Catálogo de libros: Space opera

1774 Catálogo de libros: Space opera

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  • The Mission
    Reggi Broach
    Captain David Alexander commands an Explorer Class Starship known as the SS Evangeline. Their Commonwealth assigned mission is to locate and identify a new enemy encroaching on Commonwealth territory before it’s too late. Their new enemy has unidentifiable technology that turns people against their own government. No methods of persuasion have proven effective in restoring the ...

    21,64 €

  • Chaos Theory, Season One (A Wizards in Space Series)
    Vivian Belenky
    Margot Gunder is a student of magic--who can’t do any magic.But that isn’t stopping her. She believes in science, and you know what they say about sufficiently advanced magic...Unfortunately, the wizards on her thesis committee don’t feel the same way. Suddenly she’s out of academy funding, out of her degree, and out of luck. And that’s before a death ray accident gets her robb...

    16,40 €

  • Quantum Mortis
    Steve Rzasa / Vox Day
    The independent planet of Rhysalan provides Sanctuary to 1,462 governments-in-exile. It is the responsibility of the Xenocriminology and Alien Relations department of the Military Crimes Investigation Division to keep a firm leash on the hundreds of thousands of xenos residing on-planet. Assassinations, revolutions, civil wars, and attempted planetary genocides are all in a day...

    23,28 €

  • Heritage Lost
    S. M. Wright
    At thirty-four, Captain Katya Cassius knew she faced the twilight of her military career as a Magistrate officer on board The Maelstrom. She just hadn’t imagined she’d be jettisoning it into space. But no good deed ever goes unpunished . . .One simple rescue mission lands Katya and her two-person crew in the midst of a cover-up with the discovery of the Magistrate warship Aleth...

    19,26 €

  • When Destiny Comes Calling
    Richard H Polden
    The hunt is on!The search for Lux, the second Shard of Atticus, has commenced. But it hasn’t been a promising start with half the galaxy in pursuit of the Wardens, Nickolas getting shot during a live broadcast of a trashy reality show, and a theme park full of security guards who are, to say the least, quite inhospitable.To help turn the tide, Prince Techno sends an SOS to Publ...

    12,82 €

  • A Solitude Of Stars
    Clive Gilson
    A Solitude of Stars is disturbing and breathtaking in equal measure. It could be called a science-fiction dystopia, but I think the book goes much deeper than that. What interested me very much was how to tell the story of the Apparat and Dirigiste societies ranging across our local planetary system seeking peace by waging war to achieve it - much as we do today - while also we...

    24,18 €

  • We Dare
    Eric Thomson
    The Marines of Ghost Squadron are humanity’s foremost black ops specialists who strike without warning and vanish without a trace.  They will do whatever is necessary to protect humanity anywhere in the known galaxy.  With the Commonwealth increasingly unstable thanks to venal politicians, greedy financiers, and power-hungry revolutionaries, they don’t lack for missions.When an...

    15,30 €

  • We Dare
    Eric Thomson
    The Marines of Ghost Squadron are humanity’s foremost black ops specialists who strike without warning and vanish without a trace.  They will do whatever is necessary to protect humanity anywhere in the known galaxy.  With the Commonwealth increasingly unstable thanks to venal politicians, greedy financiers, and power-hungry revolutionaries, they don’t lack for missions.When an...

    24,21 €

  • A Solitude Of Stars
    Clive Gilson
    A Solitude of Stars is disturbing and breathtaking in equal measure. It could be called a science-fiction dystopia, but I think the book goes much deeper than that. What interested me very much was how to tell the story of the Apparat and Dirigiste societies ranging across our local planetary system seeking peace by waging war to achieve it - much as we do today - while also we...

    29,09 €

  • Star Dragon Omnibus
    Blaze Ward
    The five novels of Blaze Ward’s Star Dragon series collected together for the first time!Gareth St. John Dankworth, though kidnapped from Earth and all the things he loves, still works as a cop in the galactic society known as The Accord.Enjoy all the books of the Star Dragon series—science fiction written with an 1950s pulp flair. This series opens new vistas for readers of Bl...

    19,70 €

  • Past Lives
    Ryan M. Williams
    More than a case……it threatens his past, present, and future.Events threaten Brock’s past, in a time he thought he left behind with his humanity. Now he teams up with a former enemy to track down a missing alien artifact. It could prove the key to unlocking time itself.Trapped in the past, on a spaceship destined for war, Muriel fears changing the future. With an alien intern f...

    14,45 €

  • Past Lives
    Ryan M. Williams
    More than a case……it threatens his past, present, and future.Events threaten Brock’s past, in a time he thought he left behind with his humanity. Now he teams up with a former enemy to track down a missing alien artifact. It could prove the key to unlocking time itself.Trapped in the past, on a spaceship destined for war, Muriel fears changing the future. With an alien intern f...

    24,00 €

  • Past Lives
    Ryan M. Williams
    More than a case……it threatens his past, present, and future.Events threaten Brock’s past, in a time he thought he left behind with his humanity. Now he teams up with a former enemy to track down a missing alien artifact. It could prove the key to unlocking time itself.Trapped in the past, on a spaceship destined for war, Muriel fears changing the future. With an alien intern f...

    25,81 €

  • L'Œuf de cristal
    Herbert George Wells
    Un an avant la parution de son célèbre «Guerre des mondes», H. G. Wells nous transporte sur Mars afin d’observer ce qui s’y cache. Un simple objet, un « oeuf de cristal » déposé par des entités martiennes afin de nous observer. On le retrouve dans un magasin d’antiquité et un homme, Mr Cave, obnubilé par cet objet, se perd sur la planète rouge. ...

    7,32 €

  • fLUX Runners
    William Joseph Roberts
    What if tomorrow, you tasted freedom for the first time, but that freedom came with a cost… After a government-sanctioned privateering mission goes sideways, the crew of the Betty finds themselves fighting for their lives, light-years from home. Prepare yourself for an adventure with a lovable crew of degenerates and misfits as they dive into the dark unknown….  ...

    18,48 €

  • fLUX Runners
    William Joseph Roberts
    What if tomorrow, you tasted freedom for the first time, but that freedom came with a cost… After a government-sanctioned privateering mission goes sideways, the crew of the Betty finds themselves fighting for their lives, light-years from home. Prepare yourself for an adventure with a lovable crew of degenerates and misfits as they dive into the dark unknown….  ...

    35,98 €

  • The Concordia Deception
    J. J. Green / JJGreen
    Facing the enemy at the gatesAll her life Cariad had one dream: to participate in humanity’s colonization of deep space. After topping her field as a geneticist, and then spending 184 years in cryonic suspension, she’s achieved her goal.But the new planet is not the paradise the scientists predicted. Alien predators come out at night, ready to feast on the new arrivals. What’s ...

    19,64 €

  • Return Trip - Halley’s Casino III
    Mark JG Fahey
     Mark JG Fahey is back with his 3rd book in the Halley’s Casino serieswith Return Trip – Halley’s Casino III.Nebula Yorker (Neb to his friends,) find himself returning to 1990 Earth albeit a somewhat different Earth where ancient Rome still stands and an old foe long thought forgotten to time returns to fulfill his master plan of universal wide domination. And what on Earth is ...

    20,14 €

  • Dimity’s Dragons
    Donald Bambrick
    This is a future earth novel. Humanity begins to move out from a dying earth. On a particular planet, colonists are attacked by monsters looking like an ancient Egyptian God. On another planet, a young explorer finds a race of Dragons through a transit portal. Befriending them, she discovers how to use powerful space ships left behind by another race, long gone. Using these cra...

    10,91 €

  • The Infinite Sea
    Jeffrey A. Carver / Jeffrey ACarver
    INTO AN ALIEN SEAJohn Bandicut and his company have been rewarded for their heroism in saving Shipworld. The prize: to be flung back into inhabited space—not to their home planets, as they had hoped, but to the bottom of an alien sea. Helpless and sinking, they are rescued by strange mer-creatures and brought to an undersea city, where a race of sea-people known as the Neri liv...

    14,86 €

  • Tourist Trap
    Stephanie Osborn
    The Cortians are back, and they want Echo.After months of “playing target,” the heads of the Alpha Line special forces department, Alpha One—Agents Echo and Omega—finally take a very special vacation on Tiniken, the “Eden planet,” for some much-needed R&R. The pair kick back, relax, and play tourist, exploring this lovely alien world together.But when they unwittingly cross pat...

    16,92 €

  • The Runabout
    Kristine Kathryn Rusch
    A graveyard of spaceships, abandoned by the mysterious Fleet thousands of years earlier. Boss calls it “the Boneyard.” She needs the ships inside to expand her work for Lost Souls Corporation. Yash Zarlengo thinks the Boneyard will help her discover if the Fleet still exists.Boss and Yash, while exploring the Boneyard, discover a small ship with a powerful and dangerous problem...

    19,28 €

  • Searching for the Fleet
    Kristine Kathryn Rusch
    An epic search sparked by a dangerous hope.Leaving Boss behind to continue diving the Boneyard, Ivoire Engineer Yash Zarlengo returns to the Lost Souls Corporation’s headquarters to analyze the data from the runabout they discovered there.Convinced that the experience in the Boneyard proves the Fleet still exists, Yash buries herself in her work, interested in little else.Ivoir...

    24,18 €

  • The Application of Hope
    Kristine Kathryn Rusch
    Captain Tory Sabin knows all too well the dangers of the anacapa drive, and that sometimes ships enter foldspace never to return. The ships simply disappear, taking their crews with them.Responding to a distress call from Captain Jonathan “Coop” Cooper, Sabin knows she must race against time to find him and his ship. Because although the Ivoire becomes the latest ship to enter ...

    16,44 €

  • The Spires of Denon
    Kristine Kathryn Rusch
    Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s novel Diving into the Wreck spawned a universe so vast that one novel can’t contain it. The Spires of Denon doesn’t involve Boss or her crew. Instead, this powerful novella follows Meklos Verr, hired to guard an archeological dig near the mysterious Spires of Denon. There Verr encounters the prickly Gabrielle Reese who heads the dig, and he meets some c...

    18,74 €

  • Becalmed
    Kristine Kathryn Rusch
    Mae, chief linguist on the Ivoire, heads a diplomatic mission to Ukhanda. Her handling of relations with the Quurzod leads to a battle that causes the Ivoire’s anacapa drive to malfunction, stranding the ship in foldspace.Mae can’t remember what she did wrong on the mission: all she knows is that she’s one of the few survivors. If she doesn’t recall it, she won’t be able to pre...

    16,50 €

  • Diving into the Wreck
    Kristine Kathryn Rusch
    Boss dives derelict space vessels, for money, yes, but more for their historical value. So, when Boss uncovers the find of a lifetime, she enlists the best divers she can convince to help her pursue it—off the grid and under the Empire’s radar.Boss’ discovery leads her and some of her team to the Room of Lost Souls. Boss remembers the Room. It haunts her. Her mother died there....

    24,52 €

  • City of Ruins
    Kristine Kathryn Rusch
    Years after stumbling across her first Dignity Vessel, Boss now leads a team of people searching for “loose” stealth technology. She takes a team to Vaycehn to investigate a phenomenon called death holes, thinking they might lead her to stealth tech.Captain Jonathon “Coop” Cooper and the crew of the Ivoire finally find a way out of foldspace despite their damaged anacapa drive....

    24,35 €

  • Boneyards
    Kristine Kathryn Rusch
    Stealth tech: a lost science everyone wants to reclaim. The woman who helped Boss dive the Dignity Vessel, known then as Squishy, claims a long and storied history with stealth tech. Her research into the lost science caused deaths before, and she failed to prevent more during a fateful dive. Now, she vows to find a way to destroy the technology once and for all.Coop and Boss w...

    24,39 €

  • Skirmishes
    Kristine Kathryn Rusch
    The answers Captain Jonathon “Coop” Cooper and the crew of the Ivoire seek lie in the Boneyards. But they must wait for Boss and her team to dive it, explore the wrecks, and piece together what happened in that faraway place.Boss loves the challenge. Thousands of ships, centuries of history, all play to her strengths. In her absence, she trusts Coop to defend the Nine Planets A...

    24,56 €