Catálogo de libros: Ficción y temas afines

281189 Catálogo de libros: Ficción y temas afines

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  • Engineering a Life
    Krishan K. Bedi / Krishan KBedi
    In 1961, at the age of twenty, I arrived in the United States (US), landing at the port of New York after three weeks at sea with only $300 in my pocket. Coming from a small village of only 200 people, I had never seen anything like New York City before. I had made it here on sheer faith, by staying focused on my goal of acquiring education in the US. I’d overcome peer pressure...

    33,16 €

  • Snowflakes - A Collection of Poems
    Aryaman Darda

    14,07 €

  • Asoka
    Vincent E Smith
    Asoka the great, as he is popularly known, was the last emperorof the Maurya dynasty of India. He ruled the major subcontinentsin India, extending the lineage of his grandfatherChandragupta Maurya from Afghanistan in the west toBangladesh in the east.Also known as the Buddhist emperor, he became the biggestpreacher of the religion in the country. He embraced Buddhismafter the b...

    16,41 €

  • Akbar and the Rise of the Mughal Empire

    14,24 €

  • Shivaji
    Dennis Kincaid

    13,76 €

    Paramhansa Yogananda

    28,67 €

  • Ranjit Singh
    Lepel Griffin
    Empires do not become great on their own; it is their rulers to whomgreatness is attributed. One such great empire was founded by agreat king - the Sikh Empire of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. A warrior,military strategist, adventurer and secularist, Ranjit Singh fought hisfirst battle alongside his father at the young age of 10. At the age of21, he laid the foundation of the Sikh dyn...

    15,38 €

  • Keeping up with Kaneda
    Gaurav Kumar
    Canada - the land of beautiful lakes, opportunities and umm... scoresof desis (aren’t we just everywhere?). What happens when a youngman gets a one-way ticket to the hallowed country?When you’re saat samundar paar, even a modest course at acommunity college becomes a gateway for merriment and learning...of a totally different kind. And so it did, with Gaurav. An Australian flat...

    13,23 €

  • The Fragrance OF Rose
    Chirajit Paul
    Rinita Bose is an ordinary middle class girl with extraordinary beautyand unmatched aspirations. While chasing her dreams, she comesface to face with harsh realities. That’s how she learns the valuablelesson - what most men really want.In a twist of fate, she picks up enmity with a powerful man and flees thecity. She switches careers and hides her identity behind the garb ofRos...

    16,26 €

  • Inside the Heart of Hope
    Rishabh Puri
    We’re all a little broken, and that’s okay.Or is it? Rick has a medical condition that makes his life different from the rest. But unlike others around him, he sees this not as a curse, but as an opportunity to cherish life and all the bitter-sweet gifts it brings with it.Amidst frequent visits to the doctor, multiple surgeries that risk his life being, and a life that meant su...

    13,23 €

  • Twenty Twenty
    Anuraag Srivastava
    Life is a fast-paced Twenty20 game, and you need tokeep playing to win.Abhi and Aditi are siblings who want to realise their dreamsin the ever upgrading world. In the midst of all the struggleand success, they get entangled in a strange web. If they arenot able to resolve the crisis in twenty days, their veryexistence can come under threat. In short, they have to hitsixes on ev...

    16,26 €

  • When Karma Goes Upside Down
    Dishant Huria
    Karma has a wicked sense of humour.All we can do is laugh when it’s our turn.By day, Aarush is struggling to get admission in a reputed college forhis Master’s degree; by night, he is a technical support man workingin a call centre. His lady love plans the most unexpected surprise gifton their fourth love-anniversary - a break-up!In trying to accept that she is gone, he bumps i...

    16,37 €

  • Wottaplot!
    Santosh Vishwanath
    Raj, with the help of his high-spirited father, sets out to conquer a pieceof land around the Bangalore city. Through some humorous and somehopeless misadventures, he realizes that it isn’t as easy as it sounded. Thecloser he thinks he is to acquiring the land, the more it seems to driftaway from him.What he believes to be a level playing field, stoops down to many levelsduring...

    16,34 €

  • White Smoke
    Nikhil Mahajan
    Virat studies in a renowned boarding school in Shimla. But behind the façade of a happy teenager is a disturbed child trying to fight the pain of his mother’s death and his father’s ignorance. Neither love nor friends seem to be of any help. That’s when he finds a picture in a library book, which changes his life forever.In trying to find the truth behind the girl in the pictur...

    14,25 €

  • 37+ Grace Marks
    Vishal anand
    What happens when you fall in love at first sight? That too in college,which is supposed to be the best time of one’s life. But is it the bestplace to find love too?Viraj falls head over heels in love with his classmate Nimisha, whocould make boys on campus go crazy. While his friends Punit and Sahiljust want to have fun - despite poor mark-sheets, grace marks to pass,and other...

    16,37 €

  • Tinkling of the Bell Before It Rings
    Sonika Shandilya
    We don’t meet people by accident.They are meant to cross our paths for a reason.When Jai met Sakshi, by sheer chance, he couldn’t have imaginedhe’d one day be visiting Europe with her for a countryside fashiontour. All he heard was the tinkling of a bell somewhere in his heart.When Sakshi met Jai the next time, she barely knew theirfriendship would run deeper than anything she ...

    15,29 €

  • The De-Evolution Bug
    Vaibhav Mukim
    Stillwater, Oklahoma is being attacked. By its own inhabitants, whodon’t seem to be human anymore. They are turning into zombies.A zombie is a well-oiled predator, capable of infecting the populationof an entire block in half an hour, a major part of the city in a fewhours, and the whole city itself in a matter of days.The world is alarmed and America is quarantined for good. W...

    14,27 €

  • Stirred But Not Shaken
    Deep Shiva
    Mohit came to Delhi from a small town to make it big. He is quitesorted, with a comfortable place to stay, a well-paying job, and a fewfriends and loved ones. Despite that, he is quite stirred by the waythings happen in the city. When he bags a job in a multinational adagency, he does not know that getting a job and keeping it are two verydifferent ball games.Natasha is stunnin...

    15,34 €

  • Ira Oberoi’s Pursuit of Love
    Niti Chopra
    Sparkling and zesty with a dash of green, a Virgin Mojito is a unique blend up and Ira is one lucky girl to have found her Mojito - tall and handsome with green eyes, he is in every definition the intoxication for her. In a twist of tales, the traditional concept of the boy wooing the girl goes for a toss. Smitten at first sight, she boldly pursues her love interest, every bit ...

    16,26 €

  • 8
    Swapnil Khamkar
    History holds a lot in its pages. But till when can truth be hidden?Neel is a cop investigating the mysterious death of a famous film director. In the middle of a divorce case with his wife Avantika and amidst thoughts of resigning from his job, will he be able to find the culprit?A five-hundred-year old sunken ship belonging to Vasco da Gama is discovered off the coast in Oman...

    13,15 €

  • Imperfect Misfits
    Devanshi Sharma
    Tiasha: I am very annoyed.Aakaash: That’s your job, Tiasha. Good that you are doing it well.Tiasha: And I am very serious.Aakaash: When are you not!Tiasha: Argh! I hate you, Aakaash. Aakaash: Thank God for small mercies! Just like a scoop of vanilla ice cream makes the sizzling chocolate brownie delicious, these best friends complimented each other. A chef by passion, Tiasha ju...

    16,38 €

  • Be My Perfect Ending
    Arpit Vageria
    Not every story has a happy ending,but is a perfect ending all that matters?Armaan is a young television writer and seems to have it all - a dream job, ample money and a good place to live in Mumbai. Despite all that, his heart lies somewhere in his hometown Indore. Merry and beaming through all of life’s ups and downs, Sara is a little desolate and now needs a different space ...

    16,34 €

  • 65 Colors of Rainbow
    Smit Kapila
    There is a wonderful saying: 'The happiest people in the worldare not those who have no problems, but those who learn to livewith things that are less than perfect.'In this highly competitive world, life of corporate work-force isfull of all kinds of strain and stress. There is no way we can escapefrom our jobs and its work pressure, but we can certainly counterit by enriching ...

    14,34 €

  • Lost in Love
    Arvind Parashar
    Neil had many questions related to his life. Having suffered a total eclipse of the heart, dumped by Arya, he had nowhere to go. He was completely shattered. Till one fine day, when his friend Gauri, who had a crush on Neil ever since her childhood, comes into his life and they begin their journey of love, romance, fantasy and fairy tales. Not for long, as their world comes cra...

    15,34 €

  • You are Forever in My Heart
    Sanjeev Ranjan
    'Love can leave a memory no one can steal, Love can leave a pain no one can heal.'Sanjeev had loved Ashima with his heart and soul. But she left him for another, leaving him in a vortex of pain, dejection and depression. Unable to move on and haunted by her memories day and night, he pens down his story as a novel and becomes a noted author. With a nudge from a friend, he decid...

    16,38 €

  • My Mute Girlfriend
    Himanshu Rai
    'That day I realized I had lost her forever. I had losther smile, her friendship, her voice...But still, somewhere in my heart, I believed her to bemy girlfriend. My mute girlfriend.'Rohan is a telecom professional posted in Meerut and misses hisgirlfriend from college days, who had stopped interacting with him,without giving any reason. Although she had always stood by his sid...

    17,45 €

  • For a Girl in a Star
    Ratna Chandu
    What do you do when your best friend - the one person who has stood byyou through thick and thin, knows you better than you know yourself, andliterally saved your life - falls in love with the same girl as you?Avinash and Sahas, two village boys, arrive in Bangalore in search of art andin pursuit of ambition. Sahas, hardworking and nervous, antonym to hisfriend, has emerged fro...

    17,41 €

  • Nice Men Finish Last
    Pravesh Vir Siddhu
    Bad ones get into the pants, whereas the good ones get friend-zoned.Bad ones have a blast, and the good ones suffer.Bad boys take it all, whileNice Men Finish Last.Nandu pays an unfair price for being nice; he is dumped by his girlfriend.Depressed by the brutal break-up, he follows in the footsteps of hiswomanizer friend Sattu, who firmly believes that nothing good ever happens...

    17,41 €

  • At The Threshold of Love
    Namita Sonthalia
    They fell in love - unaware that it had happened! But the passion thatlay veiled within, would that be enough to re-write their future together?Ahaana runs an event management company called ’TheThreshold of Love’ with her childhood friend, Ansh. Celebratinglove in the lives of her clients, she is unknown to the emotionherself.Only until business tycoon Ronit Malhotra arrives a...

    17,41 €

  • The Imperfect
    Rishabh is madly in love with Aarti. Has been, ever since he first saw her.For her, he is her best friend... forever.Ruhana is smitten with Rishabh, but he thinks of her as just an amigo.Priyanka is about to marry Rishabh, but he isn’t sure if he loves her.Shefali is carrying Rishabh’s child, and his mind is a total mess.While Rishabh is caught in the whirlwind of relationships...

    17,38 €