Catálogo de libros: Ficción clásica

17872 Catálogo de libros: Ficción clásica

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  • The Great Gatsby
    F. Scott Fitzgerald
    Out on the island there’s a party wilder than the scene in Manhattan. It’s at a mansion, owned by a multimillionaire who goes by the name of Gatsby.  No one seems to know much about Gatsby. The only thing certain is that he throws a hell of a house party, so if you want the finest liquor, that’s the place to go.The Great Gatsby: Buckman Critical Edition features the original no...

    13,45 €

  • Edda Em Prosa
    Snorri Sturluson
    Em busca de respostas, o rei Gylfi disfarça-se e viaja até a terra dos deuses, onde é recebido por três figuras misteriosas que lhe revelam segredos do início do universo até seu final trágico, o Ragnarök. Thor viaja com Loki até a terra de gigantes, onde enfrenta seres que colocam em prova os poderes dos Æsir. Bragi e Ægir discutem sobre as variadas formas de poesia, contando ...

    23,87 €

  • Edda Poética
    Em sua constante busca por conhecimento, Odin procura uma vidente para saber mais dos eventos desde o início dos tempos até seu inevitável fim no Ragnarök. Thor acorda e percebe que seu martelo foi roubado, somente Loki pode pensar em um plano para recuperá-lo. Sigurd parte em busca de aventuras e enfrenta seu maior desafio: o temível dragão Fáfnir que guarda um tesouro amaldiç...

    21,50 €

  • El cuervo, el gato negro y otros cuentos de terror
    Edgar Allan Poe
    'De un golpe abrí la puerta, y con un suave batir de alas, entró un majestuoso cuervo de los santos días idos' ... Un cuervo diabólico; asesinatos en una calle; una peste de muerte que se extiende por el mundo; el corazón de un asesinado que delata a su victimario... Oscuros, misteriosos, tétricos, terroríficos... Fríos, como el aliento de un cementerio. ASTRIA publica el prime...

    12,36 €

  • El cuervo, el gato negro y otros cuentos de terror
    Edgar Allan Poe / Charles Baudelaire
    'De un golpe abrí la puerta, y con un suave batir de alas, entró un majestuoso cuervo de los santos días idos' ... Un cuervo diabólico; asesinatos en una calle; una peste de muerte que se extiende por el mundo; el corazón de un asesinado que delata a su victimario... Oscuros, misteriosos, tétricos, terroríficos... Fríos, como el aliento de un cementerio. ASTRIA publica el prime...

    19,07 €

  • The Socialist
    Guy Thorne
    'The Socialist' by Guy ThorneSociety, in most forms, is a hierarchy in which some people are considered more valuable than others. Guy Thorne’s 'The Socialist' takes an opposite approach Through his characters, he explores the socialism concept in which everyone works together to help one another. Romance, social climbing, and making one’s life better are all inherent wants and...

    18,81 €

  • The Secret Service Submarine
    Guy Thorne
    Written in 1915, in and for England. Submarine plays heroic part towards the end but primarily a ripping yarn of chaps and chapesses up against it with some dastardly swine - I say! Famous 5 challenge the Kaiser - top hole... But well enough written and engaging and full of incidental historical detail. (iShop)About the Author:Guy Thorne was the pen name of Cyril Arthur Edward ...

    16,46 €

  • The Soul Stealer
    Guy Thorne
    The storyline is pretty basic, mad scientist falls to the dark side, but the characters are intriguing and more importantly the writing style, that slow, contemplating description of events, people, actions and reactions made this into a very good read indeed. (Andrea M)About the Author:Guy Thorne was the pen name of Cyril Arthur Edward Ranger Gull (1875 - 9 January 1923), a pr...

    17,59 €

  • La metamorfosis
    Franz Kafka
    La Metamorfosis (1915) es considerada una de las obras maestras del siglo XX y la madre de la literatura del absurdo, influyendo décadas después en numerosos escritores consagrados. En él, Franz nos lleva a reflexionar sobre el valor del ser humano en un sistema en el que solo se valora a las personas en función de su productividad.El relato, dividido en tres partes, narra la t...

    9,99 €

  • Colmillo Blanco - White Fang
    Jack London / Guillermo Tirelli
    Colmillo Blanco, de Jack London, es una fascinante historia de supervivencia y transformación ambientada en la dura naturaleza del territorio del Yukón durante la fiebre del oro del Klondike. La historia sigue el viaje de un salvaje híbrido entre lobo y perro llamado Colmillo Blanco, que aprende a enfrentarse a las brutales realidades de la naturaleza y de la civilización human...

    32,25 €

  • The City in the Clouds
    Guy Thorne
    First published in 1922, City in the Clouds still reads as high adventure, with a subplot of romance and a sense of science fiction. Just consider London at a time when the exotic included Brazilian multimillionaires, Chinese laborers, and telephones. It’s a relatively quick read and enjoyable. (Reviewer)About the Author:Guy Thorne was the pen name of Cyril Arthur Edward Ranger...

    30,78 €

  • The Great Acceptance
    Guy Thorne
    Printed in 1913 DEDICATIONTo the poor of the east end among whom Mr. Charrington has laboured so longAbout the Author:Guy Thorne was the pen name of Cyril Arthur Edward Ranger Gull (1875 - 9 January 1923), a prolific English journalist and novelist best known for his novel When It Was Dark: The Story of A Great Conspiracy (1903). He also wrote under the names C. Ranger Gull and...

    18,77 €

  • The Great Acceptance
    Guy Thorne
    Printed in 1913 DEDICATIONTo the poor of the east end among whom Mr. Charrington has laboured so longAbout the Author:Guy Thorne was the pen name of Cyril Arthur Edward Ranger Gull (1875 - 9 January 1923), a prolific English journalist and novelist best known for his novel When It Was Dark: The Story of A Great Conspiracy (1903). He also wrote under the names C. Ranger Gull and...

    30,71 €

  • House of Torment
    Guy Thorne
    HOUSE OF TORMENTA Tale of the Remarkable Adventures of MR. JOHN COMMENDONE, Gentleman to King Philip II of Spain at the English Court (Published, 1911)CONTENTSCHAPTER I. In the Queen’s Closet; the Four Faces            CHAPTER II. The House of Shame; the Ladder of Glory   CHAPTER III. The Meeting with John Hull at Chelmsford CHAPTER IV. Part Taken in Affairs by the Half Testoon...

    17,53 €

  • House of Torment
    Guy Thorne
    HOUSE OF TORMENTA Tale of the Remarkable Adventures of MR. JOHN COMMENDONE, Gentleman to King Philip II of Spain at the English Court (Published, 1911)CONTENTSCHAPTER I. In the Queen’s Closet; the Four Faces            CHAPTER II. The House of Shame; the Ladder of Glory   CHAPTER III. The Meeting with John Hull at Chelmsford CHAPTER IV. Part Taken in Affairs by the Half Testoon...

    30,78 €

  • The City in the Clouds
    Guy Thorne
    First published in 1922, City in the Clouds still reads as high adventure, with a subplot of romance and a sense of science fiction. Just consider London at a time when the exotic included Brazilian multimillionaires, Chinese laborers, and telephones. It’s a relatively quick read and enjoyable. (Reviewer)About the Author:Guy Thorne was the pen name of Cyril Arthur Edward Ranger...

    18,83 €

  • Comando Superior: Edição Especial De Três Anos
    Geann Áleaix Bitencourt
    (Esse Box contém os volumes Um e Dois)Edição especial comemorativa de três anos desde o lançamento do primeiro volume da série COMANDO SUPERIOR.Após o desaparecimento do líder do Comando Superior da Via Láctea, o trabalho realizado pela unificação com Andrômeda é severamente prejudicado. Os conflitos gerados entre as principais potências mundiais guiam o mundo para um futuro ca...

    56,92 €

  • Parade’s End
    Ford Madox Ford
    English novelist and poet, Ford Madox Ford, is probably best remembered today for his 1915 novel 'The Good Soldier'. Often cited as his next best work is the tetralogy of novels published between 1924 and 1928 known collectively as 'Parade’s End'. A supremely modernist work set against the backdrop of World War One, the story is less concerned with the conflict of the war and m...

    31,10 €

  • The Well of Loneliness
    Radclyffe Hall
    First published in 1928, 'The Well of Loneliness' is Radclyffe Hall’s semi-autobiographical pioneering work of lesbian literature. The story follows Stephen Gordon, a girl born to upper class parents in late Victorian England. Her parents having expected a boy decided to christen her with the name that they had chosen for him. A strangely coincidental choice as the youth begins...

    17,05 €

  • Toda Mulher Merece Um Poema
    Sérgio Alves
    O livro Toda Mulher merece um Poema utiliza uma linguagemdireta e acessível para falar da alma - corpo feminino; a poesia destelivro, através da perspectiva do amor e da interação daquela dualidadecom o mundo, busca revelar a beleza e a natureza sui generis da mulher.Ao longo da História, ela tem lutado para usufruir da liberdadee do direito à vida; ser valorizada e amada. Tem ...

    17,07 €

  • La vuelta al mundo en ochenta días
    Julio Verne
    La vuelta al mundo en ochenta días (1873) está protagonizada por el señor Phileas Fogg, quien junto a su criado Passepartout, abandonará su vida disciplinada para cumplir una apuesta con los miembros del Reform Club, en la que arriesgará una parte de su fortuna comprometiéndose a dar la vuelta al mundo en ochenta días utilizando los medios disponibles de la época. A lo largo de...

    14,50 €

  • O Mabinogion
    Lady Charlotte Elizabeth Guest
    Descubra o envolvente universo deO Mabinogion , revelado através da erudição e dedicação de Lady Charlotte Elizabeth Guest. Esta edição não somente desenterra os antigos contos galeses comoPeredur ,Culhwch ac Olwen , e as narrativas do lendário Rei Arthur, mas também ilumina a meticulosa jornada de Lady Charlotte ao traduzir e compilar estas histórias a partir do Livro Vermelho...

    70,53 €

  • The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes(Illustrated)
    Arthur Conan Doyle
    Includes 20 stunning illustrations, bringing each story to life. Contains a comprehensive summary of the entire collection. Features a detailed characters list for enhanced understanding. Includes an intriguing biography of the legendary author, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Enter the world of Sherlock Holmes, the renowned investigator who never fails to enthrall readers with his da...

    17,10 €

  • The Invisible Man
    Herbert George Wells
    On a bitter evening in the depths of winter, a mysterious stranger arrives to the remote English village of Iping, his face swaddled in bandages.The Invisible Man tells the tale of Griffin, a scientist who has found a way to make himself invisible. To his anger and dismay, however, the experiment appears irreversible. Freed from the constraints of the law and rejected by a soci...

    12,50 €

  • O Apelo Selvagem
    Jack London / Philipe Pharo
    'O Apelo Selvagem (The Call of The Wild)' é um romance de aventura escrito por Jack London, publicado inicialmente numa série de quatro pelo ’The Saturday Evening Post’, e num volume só pela ’The Macmillan Company’ em 1903. Baseado na experiência de London durante a Febre do Ouro (1897-98) no Rio Klondike, o autor norte-americano escreveu a obra pela qual se tornou mundialmente...

    22,17 €

  • Esau E Jaco
    O livro narra a história da rivalidade entre dois irmão gêmios suas diferentes personalides. Mais uma vez é feito um retrato da sociedade carioca do final do século XIX e início do século XX. ...

    17,16 €

  • Katia
    Leo Tolstoy
    Katia is the 1859 novel by Leo Tolstoy. The story is about young wife and her much older husband that come to realize they want different things out of life. There are ideals of happiness are not the same. The tone of the book is set but the opening line. 'We were in mourning for our mother, who had died the preceding autumn, and we had spent all the winter alone in the country...

    11,01 €

  • Well, After All
    Frank Frankfort Moore
    Well, After All by Frank Frankfurt Moore is about the life of cunning and sharp-witted lawyer Cyril Mowbray. Excerpt: 'It was an interesting scene, beyond doubt,' said Mr. Westwood, the senior partner in the Bracken-shire Bank of Westwood, Westwood, Barwell, & Westwood. 'Yes, I felt more than once greatly interested in the day.' 'Greatly interested? Greatly interested?' said Cy...

    15,24 €

  • Shakespeare’s Macbeth
    Madelyn Rose Craig / William Shakespeare
    This new edition of Macbeth includes helpful annotations, unique illustrations, and a commentary on the birds hidden in this fascinating play.  ---- Macbeth is a tale of witches, deception, secrecy, and superstition. It is also a tale of loyalty, honor, relationships, and God. But of the many motifs of Macbeth, those revolving around nature and the supernatural are central. Som...

    19,99 €

  • The Quicksilver Settlement
    Andrew Ballantyne
    Trauma, resistance and subterfuge in a depopulated village on Crete. Operation Quicksilver was the name the Allies gave to their unsuccessful resistance to the Nazi invasion of Crete.In the 1950s Luke Zimbrean thinks he can make a name for himself by excavating a Bronze-Age settlement. He thinks his money will see him through, but things get complicated. There are questions to ...

    17,68 €