Catálogo de libros: Obras de teatro, textos teatrales

12681 Catálogo de libros: Obras de teatro, textos teatrales

Libros Eliminar filtro Literatura y estudios literarios Eliminar filtro Obras de teatro, textos teatrales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Whispers of Kumasi
    In 'Whispers of Kumasi: Family Secrets Unveiled,' Akosua embarks on a relentless quest to uncover the truth behind her cousin Kwame’s mysterious disappearance. As she delves deeper into the shadows of her family’s past, she navigates a treacherous web of deceit, betrayal, and corruption lurking within the heart of Kumasi. With each revelation, Akosua finds herself confronting d...

    38,65 €

  • Echoes of Accra
    'Echoes of Accra: A Tale of Urban Struggle' is a gripping literary fiction novel that delves into the heart of corruption and redemption in the vibrant city of Accra. Kwame and Kofi, two unlikely allies, find themselves drawn into a dangerous game of power and deceit as they uncover the truth behind the shadows that loom over their home. Betrayal, loyalty, and the enduring powe...

    38,62 €

  • Nem Sempre Foi Assim
    Clóvis José Rosendo Bomfim
    Sonhos, medo, angústia e fantasias, numa verdadeira e emocionante história de amor e fé no renascer da vida... a cada instante.Alberto Alcosa ...

    8,64 €

  • Alice
    Lia De Oliveira
    Em um mundo onde as criaturas sobrenaturais andam livremente, é difícil passar despercebido.Para Alice, isso nunca foi um problema. Sendo mestiça, meio-humana e meio-vampira, ela sempre conseguiu se camuflar completamente e, apesar do calor no Brasil não cooperar com seu disfarce, não é como se ela ligasse em ter sua identidade revelada, a menos que isso interferisse no seu tra...

    12,88 €

  • Corvus Corax E A Sociedade Da Qumera
    Espionagem. Clonagem Humana. Guerrabiológica. Uma caçada frenética por 6 países diferentes e um louco motivado por uma obsessão doentia em punir aqueles querecusaram suas criações bizarras.Nossa narrativa em lugares reais, com uma trama obscura e visceral, conduz o leitor por um labirinto de intrigas, perigos e dilemas éticos.Confrontando com dúvidas morais, forçando a question...

    14,56 €

  • A girl named Mishka
    Clarence Carter
    Mishka is a young girl whose father is a powerful Russian mafia boss. After her mother’s death, which is rumored to be at the hands of her father, Mishka escapes to America and pursues her dream of modeling. However, her dream is soon stolen when she’s kidnapped by a crazed truck driver. In the midst of her turmoil, Mishka must find the courage to keep moving forward and to not...

    9,25 €

  • Roses in December
    Mark A Gibson
    Jimmy Hamilton overcame childhood tragedy to become a hero in Vietnam, only to die there in 1967. All but forgotten, Jimmy leaves behind a young wife, an infant son, and a man wracked by guilt.Circumstances allow Becca, his young widow, to be manipulated into an abusive, loveless union with Jimmy’s brother and into raising her son ignorant of his father’s true identity-a wrong ...

    13,34 €

  • Não, Não Me Diga Adeus
    Luiz Carlos De Sousa
    A enfermeira Edna Gomes, vive sua rotina dedicada somenteao trabalho. De repente, ela se vê diante de algo maior do queela: o amor por Breno Scarpa, um engenheiro gaúcho e doente.Fechada como uma concha, Edna evita dividir a praticidade de umavida reservada há muito formatada para viver sem sobressaltos.Paralelamente, José Guilherme Saldanha, amigo de Edna, reage àsolidão em qu...

    14,66 €

  • The house on the marsh A romance
    Florence Warden
    'The House on the Marsh: A Romance' by Florence Warden is a captivating novel set amidst the enchanting backdrop of the English countryside. Warden masterfully blends elements of romance, mystery, and drama to create a spellbinding tale that unfolds with Gothic undertones and Victorian charm. At the heart of the narrative lies the mysterious House on the Marsh, a setting shroud...

    16,74 €

  • Hidden Country
    Henry Oyen
    'Hidden Country' by Henry Oyen is a captivating fiction novel that immerses readers in the rich tapestry of rural American life. Set against the backdrop of a small-town setting, Oyen weaves a mesmerizing family saga filled with secrets, relationships, and mystery. With a character-driven narrative and psychological depth, the novel explores the intricate dynamics of human natu...

    15,28 €

  • The House on the Moor Vol. II
    Mrs. Oliphant
    'The House on the Moor Vol. II' by Mrs. Oliphant is a captivating novel that immerses readers in the atmospheric setting of the English countryside. This Victorian-era fiction unfolds with an intricate blend of mystery, romance, and drama, captivating readers with its character-driven narrative and Gothic undertones. At the heart of the story lies the enigmatic House on the Moo...

    13,82 €

  • John A Love Story Vol. 2
    Mrs. Oliphant
    'John, A Love Story Vol. 2' by Mrs. Oliphant intricately weaves together romance, family drama, and Victorian intrigue in this captivating novel. Set against the backdrop of 19th-century British society, Mrs. Oliphant masterfully crafts a tale of love and relationships that delves deep into the complexities of human emotions. As readers journey through the pages of this novel, ...

    13,01 €

  • John A Love Story Vol. 1
    Mrs. Oliphant
    'John, A Love Story Vol. 1' by Mrs. Oliphant intricately weaves together romance, family drama, and Victorian intrigue in this captivating novel. Set against the backdrop of 19th-century British society, Mrs. Oliphant masterfully crafts a tale of love and relationships that delves deep into the complexities of human emotions. As readers journey through the pages of this novel, ...

    13,03 €

  • Hidden Creek
    Katharine Newlin Burt
    'Hidden Creek' by Katharine Newlin Burt is a captivating fiction novel that delves into the intricacies of American rural life through the lens of a compelling family saga. Set in a small-town setting, the novel unfolds with drama, romance, and secrets lurking beneath the surface. Burt masterfully crafts a character-driven narrative with psychological depth, offering readers a ...

    15,30 €

  • The Hated Son
    Honoré De Balzac
    'The Hated Son' by Honor de Balzac is a gripping novel of French literature, delving deep into the complexities of family drama. Set against the backdrop of 19th-century French society, Balzac weaves a tale of betrayal, revenge, and psychological conflict that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. At the heart of the narrative lies a riveting story of sibling rivalry and t...

    11,97 €

  • Wanda Vol. III
    Ouida Ouida
    'Wanda Vol. III' by Ouida is a captivating Victorian romance novel that transports readers to the enchanting landscapes of Italy. This third volume of the series blends elements of romance, drama, and adventure, immersing readers in a world of love, intrigue, and societal complexities. At the heart of the narrative is Wanda, a captivating protagonist whose journey unfolds amids...

    14,51 €

  • John Caldigate
    Anthony Trollope
    'John Caldigate' by Anthony Trollope is a captivating Victorian novel that intricately weaves together elements of romance, legal drama, and societal intrigue. Trollope delves into the life of John Caldigate, whose journey unfolds against the backdrop of Victorian society and the allure of Australia’s gold rush. As Caldigate navigates the complexities of love, marriage, and fam...

    21,74 €

  • Buried Alive A Tale of These Days
    Arnold Bennett
    'Buried Alive: A Tale of These Days' by Arnold Bennett is a captivating novel that delves into the intricate webs of society, ambition, and betrayal in Victorian London. Bennett, renowned for his insightful social commentary, crafts a gripping narrative that explores the complexities of relationships amidst the backdrop of wealth and intrigue. At its core, 'Buried Alive' is a t...

    13,79 €

  • Name and Fame A Novel BOOK IV
    Adeline Sergeant
    'Name and Fame: A Novel BOOK IV' by Adeline Sergeant transports readers to the dramatic world of Victorian England, where ambition, social status, and familial relationships intertwine in a captivating tale of love and ambition. As a renowned fiction writer, Sergeant masterfully navigates the complexities of Victorian society, weaving a narrative rich in drama and character dev...

    10,59 €

  • The House on the Moor Vol. III
    Mrs. Oliphant
    'The House on the Moor Vol. III' by Mrs. Oliphant is a captivating novel that immerses readers in the atmospheric setting of the English countryside. This Victorian-era fiction unfolds with an intricate blend of mystery, romance, and drama, captivating readers with its character-driven narrative and Gothic undertones. At the heart of the story lies the enigmatic House on the Mo...

    13,03 €

  • Radioman
    Rodney Nakamura
    On the threshold of death, a radioman named Parker Harker recalls the memories of a war that left him orphaned as a child. The sole caretaker of his sister Kiki, Parker struggles to keep his family together. When his sister is lost avenging her father’s death, he embarks on a journey to find her. ...

    28,06 €

  • Adeus Patria Amada: As 4 Imigrantes
    Tony De Campos
    Insatisfeitas com os regimes autoritáriose a vida em seus paises, uma chinesa, umasoviética, uma tcheca e uma alemã partem para emigrar ao pacato Canada e recomeçarem suas vidas com seus pares. Essa é a história ficticia de cada uma delas durante a Guerra Fria. ...

    9,58 €

  • Boonville
    Robert Mailer Anderson
    Surrounded by rednecks, misfits, and counterculture burnouts, John Gibson ­the reluctant heir of an alcoholic squirrel-sculpting grandmother ­- and Sarah McKay - a commune-reared 'hippie-by-association' - search for self and community in 1989 rural Mendocino County, California. The dying logging industry is colliding with the economic rise of wineries, tourism, and the unregula...

    13,82 €

  • Designer De Carros
    Ivania S.n.t.
    Élly é uma jovem muito inteligente desde bem pequena, gosta de desenhar carros estilosos para a sociedade, mas ninguém sabe que ela teve seu carro circulando pela cidade quando ela tinha apenas 14 anos e isso graças a seu pai que ao ver o desempenho e criatividade de sua filha simplesmente a levou para sua indústria de carros e daí em diante ela se viu onde mais gostava.Porém s...

    11,17 €

  • Eu Vou Matar Esse Amor Dentro De Mim
    Edy Carlos
    Este livro é escrito para falar sobre as diversas formas de amor, os problemas que amores podem nos causar e as alegrias que nos trazem. Em algumas caminhadas que damos ao longo de toda a vida, encontramos pessoas que nos fazem criar sentimentos dentro da gente. No livro o escritor relata sobre os seus sentimentos, sentimentos esses que permitirão aos leitores se identificarem ...

    7,77 €

  • A Box Full of Darkness
    Anushka Shiell
    2006: A conversation with a military recruiter prompts 18-year-old Tessa Halifax to enlist in the US Army after graduation. This pivotal decision takes her from her New Jersey suburb to the streets of Baghdad, as a military working dog handler. In Iraq, Tessa meets disillusioned soldier Ryan Chao. Their experiences as soldiers lead them to make a dramatic departure from the car...

    17,86 €

  • Sparks Road
    Angee Costa / Ellen Briscombe
    Four sisters, four parents, one fateful night. When the dust settles, nothing will be the same.On an idyllic country road in a sleepy town lived a family with a story so intriguing, it is nearly unbelievable. What they experienced should have ripped them apart and nearly did. But they held on tight to see what true could do. In the process, they forged their love in fire.In a s...

    12,64 €

  • Jardim Do Silêncio
    Selson Souza
    SELSON SOUZA Revelação do interno silencioso. Com base em fatos reais: Um projeto de escrita fez parte do ser acadêmico do autor, que após o convite a vários pessoas, entre as quais, alguns alunos e alunas. Por motivos de cada um, o projeto ficou apenas no papel. A todos a devida gratidão.Contudo, ao ter contato com a história de uma criança sem voz, o autor viu-se impelido a e...

    11,89 €

  • La revolución sentimental
    Ramón Pérez de Ayala
    Después de tres mil años del golpe de estado comunista, los seres humanos han cambiado de modo de vida, por imposición del gobierno. Cuando un hombre mira cómo juegan los gorriones en parejas en la temporada de primavera, desconoce el significado de acciones como darse el pico o aletear; cuando una mujer se estremece con la llegada de un apuesto compañero, no sabe que esas sens...

    17,90 €

  • Underdog
    Sarah Gordon
    Charlotte Brontë has a confession about how one sister became an idol, and the other became known as the third sister. You know the one. No, not thatone. The other, other one... Anne.This is not a story about well-behaved women.This is a story about the power of words. It’s about sisters and sisterhood, love and jealousy, support and competition.Sarah Gordon’s new play is an ir...

    18,97 €