Catálogo de libros: Obra de misterio y suspense

26395 Catálogo de libros: Obra de misterio y suspense

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  • Os Olhos De César
    Michael De Sangô
    Uma trama internacional de espionagem entre as duas guerras mundiais envolve uma família do interior do Maranhão. Tudo em busca de umtesouro , que moverá quase que três gerações para que seja descoberta. Este romance em forma de novela, pode exigir um pouco de sua atenção, pois todos os personagens possuem a sua participação marcante e deixam o seu rastro nesta história que ult...

    13,34 €

  • Tuesday’s Child
    Dale Mayer
    This is the 1st Psychic Visions Novel from USA Today Bestselling author Dale Mayer.The visions could destroy her. But they might help him catch a killer...Shunned and ridiculed all her life for something she can’t control, Samantha Blair hides her psychic abilities. She lives on the fringes of society - until drawn out.Against her will, she taps into a killer’s victims. Each wo...

    21,12 €

  • Maddy’s Floor
    Dale Mayer
    This is the 3rd Psychic Visions Novel from USA Today Bestselling author Dale Mayer.Are some souls not meant to be saved?Psychic medical intuitive and licensed physician Madeleine Wagner thought she’d seen every way possible to heal a diseased body. But, when her patients begin dying from mysterious causes, Maddy realizes she might be dealing with an evil force that may be outsi...

    21,29 €

  • Knock, Knock...
    Dale Mayer
    Revenge has no best-by date. On the contrary, it’s ideally served cold...Wealthy and beautiful Shay Lassiter runs a prestigious foundation that she built with her considerable connections and resources. Both amounted to less than nothing the day her fiancé tried to murder her. Who to trust? Shay guards her heart...while using her knack for reading people’s intentions, whether t...

    21,02 €

  • Garden of Sorrow
    Dale Mayer
    This is the 4th Psychic Visions Novel from USA Today Bestselling author Dale Mayer.After spending a brutal year trying to cope after the loss of her sister, Alexis Gordon knows she needs to get on with her life. Only, instead of the normal work day she’d anticipated as the means to begin her journey back to the land of the living, reality as she knows it disappears...Kevin Suth...

    20,91 €

  • Hide’n Go Seek
    Dale Mayer
    This is the 2nd Psychic Visions Novel from USA Today Bestselling author Dale Mayer.Celebrated search-and-rescue worker Kali Jordon hides her psychic abilities by crediting her canine partner, Shiloh, with the miraculous recoveries made over the course of her career. The Sight Kali inherited from her grandmother allows her to unerringly track dark waves of energy back to victims...

    21,06 €

  • Rare Find
    Dale Mayer
    Injured people in need of aid call out to friends and family or even strangers for help. Who can animals turn to who would not only hear them but understand their cry for help? Such a creature would truly be a rare find.Determined to bury her aching heart in service of her animals at Exotic Landscape, Tabitha is caught unaware when she’s yanked out of her cozy little retreat by...

    21,20 €

  • The Caveman Conspiracy
    Bret Hurst
    'If you love a good spy yarn where past chases and liaisons haunt and help a pulse-racing hunt, you won’t want to put down this adventure...' -Jeffrey Ulin, author of The Lord’s TusksEddie Mason is done with the CIA, and he thought he’d made it clear that he never wants to work with them again.So, when his former boss, Craig Black, shows up out of nowhere with a story about Sen...

    30,01 €

  • Volume 1 - Metrologia E Instrumentos De Medição
    Eleno Ribeiro
    Esta série apresenta de forma simples e direta a resolução de questões específicas que foram aplicadas nos mais diversos concursos públicos na área de mecânica. As questões são resolvidas e comentadas em uma série de 16 volumes contendo ao todo aproximadamente 800 questões específicas aplicados nos concursos para Engenharia Mecânica, Técnico em Mecânica, Técnico em Projetos e M...

    13,60 €

  • Those Who Know
    David Rowlett
    Private investigator Andy Comb must recover a stolen piece of military technology before world war breaks out. Standing in his way: a hot debutante, the U.S. government, a psychotic Chinese spy, and half the eccentrics in North America. ...

    9,99 €

  • Shank
    Brian Leslie
    In the shadowy realm of covert operations, a figure looms large, a master of interrogation whose very name instills fear - John Shank. As a highly skilled operative within the clandestine unit known as 'Gray Target,' John wields an arsenal of enhanced interrogation techniques, extracting sensitive information from even the most hardened targets with an unwavering resolve that h...

    28,33 €

  • O Teorema De Estrasburgo
    H. H. M. Mcross
    Mágoas, ódios e rancores circulam pelos corredores da renomada Universidade de Estrasburgo depois que, após 50 anos sob controle alemão, retorna às mãos da França e recebe o Congresso Internacional de Matemática de 1920. Durante o Congresso, sete matemáticos cometem suicidio em sete dias diferentes, logo após ocultamente estudarem um trabalho matemático surpreendente e misterio...

    12,50 €

  • Not Bad People
    Brandy Scott
    A clever, compelling debut novel with a unique premise of what happens when three best friends engage in what seems to be a harmless act, but instead results in tragedy, leading the women to confront buried resentments, shattering secrets, dark lies, and the moral consequences that could alter their lives forever.Three friends, thirty years of shared secrets, one impulsive gest...

    17,27 €

  • Baltimore Blues
    Laura Lippman

    13,17 €

  • Susurros del pasado
    Alicia G. García
    Raquel regresa al pueblo de su madre con sus dos hijas pequeñas para pasar el verano y así poder distanciarse de su marido, con el que no mantiene una buena relación desde hace tiempo. Pero la destrucción de una presa propiedad de Amalia, su madre, deja al descubierto los restos de un cadáver. Envuelto entre los huesos aparece un colgante que Raquel reconoce en una fotografía a...

    20,00 €

  • Os Nômades Não Têm Vitrola.
    João Guilherme Gurgel
    A ditadura militar imposta pelo Golpe de 64 faz com que dois jovens tenham que se exilar nos Estados-Unidos, ilegalmente. Mas mal sabiam de todos os riscos que corriam.EmOs nômades não têm vitrola , acompanha-se a jornada sobre acharmos a nós mesmos em meio a multidão; uma história de amadurecimento que envolve muita música, cinema e encontros memoráveis.O narrador-personagem, ...

    23,07 €

  • Meltdown
    Dwain Gordon Fuller
    Meltdown is the third novel in the CIA thriller series that details Woody Stressel and Ava Volkov’s continued struggle to elude KGB and crime syndicate killers whose goal is to capture the two former undercover agents and methodically remove body parts before killing them. In the first novel, The Oven, Woody and Ava met across a cadaver dissection table at Grantland Medical Sch...

    21,83 €

  • Duas Horas Sobre Rodas
    Josué Ebénezer
    Como o título diz, o livro trata de várias histórias contos, a maioria curtos, escritas a partir de temas inspirados em um engarrafamento que perdurou por duas horas, na Ponte Rio-Niterói.Em sua leitura, pode-se descobrir que as ideias têm uma correlação com o que se está vendo e vivendo: são as montanhas da Tijuca ao fundo da paisagem, o cais do porto e seus armazéns, os táxi...

    11,67 €

  • The Sapphire Chronicles
    E. Hughes
    In The Sapphire Chronicles: Broken Lair, a spy attempting to leave a life of espionage behind is drawn back into dangerous territory while torn between the man she wants and the man she needs in this hot romantic thriller and follow-up to Sixth Iteration by E. HughesWhen the married Harrison Brooks meets the mysterious and attractive Sapphire, he is immediately taken with her a...

    14,70 €

  • The Mysterious Affair at Styles
    Agatha Christie
    Agatha Christie’s debut novel was the first to feature Hercule Poirot, her famously eccentric Belgian detective.A refugee of the Great War, Poirot is settling in England near Styles Court, the country estate of his wealthy benefactress, the elderly Emily Inglethorp. When Emily is poisoned and the authorities are baffled, Poirot puts his prodigious sleuthing skills to work.Suspe...

    17,04 €

  • Poor Table Manners
    Steve Sheppard
    Dawson and Lucy hit Cape Town... and Cape Town hits backWhen their new employer dies in a suspicious road accident and his brother, a South African government lawyer disappears in Cape Town, Dawson and Lucy are recalled to MI6. For once their mission is straightforward: liaise with Rebecca Erasmus of South African State Security and find the missing lawyer. Then Rebecca is kidn...

    18,68 €

  • El corresponsal del SYN
    José María Calafat Quesada
    Febrero 2001. Mark Chadburn es un joven reportero que trabaja para el diario neoyorquino Select Your News (SYN). Tras el anuncio de los talibanes de destruir los budas de Bamiyán, Mark vuelve a Afganistán para informar al periódico de las noticias que se van produciendo.Allí entabla relación con una familia hazara, los Al-Rashid y en especial con los hermanos Sayed y Yasmín, a ...

    20,00 €

  • London Assault
    Brian Drake
    Sam Raven is on a warpath.MI5 suspects charity mogul Thomas Granton, a friend of King Charles, is involved with terrorists-and using his charity to fund death and destruction across the world. But they need hard proof.Setting out to uncover the truth, complications arise when Raven discovers London’s biggest crime syndicate may also be involved. As he sorts the players and iden...

    19,50 €

  • Jacutinga Em Versos E Lembranças
    Rodrigo Alves De Carvalho
    Coletânea de poemas do escritor jacutinguense Rodrigo Alves de Carvalho que remetem a sua infância e juventude na cidade sul mineira de Jacutinga, entre as décadas de 1980 e 1990. ...

    8,83 €

  • Romance in Evergreen
    Mary L Schmidt
    'What did you just say? The senior officer (Special Agent Thompson) of the two men from Homeland Security, that both Nancy and Kim knew prior, repeated, ’Rob and Liza Caldwell were taken out as a hit’ in Boston last night and we think their assassin is the agent handler extraordinaire, who put out the hit job on the President, and on you, Kim, last November. The hit man’s name ...

    7,77 €

  • Resident Slasher (versión tapa blanda)
    Rubén Benítez Bravo
    Remedios de Villegas es una residencia para la tercera edad en la que no te gustaría pasar tus últimos días. Entre sus paredes cochambrosas se dan situaciones dignas de una película de terror.Los trabajadores de esta entrada al infierno parecen haberse acostumbrado, pero todavía queda una última esperanza para sanitarios bondadosos y residentes vulnerables: una enfermera nueva ...

    15,60 €

  • Vamos Falar De Inglês
    Marcelo De Moraes
    Vamos Falar de Inglêsé um livro cuidadosamente elaborado para estudantes que desejam aprimorar suas habilidades no idioma, oferecendo dicas práticas, estratégias eficazes e insights valiosos para tornar a jornada de aprendizado mais envolvente e eficiente. ...

    13,84 €

  • Águila Ciega
    Josh Landon
    La mejor negociadora del Departamento de Policía de Nueva York, Janet Strait, recibe los resultados nada alentadores de su último examen de salud poco antes de que un hotel de la ciudad sea destrozado por una bomba y el responsable del atentado secuestre al presidente de la nación.Janet debe lidiar con problemas de alcohol y autoestima, además de la posibilidad de perder la cus...

    18,72 €

  • Kaleidoscope 4th of July
    Michael Frost Beckner
    'KALEIDOSCOPE does for the CIA what THE SOPRANOS did for the mob... The function and dysfunction of a whole family where the patriarch is ensnared in a dark and dangerous world.' MICHAEL APTED, Academy Award nominated film director of COAL MINER’S DAUGHTER, THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH, ENIGMAWith his critically acclaimed, award-winning Muir’s Gambit, Bishop’s Endgame, and Aiken in ...

    14,78 €

  • Um Negro Branco
    Olvir Fadani Canton
    Este livro fala de um menino que é muito briguento, não se acerta com os negros e traz um trauma desde criança, não consegue perdoar seus colegas de escola, mas mesmo assim, a sua protegida desde pequeno, é uma mulata que mesmo sem perceber, ele a ama e assim o tempo passa. Fala sobre algumas coisas que nos foram ensinadas como se fossem verdades, sem sombra de dúvida, mas exis...

    12,78 €