Catálogo de libros: Lingüistica

15562 Catálogo de libros: Lingüistica

  • The Papuan Languages of New Guinea
    William A. Foley / William AFoley

    83,57 €

  • Bilingualism
    Hugo Baetens Beardsmore
    This new edition provides an introduction to the queries that arise in connection with bilingualism and the effect it has on the personality. It underlines the normality of speaking and using more than one language and aims to dispel many myths and fears. It will interest parents, educators and policy makers, as well as language specialists. ...

    42,14 €

  • Learning How to Ask
    Charles L. Briggs / Charles LBriggs

    64,48 €

  • Children’s Explanations
    Morag L. Donaldson / Morag LDonaldson

    124,52 €

  • White Talk Black Talk
    Roger Hewitt
    This book studies the relations between black and white adolescents in an urban environment (South London); the processes by which racism is relayed within adolescent communities, and the strategies which subvert or encourage them. More specifically Hewitt examines the sociolinguistic impact of the ’London Jamaican’ creole used by young black Londoners on the language and cultu...

    69,07 €

  • Culture Bound
    Valdes Joyce Merrill

    59,64 €

  • Dictionary of Language Games, Puzzles, and Amusements
    Harry Edwin Eiss

    129,25 €

  • Language and Education in Multilingual Settings
    Bernard Spolsky / SPOLSKY
    This book explores the difference between languages that children learn in the home and the languages valued by society and established as the medium of instruction in schools is an almost universal problem in educational systems. In this book, researchers discuss practice and theory in various parts of the world. ...

    42,15 €

  • Lexical Semantics
    D. A. Cruse / DACruse
    Lexical Semantics is about the meaning of words. Although obviously a central concern of linguistics, the semantic behavior of words has been unduly neglected in the current literature, which has tended to emphasize sentential semantics and its relation to formal systems of logic. ...

    105,67 €

  • Statistics in Language Studies
    Anthony Woods / Arthur Hughes / Paul Fletcher

    223,57 €

  • Language Competence
    Kurt E. Muller / Kurt EMuller / UNKNOWN

    89,28 €

  • Language Competence
    Kurt E. Muller / Kurt EMuller

    33,16 €

  • Computational Linguistics
    Ralph Grishman

    71,77 €

  • Barriers
    Noam Chomsky

    27,75 €

  • Language Acquisition
    The aim of the first edition of Language Acquisition was to provide as comprehensive a description and explanation as possible of the changes in the child’s language as he or she grows older. In this second edition Paul Fletcher and Michael Garman have the same fundamental aim. Six years later the field has not changed dramatically, but there have been fruitful theoretical deve...

    102,00 €

  • Working with Words
    Ruth Gairns / Stuart Redman

    52,85 €

  • Second Language Acquisition
    Wolfgang Klein

    76,54 €

  • Second Language Acquisition
    Wolfgang Klein

    87,61 €

  • The Ancient Concept of Progress and Other Essays on Greek Literature and Belief
    E. R. Dodds / ERDodds / Eric R. Dodds / Eric RDodds

    104,26 €

  • Knowledge of Language
    Noam Chomsky

    57,20 €

  • From Models to Modules

    121,38 €

  • The Real-World Linguist
    Peter C. Bjarkman / Peter CBjarkman / UNKNOWN / Victor Raskin

    120,99 €

  • Language Learning and Concept Acquisition

    121,93 €

  • Discourse and Institutional Authority
    Alexandra Dundas Todd / Sue Fisher

    121,68 €

  • Discourse and Institutional Authority
    Alexandra Dundas Todd / Sue Fisher / UNKNOWN

    70,60 €

  • Talkin and Testifyin
    Geneva Smitherman
    In her book, Geneva Smitherman makes a substantial contribution to an understanding of Black English by setting it in the larger context of Black culture and life style. In addition to defining Black English, by its distinctive structure and special lexicon, Smitherman argues that the Black dialect  is set apart from traditional English by a rhetorical style which reflects its ...

    38,06 €

  • Memory, Imprinting and the Brain
    Gabriel Horn

    150,63 €

  • Knowledge of Language
    Noam Chomsky

    153,84 €

  • Aspects of Bilingualism in Wales
    Baker / Colin Baker / Patricia Baker
    The minority language and culture of Wales is under threat. Building on a computer analysis of the 1981 Welsh language Census data, the book provides evidence of a language moving slowly towards extinction. Each chapter examines an issue which is of significance in most minority language situations, but is exemplified in the Welsh context. ...

    42,11 €

  • Aspects of Bilingualism in Wales
    Baker / Colin Baker / Patricia Baker
    The minority language and culture of Wales is under threat. Building on a computer analysis of the 1981 Welsh language Census data, the book provides evidence of a language moving slowly towards extinction. Each chapter examines an issue which is of significance in most minority language situations, but is exemplified in the Welsh context. ...

    157,57 €