Catálogo de libros: Cuentos de terror y fantasmas

9649 Catálogo de libros: Cuentos de terror y fantasmas

Libros Eliminar filtro Ficción y temas afines Eliminar filtro Cuentos de terror y fantasmas Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Inverted Justice
    Carl Hunt
    Paul Johnson was living the American dream with his loving wife and children, his seven-figure income, his luxury sports-sedan, and his majestic home, but all this was about to change with one simple visit to Atlanta, Georgia. 3 ...

    18,32 €

  • Inverted Justice
    Carl Hunt
    Paul Johnson was living the American dream with his loving wife and children, his seven-figure income, his luxury sports-sedan, and his majestic home, but all this was about to change with one simple visit to Atlanta, Georgia. 3 ...

    29,57 €

  • Love With the Ghost

    11,59 €

  • Keep the Secret Alive
    Kansas Rae

    31,87 €

  • Hell’s Ambrosia
    Daniel Stiles
    The ultimate combination of horror and comedy with just the right amount of action, 3 ...

    18,43 €

  • The Dance of Death (La Danza de Muerta)
    George W. Barclay
    Brutal axe murders of Dr. Teena Mazon, transplant surgeon, and Cathy Reyes, ICU supervisor, both ballroom champions, and the tragic plunge of lawyer Eugene Cash to his death gives lawyer-sleuth Sandra Lerner nightmares, panic attacks, and insomnia. Psychiatrist prescribes pills, vacation, and recreational ballroom dancing. Mystery, horror, sex, violence in ethnic urban set...

    17,23 €

  • The Book of Doppelgangers
    The face in the mirror is yours, but ever so slightly different. A shadow haunts your house, but it walks in places you’ve never gone. You grew up with a boy who had your face and your name, except he always did everything right, while you never could. Evil twins, double images: these are the tales of the Doppelganger: eight outre tales of the doubly weird by J. Sheridan Le...

    38,74 €

  • The Winter Star
    Robert Burnett
    Westburgh Pennsylvania, a small, quiet town on the outskirts of Wilkes-Barre. A town with a terrifying history that has long been forgotten. 3 ...

    35,00 €

  • The Winter Star
    Robert Burnett
    Westburgh Pennsylvania, a small, quiet town on the outskirts of Wilkes-Barre. A town with a terrifying history that has long been forgotten. 3 ...

    46,24 €

  • Realm
    Jeremy B. Goodman
    In the calm of the desert, under Devil s Rock Mountain, Oscar Mills and his team of scientists have just unleashed a mad man. What they find, as they search for Frank Waterford, a serial killer unknowingly placed in one of their Cryo-Chambers, is more terrifying than Oscar could ever imagine. But, through altered realities and mind blowing dream states, Oscar realizes the real ...

    16,15 €

  • Yeti
    Jack Slade

    11,58 €

  • Yeti
    Jack Slade

    17,10 €

  • The Collector
    Tim Tingle

    23,68 €

  • Dark Wonders
    Mark A. Reynolds

    12,79 €

  • Roast Beef on Italian Bread
    Paul V. Dunn
    A comedic, bizarre, strange, horrific piece of fiction, displaying an abundant selection of diverse human emotions. A hard piece of work to classify. Not for everyone and not for the faint of heart. 3 ...

    12,83 €

  • Duel
    Richard Matheson

    24,23 €

  • The Veil
    Beth Schiemer
    Who is this strange man in her dreams and what is his message? 3 ...

    15,07 €

  • Escape From Zombie Island
    S. P. Moran
    Firpo s last work assignment takes him to Haiti, the land of voodoo, a zombie island of sorts. The trip turns deadly and Firpo manages to escape, only to be thrust into another life and death situation, one with eternal implications. One involving escape from the true Zombie Island. Firpo s last bitter sweet days are his own dark night of the soul, where he discovers, as Einste...

    16,18 €

  • That Memory of Evil
    John Reddoch
    This 1950’s story Nostalgically tells of some adolescent boys discovering friendships, autonomy and bravery, but finding horror at the end of an adventurous hike. Those who later reunite discover much more about how each lived with that horror. ...

    29,27 €

  • Side Show
    Cathy Burburuz

    16,20 €

  • The Chain
    Clifton Cross
    For centuries, man has sought to see the future. For Billy Garrett and his friends, knowing the future is a curse. 3 ...

    17,14 €

  • The Chain
    Clifton Cross
    For centuries, man has sought to see the future. For Billy Garrett and his friends, knowing the future is a curse. 3 ...

    28,38 €

  • Ghost of a Death
    Kemp Watson
    John Henry Harris has been murdered. From his death arises the ghost Descartes. A 9mm bullet through the back of the skull simultaneously ended the life of the one and gave birth to the other. John Henry has lost his daughter and the $74 million he was paid for his successful company. The ghost Descartes has gained probable immortality and the ability to interact with the world...

    15,03 €

  • Songbird
    Hank Gilliam

    26,53 €

  • The Other Sex
    Don Locicero
    When Helen and Harold awake one morning transfigured into each other, their world is thrown into chaos. Will the hostile mother-in-law who refuses to believe that the pregnant woman is not her daughter, but her daughter’s husband, help solve their dilemma? Will their burned out pastor offer them spiritual comfort? Can the idealistic social worker who is also a fierce karate ex...

    17,13 €

  • The Other Sex
    Don Locicero
    When Helen and Harold awake one morning transfigured into each other, their world is thrown into chaos. Will the hostile mother-in-law who refuses to believe that the pregnant woman is not her daughter, but her daughter’s husband, help solve their dilemma? Will their burned out pastor offer them spiritual comfort? Can the idealistic social worker who is also a fierce karate ex...

    28,37 €

  • Broken World
    Rev J. L. Byers / Rev. J. L. Byers
    At the end of the twentieth century the world is teetering on the brink of total annihilation. But in a small Southern California community just outside of Los Angeles, a young man named Jesse is fighting against the tide of darkness. When a cataclysmic earthquake devastates the west coast, he and his followers are forced to find a way to survive in the aftermath. But the eleme...

    19,42 €

  • Dark Revenge
    Dark shadows fall across the shores of the Atlantic Ocean as an evil being arrives in Florida. Karl Braun takes revenge against the man who tried to destroy him a half century earlier. In this erotic vampire tale, five terrified people unite to battle the forces of evil. 3 ...

    19,33 €

  • A Witch’s Dozen
    Janet Fox
    A selection of Janet Fox’s finest fantasy and horror stories. Janet Fox is a long-time writer of fantasy and horror short stories. She has had stories published in such magazines and anthologies as Year’s Best Horror, Year’s Best Fantasy, The Twilight Zone Magazine, 100 Fiendish Little Frightmares and Sword and Sorceress, as well as many small press publications. Under the pen ...

    35,31 €

  • A Witch’s Dozen
    Janet Fox
    'Poetry in all that she does is her hallmark, and few are able to equal it . . .' -- Charles L. GrantWhen Janet Fox’s story 'Witches' appeared in Tales By Moonlight, the editor (noted author and critic Jessica Amanda Salmonson) described Janet Fox by saying: 'A regular in Year’s Best Horror Stories, she has published in Amazons!, Fantastic, Moonbroth, Space & Time, Year’s Best ...

    16,62 €