Catálogo de libros: Mitos y leyendas narrados como ficción

4682 Catálogo de libros: Mitos y leyendas narrados como ficción

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  • Jóhonaaʼéí -Tales From America’s South West
    Clive Gilson
    This collection covers a range of cultures and themes based around the California Basin and South Western nations. There is no single mythology of the Indigenous North American peoples. There are numerous traditions and narratives associated with religion, ethics and core beliefs. These stories are deeply based in nature and are rich with the symbolism of seasons, weather, plan...

    28,55 €

  • Qugaaĝix̂ - First Nation Tales From Alaska & The Arctic
    Clive Gilson
    There are many sources & traditions within Native American storytelling & mythologies. These tales are a selection of those told by the tribes & peoples of the far north.Like all mythology, Inuit myths and legends are both entertaining and instructive. The Inuit designated the powers of good and evil to deities living in a spirit world closely entwined with the starkly beautifu...

    24,63 €

  • Tibik-kìzis - Tales From The Great Lakes & Canada
    Clive Gilson
    Among many Native cultures, "storytelling" was normally restricted to the long winter evenings. The Cree were one culture with a strict belief in this regard: "During the summer, no stories founded on fiction were ever told, the Indigenous peoples believing that if any 'fairy' tales were told during that season when they were supposed to use their time to best advantage...

    24,78 €

  • Okaraxta - Tales From The Great Plains
    Clive Gilson
    There are many sources and traditions within Native American storytelling and mythologies. These tales are a selection of those told by the tribes and peoples of the Great Plains, but by no means does this book cover all aspects even within just this sub-group. It's been one of the absolute delights of the summer discovering just how deep and rich are the veins of folk and ...

    24,41 €

  • Pocket Full of Posies
    Angela Roquet
    Little reaper, big afterlife.The promise of peace in Limbo City is threatened once again, but this time the terrorists have a more specific target in mind: Lana Harvey. The up and coming reaper thought passing her classes at the Reaper Academy was going to be her biggest challenge, but when a rebel demon sends her apartment up in flames, she realizes that her victories from the...

    16,04 €

  • Oklahoma Treasures and Treasure Tales
    Steve Wilson
    “Son, there's more treasure buried right here In Oklahoma than in the rest of the whole Southwest.” Those words from an old-timer launched Steve Wilson on a yearslong quest for the stones of Oklahoma’s treasures. This book is the result.It is a book of stories-some true, some legendary- about fabulous caches of lost treasure: outlaw loot buried in the heat of pursuit, hoard...

    28,22 €

  • El cerdo
    Juan Manuel Sainz Peña
    Últimos días de la Guerra Civil.1939. La sierra de Cádiz. El cerdo, más que una historia de héroes, es el retrato de un pueblo de supervivientes y de villanos que viven en un paisaje invernal, en un lugar con el alma herida: dos pueblos, Pozobruno y La Solana, cuyos habitantes están cansados por una guerra que no han vivido en otras trincheras que las de la miseria, el hambre, ...

    18,95 €

  • ¿Quién mató a Jorge López Zúñiga?
    David Robleda López
    Fue el mejor alcalde de la mejor ciudad del mundoÉsta es su historiaÉsta es la historia de tu ciudad ...

    19,95 €

  • La dantesca vida de Philip Orsbridge
    Alfredo Nicolás Lorenzo
    La dantesca vida de Philip Orsbridge es una novela centrada en los aconteceres de la llamada Toma de La Habana por los ingleses, que fue una magna operación militar dirigida a abrir violentamente los intercambios comerciales y mercantiles europeos con el Nuevo Mundo trabados por el arcaico monopolio impuesto por España en momentos en que el capitalismo se consolidaba con el des...

    19,95 €

  • Tales From The Land Of The Strigoi
    Clive Gilson
    It is said that a particular feature of Romanian culture is the relationship between folklore and classical education and the arts. This is, in part, attributed to the rural character of Romanian life that has produced an exceptionally vital and creative traditional culture. Romanian folklore tales were the main literary genre until the 18th century, being both a source of insp...

    28,68 €

  • Tales From The Samodivi
    Clive Gilson
    The worlds of folklore and traditional storytelling are fascinating places to visit wherever the land or the people may be Tales from different regions are often shaped by geography and by cultural and historical factors that have accumulated over the course of centuries. At their heart, though, is an ever present desire to explain and understand the world and the experience of...

    25,14 €

  • Tales Told By The Wind Mother
    Clive Gilson
    Folklore & Fairy Tales from the Magyars (Hungary) - Here we have a rich mine of folk and fairy tales from the Magyar tradition. I’ve taken the following extract from Wikipedia as a starting point for this introduction…“According to András Róna-Tas the locality in which the Hungarians, the Manicha-Er group, emerged was between the Volga river and the Ural Mountains. Between the ...

    28,92 €

  • Tales From Gallia
    Clive Gilson
    In Tales from Gallia we have a collection of tales from the French & Gallic folk tradition. These tales were originally collected by Andrew Lang, Charles Perrault, Jeanne-Marie Le Prince de Beaumont, Comtesse de Sophie Ségur, Marie-Catherine Le Jumel de Barneville, Baroness d'Aulnoy, Katharine Pyle and Edmund Dulac, representing some of the finest collectors working from th...

    24,63 €

  • Tales From Germania
    Clive Gilson
    Tales From Germania, as with the collection of stories from France, Tales From Gallia, concentrates on those lesser known stories from the Brothers Grimm alongside other collectors such as Andrew Lang, Margaret Arndt and Logan Marshall. I also found some interesting but unattributed tales to add to the mix.Although the stories told by the brothers and Andrew Lang have become ol...

    24,62 €

  • Tales Told By Bulls & Wolves
    Clive Gilson
    Italian literature arguably began after the founding of Rome in 753 BC. Latin literature was, and still is, highly influential in the world, with numerous writers, poets, philosophers, and historians, such as Pliny the Elder, Pliny the Younger, Virgil, Horace, Propertius, Ovid and Livy.Much later, following in the footsteps of Petrarch and Giovanni Boccaccio’s The Decameron, It...

    28,61 €

  • The Beautiful Reaper
    The Beautiful Reaper is a poetic retelling of mythology’s personification of death, the Grim Reaper. In this poetry anthology, Death experiences a metamorphosis, thereby emerging as a feminine entity who dares to fall in love with a mere mortal. Expressed in alternating voices, tales of forbidden love, desire, obsession, heartache, and sorrow are weaved through each poem and pi...

    7,92 €

  • Tales Of Fire & Bronze
    Clive Gilson
    Mythology was at the heart of everyday life in Ancient Greece. Greeks regarded mythology as a part of their history, using myth to explain natural phenomena, cultural variations, traditional enmities and friendships. It was a source of pride to be able to trace the descent of one's leaders from a mythological hero or a god. Few ever doubted that there was truth behind the a...

    28,94 €

  • Tales From The Old Norse
    Clive Gilson
    And so we reach the final volume in this small collection of tales from the north. Originally I intended to complete the series with the Finnish volume, but as ever, there were just too many fabulous stories in my archive to call such an immediate halt.In this volume we have work collected by Jørgen Engebretsen Moe and Peter Christen Asbjørnsen taken from East o' the Sun an...

    28,83 €

  • Tales From The Land Of Rabbits
    Clive Gilson
    John A. Crow explains it perfectly in Spain, The Root and the Flower, University of California Press, 1985:Spain was first called Iberia, a name given to it by its Iberian inhabitants (from North Africa). The name was supposedly based on the Iberian word for river, Iber. They reached Spain around 6000 BCE. When the Greeks arrived on Spanish soil around 600 BCE. they referred to...

    24,71 €

  • Tales From The Lands Of Snow & Ice
    Clive Gilson
    This is the first in a two volume collection of tales from Scandinavia. There is a clear and rich tradition of storytelling in the north, perhaps dictated by long winter nights and roaring fires. Whenever you read the sagas or pick up on the wandering collections of Hans Christien Andersen and Peter Christen Asbjørnsen, amongst many others, you tap into a centuries old heritage...

    28,94 €

  • Tales From The Viking Isles
    Clive Gilson
    Continuing the theme of stories from northern lands, this volume concentrates on the Sagas from Viking isles, such as Iceland and The Faroe Isles. These forms are also known as family sagas, and were often told by the “skald” bards. For the most part these sagas take the form of prose narratives and are mostly based on historical events that took place in the 9th, 10th, and ear...

    24,87 €

  • Ancient Legends of Ireland
    Lady Jane Francesca Agnes Wilde
    This beautiful keepsake edition of Ancient Legends of Ireland is lavishly illustrated with 22 period illustrations. While Lady Jane Francesca Agnes Wilde is probably best known for being Oscar Wilde’s mother, she was a formidable writer in her own right. The people of Ireland owe Lady Wild a great debt for collecting and persevering folk-lore that might otherwise have been lost...

    17,87 €

  • Ancient Legends of Ireland
    Lady Jane Francesca Agnes Wilde
    This beautiful keepsake edition of Ancient Legends of Ireland is lavishly illustrated with 22 period illustrations. While Lady Jane Francesca Agnes Wilde is probably best known for being Oscar Wilde’s mother, she was a formidable writer in her own right. The people of Ireland owe Lady Wild a great debt for collecting and persevering folk-lore that might otherwise have been lost...

    26,97 €

  • Tales From The Forest Lands
    Clive Gilson
    his volume of tales from the north concentrates on Finland. Many of these stories have their roots in the folklore of Finnish paganism, and they have many features shared with fellow Finnic Estonian mythology and other Uralic fables. Finnish folklore also shares some similarities with neighbouring Baltic, Slavic and to a lesser extent, Norse mythologies.Much of Finnish mytholog...

    24,84 €

  • Tales From The Land of Hope & Glory
    Clive Gilson
    The wonder of storytelling is in the ritual. We have been sharing our stories, adult and child, for millennia. Before the advent of pen and parchment people relied on stories being passed through the generations as both history and as caution or adventure or excitement. Stories were and remain an essential element in the cultural and spiritual life of communities the world over...

    28,29 €

  • Tales From The Land of Saints & Scholars
    Clive Gilson
    This is the first of two volumes, so rich are the story-mining seams taken from just the few Irish collections I have in my possession at the moment. These first stories have been taken from around one hundred and forty Irish tales, themselves taken from pretty well every tradition, including classic tales of Irish legend, fairy and folk beliefs, and tales in the vernacular, or...

    31,67 €

  • El hombre de cincuenta años
    Johan Wolfgang Goethe / Johan Wolfgang von Goethe
    En 1807, a sus cincuenta y ocho años, Goethe comienza El hombre de cincuenta años, un relato sobre la madurez y las decisiones que se llevan a cabo durante esta. Se trata de un relato introspectivo sobre William Whittlestaff, un soltero quincuagenario que acoge a la hija de un amigo cuando este fallece y de quien se enamora profundamente. Al protagonista le podríamos identifica...

    17,95 €

  • La princesa y el granuja,La princesa y el granuja
    Benito Pérez Galdós / Benito,Benito Pérez Galdós,Pérez Galdós / Pérez Galdós Pérez Galdós
    Pacorrito Migajas, es un granuja de siete años, huérfano y desamparado que un día ve una muñeca en un escaparate y se enamora de ella. Sin embargo, alguien la compra y Pacorrito la busca hasta encontrarla en una casa, donde logra entrar y la busca hasta tropezar con su amada, esta yace olvidada en el suelo. Consigue huir con ella hasta ponerse a salvo, la abraza y se queda dorm...

    14,96 €

  • All the Ever Afters
    Danielle Teller

    16,83 €

  • La edad de la inocencia
    Edith Wharton
    La edad de la inocencia, célebre novela de Edith Wharton publicada en 1920, fue galardonada en 1921 con el Premio Pulitzer. En esta obra, la autora retrata la alta sociedad neoyorquina de la década de 1870. Durante mucho tiempo fue la novela más solicitada en bibliotecas públicas y un best seller en librerías. Edith Wharton nos coloca un eje de tres personajes muy bien definido...

    19,95 €