Catálogo de libros: Ensayos literarios

9040 Catálogo de libros: Ensayos literarios

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  • Optimism
    Helen Keller
    Who better than Helen Keller to write about optimism? Helen Keller became blind when she was nineteen months old. At the time children who were deaf and blind were simply given up on. But Helen’s mother read that a deaf blind person had been educated and decided to explore that possibility for her daughter. As a result of this Helen Keller was the first deaf blind person to ear...

    14,24 €

  • Best Korean Short Stories Collection 2 대한민국 베스트 단편 소설모음집 2
    Meet the very finest of Korean short stories. This compilation of 17 short stories bring you the essence of Korean literature, covering the early 1900's to the late 1900's. Also ideal for advanced Korean learners.대한민국 문화의 정수를 담아 1900년초부터 1900년후반까지의 거장들의 작품을 담은 모음집. 한국 문화와 언어를 공부하는 상급자 수준의 학생들에게 교재로도 적합한 도서. ...

    10,78 €

  • the post calvin
    After three years of publishing daily pieces online, the post calvin is proud to present the post calvin: selected essays. Editors Josh deLacy, Will Montei, Debra Rienstra, and Abby Zwart have gathered suggestions from writers and chosen pieces that represent the heart and soul of the post calvin. the post calvin is a daily online journal that features twenty-eight regular wri...

    13,30 €

  • From Dawn to Daylight
    Dawn Downey
    Dawn Downey’s second collection of essays is for everyone who savors down-to-earth stories with a twist of wisdom. Deeply honest and deeply personal, her observations are laced with quirky insights and self-deprecating humor. She draws inspiration from the flu, the garden, bad knees and bad TV. She explores larger themes of loss and estrangement, while retaining a youthful outl...

    9,50 €

  • The Book of Days
    The Book of Days is an illustrated anthology from the 2015 Sydney Writers’ Festival. The book was designed live during the festival at a workstation next to the Pier 2/3 Main Stage at Walsh Bay. The anthology is divided into two parts. The first is a selection of writing and illustrations from festival presenters. It includes excerpts of what was read or shown at festival event...

    25,66 €

  • Runaway Thoughts
    In 2013 students at Venice High School in Los Angeles formed the first P.O.P.S. (Pain of the Prison System) club, a club for those whose lives have been touched by prison. Many have parents, friends, siblings, uncles and aunts inside; some have had their own brushes with the law. All have stories to tell. Runaway Thoughts offers the stories, artwork and essays of those whose vo...

    16,35 €

  • Color
    Kenneth A. McClane / Kenneth AMcClane
    In 1991, acclaimed poet Kenneth A. McClane published Walls: Essays, 1985-1990, a volume of essays dealing with life in Harlem, the death of his alcoholic brother, and the complexities of being black and middle-class in America. Now, in Color: Essays on Race, Family, and History, McClane contributes further to his self-described 'autobiographical sojourn' with a second collectio...

    28,20 €

  • Real Women’s Stories 2018
    Beth Kallman Werner
    The twelve brief chapters in this book reflect the beauty and the burdens of life, the highs and lows of being a woman.With stories about: mothers and daughters; relocating from a small town in Idaho to a tiny island in the Caribbean; a United States marine adopting a baby girl from an orphanage during the Vietnam War; surviving divorce, alcoholism, and domestic violence; build...

    13,87 €

  • DeFacto Feminism
    Judy Juanita
    Judy Juanita views activism and feminism as it plays out in her political, artistic and spiritual life. A distinguished semifinalist for OSU’s 2016 Non/Fiction Collection Prize, De Facto… blends essays, poems, graphics by the late Rini Templeton and literary criticism. An act of self-definition with the feel of memoir, these essays follow a long line of thinkers, including Anna...

    14,63 €

  • Whippoorwill Calls
    Gabrielle Songe
    Alternating between prose and poetry the author weaves her journey of awakening from agnosticism to belief. The story travels along paths of loves and loves lost at times metaphorically and other times supernaturally. Does 'More Is Expected' signal a sequel? Old Testament Prophet Jeremiah and King David provide sign posts along the way. ...

    8,53 €

  • Japón España: la Vía Dual
    Pedro Gallo / Pedro Gallo Tenaguillo
    El libro de Pedro Gallo está escrito con prosa rica, culta, ágil y fluida. Y aborda un tema que conoce realmente bien, y que justamente por ello lo explica con profundidad y con claridad. Es un libro que se lee con todo interés y con todo gusto. La relación entre España y Japón es básicamente buena pero tiene un potencial de desarrollo y crecimiento espectacular prácticamente e...

    18,99 €

  • What Is It Like to be Alive?
    Chris Arthur
    In What is it Like to be Alive? Fourteen Attempts at an Answer, prize-winning essayist Chris Arthur looks into life’s mirror and offers an account of what can be seen in ordinary things. Each of the book’s fourteen essays is an exercise in seeing beyond the obvious, and finding hidden depth in the places and things we might otherwise take for granted. Arthur ranges over subject...

    19,66 €

  • Wandering Between Two Worlds
    Anita Mathias
    In wide-ranging lyrical, prize-winning essays, Anita Mathias writes of her naughty Catholic childhood in Jamshedpur, India; her large, eccentric family in Mangalore, a seacoast town converted by the Portuguese in the sixteenth century; her rebellion and atheism as a teenager at St. Mary’s Convent, Nainital, her Himalayan boarding school, run by German missionary nuns; and her a...

    8,67 €

  • Las aves y las letras
    Weselina Gacisnka
    'Las aves y las letras. Los personajes alados de la literatura universal' de Weselina Gacinska es un libro que nos invita a un fascinante viaje a través de las aves presentes en la poesía y la narrativa a lo largo de la historia. Desde cuervos parlantes hasta colibrís resplandecientes, esta obra nos sumerge en un mundo donde las aves son mucho más que simples criaturas para con...

    17,00 €

  • La obra de Benito Pérez Galdós
    Carmen Márquez-Montes
    El libro que se presenta a los lectores es el primer volumen de la colección VERBUM Galdosiana, que acoge estudios y ediciones sobre la amplia y plural obra de Benito Pérez Galdós, el autor más significativo de las letras en español después de Miguel de Cervantes. La colección tiene como objetivo prioritario acoger investigaciones en torno a la obra y figura de Benito Pérez Gal...

    24,90 €

  • Poemas de amor de la antigua India
    Enrique Gallud Jardiel
    La India vio en su momento un esplendor filosófico, cultural y artístico a casi nada comparable. Florecieron allí todas las variedades artísticas y, entre ellas, destacó la poesía épica y lírica, con composiciones en extremo originales, perfectas en cuanto a la forma y radicalmente valientes en cuanto a contenido, lengua y retórica. En esta compilación ofrecemos por vez primera...

    17,99 €

  • Damned Agitator
    Michael Gold
    The most comprehensive collection of writings by an important twentieth-century radical writer. ...

    30,85 €

  • 遠三外傳:阿三的三
    Susan Chen / 文外 / 陳小青

    16,82 €

  • 心灵独白
    Li Yang / Tao Zhijian / 陶志健
    有一种文字,从心里生出来,无数个我在心海里奔跑,面对星辰大海,浩瀚宇宙,自顾自地说话。也许,这就是我理解的'独白'。许久以来,厌倦世俗中的凡尘,喜欢一个人背起包就走的旅程;喜欢罗伯特·金凯的'幽远、深邃、孤寂,一个人赶路,心中装着无以言说的苍凉与绝望';喜欢'我是大路,我是远游客,我是所有下海的船!' 永远在路上,似乎是刻在骨子里的基因,不可更改。一个人的空间里,什么都可以不做,放飞所有的意念,只望星河璀璨,足矣! ...

    17,90 €

  • State by State
    Matt Weiland

    13,23 €

  • Double Flame, The
    Octavio Paz / Helen Lane

    14,51 €

  • Hu ba Hu
    Parwana Rudaulvi
    The author of this book, 'Parwana Rudaulvi,' mentions that writing literary sketch is a challenging endeavor. He included sketches of several of his contemporaries in this book and stated that the intention behind them was to portray some prominent figures from his time, with whom he had close relationships, as I perceived them. Allow me to present what I have seen and the impr...

    24,75 €

  • Teoría de la Viruta de Ohm y otras delicias
    Arturo Ortuño Fernández
    Teoría de la viruta de Ohm y otras delicias ofrece la visión de Arturo Ortuño Fernández en temas tan diversos como la religión, la ciencia, el feminismo, el neonazismo y el neofascismo, la filosofía, la situación actual de conflicto bélico entre Rusia y Ucrania, los Gobiernos actuales del mundo occidental, junto con opiniones subjetivas de temas próximos a los tratados como pri...

    19,99 €

  • El Refugio Elorrieta
    Cristóbal Adrián García Almeida
    'El Refugio Elorrieta. Herencia superviviente de Sierra Nevada'En las majestuosas montañas de Sierra Nevada, donde la naturaleza y la arquitectura se entrelazan, surge una encrucijada que desafía el corazón de los viajeros y los guardianes del patrimonio. En este cautivador libro, el autor Cristóbal Adrián García Almeida nos sumerge en un viaje épico a través de la dicotomía en...

    23,88 €

  • Islaah-e-Moashira - Islam ki Rahnumai
    Mufti Tanzim Aalim Qasmi
    In this book written by Mufti Tanzim Aalim Qasmi, articles regarding the reform of the society have been included which address the urgent need for societal reform. Reading these articles will instill a spirit of action and a fear of God, as well as awareness of Islamic customs and guiding principles on interpersonal relationships, behavior, and both individual and group life. ...

    24,72 €

  • Defy Definitions
    This book is a celebration of voices from the margins. It brings together 32 captivating personal essays from across the globe, celebrating the spirit of living, and exploring individual quest for identity and existence. The narratives in this collection transcends geographical boundaries, and reminds us how several factors, such as social environment, history, culture, and gen...

    26,14 €

  • Lugar de lugares
    Shimon Edenburg
    En este viaje por las palabras, las ciencias y las artes; el autor deconstruye suvida estableciendo paralelismos y oposiciones entre lo que ha vivido, pensadoy experimentado a distancia de algunos acontecimientos históricos, a los quelogra acercar a su experiencia personal.La 'vida privada' y las historias de vida. la crisis de los grandes relatos de vanguardiay la legitimación...

    15,00 €

  • A Farmer’s Almanac - Stories about Land, Food, and Life
    Drausin Wulsin
    This is Volume II of A Farmer’s Almanac Series, Wonder of Actualization. The first of Drausin Wulsin’s three ventures on the land, covering a span of over 30 years, was starting a grass-based, New Zealand-style dairy in the state of Ohio. The next entailed creating a wetlands mitigation bank on 215 acres. The third was developing a grass-based meat business, involving beef, she...

    13,62 €

  • Mosaic through East-Facing Glass
    Marg Heidebrecht
    2020. Yeah, that. Everything stopped except Marg Heidebrecht’s habit of writing for ninety minutes a day. Four years, forty essays later, the author of In the Shade: Friendship, Loss, and the Bruce Trail provides us with this new collection. Intended as a legacy for family and friends, her insights and humour will be appreciated by others trying to make sense of their own lives...

    19,86 €

  • Mosaic through East-Facing Glass
    Marg Heidebrecht
    2020. Yeah, that. Everything stopped except Marg Heidebrecht’s habit of writing for ninety minutes a day. Four years, forty essays later, the author of In the Shade: Friendship, Loss, and the Bruce Trail provides us with this new collection. Intended as a legacy for family and friends, her insights and humour will be appreciated by others trying to make sense of their own lives...

    30,86 €