Catálogo de libros: Ficción clásica

17872 Catálogo de libros: Ficción clásica

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  • The Beloved Vagabond
    William John Locke
    Paragot, a loveable Bohemian and celebrated bon vivant, adopts a young urchin from the London slums and gives him an adventurous education, travelling through Europe in a band of musicians. Paragot, however, has a dark romantic secret which threatens to change their lives. William John Locke was a British novelist, dramatist and playwright, best known for his short stories. His...

    17,01 €

  • Canary Amongst the Covey
    Emory Moon
    ...a continuation and sequel to Canary and the Mothman; Canary Amongst the Covey chronicles the events in Jesse’s life as he travels abroad for his tour of duty in the United States Army, 1st Infantry division aka, The Big Red One. Join him and his comrades as they attempt to liberate the Viet Cong stronghold known as the Iron Triangle, near Saigon, Vietnam. Find out if Jesse, ...

    25,82 €

  • Trafalgar
    Benito Pérez Galdós
    Trafalgar (1873) es protagonizado por Gabriel Araceli, un gaditano que tras la muerte de su madre, y el maltrato de su tío, huye en busca de una vida mejor. Entra a trabajar en una casa para realizar tareas domésticas. Su señor, don Alonso, decide ir con Gabriel a una de las embarcaciones de la batalla de Trafalgar para presenciarla de cerca, en concreto al Santísima Trinidad, ...

    11,99 €

  • Curiosities of Olden Times
    S. Baring-Gould
    An antiquary lights on many a curiosity whilst overhauling the dusty tomes of ancient writers. This little book is a small museum in which I have preserved some of the quaintest relics which have attracted my notice during my labours. The majority of the articles were published in 1869. I have now added some others. About the authorThe Reverend Sabine Baring-Gould (28 January 1...

    21,50 €

  • Curiosities of Olden Times
    S. Baring-Gould
    An antiquary lights on many a curiosity whilst overhauling the dusty tomes of ancient writers. This little book is a small museum in which I have preserved some of the quaintest relics which have attracted my notice during my labours. The majority of the articles were published in 1869. I have now added some others. About the authorThe Reverend Sabine Baring-Gould (28 January 1...

    28,20 €

  • Myths of the Middle Ages
    S. Baring-Gould
    An anthology unlike any other. An investigative approach to European fables of the middle ages, and tracing their origins across time and space, even to places as far away as Persia and India. A must read for anyone interested in a retelling of old myths and legends from an anthropological perspective, it nevertheless makes for a very interesting read even if you’re only lookin...

    16,39 €

  • Myths of the Middle Ages
    S. Baring-Gould
    An anthology unlike any other. An investigative approach to European fables of the middle ages, and tracing their origins across time and space, even to places as far away as Persia and India. A must read for anyone interested in a retelling of old myths and legends from an anthropological perspective, it nevertheless makes for a very interesting read even if you’re only lookin...

    28,33 €

  • In a Quiet Village
    S. Baring-Gould
    In a Quiet Village is a short story collection by Sabine Baring-Gould. The Reverend Sabine Baring-Gould (28 January 1834 - 2 January 1924) of Lew Trenchard in Devon, England, was an Anglican priest, hagiographer, antiquarian, novelist, folk song collector and eclectic scholar. His bibliography consists of more than 1240 publications, though this list continues to grow. His fami...

    16,32 €

  • The Card
    Arnold Bennett
    Originally published in 1911, The Card: A Story of Adventure in the Five Towns captures the essence of Denry’s captivating journey from altering test scores to securing a scholarship, to daring exploits at an exclusive ball, and even a profitable venture with a lifeboat following a seaside escapade. Along the way, Denry’s encounters with the vibrant characters of Bursley, inclu...

    11,47 €

  • Vastnishth Hindi Kahaniyan
    Dr. Prabhat Kumar Prabhakar
    प्रिय पाठको! लीजिए प्रस्तुत है एन.टी.ए, यूजीसी नेट इकाई छः के पाठ्यक्रम में आये हिंदी उपन्यास पर आधारित यह मेरी पुस्तक। नेट के पाठ्यक्रम में कुल तेरह उपन्यास दिए गए हैं। यहां उन सभी उपन्यासों के बारे वस्तुनिष्ठ रूप से विस्तृत चर्चा की गयी है। इस पुस्तक में सभी उपन्यासकारों की जीवनवृत्त का विस्तारपूर्ण चर्चा के साथ उनकी समग्र रचनाओं पर भी दृष्टिपात किया गया है। इस पुस्तक में उपन...

    22,88 €

  • Todos Do Mesmo Sangue
    E. Stadelhofer
    TODOS DO MESMO SANGUE: 1 Caverna da Amizade, 2 Assassinato em Baden-Baden, 3 O Grande Zeppelin, 4 Mesmerismo, 5 Beata Juliane, 6 Profecia Joinville, 7 Crise dos mísseis russos em Cuba.O Santo Graal é uma invenção ou, o cálice utilizado por Cristo para celebrar a Última Ceia, realmente existe? O mesmo que José de Arimatéia utiliza depois para recolher o sangue de Jesus que verte...

    49,29 €

  • The Man Who Would Be King
    Rudyard Kipling
    In Rudyard Kipling’s The Man Who Would Be King, embark on an unforgettable adventure into the heart of the untamed Afghan wilderness. Join the audacious Daniel Dravot and Peachey Carnehan as they pursue dreams of power and glory, only to confront the harsh realities of imperialism and the limits of ambition. ...

    8,87 €

  • On the Wings of Sound
    Tom Motika
    Experience the beauty and power of words in this collection of 50 poems, spanning over 50 years. From formal expressions to playful puns, each piece offers a unique perspective on life and the human experience. Through various styles, moods, and topics, this book caters to readers of all ages who appreciate the art of poetry. Dive into the pages and discover a world of joy and ...

    18,99 €

  • The Secret Sharer
    Joseph Conrad
    Embark on a psychological voyage with Joseph Conrad’s The Secret Sharer. This gripping tale navigates the inner turmoil of a young captain who encounters a mysterious stranger aboard ship, exploring themes of identity, guilt and the complexities of human nature in the depths of the sea. ...

    8,96 €

  • El coloquio de los perros
    Miguel de Cervantes, Saavedra
    El Coloquio de los Perros narra la historia de Berganza y Cipión, dos perros del hospital de la Resurrección, en Valladolid, que por las noches tienen la habilidad de hablar entre ellos. Es una recopilación de anécdotas y vivencias de personajes caninos que se reúnen a charlar y reflexionar sobre la sociedad y la vida. A través de relatos entretenidos y llenos de humor, el auto...

    14,00 €

  • The hope of happiness
    Meredith Nicholson
    Meredith Nicholson was a best-selling author from Indiana, United States, a politician, and a diplomat. He wrote The hope of happiness in 1923.'Only themselves understand themselves, and the like of themselves,As Souls only understand Souls.'Meredith Nicholson - THE HOPE OF HAPPINESS ...

    17,98 €

  • A Lost Cause
    Guy Thorne
    A Lost Cause is a book by Guy Thorne. It delves into critiques of the Catholic Church institutions during the early 20th century. Excerpt: 'At no period in modern Church history has the Church been assailed with such malignance, slander, and untruth as at the present. 'Protestantism' within the Church is a lost cause, it is dying, and for just this reason the clamour is loudest...

    16,38 €

  • A Lost Cause
    Guy Thorne
    A Lost Cause is a book by Guy Thorne. It delves into critiques of the Catholic Church institutions during the early 20th century. Excerpt: 'At no period in modern Church history has the Church been assailed with such malignance, slander, and untruth as at the present. 'Protestantism' within the Church is a lost cause, it is dying, and for just this reason the clamour is loudest...

    28,32 €

  • The Angel
    Guy Thorne
    A novel written in the early 1900’s about the sinful city of London and the most unlikely man chosen to win it over for the Supreme Being; God the Most High. I enjoyed the old fashion writing style, the flowery descriptions, and the plot’ s premise; if we believe that a person can be possessed by an evil spirit, then why can’t we also believe a person can be possessed by an ang...

    18,78 €

  • The Angel
    Guy Thorne
    A novel written in the early 1900’s about the sinful city of London and the most unlikely man chosen to win it over for the Supreme Being; God the Most High. I enjoyed the old fashion writing style, the flowery descriptions, and the plot’ s premise; if we believe that a person can be possessed by an evil spirit, then why can’t we also believe a person can be possessed by an ang...

    29,42 €

  • 'I Believe' and other essays
    Guy Thorne
    CONTENTS                            I:            'I Believe'II:           The Fires of MolochIII:          The Historicides of OxfordIV:         The Brown and Yellow PerilV:          The Menaces of Modern SportVI:         Vagrom MenVII:        An Author’s Post-bagAbout the Author:Guy Thorne was the pen name of Cyril Arthur Edward Ranger Gull (1875 - 9 January 1923), a prolific...

    16,32 €

  • 'I Believe' and other essays
    Guy Thorne
    I:            'I Believe'II:           The Fires of MolochIII:          The Historicides of OxfordIV:         The Brown and Yellow PerilV:          The Menaces of Modern SportVI:         Vagrom MenVII:        An Author’s Post-bagAbout the Author:Guy Thorne was the pen name of Cyril Arthur Edward Ranger Gull (1875 - 9 January 1923), a prolific English journalist and novelist bes...

    28,27 €

  • When It Was Dark
    Guy Thorne
    When It Was Dark: The Story of a Great Conspiracy (1903) is a best selling Christian novel by English author Guy Thorne, in which a plot to destroy Christianity by falsely disproving the Resurrection of Jesus leads to moral disorder and chaos in the world until it is exposed as a fraud.The title is a reference to the bible verse John 20:1, 'The first day of the week cometh Mary...

    21,12 €

  • When It Was Dark
    Guy Thorne
    When It Was Dark: The Story of a Great Conspiracy (1903) is a best selling Christian novel by English author Guy Thorne, in which a plot to destroy Christianity by falsely disproving the Resurrection of Jesus leads to moral disorder and chaos in the world until it is exposed as a fraud.The title is a reference to the bible verse John 20:1, 'The first day of the week cometh Mary...

    31,76 €

  • The Air Pirate
    Guy Thorne
    Guy Thorne was the pen name of Cyril Arthur Edward Ranger Gull (1875 - 9 January 1923), a prolific English journalist and novelist best known for his novel When It Was Dark: The Story of A Great Conspiracy (1903). He also wrote under the names C. Ranger Gull and Leonard Cresswell Ingleby. Thorne was educated at Denstone College, Manchester Grammar, and Oxford University, althou...

    17,58 €

  • The Air Pirate
    Guy Thorne
    Guy Thorne was the pen name of Cyril Arthur Edward Ranger Gull (1875 - 9 January 1923), a prolific English journalist and novelist best known for his novel When It Was Dark: The Story of A Great Conspiracy (1903). He also wrote under the names C. Ranger Gull and Leonard Cresswell Ingleby. Thorne was educated at Denstone College, Manchester Grammar, and Oxford University, althou...

    29,52 €

  • The Drunkard
    Guy Thorne
    This is a remarkable novel, very gripping, very well-written, engaged in showing the horrors of alcoholism on a very personal level. I probably would not have wanted to read it had I read only that sentence that I just wrote. But the book is coming from an intelligent and also compassionate perspective, written in 1912, and yet the story is modern, smart and relevant now. The v...

    19,74 €

  • The Golden Age, by Kenneth Grahame
    Kenneth Grahame
    The Golden Age was published in 1895, by a British writer Kenneth Grahame. What’s interesting about The Golden Age is that in this book, Grahame uses the metaphor of Ancient Greek legends and stories as parallels to his own life. The adults are termed 'The Olympians' appearing remote, inaccessible, and lofty to a child. Their activities are incomprehensible to the young mind wh...

    12,36 €

  • Modeste Mignon
    Honoré de Balzac
    Modeste Mignon is a novel by the French writer Honoré de Balzac. It is the fifth of the Scènes de la vie privée (Scenes of Private Life) in La Comédie humaine.The first part of the novel was serialized in a bowdlerized edition in the Journal des débats in April, May and July 1844. A revised and expanded version of the work was later published by Chlenowski in two parts under th...

    25,21 €

  • Modeste Mignon
    Honoré de Balzac
    Modeste Mignon is a novel by the French writer Honoré de Balzac. It is the fifth of the Scènes de la vie privée (Scenes of Private Life) in La Comédie humaine.The first part of the novel was serialized in a bowdlerized edition in the Journal des débats in April, May and July 1844. A revised and expanded version of the work was later published by Chlenowski in two parts under th...

    39,76 €