Catálogo de libros: Lenguaje: consulta y general

11954 Catálogo de libros: Lenguaje: consulta y general

Libros Eliminar filtro Lenguas Eliminar filtro Lenguaje: consulta y general Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Practical Grammar and Composition
    Thomas Wood
    Practical Grammar and Composition is a classic book on English grammar that remains relevant a century after its publishing. It is an excellent resource for those studying English and native speakers wishing to brush their grammar skills. The explanations are clear, concise, and comprehensive, each providing exercises for better material absorption.  This book was begun as a re...

    16,13 €

  • История и методология литературоведения
    Гафар Гусейнов
    В настоящем учебном пособии исследуется и систематизируется материал, отражающий многовековую историю развития мирового литературоведения. Охват времени - с античного периода по наши дни. Особое внимание уделяется истории развития литературоведения в Средние века, в том числе и на Востоке. Фактура пособия включает и историю возникновения, и становления некоторых восточных жанро...

    45,22 €

    Janvier Antonio Muhindo Miregho
    Dans ce présent recueil, nous vous tançons l’histoire d’une amitié réelle entre deux amants, Doksa et Vylsie, à travers quelques poèmes prononcés par le jeune Doksa, toutes les fois qu’il croisait sa muse. Nous y avons inséré une autre partie nommée, poésie choisie, pour juste donner une idée sur la romance. Ces poèmes sont romantiques et parfois mélancoliques. Comme le dit le ...

    34,38 €

  • Féminin & Masculin
    Mustapha Guenaou
    Cette publication, un recueil de poésie en acrostiche, est un hommage à rendre aux personnes méritantes. Ces prénoms rappellent l’Homme, qu’il soit femme ou homme, de Tlemcen, du Hawz et des localités de la Wilaya, voire autres. Elle regroupe des poèmes où le lecteur découvre un ensemble d’éléments biographiques et descriptions. Ce travail de recueil s’étend à travers la compét...

    34,01 €

    Théophile OYE EDYOA Poète Héraut
    L’Oiseau de Minerve est un recueil de poèmes qui se veut réaliste. Il désire vous inciter à prendre souvent des décisions qui s’imposent et par le fait même des décisions qui tracent clairement et grandement le chemin de la vérité, du droit et de la justice. Chaque poème de ce recueil veille à éveiller en vous la soif de la vérité, la passion d’exprimer vos sentiments spontané...

    34,07 €

  • Un sourire envolé
    Patrick Mbuyu
    Suite aux rejets, à la déception, la perte d’une amie et aux amis qui, quand vient le temps nuageux s’en vont, certains amoureux ont vu leur amour partir comme les étoiles filantes au firmament, en emportant leur joie et leur sourire.Un jeune amoureux vivait bel et bien avec sa copine, leur amour était vrai et visible, tous on les enviés, chaque jour était une danse de joie, c’...

    37,48 €

  • Public Speaking
    Clarence Stratton
    Importance of Speech. There never has been in the history of the world a time when the spoken word has been equaled in value and importance by any other means of communication. This book is a must for serious speakers. It brings up and gives great examples of good public speaking for everyone. Anyone want to improve their speeches or just get started? Try this for great ideas a...

    19,77 €

  • Clear Alphabet Dictionary
    Sonya Howard
    The Clear Alphabet Dictionary is a tool to enable students of English to learn new phonetic Clear Alphabet, so that they can use it confidently as a means to read, write, and understand the sounds of English - and as a result to pronounce words and sentences better. It is a tool that enables teachers to explain the relationship between spelling and sounds at word level, and con...

    17,00 €

  • Practical English Composition For the High School
    Edwin Lillie Miller
    In every lesson of this book provision is made for oral work: first, because it is an end valuable in itself; second, because it is of incalculable use in preparing the ground for written work; third, because it can be made to give the pupil a proper and powerful motive for writing with care; and, fourth, because, when employed with discretion, it lightens the teacher’s burden ...

    14,28 €

  • Grammar of The English Language
    Joseph N. Byrd
    The present performance is, so far as the end could be reached, the fulfillment of a design, formed about twenty-seven years ago, of one day presenting to the world, if I might, something like a complete grammar of the English language;-not a mere work of criticism, nor yet a work too tame, indecisive, and uncritical; for, in books of either of these sorts, our libraries alread...

    15,23 €

  • La cultura nell’insegnamento delle lingue straniere
    Fatima Oueld Ahmed
    Il libro è un tentativo di dare una visione descrittiva dei principali concetti legati alla cultura nell’insegnamento delle lingue straniere. Evidenzia gli aspetti culturali nelle metodologie delle lingue straniere. Dimostra che l’obiettivo delle metodologie delle lingue straniere si è spostato dall’insegnamento di 'una lingua per leggere' e 'una lingua per viaggiare' alla 'dim...

    33,14 €

  • Lectures On The Science Of Language
    F. Max Müller
    'Lectures on the Science of Language' is a seminal work by Friedrich Max Müller, a German-born philologist and orientalist who became a leading figure in the study of comparative linguistics during the 19th century. Originally delivered as a series of lectures, the book was first published in 1861 and expanded in subsequent editions.In 'Lectures on the Science of Language,' Mül...

    19,75 €

  • Squirrel the Stone
    Ami Braverman
    Some ideas are like dreams...They come to you as does sleep.Trying to grasp at their strings only makes them drift away, because being inventive is about trust - trusting the very nature of your thoughts.It requires a certain type of letting go.Squirrel the Stone is a gas station rumination in the form of a zine*. Any person with an innate hunger to create shall, upon these pa...

    4,23 €

  • Short Story Writing
    Charles Raymond Barrett
    Learn to Write Short Stories That Win  Write short stories with confidence after reading How to Write Winning Short Stories, a great guide for anyone seeking writing tips, help with writing fiction (especially short fiction), and insider tips for winning writing contests. This concise and practical guide includes developing a theme and premise, choosing a title, creating charac...

    14,31 €

  • English Prose
    George Roy Elliott
     The editors believe heartily with Pater that 'the chief stimulus of good style is to possess a full, rich, complex matter to grapple with'. Instruction in writing, it is to be feared, too often neglects this sound doctrine and places an emphasis upon formal matters that seems disproportionate, especially when form is made to appear as a thing apart. Form and content go togethe...

    17,04 €

  • Parts of Speech
    Brander Matthews
    Altho the various essays which are now brought together in this book have been written from time to time during the past ten years, nearly all of them have had their origin in a desire to make plain and to emphasize one fact: that the English language belongs to the peoples who speak it, that it is their own precious possession, to deal with at their pleasure and at their peril...

    16,07 €

  • English Grammar
    Gloria F. Williams
    Activities include grammar, english language arts, spelling, reading and story comprehension, writing, punctuation, and much more. Also you will find a game section like I spy, what’s in the bag, yes/no game, and many others. Watch your child light up as they explore a workbook that transforms a game or activity that they love into lots of learning and practice.  Loved by kids,...

    13,36 €

  • The Training of a Public Speaker
    Grenville Kleiser
    The power of eloquence to move and persuade men is universally recognized. To-day the public speaker plays a vital part in the solution of every great question and problem. Oratory, in the true sense, is not a lost art, but a potent means of imparting information, instruction, and persuasion. Eloquence is still 'the appropriate organ of the highest personal energy.' As one has ...

    11,91 €

  • Model Speeches for Practise
    Grenville Kleiser
    This book contains a varied representation of successful speeches by eminently successful speakers. They furnish, in convenient form, useful material for study and practise. The student is earnestly recommended to select one speech at a time, analyze it carefully, note its special features, practise it aloud, and then proceed to another. In this way he will cover the principal ...

    11,87 €

  • Respectability, Usefulness and Happiness
    John M. Austin
    The Lectures embraced in this volume, were written for the pulpit, in the usual manner of preparation for such labor, without any expectation of their appearing in print. The author is but too sensible that they are imperfect in many features, both in matter and style. It is only in the hope that they will be of some benefit to the class to whom they are addressed, that he has ...

    10,95 €

  • Pragmatic Perspectives of Emotional-Approximation in EFL Learners
    Akram Labbafi / Morteza Bakhtiarvand / Mudasir Rahman Najar
    In the ever-evolving quest for academic excellence and linguistic mastery, recognizing and comprehending the intricate interplay between psychology and emotional intelligence emerges as a fundamental necessity. Education, far from being confined solely to cognitive prowess, extends its tendrils deep into emotion and psychology, wielding a profound influence over the outcomes of...

    92,35 €

  • English Grammar In Familiar Lectures
    Samuel Kirkham
    English Grammar in familiar Lectures, accompanied by a Compendium, embracing a new systematic order of Parsing, a new system of Punctuation, exercises in false Syntax, and a System of Philosophical Grammar in notes: to which are added an Appendix, and a Key to the Exercises: designed for the use of Schools and Private Learners. By Samuel Kirkham. Eleventh Edition, enlarged and ...

    17,05 €

  • Graded Lessons in English
    Brainerd Kellogg
    Designed to teach the correct spelling, pronunciation, and use of such words only as are most common in current literature, and as are most likely to be misspelled, mispronounced, or misused, and to awaken new interest in the study of synonyms and of word-analysis. A simple, varied, and pleasing, but methodical series of exercises in English to precede the study of technical gr...

    11,60 €

  • Социолингвистика
    Шивани Вадхва
    Социолингвистика изучает, как язык варьируется и изменяется в различных социальных контекстах, учитывая такие факторы, как этническая принадлежность, пол, социальный класс, возраст и географическое положение. Одним из основополагающих понятий социолингвистики является 'лингвистическая вариативность', под которой понимаются различные способы использования языка различными социал...

    60,32 €

  • Сила слов
    Шивани Вадхва
    Язык - основной инструмент общения, но в литературе он становится гораздо большим, чем средство передачи информации. Слова способны вызывать огромное количество эмоций - от радости и смеха до печали и отчаяния. С помощью ярких образов, чувственных описаний и лирической прозы авторы рисуют картины словами, погружая читателей в богатый сенсорный опыт, который вызывает отклик на в...

    60,38 €

  • O poder das palavras
    Shivani Wadhwa
    A linguagem é a ferramenta fundamental da comunicação, mas, na literatura, torna-se muito mais do que um meio de transmitir informações. As palavras têm o poder de evocar uma miríade de emoções, desde a alegria e o riso até à tristeza e ao desespero. Através de imagens vívidas, descrições sensoriais e prosa lírica, os autores pintam quadros com palavras, mergulhando os leitores...

    60,32 €

  • Soziolinguistik
    Shivani Wadhwa
    Die Soziolinguistik untersucht, wie sich die Sprache in verschiedenen sozialen Kontexten verändert und variiert, wobei Faktoren wie ethnische Zugehörigkeit, Geschlecht, soziale Schicht, Alter und geografische Lage berücksichtigt werden. Eines der grundlegenden Konzepte der Soziolinguistik ist die 'sprachliche Variation', die sich auf die unterschiedlichen Arten des Sprachgebrau...

    60,32 €

  • Sociolinguistique
    Shivani Wadhwa
    La sociolinguistique étudie la manière dont la langue varie et change dans différents contextes sociaux, en tenant compte de facteurs tels que l’ethnicité, le sexe, la classe sociale, l’âge et la situation géographique. L’un de ses concepts fondamentaux est la 'variation linguistique', qui fait référence aux diverses façons dont la langue est utilisée par différents groupes soc...

    60,32 €

  • Die Macht der Worte
    Shivani Wadhwa
    Die Sprache ist das grundlegende Kommunikationsmittel, aber in der Literatur ist sie viel mehr als nur ein Mittel zur Übermittlung von Informationen. Worte haben die Macht, eine Vielzahl von Emotionen hervorzurufen, von Freude und Lachen bis hin zu Trauer und Verzweiflung. Durch lebendige Bilder, sinnliche Beschreibungen und lyrische Prosa malen Autoren Bilder mit Worten und la...

    60,38 €

  • Le pouvoir des mots
    Shivani Wadhwa
    Le langage est l’outil fondamental de la communication, mais dans la littérature, il devient bien plus qu’un moyen de transmettre des informations. Les mots ont le pouvoir d’évoquer une myriade d’émotions, de la joie et du rire à la tristesse et au désespoir. Grâce à des images vivantes, des descriptions sensorielles et une prose lyrique, les auteurs peignent des images avec de...

    60,32 €