Catálogo de libros: Textos clásicos

1784 Catálogo de libros: Textos clásicos

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  • The Homeric Hymn to Hermes
    Oliver Thomas

    186,71 €

  • El gran Gatsby
    Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald
    El gran Gatsby y El extraño caso de Benjamin Button son dos de los textos más reconocidos de Francis Scott Fitzgerald, considerado un clásico de la literatura norteamericana, cuya obra exquisita mantiene toda su actualidad y frescor._x000D__x000D_Gatsby, el caballero que reina sobre West Egg, el anfitrión de las noches sin tregua, pero también el triunfador marcado por el trági...

    18,90 €

  • Plautus
    V. Sophie Klein
    This new volume in the Bloomsbury Ancient Comedy Companions series is perfect for students coming to one of Plautus’ most whimsical, provocative, and influential plays for the first time, and a useful first point of reference for scholars less familiar with Roman comedy. Menaechmi is a tale of identical twin brothers who are separated as young children and reconnect as adults f...

    95,78 €

  • Pindar and the Sublime
    Robert L. Fowler
    Pindar-the ’Theban eagle’, as Thomas Gray famously called him-has often been taken as the archetype of the sublime poet: soaring into the heavens on wings of language and inspired by visions of eternity. In this much-anticipated new study, Robert Fowler asks in what ways the concept of the sublime can still guide a reading of the greatest of the Greek lyric poets. Working with ...

    114,97 €

    Karan Goel
    ''Kural'' is a famous poetic text of the Tamil language. This is about two thousand years old ''Tamil Veda''. While this priceless treasure trove of ancient Tamil texts has been appreciated by scholars in western countries, little attention has been paid to such works by scholars in other parts of India. Thiruvalluvar’s message, as mentioned in the Kural, is a message to all hu...

    19,72 €

  • La noche sobre séneca
    Juan Francisco Gallardo Padilla / Juan Francisco Gallardo Padilla
    Juan Gallardo de Jalisco, México ha experimentado desde hace aproximadamente quince años con la escritura y se ha aventurado a dar a conocer tres cuentos, uno de los cuales ganó el segundo lugar en un concurso estatal de relatos cortos, organizado por la universidad de Guadalajara. Sin embargo, en épocas recientes se ha animado a crear y presentar su primera novela; una histori...

    20,80 €

  • Errores Longi Ulixis, Pars II
    Brian Gronewoller
    Odysseus (Ulysses) and his companions have been trying to sail home from the Trojan War for more than a year. Angry gods and goddesses, however, have sent them wandering through dangerous and unfamiliar lands. Most of the crew has perished. Only one ship has survived. And a mysterious enchantress has transformed many of the survivors into pigs. Now, Odysseus, Eurylochus, and El...

    13,94 €

  • O homem eterno
    G. K. Chesterton
    O homem eterno é a resposta a uma obra de H. G. Wells sobre a origem do mundo. Chesterton ilustra de forma ambiciosa a jornada espiritual da humanidade, principalmente da civilização ocidental, e as principais transformações após se tornar cristã. Este clássico da literatura cristã impactou profundamente o autor C. S. Lewis, foi decisivo para sua conversão e influenciou suas ob...

    28,50 €

  • The Forgotten Books of Eden Lost Books of the Old Testament
    Jr. Platt H. Rutherford
    Inform Your FaithTranslated and compiled in 1926 by esteemed scholar Rutherford Hayes Platt, The Forgotten Books of Eden is a beautiful collection of apocrypha and pseudepigrapha that is sure to enrich and deepen your appreciation of the Biblical canon. Though these stories, for whatever reason, were excluded from The Bible by its original compilers, they were written alongside...

    30,71 €

  • The Forgotten Books of Eden Lost Books of the Old Testament
    Jr. Platt H. Rutherford
    Inform Your FaithTranslated and compiled in 1926 by esteemed scholar Rutherford Hayes Platt, The Forgotten Books of Eden is a beautiful collection of apocrypha and pseudepigrapha that is sure to enrich and deepen your appreciation of the Biblical canon. Though these stories, for whatever reason, were excluded from The Bible by its original compilers, they were written alongside...

    23,99 €

  • Coração Orange
    Cláudio Angelini
    Coração Orange é uma eletrizante aventura do arqueólogo Guilherme de With que, ao tentar desvendar os segredos de uma velha capela, de sua fazenda em Ouro Preto, se depara com um dos maiores mistérios do séc. XVIII, que envolve o desaparecimento do navio Santa Rosa e sua fortuna em ouro e diamantes que seguia para Portugal.A história se inicia com a invasão holandesa no Brasil,...

    20,07 €

  • A Glossary to the Homeric Epics
    Mark Winterrowd
    This book offers a listing of modern English words with their ancient Greek equivalents, drawn from the Homeric epics - the Iliad and the Odyssey. Its goal is to familiarize the reader, the student, with the language of the heroic ages, so that he or she may be inspired by the Muses’ immortal song. ...

    23,70 €

  • Horace

    126,07 €

  • Xenophon of Athens
    Noreen Humble

    144,36 €

  • Sagen des klassischen Altertums
    Gustav Schwab
    Die schönsten Sagen des klassischen Altertums sind eine Sammlung antiker Mythen, die der deutsche Schriftsteller Gustav Schwab in den Jahren 1838 bis 1840 in drei Bänden herausgab. Schwabs Ziel war die Nacherzählung „der schönsten und bedeutungsvollsten Sagen des klassischen Altertums' in schlichter Prosa, die dem Wortlaut der antiken Schriftsteller möglichst nahekommen sollte....

    35,82 €

    Nivruthi Shekar
    An insight into the evolution of civilization from the Vedic times to the contemporary day. Bringing up a few figures from Hindu mythology and evaluating their character, personality and trying to equate it to current roles of people in our life. I was very involved in doing some background reading on our Vedic times in order to analyze and comprehend the faults that we tend t...

    11,53 €

  • Short Stories
    Farzeen Sharfuddin
    The book is divided into chapters dealing with love, marriage, children, joy and sorrow. It is based on the life of Islamic Leader Prophet Mohammad (SAW). He is the most merciful and pious man, who always wanted to spread love and peace in the world.  ...

    8,12 €

  • Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture
    Ewen Bowie

    209,68 €

  • Campo de Estrelas
    Leandro Fonseca Leal Ferreira
    Influenciado pela leitura de um livro sobre um caminho que existe há mais de dois mil anos, um jovem brasileiro insatisfeito consigo mesmo e com a vida que levava sentiu-se atraído pela história que o autor descreveu e, por um impulso, decide largar tudo para ir ao encontro daquele misterioso lugar. Compra uma passagem e vai para Madri, na Espanha.Andando pelas ruas da cidade, ...

    14,03 €

  • Why Gender?
    Jude Browne

    101,56 €

  • Why Gender?
    Jude Browne

    35,29 €

  • AGAMUM PURAMUM / அகமும் புறமும்
    A. Sa. Gnanasambanthan / ASaGnanasambanthan
    The basis, psychology, purpose and purpose of ‘internal’ are examined. The next section is to look at what life should be like for a world with a mystical guilt. Some introductions are made with these two grammars in the third section, ‘Life in Literature’. The next set is the side. There are many tools to know the social history of the people of a country. It is a method of tr...

    18,77 €

  • CALDWEL OPPILAKANAM / கால்டுவெல் ஒப்பிலக்கணம்
    Kaazhi. Siva. Kannusamy Pillai / KaazhiSivaKannusamy Pillai
    Among the languages ​​that are classified as a Dravidian language, Tamil has been around since ancient times, has been revised and developed in a classical manner. According to the Sangam component, it can be said that the dialect of the Dravidian language race is Tamil. ''Dravidian'' is a code word; It refers to the vernacular languages ​​spoken by the majority of the people o...

    15,68 €

  • O Monstro da Torre Escura
    Ursula Marques Prata (pseudônimo Um.P
    Carioca da gema, nascida em 1969 e criada na periferia do Rio de Janeiro, a autora descobriu nas bibliotecas públicas um portal para escapar de sua realidade de miséria, abandono, abuso e violência. Com transtornos cognitivos não diagnosticados, dificuldades de interação e foco, Um. Prata, que só começou a falar aos três anos, percebeu nos livros a possibilidade de comunicação ...

    7,26 €

  • Viyappoottum Vazhibaadugal / வியப்பூட்டும் வழிபாடுகள்
    Periyar Mannan P

    18,01 €

  • Os Olhos de Luiza - Volume I
    Renzzo Rodrigues Moreira
    No primeiro volume desse livro, a narrativa se passa em boa parte na cidade do Rio de Janeiro no final da década de 50, onde uma jovem rica da alta sociedade carioca e um maestro, que também é um pianista renomado, se conhecem e iniciam um romance com consentimento da família.Porém, outro pretendente que dispõe de poder e uma alta patente dentro do exército almeja essa jovem, q...

    17,30 €

  • Tragic Pleasure from Homer to Plato
    Rana Saadi Liebert

    35,84 €

  • Decimus Laberius
    Costas Panayotakis

    62,63 €

  • Confesiones de Dorish Dam
    Delia Colmenares
    Confesiones de Dorish Dam es la primera novela peruana con temática lésbica. Esta apasionada historia, escrita probablemente en 1929 por Delia Colmenares, retrata la vida personal, amorosa y social de una joven de clase alta limeña, quien va descubriendo los distintos placeres que la vida le tiene reservados.La protagonista es Dorish Dam, una estilizada, elegante y delicada muj...

    12,17 €

  • Las que somos
    Rosalí León Ciliotta
    A través de las protagonistas de cada historia de Las que somos, Rosalí León-Ciliotta nos muestra las diferentes aristas del ser mujer en un tiempo tan remoto como el Perú de la independencia, un país machista y misógino latinoamericano o un lugar tan lejano como el confín del mundo.Cada uno de los tres cuentos de este libro pone a sus protagonistas en lugares insólitos y situa...

    10,40 €