Catálogo de libros: Cuentos de terror y fantasmas

9672 Catálogo de libros: Cuentos de terror y fantasmas

Libros Eliminar filtro Ficción y temas afines Eliminar filtro Cuentos de terror y fantasmas Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
    Asher Meekins
    Pascal is back. Parisian life at the gothic mansion, hidden on the outskirts of Paris has calmed down, and the vampire army has returned to normal life. Queen Ammonite has managed to regain her reign as leader of this coven, is this the calm before the storm, as rumbling gossip and lies have started to emerge. Unrest begins to eat away at the covens foundations. Teardrops di...

    18,56 €

  • In Case of Carnage
    Gerry Griffiths
    Detective Bill Hendrix has always had a fascination with the supernatural. His partner Hank, however, likes to stick with facts. When they’re called to an apparent homicide at the local mall, none of the facts of the robbery-turned-murder scene add up. Bill begins to suspect they’re looking at the work of vampires. Before Hank knows what hit him, his partner drags him on a wild...

    10,04 €

  • Untold Mayhem
    Mark Tullius
    24 Tales of Madmen, Monsters, and Misery.A tantalizing blend of horror, suspense, and crime stories; each unique but all dark, disturbing, and violent.Between the covers lurk: A tarot card reader who makes house calls. A disabled man in a miserable marriage who is regaining the use of his arms. An ex-con who can’t resist carrying out one last home invasion. Bickering busin...

    8,54 €

  • Syner i natten
    Ambrose Bierce / Arthur Machen / Edgar Allan Poe
    Välkommen in i skräckgalleriet:En kvinna säljer sin själ till dödsguden i utbyte mot en gränslös förmåga att döda.En äldre herre vill så gärna bli mördad. Drömmen går i uppfyllelse – men inte på det sätt han tänkt sig.En ung man vandrar i en mörk skog där träden droppar blod och kroppen efter hans döda moder väntar på honom.Doktorn i den sömniga förorten till London öppnar port...

    25,69 €

  • Four
    MJ Preston
    "The highwayman brought his hand up and ran his fingers through the beard. 'Where do we go from here?' he asked the Bundy-ish reflection. Sooner or later, the monster would have to be fed." Having abstained from killing for almost a year, the Highwayman is coming unglued.Unsure if the FBI is watching, Lance Belanger spends his days and nights in a paranoid malaise, long...

    17,22 €

  • 獅城情緣(繁體字版)
    註册護士崔媛媛與耳鼻咽喉科主治醫師鄭之龍二見鍾情,婚後才知老公是雙面人,既是仁心仁術的醫生,也是家暴者。汪致遠是國內來的住院醫生,他同情崔媛媛的遭遇,並進一步由憐生愛。由於面對的是一個狡猾的枕邊人,崔媛媛不願拖汪醫生下水,轉而向年近古稀的富豪方淮安求助,但天下没有免費的午餐,崔媛媛得付出什麼代價?她和汪致遠又能否'有情人終成眷屬'?這是作者B杜一系列異國戀情N部曲中的第七部,故事講述女性復仇的故事,在壓抑的氣氛中逐漸露出曙光......Nurse Cui Yuanyuan fell in love with, Dr Zheng Zhilong. But after marriage, she learned that her husband had a split personality: on the one hand, a benevolent ...

    20,22 €

  • 狮城情缘(简体字版)
    注册护士崔媛媛与耳鼻咽喉科主治医师郑之龙二见钟情,婚后才知老公是双面人,既是仁心仁术的医生,也是家暴者。汪致远是国内来的住院医生,他同情崔媛媛的遭遇,并进一步由怜生爱。由于面对的是一个狡猾的枕边人,崔媛媛不愿拖汪医生下水,转而向年近古稀的富豪方淮安求助,但天下没有免费的午餐,崔媛媛得付出什么代价?她和汪致远又能否'有情人终成眷属'?这是作者B杜一系列异国恋情N部曲中的第七部,故事讲述女性复仇的故事,在压抑的气氛中逐渐露出曙光......Nurse, Cui Yuanyuan, fell in love with Dr. Zheng Zhilong. But after they were married, she learned that her husband had a split personality: on the one hand, a ...

    20,22 €

  • Stonefish
    Scott R. Jones
    A missing tech mogul......a jaded reporter......a damaged AI returned from a horrifying reality......and something lurking in the woods.When journalist Den Secord is tasked with locating enigmatic tech guru Gregor Makarios, he soon finds his understanding of reality under threat. At the edge of the world, surrounded by primeval forests, in the paradisaical environs of Gregor...

    20,90 €

  • Schabraco and other Gothic Tales from the Ladies’ Monthly Museum, 1798-1828
    Jennie MacDonald
    In 1798, a prospectus appeared for The Lady’s Monthly Museum, a bold new project which – in contrast to the predominance of men’s magazines at the time – would be edited by a “Society of Ladies” and would include wholesome entertainment exclusively intended for young women. But with the inclusion of the Gothic tale “Schabraco” in its second issue, the magazine attracted immedia...

    42,90 €

  • Playing a Dangerous Game
    Everett D. Wair Sr.
    Playing a Dangerous Game is a story about a Chicago City employee who is falsely accused of sexual harassment. At his sexual harassment hearing, another city employee befriend him, and they team up to make their accusers confess to falsely accusing them, but things go terribly wrong when bodies began to turn up. 3 ...

    11,32 €

  • Weirdbook #42
    John Shirley
    This special John Shirley issue of WEIRDBOOK presents a complete, original novel plus a selection of poems, short stories, and more by one of the most acclaimed figures in the fantasy, horror, and science fiction fields. Included are:Novel: Swords of Atlantis, by John Shirley Short Stories: Anvil Rock, by John Shirley Broken on the Wheel of Time, by John Shirley Noddin...

    13,83 €

  • Skuggor vid aftonlampan
    Arthur Conan Doyle / Fitz-James O'Brien / Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
    Stödda mot väggarna stod hela rader av lik, gula, hemska, vanställda. Några gapskrattade, andra vred sig i dödsryckningar; några var nakna, andra i rika dräkter. Halvnakna häxor red på bockskelett, fasliga gnomer hakade sig fast i väggarna; över deras huvudskallar skakade en vampyr sina fantastiska vingar. Hela denna vidunderliga värld av orörliga och döda skuggbilder såg ut at...

    25,83 €

  • The Final Cut
    S.D. McGuire / S.DMcGuire
    BOOK ONEWhat do you do when your sole means of employment, your whole way of life, is ripped from you in an instant? You go back to what you knew from your youth. Grounding yourself in a simpler time that speaks of tradition and devotion to family.To feed his wife and children, this is what Chief Nuclear Engineer, Serge Volodin, was forced to do after the Chernobyl disaster. Bu...

    5,16 €

  • The Unnameable War
    S.D. McGuire
    BOOK THREEHe was Peter Birger, a decorated veteran, but no one seemed to care. He had been made a scapegoat—put somewhere to be forgotten about and shut away in one of the darkest asylums in the history of England. Kept quiet about events he had experienced in the First World War in Ypres, Belgium in 1917. What he saw and experienced there was more than the horror of war; he sa...

    6,25 €

  • Buried Secrets
    Elizabeth Meyette
    When Jesse Graham almost runs over a “body” in the road one night, she is plunged into a labyrinth of secrets, lies and murder. All Jesse wants is a simple life teaching at St. Bart’s… and a chance at love with Joe Riley. She realizes that plan has been thwarted when puzzling occurrences at St. Bartholomew Academy for Girls get increasingly dangerous. The danger doesn’t just sp...

    11,48 €

  • Decaying Days Grieve
    Rachael Boucker
    There were no monsters on the island before they arrived, but they’ve brought more than one with them.What remains of the Odd Blockers make it to the island, and so do the Brutes.  The mastermind behind the outbreak also stakes her claim on the island, and plots to eradicate the last known link to a cure.James and Graham make some progress with the cure, and with the help of th...

    15,33 €

  • Deadworld
    Mike Raicht
    Before there was The Walking Dead there was Deadworld. One of independent comics longest running series with over 100 issues released and 1,000,000+ copies sold to date. Here is a different take on the global zombie apocalypse in this action packed, self-contained Deadworld spin-off story.A snow storm has engulfed New York City and with no snow removal possible, the metropolis ...

    14,89 €

  • På slaget tretton
    Howard Phillips Lovecraft / Rudyard Kipling / William Hope Hodgson
    Vi satt kring sjuklingens bädd och såg den ohyggliga, väsande varelsen växa fram ur hans kropp, tills två vidriga, spindelbenssmala armar frigjorde sig. De diminutiva naglarna var perfekta, man kunde till och med urskilja de små halvmånarna vid nagelrötterna. Armarna gestikulerade och den högra handen famlade efter den döendes blonda skägg.-- Nej, jag står inte ut! skrek min vä...

    26,95 €

  • Fantasins urskogar
    Annika Johansson / Mattias Fyhr / Rickard Berghorn
    Dagens fantastik -- skräck, fantasy och science fiction -- är brokig och mångskiftande, men genrerna har ändå gemensamma rötter i 1700-talets gotik och 1800-talets romantik. Artiklarna och essäerna i Fantasins urskogar bildar en litteraturhistorisk mosaik över de fantastiska genrernas första rotskott och pionjärer, utomlands såväl som i Sverige.Det är en ofta bortglömd historia...

    28,70 €

  • I dödens lustgård
    Frank Heller / Helena Nyblom / Zacharias Topelius
    En underskön vampyrkvinna med dödliga kyssar. En läkare som föryngrar sina patienter genom att operera in apkörtlar. Den förmodligen första detektivberättelsen på svenska -- ett skrämmande och tragiskt mysterium publicerat bara två år efter Morden på Rue Morgue. Och här finns novellen som August Strindberg stal intrigen ifrån till Ett drömspel.Detta och mycket mer kan läsas här...

    24,39 €

  • Yashewe
    S.D. McGuire / S.DMcGuire
    BOOK TWOThe year is 1867 and Irishman Robert Moore is driving the civilized train tracks across an untamed and heathenous West—a path rumored to be paved with glory and riches.The rewards paid to the men on this journey, however, may be none other than death’s wages. Would each man, whether they be hobo or engineer, find themselves sharing an equal payment? ...

    5,94 €

  • Haunted America’s Most Haunted
    John Kuykendall
    Pure spooky tales put to the side, listed here are the most haunted places within each state, many of which have been widely documented some for generations. What makes a site supremely haunted though? What is it that distinguishes one place breathtakingly eerie? What is the most haunted place in America? The answer isnÕt so straightforward, as it can be one of a couple of thi...

    13,31 €

  • The Complete Novels of J. Meade Falkner - Moonfleet, The Lost Stradivarius and The Nebuly Coat
    J. Meade Falkner / JMeade Falkner
    This vintage book contains the complete novels of J. Meade Falkner including 'Moonfleet', 'The Lost Stradivarius', and 'The Nebuly Coat'. These fantastic novels will appeal to all fiction lovers and constitute must-reads for fans and collectors of Falkner’s wonderful work.'Moonfleet' - The titillating tale of smuggling, treasure, and shipwreck set in 18th century England. 'The...

    40,94 €

  • Cades Cove
    Aiden James
    Deep in a ravine in the picturesque Smoky Mountains is a very dark secret.David Hobbs, vacationing with his wife Miriam, inadvertently stumbles upon a small cloth 'keepsake' bag and a broken tooth. A human tooth. Miriam begs David to hand the bag and tooth over to park officials, but he ignores his wife's pleas and secretly keeps the 'harmless' items. The ac...

    18,13 €

  • The Rue of Hope
    Jason R. Koivu / Jason RKoivu
    Murder in the streets. Murder in the houses of the holy. The violent deaths of prominent figures have the populous on edge. Now, amid fire and flood, the revolt is on. The castle is taken, the lord is on the run, and the city is crumbling.An impulsive streetfighter seeking his past and satisfying his desires finds himself in a harsh world that is eroding his compassion. Mercena...

    16,48 €

  • Miscreations
    What happens when we make monsters? What happens when we make monsters of ourselves? Grotesque beings lurch from our darkest dreams. Vicious beasts stalk our twisted pasts. Lost souls haunt our deepest regrets. They are the blood on our hands. They are the obsessions in our heads. They are the vengeance in our hearts. They are Miscreations: Gods, Monstrosities & Other Horrors. ...

    29,43 €

  • Miscreations
    What happens when we make monsters? What happens when we make monsters of ourselves? Grotesque beings lurch from our darkest dreams. Vicious beasts stalk our twisted pasts. Lost souls haunt our deepest regrets. They are the blood on our hands. They are the obsessions in our heads. They are the vengeance in our hearts. They are Miscreations: Gods, Monstrosities & Other Horrors. ...

    18,18 €

  • The Translation of Father Torturo
    Brendan Connell
    In 1263, when the vault containing the body of St. Anthony was opened, thirty-two years after its original interment, the flesh had turned to dust, but the tongue was in a perfect state of preservation. For almost eight-hundred years it was kept mounted on a pin. But now it has been stolen. Padua, Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome. . . . Father Torturo, the neo-decadent anti-hero, ...

    18,47 €

  • Finders Bleeders
    J. Donnait / JDonnait
    Nothing stays secret in a small town.Everyone knew Richard Favreau’s father was an abusive alcoholic who loved making his family feel as worthless as he felt about himself. Richard’s tried to fill the hole that left in his life by collecting the castoffs of others. Estate sales, garage sales, yard sales. He’s always searching for the one thing that’ll prove his father wrong.​​​...

    7,38 €

  • The Pack
    Matt Shaw
    The conclusion to Matt Shaw’s FULL MOON TRILOGY.The Pack is restless.Michael is fed up serving under Jason. With the help of Melissa and David, his play-things, he believes he has found a way to finally knock him Jason the top-spot. A way for Michael to take his place at the head of the pack without alienating his sisters and having them turn against him in the process.Jason is...

    13,62 €