Catálogo de libros: Literatura y estudios literarios

305830 Catálogo de libros: Literatura y estudios literarios

Libros Eliminar filtro Literatura y estudios literarios Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • The Situation of Poetry
    Robert Pinsky
    In this book Robert Pinsky writes about contemporary poetry as it reflects its modernist and Romantic past. He isolates certain persistent ideas about poetry’s situation relative to life and focuses on the conflict the poet faces between the nature of words and poetic forms on one side, and the nature of experience on the other.The author ranges for his often surprising example...

    46,25 €

  • Mandelstam
    Clarence Brown / Phillip Brown

    56,44 €

  • Albert Camus and the Literature of Revolt
    John Cruickshank

    95,39 €

  • Chekhov in Performance
    J. L. Styan / JLStyan / John L. Styan / John LStyan

    55,13 €

  • The Victorian Heroine
    Patricia Thomson

    95,95 €

  • Behan
    Brendan Behan

    37,36 €

  • Burmese Drama
    Maung A. Htin / Maung AHtin / U. Htin Aung / UHtin Aung / UNKNOWN

    121,45 €

  • Sir Arthur Pinero’s Play and Players
    Hamilton Fyfe / Henry Fyfe / UNKNOWN

    121,14 €

  • English Poetry
    Frederick Wilse Bateson

    82,72 €

  • Fiction and the Ways of Knowing
    Avrom Fleishman
    In this highly individual study, Avrom Fleishman explores a wide range of literary references to human culture-the culture of ideas, facts, and images. Each critical essay in Fiction and the Ways of Knowing takes up for sustained analysis a major British novel of the nineteenth or the twentieth century. The novels are analyzed in the light of social, historical, philosophical, ...

    33,66 €

  • Forays into Swedish Poetry
    Lars Gustafsson
    When poet/critic Lars Gustafsson was the editor of Bonniers Litterära Magasin, he was bombarded with the question, 'What makes a good poem?' Forays into Swedish Poetry is his answer.The fifteen poems in this volume range across the history of Swedish poetry from the 1640s, at the beginning of the Period of Great Power, to the late twentieth century. Poets as diverse as Skogekär...

    27,07 €

  • Cubism, Stieglitz, and the Early Poetry of William Carlos Williams
    Bram Dijkstra
    Previous studies of William Carlos Williams have tended to look only for the literary echoes in his verse. According to Bram Dijkstra, the new movements in the visual arts during the 1920s affected Williams’s work as much as, if not more than, the new writing of the period. Dijkstra catches the excitement of this period of revolutionary art, reveals the interactions between wri...

    50,19 €

  • The Uses of Poetry
    Denys Thompson

    43,30 €

  • Mark Twain’s America
    Bernard Augustine DeVoto

    121,28 €

  • The Background of English Literature
    Herbert John Clifford Grierson / UNKNOWN

    121,38 €

  • The Novelist as Philosopher
    John Cruickshank

    82,53 €

  • The Georgics of Virgil
    L. P. Wilkinson / LPWilkinson / Virgil

    71,03 €

  • Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 4
    Miguel de Unamuno
    The acknowledged masterpiece of Unamuno expresses the anguish of modern man as he is caught up in the struggle between the dictates of reason and the demands of his own heart. ...

    55,79 €

  • A Short History of English Drama
    B. Ifor Evans / Benjamin Ifor Evans / BIfor Evans / UNKNOWN

    95,87 €

  • Charles Lamb
    Charles Lamb

    69,58 €

  • Jeremias Gotthelf
    Basil Blackwell / H. M. Waidson / HMWaidson / UNKNOWN

    82,44 €

  • The Plays of Cyril Tourneur
    Cyril Tourneur / Parfitt

    28,65 €

  • The Selected Plays of Thomas Middleton
    David L. Frost / David LFrost / Frost David L. / Thomas Middleton

    80,63 €

  • The Selected Plays of Philip Massinger
    Colin Gibson / Philip Massinger

    43,88 €

  • The Two Harmonies
    K. G. Hamilton / Kenneth Gordon Hamilton / KGHamilton / UNKNOWN

    82,54 €

  • Three American Travellers in England
    Robert Charles Le Clair / UNKNOWN

    121,71 €

  • Literary America
    David Edward Scherman / Rosemarie Redlich / Rosiemar Redlich

    124,70 €

  • The New Grammarians’ Funeral
    Ian Robinson

    43,47 €

  • Macbeth and the Players
    Bartholomeusz / Dennis Bartholomeusz

    36,80 €

  • Mario Vargas Llosa
    Charles Rossman
    The Peruvian Mario Vargas Llosa has been acclaimed throughout the literary world as one of Latin America’s finest writers, yet until recently little has been written about his work in English. While his work has the subject of an increasing flow of critical commentary in Spanish and his major novels have been translated into English, this is the first full-scale critical treatm...

    26,86 €