Catálogo de libros: Lingüistica

15562 Catálogo de libros: Lingüistica

  • Languages of the Soviet Union
    Bernard Comrie

    77,34 €

  • Forms of Talk
    Erving Goffman

    31,25 €

  • African Literature in French
    Dorothy S. Blair / Dorothy SBlair

    68,61 €

  • A Contrastive Phonology of Portuguese and English
    Milton M. Azevedo / Milton MAzevedo
    Compares the sounds, phonology, and prosody of General American English and Southeastern Brazilian Portuguese. ...

    31,30 €

  • Horace
    Eduard Fraenkel

    125,04 €

  • Word Formation in Generative Grammar
    Mark Aronoff

    29,93 €

  • Generative Phonology and French Phonology
    Dell / Francois Dell

    43,56 €

  • A Theory of Discourse
    James L. Kinneavy / James LKinneavy

    23,78 €

  • Poetics
    Aristotle / Michael Lucas

    94,10 €

  • From Latin to Romance in Sound Charts
    Peter Boyd-Bowman
    This handbook offers a synopsis of the regular changes that Latin words underwent in the course of their evolution into modern Romance languages (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and French, with their English cognates). Although it is intended for the nonspecialist, students of Romance philology will find it useful as a ready reference and as a source of abundant examples of Lati...

    36,55 €

  • Passive Sentences in English and Portuguese
    Milton M Azevedo / Milton M. Azevedo / Milton Mariano Azevedo
    This study analyzes passive sentences in English and Portuguese which result from a post-semantic transformation applied when a nound, which does not play the semantic role of actor, is chosen as syntactic subject. Choice between a passive and its non-passive or active counterpart reflects differences in the distribution of information in the sentence as regards the relative im...

    31,26 €

  • Human Nonverbal Behavior
    C. Obudho Jackson / CObudho Jackson / Constance E. Obudho / Constance EObudho

    55,30 €

  • Languages and Their Speakers
    Timothy Shopen

    33,38 €

  • Princples Diachronic Syx
    D. W. Lightfoot / David Lightfoot / DWLightfoot

    68,33 €

  • The Gracchi
    David Stockton

    102,68 €

  • A Linguistic Introduction to the History of English
    Leonard Newmark / Morton W. Bloomfield / Morton WBloomfield / Morton Wilfred Bloomfield

    120,84 €

  • Communication in Africa
    Leonard William Doob / UNKNOWN

    120,81 €

  • The Social Differentiation of English in Norwich
    Peter Trudgill / Stephen Ed Trudgill / Stephen Ed. Trudgill / Stephen EdTrudgill

    36,02 €

  • Talking to Children
    C. Ferguson / Catherine E. Snow / Catherine ESnow / CFerguson

    68,33 €

  • The Discipline of Law
    Alfred Thompson Dennin Denning / Lord Denning / Rt Hon Lord Denning

    83,52 €

  • Quantitative Techniques in Geography
    P. S. McCullagh / PSMcCullagh / R. Hammond / RHammond / Robert Hammond

    101,97 €

  • The Psychology Of Reading
    Eleanor J. Gibson / Eleanor JGibson / Harry Levin

    61,94 €

  • Modern Prose Style
    Bonamy Dobree / UNKNOWN

    121,28 €

  • The New Grammarians’ Funeral
    Ian Robinson

    43,47 €

  • The Evolution of the Latin /b/-/ṷ/ Merger
    Joseph L. Barbarino / Joseph LBarbarino
    Barbarino’s orthographic study is a quantitative and comparative analysis of the alternation of B and V in Latin inscriptions. His data is drawn from approximately 4,800 epitaphs that include Latin inscriptions from Roman provinces in Britain, the Balkans, North Africa, Dalmatia, Spain, Gaul, and Italy. ...

    38,53 €

  • Phytonymic Derivational Systems in the Romance Languages
    Walter E. Geiger / Walter EGeiger
    Volume 187 in the North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures series. ...

    44,83 €

  • A Bahian Heritage
    William W. Megenney / William WMegenney
    In this impactful addition to the field of ethnolinguistics, Willian W. Megenney dissects the influence of African languages and cultures on contemporary Bahian Portuguese. The author aims at studying the connection between the use of Africanisms and socio-economic class. Megenney interrogates a broad swath of claims concerning potential syntactic, morphological, and phonemic i...

    38,30 €

  • The Periphrastic Futures Formed by the Romance Reflexes of Vado (ad) Plus Infinitive
    James Joseph Champion
    Volume 202 in the North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures series. ...

    38,41 €

  • Spanish Phonology and Morphology
    William W. Cressey / William WCressey
    Spanish Phonology and Morphology serves as an introduction to both the formal study of Spanish phonology and the framework of generative phonology. ...

    36,58 €

  • Rhetoric in Greco-Roman Education
    Donald Lemen Clark / UNKNOWN

    108,32 €