Catálogo de libros: Space opera

1774 Catálogo de libros: Space opera

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  • Gravity’s Heir
    Sara Bond
    "Legacy is nothing but history, if it doesn't have a future.”When her father threw her out, sacrificing his only living daughter for the good of his shipping conglomerate, Lena Lomasky swore she could make it on her own. But now she’s broke and desperate, and pride won’t fuel her spaceship. Her latest job is simple: carry a datastick of state secrets home to her father. The...

    16,38 €

  • Betta's Station
    Johnnie Ruffin / Ruffin Johnnie
    After living a life of indentured servitude to the feds, Betta Reganta finds new opportunity on a derelict space station. Getting the space station up and running is only one of the many challenges she faces. Partnering with Jadis Ter, a failed genetic experiment and owner of a neighboring power station, takes her life for an even darker turn. 3 ...

    12,45 €

  • Sunborn
    Jeffrey A. Carver
    Stars are dying.John Bandicut and his companions are summoned to a star-cloud called Starmaker, known to humans as the Orion Nebula, to discover what force threatens newborn stars—and possibly every world within a thousand light-years. Their journey takes them not just into the perils of a stellar nursery, but into confrontation with the Mindaru, a billion-year-old AI and adver...

    16,62 €

  • Edge of Valor
    Josh Hayes
    When their mission fails, his begins.'A tour de force.'--David Weber, NYT bestselling author of the Honor Harrington Series.Special Agent Jackson Fischer is a man after truth. When a military operation to extract a high-ranking ambassador from the war-torn, border-world of Stonemeyer ends in disaster, Fischer is called in to investigate.A whole platoon went in, but only three A...

    21,98 €

  • A Journey in Other Worlds
    John Jacob Astor
    In this science fiction classic we meet President Bearwarden, Dr. Cortlandt and Ayrault approaching Jupiter in their spaceship, Callisto. The three explorers travel the galaxy from Jupiter to Mars to Saturn and the wide spaces in between before returning to Mother Earth.This space saga was written by the American businessman John Jacob Astor, a member of the prominent Astor fam...

    13,06 €

  • Estan
    David J Pearson
    Book two in The Lucid Chronicles;HOPE IS MEMORY.Join Estan Harvey as she leads her friends back to the suffocating, dying world they call home. Armed with the truth of the Eclipse they mean to over throw Unity and bring down the regime. Little do they know, a terror chases that could spell the end of the human race.With the Buyer’s return Estan and her people find themselves as...

    19,27 €

  • Time Crime
    Carnegie Olson
    THE FUTURE IS THE PAST. AND THE PAST IS UNDER SIEGE. The architecture of Time itself is threatened and only Mr. Z.'s shrewd powers of observation, keenness for cosmic lore and psi-powered courage can avert irreversible, destiny-shattering, world-destroying calamity. Welcome to TIME CRIME, a science fiction thriller featuring an irregular, mythologically astute scholar and h...

    21,93 €

  • Time Crime
    Carnegie Olson
    THE FUTURE IS THE PAST. AND THE PAST IS UNDER SIEGE. The architecture of Time itself is threatened and only Mr. Z.'s shrewd powers of observation, keenness for cosmic lore and psi-powered courage can avert irreversible, destiny-shattering, world-destroying calamity. Welcome to TIME CRIME, a science fiction thriller featuring an irregular, mythologically astute scholar and h...

    28,65 €

  • Travellers
    Roger Taylor
    Refugees from the worlds of the galactic centre are seeking a planet on which to make a new home far from the reach of pursuers. They are running dangerously low on resources, and with nowhere else to go the only suitable planet they have found is already inhabited. Its civilisation is dangerously unstable.Can Taithur, the leader, morally and ethically justify taking the planet...

    27,23 €

  • Conviction
    Glynn Stewart
    A starfighter squadron driven to desertionHunted by friends and enemies alikeWith one final hope for a new beginningThe last reward Kira Demirci expected for heroism in a time of war was to spend the rest of her life dodging assassins—but when her government betrays her as part of their surrender, she and her comrades flee the star system of Apollo to the edge of civilized spac...

    16,96 €

  • Transference
    B.T. Keaton / B.TKeaton
    Banished to the desert planet Eridania and serving a life-sentence for thievery, Barrabas Madzimure toils underground. Slaves to the Church and the will of its prophet Jovian, a charismatic figurehead who rules everything on Earth, Madzimure and his cohorts dig endlessly for the substance eridanium-the source of Jovian’s alien power.But Madzimure can no longer keep his secret. ...

    13,67 €

  • The Twisted Vine
    Alyce Caswell
    In the millennia since leaving Old Earth, humans have spread far and wide across the galaxy. A pantheon of sub-level gods was created to oversee the expanding population, always to protect them out of sight, never to become one of them — and never to experience love. Or so they thought.When Fei, a brilliant but downtrodden programmer, finds proof that the Creator God’s most loy...

    14,62 €

  • Lines of Communication
    Steve Rzasa
    Vincent Chen keeps star systems in close communication with each other as he tends to the comms ferry satellites that connect the Realm of Five. He doesn't take risks for others.All it takes is answering the wrong distress signal...Rescuing the wrong woman...Making the wrong trip home...Helping the wrong spies...And Vincent races across the galaxy, saving people in need, br...

    37,99 €

  • Continuum
    G. S. Jennsen / GSJennsen
    Humanity has seized its destiny among the stars. But space remains vast and untamed, and nothing has prepared us to face the dangers rising from the deep shadows of the void.Fourteen years after The Displacement flung humanity into a universe teeming with alien life, a tenuous alliance has taken root among humans, Anadens, and numerous other species. The wounds of war and revol...

    23,95 €

  • First Gear
    Eve Langlais
    When an intrepid explorer finds a lost temple, what’s inside will change the course of history.The planet is dying, and yet Jool is convinced there’s a way to save its people. The answer lies in a deadly mountain range that no one dares explore, but he doesn’t have a choice. The voice in his head proves insistent.With nothing to lose and everything to gain, Jool sets out to fin...

    9,73 €

  • Spinning Wheels
    Eve Langlais
    Best friends Zak and Ray have only one goal in life: Upgrade their bodies until they’re more metal than flesh.But to do that, they need to find more gears. And who better to help them find lost treasure than a seer who can predict the future and decipher the past?Funny how she didn’t predict her own kidnapping.Nema isn’t impressed with her supposed rescue by the Siyborghs. Part...

    11,86 €

  • GRID Traveler Blurred Lines
    J Carrell Jones
    GRID Traveler Blurred Lines Episode 4 is book 4 in the GRID Traveler series. Episode 4 continues Captain Sean Blakemore, his crew, and the GRID Ship Johnson's adventures.Kathy Loggar, the former Most High Goddess lost her life in a battle with Sean when she viciously attacked a Villiage of Necronian worshippers on a previously unknown planet. With Loggar's death, the Mo...

    6,56 €

  • So This is Earth?
    John Wilker
    Wil never planned to go home again.Plans change. Hired by one of the most powerful people in the Galactic Commonwealth to retrieve someone, the crew takes the job.Wil has reservations, the crew wants more bacon. Get in, grab the target, get bacon, and get out.Easy right?Wrong.Things go downhill fast. While Wil has been off saving the galaxy (more than once, thank you very much)...

    15,66 €

  • The Distant Kingdoms Volume One
    David A Petersen / David A. Petersen
    MINERVA - The Roman Goddess of wisdom and the sciences as well as war.THE MINERVA PROJECT - A development of the multi-national corporation ScienceStart.SCIENCESTART - Colin Bourke’s company whose main aim is to develop financially viable scientific achievements.Six of the finest scientific minds in the western world are working on a venture to lay the foundations to control th...

    23,44 €

  • Los Zoam y el Secuetro del Doctor Ulloa
    José Antonio Arcos Aguayo
    La primera aventura de Los Zoam da una vuelta de tuerca al género de ciencia ficción, llevando a una familia tradicional a vivir una aventura fuera de lo normal.Para los amantes de los videojuegos, los comic y la fantasía, los Zoam representa la primera entrega de una saga que no los dejará indiferentes.Cuando Candela cumple los trece años, un cúmulo de circunstancias hace que ...

    13,52 €

  • Specimen 959
    Robert Davies
    Faced with overwhelming odds, they’ll have to fight to survive..Astronaut. Repairman. Prisoner. CenturoCorp engineer Darrien Norris begins a journey across Terran Colonial space to restore a broken mining machine on a distant, mineral harvest world. It was supposed to be routine—a good run to finish his career—but his shuttle is thrown without warning from its course by an unse...

    28,96 €

  • Echoes of Esharam
    Robert Davies
    He only wanted to go home, but first he must save humanity. . .Delivered at last from the hell that was Bera Nima prison, Darrien Norris basks in a freedom he thought would never arrive. But as he waits for the Transceptor to restore his memories from seventeen years before, he discovers an alien race intent on destroying everything, and everyone, in its path.Now Norris and his...

    26,22 €

  • Petron
    Blaze Ward
    In the Twelfth Year of Jessica Keller, Queen of the Pirates: January the Twentieth at Petron.You are cordially invited to the wedding of Queen Jessica to Torsten Wald.But trouble never sleeps. Assassins strike, and the entire galaxy staggers angrily towards war.Jessica must put aside her happiness and try to stop it.Or let everything burn.The final book of the Jessica Keller Ch...

    14,71 €

  • Assassin
    Jane Killick
    Framed for an assassination she didn’t commit, Cassy must prove her innocence to bring a life-saving technology back to her home planet.When Freelance spaceship captain Cassy discovers an assassin at the wedding of her ex-lover, Prince Stephen, she fights to wrench his rifle away. But a stray blast shoots into the royal party and kills Queen Triana. Knocked unconscious, Cassy w...

    14,62 €

  • Torn
    Mary Brock Jones
    Two ecological engineers must change their world to save it. Eons ago, ecological engineers like Caleb and Fee designed their world. But even the best designs wear out eventually. Now, Arcadia is threatened with environmental collapse, and only the men and women of the Survey can save it. 'Storms, floods, drought. Don’t bother taking your pick,' says the planet, 'you’re going t...

    17,17 €

  • Diverse Demands
    Sharon Rose
    She could use forbidden telepathy to prevent an alien war. But will her own people call her a hero or a criminal?Kena, a lone human among aliens, forged a truce with her enemies by promising a controversial telepathic link with their future leader. They claim this is the foundation of lasting peace. But what are these obscure problems they now hide? Why is TarKeen, her stronges...

    17,99 €

  • The Belter Revolution
    Eric Martell
    All Adam wanted was his advanced degree and a girlfriend. What he got was betrayal, kicked out of University, and exiled to the Asteroid Belt. Through a series of mishaps, he became a successful pirate.When the oppressive North American Dictatorship retaliates, Adam is thrust into a leadership role in the Belter’s struggle for independence.He must reach deep to find the strengt...

    11,06 €

  • The Tortured Wind
    Alyce Caswell
    In the millennia since leaving Old Earth, humans have spread far and wide across the galaxy. A pantheon of sub-level gods was created to oversee the expanding population, always to protect them out of sight, never to become one of them — and never to experience love. Or so they thought.Callista, a mortal woman, spends her nights fighting for the glory of her gang. She trusts he...

    14,62 €

  • Crusade
    Glynn Stewart
    A newborn Alliance, forged to stop the destroyers of worldsA potential ally, with secrets hidden by a thousand liesA long-doomed star, whose ruins hold a vital answerIsaac Lestroud, Admiral of the Exilium Space Fleet, has spent the last three years working with Ambassador Amelie Lestroud to build an alliance against the Rogue Matrices, AIs bent on converting every world into a ...

    21,48 €

  • Lunar Eclipse
    Gun Brooke
    Moon De Cruz hasn't had an easy life. Born a slave, she's stationed aboard a Bramalian trader ship for twenty years. Miraculously, she survives a pirate attack and flees in an escape pod. As she crashes onto an uninhabited planet, she learns to become one with nature.Four years later, Captain Beaux Lestarion is orbiting a virgin planet that appears rich in natural resou...

    16,54 €