Catálogo de libros: Alfabetismo

3363 Catálogo de libros: Alfabetismo

  • Ende des Schreckens
    Cornelia Kun
    Inhaltlich unveränderte Neuauflage. Über Gewalt wurde immer schon viel diskutiert, sowohl als gesellschaftliches Phänomen als auch als Motiv der Literatur. Folgt man den verschiedenen Gewaltdiskursen wird schnell deutlich, dass in der Diskussion traditionell implizit oder explizit beinahe immer Gewalt als 'männlich' definiert wurde. Dies führte dazu, dass Frauen als Subjekt der...

    88,92 €

  • Écriture féminine/Escritura femenina im Zeichen des Postkolonialismus
    Sylvie Bouge
    Inhaltlich unveränderte Neuauflage. Obwohl sich die Situation der Frauen verbessert hat und die Legende von der Gleichberechtigung von Mann und Frau nur allzu gern zur Realität erhoben wird, ist das Patriarchat noch längst nicht auf dem Rückzug. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit zwei herausragenden Vertreterinnen des weiblichen Schreibens, das das Patriarchat zu demontieren und...

    75,24 €

  • Globalisation and Cultural Decolonisation in Recent African Novels
    Nick Mdika Tembo
    This book brings together three disparate essays to consider the processes of globalisation and cultural decolonisation in African literature. Is globalisation an evil that has come to vandalise, dilute and re-image the rich African culture and history? Is there a possibility for African societies to reconstruct Africa’s life-sustaining social values, beliefs and customs withou...

    76,51 €

  • Рэй Брэдбери
    Николай Донзанович
    Пожалуйста, учтите, что содержание этой книги в основном состоит из статей, доступных в Википедии, или на других бесплатных интернет ресурсах. По словам исследователей, Рэю Брэдбери принесли известность те произведения, действие которых происходит в будущем. В связи с этим его принято считать одним из крупнейших мастеров научной фантастики второй половины ХХ столетия. При этом ...

    50,44 €

  • Other Spaces, Other Voices
    Ryan Storment
    Revision with unchanged content. Islands periodically manifest themselves within cultural texts as locations for fantasy and the exotic. Through this process they function as a literary trope. Most often they are served up as blank slates, much like early visions of the western United States, where we meet cultural ’others’ or encounter exotic experiences. Island narratives dep...

    75,20 €

  • The State of Children’s Literature in Ethiopia
    Misrak Tenna
    Children’s literature criticism comprises both generalists’ discussions of the relationship between children’s literature and literary theory as well as a literary analysis of specific work or works of literature. But practical children’s literary criticism tends to limit its scope in content analysis giving emphasis for the psychological and educational merits of the literatur...

    75,94 €

  • Auf den Spuren des Arlecchino
    Johanna Pizzera
    Was haben der berühmte Filmpirat Jack Sparrow und der Spaßmacher Arlecchino gemein? Worin besteht der Zusammenhang zwischen Charlie Chaplin und dem Kasperl? Und welche Verbindung gibt es zwischen dem Zirkusclown, Roberto Benigni und den Kabarettisten der Kellertheatern? Von der italienischen piazza zum Fürstenhof und zum Théâtre du Roi, von der Bühne zur bildenden Kunst, zum St...

    59,44 €

  • Effektivität von Gruppenarbeit in Integrationskursen
    Maria Zervaki / Susanne Kreuzig
    Inhaltlich unveränderte Neuauflage. Nach vier Jahrzehnten Migration trat 2005 in Deutschland erstmals ein Zuwan­derungsgesetz in Kraft, das Sprachkenntnisse als zentralen Bestandteil von Integration begreift und staatlich fördert. Nach 630 Unterrichtseinheiten sollen die Lerner die Prüfung „Zertifikat Deutsch als Fremdsprache' ablegen. Dies stellt aufgrund der stark heterogenen...

    88,63 €

  • Psyche-Moral-Comic Sense in R.K.Narayan’s Novels
    R. Narayanan / RNarayanan
    This book is the most comprehension work on R.K.Narayan and perhaps the only one that the aim of this book is to exhibit how Narayan’s comical sense goes with the three personality types:- Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. Through the psyche analysis of the common human weaknesses, it results, the change in the process of mind and then, is the rebirth of self and the process of its educ...

    75,94 €

  • Parental Advisory - Explicit Content
    Peter Pritchard
    Inhaltlich unveränderte Neuauflage. Als Ronald Reagan die Präsidentschaft antrat, begann die 'konservative Revolution'. Die Christian Right hatte dafür gesorgt, dass der Kern ihrer Ideologie, die sogenannten family values, die gesellschaftspolitischen Diskurse bestimmte und in die Politik der neuen Regierung einfloss. Nur die Verwirk­lichung dieses gottgegebenen Modells könne d...

    75,35 €

  • The Cross-Cultural Composition Class for ESL Writing Students
    Navid Saberi-Najafi
    The present study focuses upon how ESL students feel about the placement options available to them for first-year composition classes at a public university in the northwestern United States. The present study has confirmed several weaknesses of the mainstream composition class. One is a general disregard for some of the affective needs of ESL learners, in other words, factors ...

    75,94 €

  • The orgy is over
    Claudio Vescia Zanini
    Among the many polemic and pungent ideas presented by the French sociologist and philosopher Jean Baudrillard, there is his 1990 claim that the contemporary world is haunted by 'cancer', 'transvestite' and 'terrorism', three phantasies which are present in virtually every instance of human life. 15 years afterwards, American writer Chuck Palahniuk presents us 'Haunted', a mindb...

    121,44 €

  • Wieder Holen
    Johannes J. Eisenhut / Johannes JEisenhut
    Inhaltlich unveränderte Neuauflage. In Schulaufsätzen gelten Wiederholungen als schlechter Stil. In der Belletristik als Stilmittel. In der Werbung unterstellt man ihr eine manipulatorische Absicht. Was aber ist die Funktion der Wiederholung einer Silbe, eines Begriffs, einer Satzkonstruktion, einer Metapher, eines Themas? Im Text hat jede Wiederholung mindestens jene Funktion,...

    89,68 €

  • Post-Colonial Haunting & Confused Identities
    Chamindri Liyanage
    The book examines Michael Ondaatje’s presentation of fictional post-colonial migrants and their quest for a post-colonial identity in their new Western surroundings as portrayed in three of Ondaatje’s novels: Anil’s Ghost, The English Patient and In the Skin of a Lion. The focus of the book is to determine if there is a distinct affinity between Ondaatje’s migrants’ colonial pa...

    76,13 €

  • Dora and her Sisters
    Catherine Mainland
    Revision with unchanged content. This book examines the rebellions of marginalized, ignored, or silenced female characters in six works by two Jewish authors, Georg Hermann and Arthur Schnitzler. While Schnitzler’s more famous heroines have been amply studied, his earlier plays have been neglected. Hermann was one of the most popular authors of his day, but has yet to be redisc...

    119,40 €

  • Poetik des Zerstörten
    Katja Thomas
    Inhaltlich unveränderte Neuauflage. Durch Wahrnehmung wird eine Umgebung nicht nur entdeckt und gefunden; ge­nauso verändert und erfindet Wahrnehmung ihre Umgebung. Unter wel­chen Bedingungen kann man auch einen literarischen Text als Wahr­neh­mungs­form verstehen? Aus dieser Fragestellung heraus werden Texte der Ge­gen­wartsliteratur gelesen, die sich einer medial und politisc...

    75,23 €

  • Coffeehouse-Women
    Franziska Kutik
    Towards the end of the seventeenth century an institution developed that encouraged the emergence of public life in London and simultaneously illustrated the separation within London’s society: the coffeehouse. Affected by various contradictions, the coffeehouse opposes peaceful sociability to boisterous nocturnal activities. With regard to literature, periodicals give a differ...

    43,46 €

  • social construction of gender in women magazine
    Its interesting to see whether Women Magazines constructs ’femininity’ any differenly from the other genres.This book may answer your question! Consider the following leads in the book: Gender construction in advertisements :basic analysis and layers of meaning in advertisements.Why naked pictures of women and not men in advertisements? Female objectification and Gender c...

    76,44 €

  • A Basic Reader on Phonetics
    Aju Samuel Thomas / Md Sohel Rana
    The book 'A Basic Reader on Phonetics: in an Acoustic Phonetic Perspective' deals with the most basic knowledge on speech sounds in linguistics. This book is an introduction to phonetics, the description and classification of the sounds of speech. This accessible textbook provides a clear and practical introduction to phonetics designed for students with only a basic knowledge ...

    76,38 €

  • Dynamic Assessment and Interlanguage Pragmatics
    Minoo Alemi / Sarah Pakzadian / Zia Tajeddin
    This book reports on a study aimed at exploring the advantage of Dynamic Assessment as an instructional instrument over Non-dynamic (traditional) Assessment and Non-assessment approaches in the pragmatic production of EFL learners. The target speech acts of apology, complaint, and compliment were chosen for the study. Results of the study showed that there was a ...

    107,82 €

  • University Students’ Hemispheric Dominance
    Julieta Tendero
    The Philippines is the world’s third largest English-speaking nation. Its higher education system depends on English language as the official medium of instruction, and the university students’ academic performance primarily reflects their English language proficiency. This study randomly selected 240 Filipino university students and used Pearson r in testing and analyzing the ...

    107,75 €

  • Schema Building Activities in L2 Reading and Listening Comprehension
    Abbas Ali Zarei / Maryam Mahmudi
    This book is a theoretical review as well as an empirical analysis of the effects of linguistic, formal, and content schema building activities on L2 listening and reading comprehension. In the first two chapters, the theoretical aspects of the issue are reviewed. The next three chapters elaborate on an empirical attempt to describe the nature of the relationships among the afo...

    76,65 €

  • Das Indienbild in der deutschen Jugendliteratur vor 1938
    Hanna Maria Ofner
    Der Ensslin & Laiblin Verlag setzte von Beginn an den Schwerpunkt der Produktion auf Jugend- und Volksbücher. Viele der produzierten Werke werden in der Forschung als trivial abgetan und verschwinden somit aus dem Blickfeld. Weitaus mehr Jugendliche wurden jedoch über diese in großen Mengen produzierten Jugendbücher beeinflusst als über die bürgerlichen Klassiker. Welches Bild ...

    67,28 €

  • The Use of Drama Techniques in Teaching of English Language
    Kaptingei Solomon Too
    This study sought to establish how teachers of English use drama techniques to teach. It aimed to establish how effective language teaching could be achieved through use of drama techniques that enhance authentic language use through learners’active participation. The study addressed the missing link between teachers methodology, choice of content and learners participation tha...

    76,58 €

  • Acquisition of English prepositions by Sri Lankan ESL Learners
    Sandamali Gamage
    Teachers of English often point out the fact that university learners still make basic prepositional errors in their writing. Since there is a dearth of research work pertaining to the acquisition of English prepositions in Sri Lanka, my endeavour is to take a further step toward investigating and gaining a comprehensive understanding of this prepositional problem. This book is...

    122,13 €

  • Style That Communicates
    D. David Wilson / DDavid Wilson
    The works of William Gerald Golding, particularly the Lord of the Flies, have received a worldwide admiration and acceptance for his style of language use and intensity of the content. His fictional novel Lord of the Flies reveals the society, culture and the language used in the novel has established his significant contribution to the field of literature, linguistics and styl...

    124,39 €

  • Form-focused Instruction of Formulaic Sequences
    Reza Jafari Tadi / Sasan Baleghizadeh
    In recent years, formulaic sequences have received a great deal of attention. These chunks are often named multi-word units, fixed expressions, or lexicalized phrases. These expressions can help English L2 learners improve their spoken fluency by making pauses shorter and less frequent. This study investgated the impact of formulaic sequences on Iranian EFL learners’ fluency wh...

    75,02 €

  • Form-Focused Instruction of English Idioms
    Jalal A’lipour / Javad A’lipour / Saeed Ketabi
    As the results of exclusively meaning-centered language teaching frameworks have been far from promising, it is now generally agreed that some attention to second language items is necessary in order for acquisition to occur. Therefore, Form-focused Instruction (FFI)is considered to be a necessary component of language teaching contexts where the focus is strictly on meaning. T...

    90,96 €

  • Objetos de aprendizaje en la adquisición de un idioma
    Oscar Rubio Vargas
    La presente obra tiene como objetivo presentar objetos de aprendizaje digitales como complemento para la enseñanza de un idioma. El autor presenta el proceso, diseño, implementación y los resultados obtenidos al utilizar estos medios digitales con alumnos del idioma inglés en la Facultad de Idiomas de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Los objetos de aprendizaje digita...

    40,91 €

  • Wildlife Conservation and Ecotourism Potentials in Ethiopia
    Sintayehu Workeneh Dejene
    In the face of degradations of natural resources and lack of alternative options, there are potentials of ecotourism in and around Awash National Park(ANP) which degraded by anthropogenic activities .The major objective of this study was assessing these potentials of ecotourism or alternative options for sustainable use of natural resources, poverty alleviation and food sec...

    74,88 €