Catálogo de libros: Textos clásicos

1486 Catálogo de libros: Textos clásicos

Libros Eliminar filtro Inglés Eliminar filtro Literatura y estudios literarios Eliminar filtro Textos clásicos Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Achilles in Greek Tragedy
    Michelakis Pantelis / Pantelis Michelakis

    156,35 €

  • Milton and the Transformation of Ancient Epic
    Charles Martindale
    Milton has long been recognised as being among English poets most indebted to ancient literature, but the range and depth of that debt have rarely been explored. Here Martindale examines the use Milton made of other ancient poets, notably Homer, Ovid and Lucan, and finds some surprising elements in the style of 'Paradise Lost' - Horace for example. He is primarily concerned wit...

    48,42 €

  • To Homer Through Pope
    H.A. Mason
    As fewer and fewer people learn to read ancient Greek, there is a need for a critical study of the most influential translations that have been made from the major works of ancient Greek literature. Mason’s monograph offers exactly that for readers of the Iliad and the Odyssey. More particularly, he presents a persuasive argument for reading Alexander Pope’s translation, his ac...

    48,57 €

  • Plato
    J.B. Skemp
    Plato’s "Politicus" (Statesman) stands, both in date and in political thought, between the "Republic" and the "Laws". It presents his thought at the point when he was chastened by disappointment with his attempts to put theory into practice at Syracuse. The dialogue reflects contemporary controversies on the method of definition; but its logical exercises and the impressive ’my...

    44,55 €

  • The Flatey Book
    This is a volume originally published in 1908, reproducing Icelandic documents suggesting that America had been discovered by the Norse as early as the tenth century and that Columbus was aware of those expeditions; as well as other pre-Columbian documents pertaining to America. There is an introductory text in English, and pages of reproductions of documents, typeset versions ...

    28,87 €

  • Water and the Word, Volume I
    Water and the Word focuses on a genre of literature written for the education of the Carolingian clergy: Carolingian baptismal instructions. This literature has never been brought together and studied collectively in the context of the books in which it circulated. This comprehensive study has three major objectives. One is to describe the codices in which the baptismal instruc...

    52,60 €

  • Water and the Word, Volume II
    Water and the Word focuses on a genre of literature written for the education of the Carolingian clergy: Carolingian baptismal instructions. This literature has never been brought together and studied collectively in the context of the books in which it circulated. This comprehensive study has three major objectives. One is to describe the codices in which the baptismal instruc...

    88,71 €

  • The Home
    Charlotte Perkins Gilman
    Reprint of 1903 edition of Gilman’s classic indictment of domestic life, offering a program of domestic reform that inspired women at the beginning of what became a century-long struggle. ...

    160,19 €

  • Terence
    The lively action and well-constructed plot of the 'Phormio' make it an ideal introduction to Terence and to the Roman comic genre. It well illustrates Terence’s subtle handling of plot and character - two fathers, two wayward sons in love, the latter abetted by the scheming slave and by the parasite who gives his name to the play. This edition, recognising that the simplicity ...

    42,08 €

  • Herodotus

    48,91 €

  • Inventing Homer
    Barbara Graziosi

    149,95 €

  • Statius’ Silvae and the Poetics of Empire
    Carole E. Newlands / Carole ENewlands

    149,67 €

  • The Cambridge Companion to Ovid

    158,03 €

  • Royal Subjects
    Best known for his landmark version of the Protestant Bible, James VI (1566-1625) of Scotland, who succeeded Elizabeth I to the English throne, was truly a monarch of the word. From religious prose and verse to political treatises and social works to love poems and witty doggerel, James used writing and the print media to inspire his subjects, govern them, keep his enemies at b...

    62,37 €

  • Greek Historians
    John Marincola / Marincola John

    39,78 €

  • A Narratological Commentary on the Odyssey
    Irene J. F. de Jong / Irene JFde Jong

    172,70 €

  • Speaking Volumes
    Alessandro Barchiesi
    In a poem written in exile, Ovid pictures his latest book in conversation with his previous volumes, united in the bookcase containing his collected works back in Rome. One can imagine their dialogue - in the protected space of the whispering bookcase - as loaded with allusion and intertextuality. Speaking Volumes, a collection of essays by the distinguished classicist Alessand...

    48,66 €

  • Lies Like Truth
    Arthur F. Kinney
    What was it like to be in the audience of the Globe Theater in 1606? By demonstrating fundamental connections between audience reaction then and the use of computers today, Renaissance scholar Arthur Kinney explores the cultural moment of one of Shakespeare's most popular tragedies. Examining the cultural practices and beliefs that influenced Shakespeare's writing of M...

    61,85 €

  • Catullus and the Poetics of Roman Manhood
    David Wray

    124,29 €

  • Medieval Irish Lyrics
    Barbara Hughes Fowler
    This anthology offers modern readers fine translations of the lyric poetry transcribed or written by medieval Irish monks. Irish poets were the first Europeans to write in the vernacular, though few people now read this poetry in its original. Well known for her translations of the poetry of classical Greece and Egypt and of medieval Portugal, Barbara Hughes Fowler once again m...

    28,80 €

  • A Selected Chinese-English Ancient Chinese Stories
    Shi Zhinan

    15,96 €

  • Irony and Misreading in the Annals of Tacitus
    Ellen O'Gorman / Ellen O’Gorman

    124,48 €

  • The Emptiness of Asia
    Thomas Harrison

    128,43 €

  • Homer’s People
    Johannes Haubold

    168,56 €

  • The Language of Sophocles
    Felix Budelmann

    169,59 €

  • Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
    W Barron / W. Barron
    Dual text on facing pages, now revised and updated edition of this Middle English Arthurian romance. Critically acclaimed translation now in its twenty fifth year. Extensive notes, glossary and introduction. ...

    18,76 €

  • The Song of the Sirens and Other Essays
    Pietro Pucci
    In this collection of his essays on Homer, some new and some appearing for the first time in English, the distinguished scholar Pietro Pucci examines the linguistic and rhetorical features of the poet’s works. Arguing that there can be no purely historical interpretation, given that the parameters of interpretation are themselves historically determined, Pucci focuses instead ...

    69,51 €

  • Beowulf and Judith
    Richard M Trask / Richard M. Trask / Richard MTrask
    The two great epic-theme poems Beowulf and Judith, paired in the Beowulf Manuscript preserved in the British Museum, are here presented in a translation with a unique fidelity that restores the true Anglo-Saxon rhythmical line of five subtypes of four beat stress adhering scrupulously to the alliterative strictures of Anglo-Saxon verse and exploiting its epithetical style. This...

    54,35 €

  • de Rerum Natura
    Lucretius / Titus Lucretius Carus

    55,37 €

  • Latin Historians
    A. J. Woodman / AJWoodman / C. S. Kraus / Christina Shuttleworth Kraus / CSKraus

    39,96 €