just (7) seven chapters t...

    29,13 €

  • Babylon Laid Waste
    Brigitte Goldstein
    REVISED EDITIONWinner of several literary awards!-- Elite Choice Gold Winner-- Book Excellence Awards Winner-- Kops-Fetherling International Book Awards Gold-- Beverly Hills Book Awards Winner-- National Indie Excellence Awards.Alerted by a letter from Berlin that her grandmother may be alive in a Jewish hospice there, Misia Safran, a former refugee living in New York, is deter...

    24,78 €

  • Reus
    Ángel G Menin / Luis Alejandro Bazalar García
    Reus. Juzgad si eres Dios es una novela de ficción basada en hechos reales, donde se narra la historia de un sacerdote perseguido por la misma organización a la que pertenece: la Iglesia Jerárquica Católica.También cuenta la historia de un joven que escapó de su país en busca de una vida mejor, por lo que ahora se ve envuelto en los sentimientos, pasiones e injusticias que reca...

    14,04 €

  • Catulus
    José María Risco Rojas
    El joven Catulus forma parte de la legión romana. Como soldado recorre varios puntos del Imperio Romano y a la par que ese viaje realiza su propio viaje interior.Un viaje lleno de sorpresas internas y externas, que nos introduce en su mente con gran sencillez narrativa. ...

    15,00 €

  • La cáscara
    Anna Donner
    Quien procure conocer el estado actual de la narrativa uruguaya tiene una parada obligatoriaen la obra de Ana Donner (Montevideo 1966), en su originalidad creativa y su particular eintenso pulso narrativo.Su novela La Cáscara se inscribe en la mejor tradición de lo que podemos llamar literatura de lacotidianidad con pinceladas de surrealismo y dosis de sugerente humor.Con lengu...

    12,48 €

  • Jesús Rodríguez
    P.J. J. Carling
    Jesús Rodríguez cuenta la historia de un hombre que cambió el rumbo de la historia del mundo, en el marco de la realidad de un país que no deja de llorar a sus hijos, caídos bajo el influjo de la violencia. ...

    13,00 €

  • Her Memory of Music
    Katherine Scott Jones
    Life has taught Ally Brennan to stay on her guard--even in quiet Langley-by-the-Sea. A resourceful single mom, she's content to play her beloved viola for an audience of one, fiercely protective of the stable life she's created for her young son. She gives no hint of secret fears, a musical career abandoned, or the man she once loved who shadows their happiness.When a b...

    21,96 €

  • Shadow Sister
    Katherine Scott Jones
    “A story of old secrets and new beginnings, Shadow Sister explores the complexities of family, the bonds of sisterhood, and the crippling power  of guilt. In Sarah, Katherine Scott Jones has created a woman struggling with her own demons but ultimately finding faith and discovering the beauty of forgiveness.”  —Lisa Wingate, bestselling author of Before We Were Yours“Katherine ...

    20,51 €

  • Jugando a ser Dios
    Carmen Victoria Pardo / Nelson Bustamante
    La controversia por la posibilidad de clonar al hijo de Dios ha puesto en vilo a la humanidad. La ética, la moral y la religión se enfrentan en una guerra sin precedentes. El hecho parece ser irreversible. ¿Es posible crear una versión moderna del hijo de Dios? Los científicos aseguran que con una gota de sangre Santa pueden extraer el código genético.En este contexto, el sacer...

    26,00 €