Catálogo de libros: Ficción erótica

3898 Catálogo de libros: Ficción erótica

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  • Love and the Epidemic
    Bruce K Beck
    When the New Year gets off to a rocky start, our narrator begins to wonder just where things are headed.  Surely he and Bobby, his mate of ten years, are standing on solid ground.  Or are they?  Can they continue to live and love as they’ve been doing?  As the AIDS epidemic swirls all around them, and loss becomes the new normal, will their comfortable life survive?  Will their...

    17,45 €

  • Lady Chatterly’s Lover
    D. H. Lawrence / DHLawrence
    Constance, the young Lady Chatterly, is married to a handsome, well-built man. Clifford, her husband, was wounded in the war, and is paralyzed from the waist down. His physical limitations lead him to emotionally neglect Constance, and for comfort, she turns to the gamekeeper, Oliver. In his arms, she finds the passion she needs, even as she struggles with the class differences...

    23,58 €

  • The White Wolf Prophecy - Mating - Book 1
    LK Kelley
    The White Wolf Prophecy was long known by the Clan of O’Hara - except for Kaitlan O’Hara. Kaitlan was an editor for Seneca Publishing House owned by her Father, Canaan. Knowing that her life was in danger from an enemy by the name of Zanack, Canaan sent Kaitlan to edit the book of their best-selling author, Cordone Valon, who lives deep in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. Ka...

    10,51 €

  • Dangerous Affections
    Deanna Moore-Lopez
    After many years as a mom and housewife, Elizabeth feels the the pull for something new in her life. Through the exciting new changes she decides to make, including travel in Europe, celebrity encounters, an affair and hot sex she's never experienced before, she begins to fulfill her needs. But at what price. Will her new lease on life have her paying the ultimate price? ...

    10,75 €

  • Fantastically Horny
    Far Horizons Press bring you erotic delights like you've never seen before. Ever wondered how Dragons have sex? About how well Centaurs are hung or perhaps wanted to have sex in zero gravity or with an alien like Captain Kirk used to? Then this is the book for you.  3 ...

    10,98 €

  • Marked
    Stuart Park
    Venus and her sister planet concludes their 3,000 year cycle. Stargazers amass to witness this once-in-a-lifetime event, but not Mark, his life is about to change. Mark's chance encounter with the cold but intangibly-carnal Kiko sets him plummeting into free-fall. Kim, his emphatic but emotionally-charged wife moonlights with a shadowy organisation whose intentions are far...

    8,86 €

  • Dirty Together
    Meghan March
    My wife. I love saying those words. She’s mine, and if she thinks I’m going to let her run without tracking her down and bringing her back to where she belongs-with me-then she’s about to be introduced to a new reality. Because I’ll fight dirty to give her the happily ever after she deserves. Dirty Together is the final book in The Dirty Billionaire Trilogy and should be read f...

    18,18 €

  • Victorious
    Marie Force
    He’s a sexual dominant. She’s sworn off sex. There’s no way they can make a relationship work--or can they?Flynn and Natalie’s destiny is sealed in this riveting conclusion to the initial Quantum trilogy. When Flynn pushes Natalie to her absolute limits, will she fall deeper in love or run away from him forever?From Hollywood to Las Vegas, Flynn and Natalie’s whirlwind love aff...

    12,27 €

  • Virtuous
    Marie Force
    He’s all wrong for her, but nothing has ever felt so right...After surviving a traumatic event at age fifteen and the ensuing estrangement from her family, Natalie Bryant has worked for years to reinvent herself into the woman she is today--a happy teacher fresh out of college and enjoying her first winter in New York City with her faithful dog, Fluff, by her side. Natalie isn’...

    11,00 €

  • Demon’s Embrace
    Scarlett J Rose
    Eve's life revolves around her job. Having survived a celestial apocalypse resulting in the abandonment of Angels and Demons on Earth, she is now a Demon Rehabilitation Officer, working to help displaced Demons to become productive members of society Decimus is a Battle Demon, a survivor as well. Trying to make a life for himself on Earth is difficult. Humans are prejudiced...

    7,59 €

    James Alexander
    THE LEGEND OF CLOUDS follows the fortunes and failings of a late 60s Rock group, through the highs and lows of the music business ........... This book is based on true events......... all persons appearing in this work are who they are said to be. any resemblance to real famous people, living or dead, is entirely intentional, so brace yourselves for a ride through Rocky territ...

    15,58 €

  • You're Sure to Fall in Love
    Bruce K Beck
    Our narrator hopes to maintain his new relationship with the talented musician Bobby James, who is handsome, charming, and twenty years his senior.  But then everything seems to change when they head off together to spend the entire summer of 1976 in the sexual candy store that was Provincetown, Massachusetts.  In no time at all our narrator is greeted by a rival—the dangerous ...

    12,49 €

  • A Lunatic's Guide to Interplanetary Relationships
    R.L. Andrew
    When perpetual screw-up Shayne James is transported from Earth to another planet, she has no idea she's the key to saving the universe. When Annu discovers this puny human on his planet, little does he know that she's the key to the two of them defeating the enemy. He finds her irritating, annoying, and somewhat attractive! If they don't kill each other, or get kill...

    13,85 €

  • Not Just Another Pretty Face
    The stories, poems, and essays in this collection have a single element in common that unites their wide range of literary styles and genres: they all spring directly from photographs of go-go boys. An ideal go-go boy is the perfect erotic object: slick, vacant, tantalizing, charged. We may imagine him as lost or broken so that we might rescue him, or as potent and agressive s...

    24,11 €

  • Blessing
    Shelby Kent-Stewart
    A prolific writer of BDSM erotica, Abigail Blessing is beautiful, headstrong and about to get her  comeuppance. Targeting a flesh and blood Dom for an alleged offense against a friend, Abby  will learn the hard way that submission is more than just a word on a page.  Lucas Baines, successful attorney and co-owner of The Trident, is smitten with his mysterious  new client until...

    8,28 €

  • The White Wolf Prophecy - Hall of Records - Book 2
    LK Kelley
    The White Wolf Prophecy has been handed down through thousands of years through the O’Hara Clan as a forgery. No one knows who penned it; no one knows where the real scroll is, or even if it still exists. However, there is one place that may hold the scroll of the original White Wolf Prophecy. The Hall of Records is a mythological storehouse of Earth’s history and knowledge. Th...

    11,50 €

  • Liberating Tomas
    David A Marty
    Thomas grows up in a conservative Midwest family and wonders about his sexuality. At nineteen years old, he is still a virgin and desires to find other men like himself. Tomas decides to spend the summer hitchhiking and camping in Europe. Along the way, he meets a variety of people who lead him to the conclusion that he is gay. When it comes time to return home, he has second t...

    16,89 €

  • A Murmuring of Bees
    Atlin Merrick
    Think of Sherlock Holmes and you think of mysteries, John Watson…and bees. While Arthur Conan Doyle sent the great detective to tend hives in retirement, here bees are front and centre in stories of love and romance, war and hope, of honey on the tongue and a sting in the tail. In tales of rare nectars, secret diaries, and the private language of lovers, bees may be the buzzing...

    15,82 €

  • Of Sound Mind and Someone Else's Body
    William Quincy Belle
    Alan Maitland is a successful businessman on his way up the corporate ladder. Life is good, but life is also full of the unexpected. A scientific experiment goes awry and Alan’s mind is transferred to the body of Hana Toussaint, a high-class escort. Suddenly, he must not only contend with a new identity, but with the eye-opening experience of living as a female: how to walk in ...

    9,99 €

  • Valorous
    Marie Force
    He’s a sexual dominant. She’s sworn off sex. There’s no way they can make a relationship work-or can they? After crashing into her destiny, Natalie discovers destiny can be a double-edged sword when it includes the biggest movie star in the world... Can Flynn and Natalie’s new love survive the incessant scrutiny, among other challenges they face? From Hollywood to Las Vegas, Fl...

    12,27 €

  • Corazón de hielo
    Jasmín Martínez
    VERSIÓN A COLOR, DE LUJO, DE ESTA APASIONANTE HISTORIA BESTSELLER QUE YA HA CONQUISTADO A MÁS DE 200.000 CORAZONES.Más oscura, más peligrosa, más apasionante.¿Sabes por qué no es bueno tener un corazón de hielo?Tras pasar dos años en una academia de artes marciales, Isabella obtiene luz verde para volver al país que le quitó la rosa más valiosa de su vida. Lista para tomar veng...

    88,51 €

  • Corazón oscuro
    Jasmín Martínez
    VERSIÓN A COLOR Y DE LUJO, DE LA CONTINUACIÓN DEL BESTSELLER CORAZÓN DE HIELO, ESTÁ AQUÍ EN SU NUEVA VERSIÓN: CORAZÓN OSCURO.La autora superventas, Jasmín Martínez, promete con CORAZÓN OSCURO, adentrarte más en este mundo lleno de secretos, mentiras, traiciones, amor, pasión y mucha adrenalina; con la promesa de que, si te gustó el primer libro, este vas a adorarlo.Esta histori...

    79,54 €

  • The Big Brother – Ano 2084 Da Era Comum.
    Yoshiyahu Ben Adapa.
    B H??????? THE BIG BROTHER ANO 2084 DA ERA COMUM. Tribute to 1984, Fahrenheit 451 and Brave New World.???????I ???? U. I ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? U, I G?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? WB H???????THE BIG BROTHER ANO 2084 DA ERA COMUM Uma Paráfrase do livro 1984 de George Orwell.DEDICATÓRIA.Este livro é uma homenagem respeitosa e admirável a todas as pessoas cuj...

    30,41 €

  • Múltiples realidades y una historia
    Karem Ramos
    La vida de Lea está llena de tensión cada vez que está en casa con su familia, solo Karol, su mejor amiga y su hija Priscilla una niña de 6 años son capaces de darle la paz que siente que su familia le ha arrebatado. Aunque Lea se mantiene firme en la decisión de no perdonar a su padre por acciones de su pasado, algo cambia cuando conoce a los hermanos Ron y Kate Gómez, haciend...

    19,76 €

  • Akane: A Luz Que Rompe A Escuridão Da Eternidade
    Bárbara Ellen Rodrigues
    TRILOGIALIVRO 1: A luz que rompe a escuridão da eternidadeSinopse: Uma história emocionante que gira em torno de uma adolescente fascinada por criptozoologia, chamada Akane Hiromi. Em uma noite de lua cheia, Akane recebe a visita inesperada de uma criatura sinistra. Ela não consegue identificar exatamente o que é, mas acredita ser um lobisomem. Paralelamente, um aluno misterios...

    28,02 €

  • Irresistível Pecadora
    Anna De Leão
    Uma mulher pode amar dois homens ao mesmo tempo e construir uma relação com eles? É isso que acontece com Morgana Heart quando se apaixona pelo Rockstar Neil Vail e pelo ator e diretor de cinema Paul Nicholson.Tudo parece fluir bem entre os três até Neil desejar ser o único homem da vida de Morgana, que não coloca freio em seus desejos.Será que essa mulher autêntica, livre e ex...

    69,01 €

  • La habitación de la pelirroja
    Augusto M. Torres
    Una tras otra se suceden las historias con diferentes muchachas, denominadas por alguna particularidad. La nueva criada, la novia de un amigo, la amiga de una amiga, la madre soltera, la hija de una amiga, la muda, la malhablada. De repente el autobús se aleja, deja de ver la casa, el edificio, el barrio, la ciudad. Las imágenes se atenúan, desaparecen, vuelven a ser olvidados ...

    20,80 €

  • Inconveniente, Mas Sedutora Melodia
    Jennifer Hawkins
    Cat e Júlio têm uma ligação especial que atravessa os anos.Júlio é o melhor amigo de infância do irmão mais velho de Cat e sempre a viu como a menina endiabrada e adorável que ela era, no entanto, à medida que o tempo avança, algo começa a mudar.Cat, secretamente, sempre nutriu uma atração por Júlio, e agora, de repente, ele começa a perceber que ela já não é apenas a menina qu...

    9,39 €

  • Cortina De Fumaça - Um Submundo Cruel!
    João Calazans Filho
    Estamos chegando ao final de 2023, país divido socialmente e politicamente, a política não se ajusta porque independe da sua capacidade e sim de humanos imperfeitos, a ponto de certa atmosfera acefálica tomar conta do país, atingindo principalmente os segmentos produtivos e acadêmicos, incluindo um pequeno município próspero que sofre constantemente, desde a evasão de divisas e...

    39,64 €

  • O Beijo Frio Da Sereia
    Camila Fernandes
    Em meio a uma tempestade feroz, um navio pirata é seduzido pelo canto de uma sereia. O capitão, em transe, é atraído para as profundezas do oceano, onde a morte o aguarda. Capturada e posteriormente vendida a um rico proprietário de minas, a sereia se encontra em Vila Rica, a antiga Ouro Preto, envolvida em diversos acontecimentos. Ela utiliza seu poder hipnótico para viver com...

    12,69 €