Catálogo de libros: Ficción moderna y contemporánea

147457 Catálogo de libros: Ficción moderna y contemporánea

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  • Bonded by Blood
    From her deathbed, where HIV is choking away her last breaths, Black Girl, an infamous ex-prostitute of Atlanta's Auburn Avenue 'ho stroll, exacts two promises from her three young teen-aged sons, Khalil, B-Man, and Quantavious. She does not try to fool herself that the boys will be anything but hustlers. Hustling is in their blood from both ends, hers and her father...

    29,17 €

  • A Sweet Death
    Claude Tardat / Erin K Wilson
    “The fundamental inanity of existence has already pierced my heart, and I know now that only cakes have any savor.” In a tiny room under the Parisian rooftops, a precocious student concocts a rather unusual plan for a simple task: suicide. A dizzying array of desserts—pastries, chocolates, cookies, custards and more—are the instruments of her demise. A Sweet Death is the macabr...

    9,52 €

  • Soul Proprietorship
    Dianalee Velie
    In Soul Proprietorship: Women in Search of Their Souls, Dianalee Velie seeks - and finds proprietorship of the soul - through a wonderful collection of character-driven short stories, with an accent on magical realism.  Sensations Magazine initially published five of the 24 stories in this new collection, over a period of several years.  It's always a pleasure to see work that ...

    12,01 €

  • Trichet
    Carol Preston
    Trying to make sense of it all, Mary stared at the ceiling. Outside, she heard crickets chirping and smiled a little thinking about Doc calling her 'Trichet'. For all I know, I imagined that, too. Unable to sleep, she sat up in bed and looked out the window. She made a wish on a star that she would see her friend again someday. She also wished that her brother was dead. ...

    15,08 €

  • Green Pearl Odyssey
    Reilly Ridgell
    The story, set in the mid-1980s, follows a former Peace Corps Volunteer who kills a mobster’s son in revenge for the killing of his wife and brother, then runs to the islands of Micronesia to avoid the mobster’s hired killers. The culture and geography of the islands become the backdrop for his flight as he tries to stay one step ahead of his pursuers and deal with his own gui...

    19,23 €

  • The Missing
    Juliet Bates
    This beautiful, dream-like novel is about loss, the unreliability of memory and the stories we invent about ourselves. In the spring of 1958, journalist Frances Daye is persuaded to follow the trail of yet another woman thought to be the Grand Duchess Anastasia. While she searches for Ania through the avenues and boulevards of Paris, she is haunted by memories of her past and ...

    16,54 €

  • Betrayal
    Brad Kennedy
    'The narrative is powerful, well-written, often hair-raising. It is energetic and sorrowful writing.' Robert Bly, National Book Club Award winner and author of #1 NY Times Bestseller 'Iron John' 'Will Stone is an Everyman in search of the meaning of life amid the ravages of war. This author still remembers what every day was like in uniform. Whether it's puking troop ...

    15,72 €

  • In the Company of Ogres
    A Lee Martinez

    22,65 €

    Robert J. Sawyer / Robert JSawyer

    25,88 €

  • The Good Mother
    Kathy M. Dixon / Kathy MDixon

    33,08 €

    James Alexander
    THE LEGEND OF CLOUDS follows the fortunes and failings of a late 60s Rock group, through the highs and lows of the music business ........... This book is based on true events......... all persons appearing in this work are who they are said to be. any resemblance to real famous people, living or dead, is entirely intentional, so brace yourselves for a ride through Rocky territ...

    15,58 €

  • My First Ten Days in Heaven
    Robert Brown
    WHO WOULD TURN DOWN HEAVEN?Say “hello” to the recently deceased Michael Greyson, a good man, a likable man. He lived a moderately long and honorable life, and he just arrived in Heaven. Problem is Mike dumped religion completely in his forties. God didn’t exist. Heaven didn’t exist. There was nothing after death. Being in heaven was a mistake or a cruel joke by a mean-spirited ...

    9,20 €

  • Verbatim
    Likely to have the distinction of being the first (and perhaps only) novel constructed using the format of parliamentary debates, Verbatim: A Novel is presented as a Hansard document interspersed with office emails (using a multiplicity of fonts) between the new Hansard Director, editors, other Hansard employees, and parliamentary officials, creating a palpable tension which pr...

    18,99 €

  • Loyalty and Deceit
    Sampson Juma / Sigel Beanie
    Known by his friends as T-Lova, Terry Maddox is an intelligent and crafty individual who is determined to rise to the top of the underground drug trade along with his best friend Jihad, and their crew. Mack is an ambitious, yet ruthless hustler who runs South Philly with his partner Shawn. Detectives Todd and Latrice Reed are siblings who are hell bent on solving a slew of murd...

    11,53 €

  • Love from Amanda to Zoey
    Ian Mark
    Everything comes easy for Zach Johnston. Only 24 years old, he’s got it all-- the girl, the high paying tech job, and the rent-controlled apartment in the Village. But when his best friend overdoses and his girlfriend leaves him, his inability to connect with other people overwhelms him. Desperate to hide his pain from Amanda, the ex who met “11 out of 13 criteria” on his frien...

    15,34 €

  • The Palace of Wisdom
    Bob Marshall-Andrews
    A stooge for the Inquisition in seventeenth-century Florence, Grand Duke Cosimo embarks on his relentless persecution of all knowledge and art, while conspirators work to protect great Renaissance works from destruction. ...

    13,01 €

  • You're Sure to Fall in Love
    Bruce K Beck
    Our narrator hopes to maintain his new relationship with the talented musician Bobby James, who is handsome, charming, and twenty years his senior.  But then everything seems to change when they head off together to spend the entire summer of 1976 in the sexual candy store that was Provincetown, Massachusetts.  In no time at all our narrator is greeted by a rival—the dangerous ...

    12,49 €

  • MAD Librarian
    Michael Guillebeau
    When the city cuts off funding for her library, Serenity Hammer embezzles from a neglected city fund to keep her library alive. The fund turns out to be a huge secret fund channeling all corruption and political funds for the state. Now Serenity has the money to build the library of her dreams--if she can spend it fast and stay alive.Half of all income will go to madlibrarian.o...

    14,04 €

    Robert Rahula
    Despite the title, this is a book definitely NOT for children.  Here are 21 adult short stories from one of Spain’s most accomplished and brilliant writers.  Robert Rahula delivers a dazzling collection of contemporary “portilla” short stories – that writing style that interweaves graphic sexual detail, existential philosophy, wry political commentary, and intricate dreamlike p...

    12,02 €

  • Petrified
    Lea LaRuffa
    Beth L. fought  for her survival, and yet as parts of her brain were amputated she continued to fight against all odds, only to discover that her inability to see the world, to see reality as we did, would make her so much more proficient than the rest of us could ever imagine. Her perception would change ours and teach us that life is what you make it, not what you expect it t...

    44,03 €

  • Nadya’s War
    C. S. Taylor / CSTaylor
    The Wehrmacht marches on Stalingrad.The deadly Luftwaffe dominates the skies.Nadya "Little Boar" Buzina, a young pilot with the Red Army's 586th all-female fighter regiment, has just been thrust into the meat grinder. If she’s to protect her homeland and survive the chaos, she’s going to have to learn to trust her wingman explicitly.German aces, however, aren’t the only one...

    18,36 €

  • The Secrets of Bicester Village
    Zhanyu Chen
    牛津郊外,比斯特奥特莱斯折扣村。这块方圆不过八平方公里,游客量却仅次于伦敦白金汉宫的购物地,每天都演绎着不真实的奢华,却很少有人知道背后的故事。但是,一座历史长久的小镇,一方高端时尚的领地,一群东西方各异的种族,是不是注定了要跨越时空的边界,在过往与现今、虚空与现实的重叠里牵扯出丝丝关联。当开发商在大张旗鼓地扩建时,购物村里却发生了一连串的事件。一切是纯粹巧合,还是有因有原?或也许,我们其实都一直生活在真实与灵幻之间,我们只是毫不察觉而已? ...

    12,53 €

  • Time Aerials
    Russell Kightley
    TIME MACHINES BREAK REALITY. SEVERAL TIMES…The time aerial seizes Harry’s mind and flings him into the past—but to the wrong time. He tries to set things right, but unleashes a catastrophe.The debonair Richard arrives—but he is stalked from the future. Reality breaks—but the universe fights back.Extirpators hover. The girl in black knows more than she should. Squamaflies swarm....

    12,82 €

  • Verdad y Destino
    José Antonio Pérez Zamora
    En Verdad y Destino, una historio para contar, Pérez Zamora abre de par en par las puertas que guardan los pasajes más relevantes de su vida desde que abandonó la isla de Cuba estando en plena Juventud, hasta tocar los días del presente.Lo curioso de su narración en esta obra, es el modo sutil con que nos introduce en un mundo de transformaciones que inducen a la fatiga. ...

    21,11 €

  • Life in a Box
    JoDee Neathery
                   How much would you sacrifice to hide a secret? Andee Camp inherits a box of family history after tragedy strikes along with a challenge to write a novel based on her ancestors. To fulfill this dream, she would exchange her book reviewer hat for one of a writer, forcing the seeds of self-doubt aside. With obstacles littering her path, she discovers the mystery sur...

    18,14 €

  • The Wind in the Embers
    Malcolm David Logan
    Discovering the truth about your mother’s sordid past can be troubling.  If you’re the new Emperor of Rome, it can be downright terrifying. Rome’s ruling Augusta is rumored to be weak.  It is said that she is under the thumb of her powerful master of soldiers, Aetius.   But few know the real Galla Placidia, a cunning and ruthless adversary capable of holding together a crumblin...

    15,58 €

  • Похождения бравого солдата Швейка
    Карел Ванек / Ярослав Гашек
    Перед вами эпический роман Ярослава Гашека – «Похождения бравого солдата Швейка» – настоящее сокровище мировой литературы. Действие романа разворачивается во время Первой мировой войны, на территории доживающей последние годы Австро-Венгерской империи. Произведение описывает события происходящие с Йозефом Швейком – отставным солдатом, с началом войны вновь призванного на службу...

    24,72 €

  • Clickbait
    Ryan Melsom
    How do you find a sense of purpose when all you’ve ever known is a life of selfies and swimming pools? Six teenagers in Los Angeles struggle to find stories for themselves as their old lives fall apart and their lack of direction comes painfully into focus. Everything hinges on a question: can you take the very things that have made life feel empty and turn them into something ...

    9,51 €

  • Wasp in the Opium Flowers
    Kevin Klix
    Steven is the worst form of human scum.But it’s not all bad; he accepts it. He accepts that he has an adoring girlfriend and yet, despite that, still cheats on her with dating app “leads,” as he so calls them. He accepts his addiction in maliciously upsetting others, intent upon producing uneasiness and outrage. But can the people that he encounters accept him?Mix the cutthroat...

    12,59 €

  • Astrologer's Proof
    BIG DATA HAS THE ANSWERSRufus wants to settle it. He has the connections, the hackers and the computing power to compare the astrological charts of 100,000,000 Americans to the events of their actual lives. Are astrological forces real or not?Under the cover of the Institute for Humanistic Innovation, Rufus and the Data Collection Group are prepared to implement their secret pl...

    10,46 €