Catálogo de libros: Obra de espionaje y espías

3477 Catálogo de libros: Obra de espionaje y espías

Libros Eliminar filtro Ficción y temas afines Eliminar filtro Obra de misterio y suspense Eliminar filtro Obra de espionaje y espías Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • I Should Have Stayed Home
    Horace McCoy
    TEMPTATION and DESIRE in Hollywood!Ralph Carston, a handsome young man from Georgia, and roommate Mona Matthews work as extras and dream of Hollywood stardom when a courtroom fracas by Mona gives them a flash of notoriety. This leads to a swank Hollywood party and an introduction to Ethel Smithers, a rich older woman with a less than pure interest in Carston. ...

    19,99 €

  • Escape from Oblivion
    Kim Kacoroski
    Sometimes a dream provides pertinent information concerning an individual's health and well-being, while resonating with denied memories. These dreams constitute a timeless vision of the future, while guiding the soul through periods of darkness and despair. In ESCAPE FROM OBLIVION, author Kim Kacoroski examines an archetypal horror and through the wisdom of a young woman, ...

    16,17 €

  • Terminal Phase
    Isaac Hooke
    Target: Al Sifr. Profile: Terrorist mastermind.  Mission Objective: Terminate with extreme prejudice. Ethan is paired with the beautiful yet troubled Bretta Storm in his latest operation--the pursuit of the elusive terrorist financier and mastermind, Al Sifr. The target baits them into a deadly game of cat and mouse that leads the duo through the slums of Romania, the vineyard...

    32,07 €

  • Behind the Wire
    Rachel Amphlett
    Dan Taylor is trying to keep a low profile when an old friend contacts the Energy Protection Group seeking his help.The man’s daughter is alone in North Africa, and her life is in grave danger.Thrust back into active duty, Dan realises that getting Anna to safety is only half his problem. The forensic accountant holds the key to preventing Western Sahara from descending into ch...

    12,29 €

  • Attack on Nantucket
    Thaddeus Dupper
    The first book in a series, Top Gun meets the West Wing in this fast-paced thriller set on the beautiful island of Nantucket.A modern-day, Clancy-like thriller -- the US president, Nantucket, a terrorist plot and the US Navy. An adrenaline ride with great authenticity.Andrew Russell, the 46th president of the United States, along with his wife and two young children have brough...

    28,17 €

  • The Shadow Syndicate
    S.D. Skye
    2015 Next Generation Indie Book Award Winner -- Multicultural Fiction  REVENGE IS A DANGEROUS GAME WHEN IT PITS THE ITALIAN MAFIA AGAINST DEADLY RUSSIAN SPIES  The FBI and Italian Mafia make strange bedfellows when a vicious Russian Organized crime figure, operating at the behest of Russian Intelligence, lands in The Big Apple. The henchman, infamously known as Mashkov, aveng...

    10,36 €

  • Vendetta
    Jack McSporran
    Venice. The Mafia. A drug deal gone wrong.When a British covert intelligence agency learns of an impending drug deal between the Venetian mafia and one of the UK’s most notorious importers, agent Maggie Black is sent to stop it.Under the alias of an American drug lord, Maggie must infiltrate the crime family and stop their product from reaching British soil. A feat that gets mo...

    11,06 €

  • Altar of Resistance
    Samuel Marquis
    In this second thriller in the bestselling WWII Trilogy, the Eternal City of Rome during the Nazi Occupation of 1943-1944 is a besieged city with four parties grappling for control: the Allies—represented by Captain John Bridger of the American-Canadian First Special Service Force—trying to capture Rome as the first Axis prize of war but encountering stiff opposition; the Germa...

    11,82 €

  • The Franklin Project
    Debrah D. Dennis / Debrah Dennis
    Being the product of heroin-addicted parents, Caron Tucker’s childhood was far less than ideal. Her parents had a seemingly endless supply of drugs that left her on her own to fend for herself from an early age. Suffering violent, personal attacks for years causes Caron to take self-defense courses which later help her land her dream job. Shelly Carson’s story is a little diffe...

    18,93 €

  • Todo lo que el dinero no pudo comprar
    Pablo Ruiz López
    «Matar, en nuestra época, se había convertido en algo casi histriónico: se podía acabar con alguien con una simple noticia, una publicación, sin necesidad de apretar gatillo alguno y ponerlo todo perdido de principios o de sangre». Dos hermanos asesinados a sangre fría en pleno centro de Madrid. Decenas de miles de euros en apuestas perdidos en el ciberespacio. Y oscuros fantas...

    23,46 €

  • O Anjo Metropolitano
    André Gustavo
    Em um futuro distante no século 22, onde o Corporativismo, uma ideologia socioeconômica domina o mundo atual, a humanidade atinge um avanço tecnológico sem precedentes, mas a qualidade de vida se torna precária. Alessandra Meyer é uma artista formada, que agora trabalha como agente de inteligência e veterana do ciberespaço, mais conhecido como phantom-sphere. Depois de se envol...

    21,23 €

  • Crime No Paraíso
    Cristiano Ferreira
    No dia da estreia da FLIP, principal festa literária do país, um corpo é encontrado empleno centro histórico de Paraty. Junto ao corpo, uma carta endereçada ao professor AndréMiller com um convite para a festa, chama a atenção da polícia. Enquanto a investigadora Sofia Lemes e o delegado Evandro Ávila correm contra o tempo para identificar o corpo e o motivo da tal carta, André...

    12,85 €

  • Os Olhos De César
    Michael De Sangô
    Uma trama internacional de espionagem entre as duas guerras mundiais envolve uma família do interior do Maranhão. Tudo em busca de umtesouro , que moverá quase que três gerações para que seja descoberta. Este romance em forma de novela, pode exigir um pouco de sua atenção, pois todos os personagens possuem a sua participação marcante e deixam o seu rastro nesta história que ult...

    13,34 €

  • The Caveman Conspiracy
    Bret Hurst
    'If you love a good spy yarn where past chases and liaisons haunt and help a pulse-racing hunt, you won’t want to put down this adventure...' -Jeffrey Ulin, author of The Lord’s TusksEddie Mason is done with the CIA, and he thought he’d made it clear that he never wants to work with them again.So, when his former boss, Craig Black, shows up out of nowhere with a story about Sen...

    30,01 €

  • Those Who Know
    David Rowlett
    Private investigator Andy Comb must recover a stolen piece of military technology before world war breaks out. Standing in his way: a hot debutante, the U.S. government, a psychotic Chinese spy, and half the eccentrics in North America. ...

    9,99 €

  • Shank
    Brian Leslie
    In the shadowy realm of covert operations, a figure looms large, a master of interrogation whose very name instills fear - John Shank. As a highly skilled operative within the clandestine unit known as 'Gray Target,' John wields an arsenal of enhanced interrogation techniques, extracting sensitive information from even the most hardened targets with an unwavering resolve that h...

    28,33 €

  • O Teorema De Estrasburgo
    H. H. M. Mcross
    Mágoas, ódios e rancores circulam pelos corredores da renomada Universidade de Estrasburgo depois que, após 50 anos sob controle alemão, retorna às mãos da França e recebe o Congresso Internacional de Matemática de 1920. Durante o Congresso, sete matemáticos cometem suicidio em sete dias diferentes, logo após ocultamente estudarem um trabalho matemático surpreendente e misterio...

    12,50 €

  • Meltdown
    Dwain Gordon Fuller
    Meltdown is the third novel in the CIA thriller series that details Woody Stressel and Ava Volkov’s continued struggle to elude KGB and crime syndicate killers whose goal is to capture the two former undercover agents and methodically remove body parts before killing them. In the first novel, The Oven, Woody and Ava met across a cadaver dissection table at Grantland Medical Sch...

    21,83 €

  • The Sapphire Chronicles
    E. Hughes
    In The Sapphire Chronicles: Broken Lair, a spy attempting to leave a life of espionage behind is drawn back into dangerous territory while torn between the man she wants and the man she needs in this hot romantic thriller and follow-up to Sixth Iteration by E. HughesWhen the married Harrison Brooks meets the mysterious and attractive Sapphire, he is immediately taken with her a...

    14,70 €

  • The Mysterious Affair at Styles
    Agatha Christie
    Agatha Christie’s debut novel was the first to feature Hercule Poirot, her famously eccentric Belgian detective.A refugee of the Great War, Poirot is settling in England near Styles Court, the country estate of his wealthy benefactress, the elderly Emily Inglethorp. When Emily is poisoned and the authorities are baffled, Poirot puts his prodigious sleuthing skills to work.Suspe...

    17,04 €

  • Poor Table Manners
    Steve Sheppard
    Dawson and Lucy hit Cape Town... and Cape Town hits backWhen their new employer dies in a suspicious road accident and his brother, a South African government lawyer disappears in Cape Town, Dawson and Lucy are recalled to MI6. For once their mission is straightforward: liaise with Rebecca Erasmus of South African State Security and find the missing lawyer. Then Rebecca is kidn...

    18,68 €

  • London Assault
    Brian Drake
    Sam Raven is on a warpath.MI5 suspects charity mogul Thomas Granton, a friend of King Charles, is involved with terrorists-and using his charity to fund death and destruction across the world. But they need hard proof.Setting out to uncover the truth, complications arise when Raven discovers London’s biggest crime syndicate may also be involved. As he sorts the players and iden...

    19,50 €

  • Romance in Evergreen
    Mary L Schmidt
    'What did you just say? The senior officer (Special Agent Thompson) of the two men from Homeland Security, that both Nancy and Kim knew prior, repeated, ’Rob and Liza Caldwell were taken out as a hit’ in Boston last night and we think their assassin is the agent handler extraordinaire, who put out the hit job on the President, and on you, Kim, last November. The hit man’s name ...

    7,77 €

  • Kaleidoscope 4th of July
    Michael Frost Beckner
    'KALEIDOSCOPE does for the CIA what THE SOPRANOS did for the mob... The function and dysfunction of a whole family where the patriarch is ensnared in a dark and dangerous world.' MICHAEL APTED, Academy Award nominated film director of COAL MINER’S DAUGHTER, THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH, ENIGMAWith his critically acclaimed, award-winning Muir’s Gambit, Bishop’s Endgame, and Aiken in ...

    14,78 €

  • Kremlin Strike LP, The
    Dale Brown

    30,78 €

  • Devil’s Puzzle
    Leilac Leamas
    PrologueMy name is Leilac Leamas, although those who truly knew me understood that even that identity was just a mask, a façade behind which lurked a more complex figure. By trade, I was a corporate consultant, operating at the intersections where commerce, politics, and influence coalesced. But beneath the surface of that seemingly innocuous professional label, I was an operat...

    21,86 €

  • The Gem Project Genesis
    Sylvester OConnor
    Every story has a beginning. Every path has a journey. The Gem Project takes you through a world of intrigue and espionage. A new government program is created, and it focuses on dealing with the homeless crisis in the United States. Participants have the choice to join. They will receive care and be given training to serve in the military for two years. Upon completion, they w...

    16,72 €

  • English Girl LP, The
    Daniel Silva

    23,18 €

  • Puzzle do Diabo
    Leilac Leamas
    O meu nome é Leilac Leamas, embora aqueles que verdadeiramente me conheciam compreendessem que até essa identidade era apenas uma máscara, uma fachada atrás da qual se escondia uma figura mais complexa. Por profissão, era consultor de empresas, a operar nas interseções onde o comércio, a política e a influência coalesciam. Mas por baixo da superfície dessa designação profission...

    16,27 €

  • Devil’s Puzzle
    Leilac Leamas
    PrologueMy name is Leilac Leamas, although those who truly knew me understood that even that identity was just a mask, a façade behind which lurked a more complex figure. By trade, I was a corporate consultant, operating at the intersections where commerce, politics, and influence coalesced. But beneath the surface of that seemingly innocuous professional label, I was an operat...

    14,75 €